Hall of Eternal Life.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan put down the wolf pen at will.

"Finally summoned."

Li Si didn't change his expression, and said silently in his heart: "Start calling."

If it is said that Li Si still has mood swings in his heart after the first few summons, then after experiencing the experience of the previous thirteen summons, Li Si has long since achieved no waves.

The only thing that can arouse Li Si's interest, I'm afraid it is only which **** and demon in the heavens that he is summoning...

You know, the universe of ten thousand realms, the endless void, the existence of gods and demons is simply endless.

Past, present, Future.

Weak, strong, and eternal.

All are within the range of system summons.

"I hope this summoning can surprise me."

Li Si lightly tapped his right hand on the Long Case, thinking silently in his heart.

In fact, with the current strength of the Datang Empire, one more **** and demon would not have a great influence.

Unless the gods and demons summoned by the system are important.

of course.


Produced by the system, it must be a boutique.

Based on the experience of a dozen summons before, Li Si inferred that the gods and demons summoned by the system, regardless of their cultivation level, are inevitably terrifying in potential.

For example, Bai Qi.

When it was first summoned, it was just a realm of gods and demons.

but now......


Even if the gods and demons summoned by the system have only one heaven, as long as its potential is sufficient, Li Si has the means to pile it up to the seventh heaven.

As the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the lord of the world, and dozens of Hengsha worlds under his command, the resources that Li Si controls are more than massive?

What's more, Li Si also possesses the incredible existence of the main temple and the source of the fourth natural disaster.

Just when Li Si was thinking about it.

The sound of the system rang slowly.



[Host please wait...]



Li Si frowned slightly.

I don't know why, Li Si actually felt that the time for the system's summoning this time was a bit longer than usual.

"Is it my illusion?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of doubt passed through his eyes.

However, this idea was thrown away by Li Si in an instant.

What a joke.

With the strength that Li Si can almost call the Bandong Heaven Realm God and Demon now, how could such a ridiculous mistake like an illusion occur?

"If it's not an illusion."

"Then the system is really slow?"

Between the sparks and the flint, Li Si's thoughts fluctuated.

For a long time, the system gave Li Si the feeling that it was like an eternal rule. From the first summoning to the thirteenth summoning, the process in between was completely the same, and there was no difference.

But now this fourteenth call is actually a bit slow?

At this point, Li Si's pupils shrank slightly.

Just when Li Si was shocked and uncertain.


【system hint......】

[Congratulations to the host, summon the gods and demons: Shahu! 】



Li Si was taken aback for a moment.

Li Si's mind flashed one after another.

But in the end, no one matched this Shahu.

"The name Shahu should be the same as Black Flame, the body of a divine beast or a beast?"

Li Si kept guessing in his heart.

"Just, why don't I have any impression?"

Li Si pondered for a moment, and directly ordered: "System, call up the information about the'Shahu'."

Since he couldn't figure out where the "sha fox" came from, Li Si didn't bother to continue thinking about it, so he could just call up the other party's information.

You know, as long as it is called by the system, no matter how powerful it is, its details are under the control of the system.

Li Si's order just came out.

A faint screen appeared below the field of vision.

[Name: Shahu! 】

[Race: Yaozu! 】

[Identity: Mountain Patrolling Demon General! 】

[Source: Ji Lei Shan! 】

[Repair Base: Eighth Heaven! 】

[Supernatural powers: law of heaven and earth, endless sandy areas...]


"It really is a monster!"

"Furthermore, he is still a demon general of the Eighth Heaven."

Li Si's eyes were thoughtful.

The eight-fold gods and demons were definitely the strongest God and demons summoned by Li Si.

Even though Delin and Zhuge Kongming had already entered the Eighth Heaven Realm, they were only able to break through with the help of the resources controlled by Li Si.


Li Si turned his gaze and quickly moved away from the [cultivation base] column and landed on the [source] column.

"Jilei Mountain..."

Li Si took a deep breath, a rare shock flashed across his face.

Regardless of the Shahu's Eighth Heaven cultivation base, or his demon identity, Li Si was not shocked.

after all.

For Li Si, these two are completely acceptable.

But this thunder mountain...

If Li Si remembers correctly, there is only one place among the heavens and all realms that is qualified to be called the "Jiling Mountain"...

That is the territory of the Great Sage Bull Demon.

The Great Sage of Bull Demon!

In the Journey to the West, the great demon king who crosses heaven and earth!

Even the rebellious Sun Wukong, who is known as Qi Tian, ​​was quite jealous of the Great Sage of the Bull Demon before he made a riot in the Heavenly Palace.

As for this sand fox, since it is the demon general of the mountain patrol of the Thunder Mountain, it is under the command of the Great Sage Bull Demon.

Like the Great Sage of the Bull Demon, he also comes from Journey to the West.

The Journey to the West is a continuation of the great world. The most important event in the Journey to the West is the overall situation laid down by the two saints of the West.

"It turned out to be Journey to the West..."

Li Si was silent for a moment, then whispered in a low voice.

If possible, Li Si did not want to have contact with any world that had nothing to do with the great world before he gained enough strength.

Because the saints of the great world are too difficult to entangle.

Count the common people, take the world as the chess game, and all living beings as the chess pieces.

Even if your strength is terrifying and powerful, as long as you are in this world, you will be manipulated by the saints.

The Wu Clan is an example.

Stronger than the descendants of Pangu, but in the eyes of the saint, it is still just a **** in his hand.

And Journey to the West in the world.

Even if the Monkey King has the ability to pass the sky, he is ultimately nothing but a plaything in the palm of the West.

"Just a mountain patrol demon general is the realm of eight-fold heavens and devils, how strong is that great sage bull demon?"

"Dongtian Realm?"

Li Si shook his head slightly.

The Great Sage of the Bull Demon is definitely more than the cave world.

The peerless great demon king who can stand up against the heavens, is it a mere mortal demon in the cave of heaven?

"In Journey to the West, the Great Sage Bull Demon is definitely not the strongest."

"There are Western Tathagata and Guanshiyin, as well as the one on Fangcun Mountain."

"Even the many saints who have completely disappeared..."

Li Si's thoughts went up and down ~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally all thoughts were thrown away.

If there is a chance in the future, Li Si hopes to travel to the West Journey to the world and fight against those saints who claim to be immortal.

But definitely not now.

If the strength is not up to a certain level, going to the world related to the saint is simply looking for death.

"Julei Mountain."

"I don't know what period is the current Journey to the West?"

Li Si's eyes flashed slightly.


at this time.

Li Si seemed to sense something. He raised his head slightly and looked in a certain direction. A smile appeared on his face: "Here."

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