The two sides of the river are still in chaos.

Ganck's words made all the generals present at the Navy Headquarters look gloomy. The slave-trading navy in the Sabaody Archipelago knew about it, and the navy turned a blind eye to it, only because of the support of the Celestial Dragons!

"These poor slaves will be handed over to the Navy. I believe they have been sent to the Navy Headquarters, so they won't be sold as slaves by accident again!"

Ganck stepped aside to let the trembling slaves behind him, mostly young women, and even children in their teens!

"Justice cannot be shamed! You can go now."

"You are so awesome, Marshal Sengoku. Such a domineering justice, hahahaha!" Planck didn't care about Sengoku's ugly face. Planck pointed to the huge justice on the building of the Navy Headquarters behind Sengoku, and then said: "Marshal, the justice behind you is a bit dirty, take some time to repaint it!"

Amid Planck's wanton laughter, the Nether slowly left the port, and the navy silently received the slaves, and no navy said a word throughout the whole process. Most of the slaves covered with scars were only in their teens and twenties, about the same age as the children of many generals present. Looking at these slaves, Planck's wanton laughter seemed even more piercing, piercing everyone's hearts like a sharp blade.

Sengoku stood blankly at the port, like a statue, watching the flag of the Nether disappear below the sea level.

"After decades of being a navy, you were actually hit by a young pirate?"

After everyone dispersed, Vice Admiral Tsuru slowly came to Sengoku.

"The Navy must rely on the World Government, and relying on the World Government requires a price. But, Xiaohe, this price is not paid by me, not by you, and not by the Navy, but by those children, children as old as your granddaughter."

Zhan Guo's tone was calm, as if he was telling an insignificant story.

"Are these necessary sacrifices to protect justice? Alas, when I go back, I will easily have wild thoughts when I get old."

"What a powerful guy."

Looking at Zhan Guo's lonely figure, Vice Admiral Tsuru glanced far away in the direction where Planck left.

Not only Zhan Guo, the slaves brought by Planck caused great turmoil to the entire Navy Headquarters. They knew about the slave trade in the Sabaody Archipelago, and it can be said that they condoned it. That is the price that justice needs to pay, but when someone puts this bloody price in front of everyone, no one can say to these poor girls: All your experiences are the price paid for maintaining justice in the world!

Is justice really covered in dust?

"Are we going to beat the bad guys later?"

Looking at the ragged slaves who were supporting each other and moving forward, Poppy tugged at the sleeve of Taotu beside him.

"Beat the bad guys?"

"Yes, as long as there are bad guys, just hammer them away." Poppy said and waved the hammer in his hand.

"Let's send them home first. They must miss home too." Gion looked at the crowd leaving and reached out to touch Poppy's head.

The entire Navy Headquarters seemed to be busy, placing slaves, treating the wounded, contacting their families and escorting them home. And more naval generals left the Navy Headquarters on warships. Perhaps Planck didn't expect that just because he disgusted the Navy Headquarters, the pirates of the four seas suffered a major blow.

There is no doubt that Planck's actions made many people furious.

"Are you telling me that the goods were stolen at the auction? Who was it?"

"It was... Shichibukai Planck, who took the goods to the Navy Headquarters."

"The Navy Headquarters? What a great newcomer."

The Den Den Mushi in Doflamingo's hand was crying and wailing: "Dover, Dover! Please give me another chance!"

"But you are not worth that much money."

After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Diamante, who was standing aside, came forward and handed over a recording Den Den Mushi.

"Dover, I found that person."

Pressing the button on Den Den Mushi Beck, a young male voice came out of the Den Den Mushi's mouth, which was Heka's voice.

"Hehe, I found you. Where is he?"

"It's the prince of Alabasta."

"Go and bring him back, don't alarm others!"

"Gather the others, let's go meet that guy named Planck."


East China Sea, Barati, the restaurant on the sea.

"Hey, hey, hey, is this guy the reincarnation of a starving ghost?"

The bearded cook looked at the downtrodden warrior who was shoveling food into his mouth frantically.

A trace of cold sweat flowed out, this is the real food for nearly fifteen people!

"Ah~ I'm full!"

The down-and-out samurai with his hair tied up high put the empty plates in front of him neatly together. It was the wind swordsman Yasuo who traveled everywhere.

"Thank you for the hospitality!"

"Well, the guests spent a total of 30,000 Baileys. How do I pay!"

The bearded chef rubbed his hands and looked at Yasuo with a smile.


Yasuo was stunned in place, because he found that he had no money on him. When he left Alabasta, he only took a small amount of food and a small boat. The long road, only the sword is his companion, this is Yasuo. As a result, after drifting on the sea for a long time, he found that the wandering in the world of One Piece was different from what he had before. In addition to the endless sea, there is still an endless sea.

After many twists and turns, Yasuo finally arrived in the East China Sea. The food on his body had been eaten long ago, and now he really only has the sword as his companion.

Seeing Yasuo's sluggish face, how could the bearded chef still not know what happened. There are often people stranded at sea who come to Barati Restaurant. No matter who they are, a full meal is a custom of Barati Restaurant, but if they don't have money to pay the bill, they have to work in Barati Restaurant to pay back the money.

"Do you want to eat a free meal? Brothers, there is a free meal here."

The bearded chef pulled out two kitchen knives and shouted to the back kitchen. A group of ugly cooks came out with pots, spoons, knives and forks in their hands and surrounded Yasuo.

"Boy, if you don't have money, stay here and wash dishes. Ten dishes for one Bailey."

Seeing this group of chefs who looked like bandits, Yasuo thought he had entered a black shop and was about to draw his knife. Hearing the words of the bearded chef, his hand was put down again.

Good news, it's not a black shop; bad news, he has to wash 300,000 dishes.

He has to work here for ten years to wash a hundred dishes a day! !

"Is there any other way to pay off the debt?" Yasuo showed an ugly smile.

"Either wash the dishes, or pay the money, or have something valuable to pay off the debt!" The cook glanced at the long knife on Yasuo's waist. It was obvious that the knife was not an ordinary one. It would be much more convenient to cut meat.

"The sword of a warrior is life."

"Dong, dong, dong."

Just when both parties were frozen, a sound of knocking on the floor came, and a one-legged man with a tall chef's hat and a braided beard came out of the back kitchen. The sound was the sound of the chef's prosthesis knocking on the floor.

"Guest, I am the chef here. Please forgive my subordinates for being rude. This meal is my treat."

The person who came was the restaurant chef, Red Foot Zhepu.

Zhepu heard the noise in the front hall in the back kitchen, and he didn't plan to take action. This kind of guy in trouble often appears in the Barati restaurant, and his subordinates can handle it. After cooking, he went out of the back door and was about to smoke a cigarette when he saw the boat tied to the restaurant by Yasuo.

Having been in the sea for many years and having been to the Grand Line, Zeff could certainly recognize the obvious Alabasta style on the boat. How could this person come to the East China Sea from the Grand Line unscathed on such a small one-person sailboat?

Zeff hurried to the front hall. Such a person was not something Barati could afford to offend.

"Mr. Chef, I will pay you back. I can't leave the knife to you. Let me leave this flute here. Please wait for me." Yasuo had no intention of asking Zeff to pay. After all, he had saved his life. If he just left like that, he would be eating a free meal.

Just as Yasuo was thinking about how to get the money, a breeze blew across Yasuo's cheek, and Yasuo had an idea in his heart.

He took out the flute he carried with him and put it on the table.

Yasuo jumped onto his boat. A gust of wind blew, blowing up the sail of the boat and sailing away.

"Damn it! The navy is catching up, let's kill them, otherwise no one can escape today!!"


The pirate ship turned around, and the guns and cannons roared at once, smashing into the navy warships behind.

"Hei Kan!"

The tall pink-haired navy stood at the bow, with his hands open, and Hei Kan blocked all the shells in the air like a fence.

"Chase after him!"

"Yes, Colonel Tina!"

"Razor Albert, I won't let you get away this time!"

"Damn it, it's this crazy woman."

Albert watched all the shells being blocked at the bow, and cursed angrily. Albert was a small pirate with only a bounty of 500,000. When he was looting in the East China Sea, he met Tina, who was in a depressed mood and came out of the headquarters to find Smoker. Albert, who hit the muzzle of the gun, instantly became Tina's outlet, chasing him all the way. If it weren't for the fact that the speed of the ship he robbed before was relatively fast, he would have been caught by the crazy woman long ago.

We are here.


"Excuse me, who is your captain?"

Just when the pirates were fighting desperately, a decadent samurai appeared among the pirates.

"Who the hell are you..."

Albert, who was angry, raised his hand and slashed at this uninvited guest. Before he finished cursing, a flash of light flashed. Albert felt dizzy and seemed to see his body falling down.

"How much is your captain's bounty?"

Yasuo put away his knife, picked up the head in his hand, and asked the pirate beside him.

"Five...five hundred thousand Baileys."

"Well, that's enough."

Looking at Yasuo who turned around and left, the pirate felt that cold sweat had soaked his whole body. The powerful captain was chopped by someone, and he didn't even see how the man drew the knife. Strong, too strong!

"Where can I go to change money? Forget it, let's go back to the restaurant and ask first."

Wrap the head with a cloth and take a small boat back to the sea restaurant Barati.

"Where is your captain?"

The pirates who lost their will to resist were quickly captured by the navy. Tina walked onto the pirate ship with a cigarette in her mouth and grabbed a pirate captive and asked.

"Here... there."

The pirate pointed to the headless body on the nail plate.

"Where is the head?" Tina saw the headless body and was also confused. She had never seen such a situation. Was this a conflict among the pirates? ?

"Just now a strange warrior appeared and took away the captain's head."

Took away... You said it so easily. Is your captain's head hot-swappable?

"He went that way?"

On the other side, Yasuo walked into Barati leisurely with his head in his hand.

"Mr. Chef, I wonder if this can pay for the meal?"

"What is it?" The bearded chef who was still in the hall saw Yasuo coming back with a cloth bag, thinking it was some treasure, so he took the cloth bag and opened it.

"Oh my god, a human head!"

As soon as he loosened his hand, the head rolled on the deck.

"You idiot, you've made the deck dirty!"

Zep walked up and used his prosthetic limbs to pull the head.

"Razor Albert, a bounty of 500,000 Baileys." Zep, who has been in this area for many years, certainly knows these pirates.

"That's enough, guest, but Barati will not exchange pirates for bounties. If you want to change the bounty, you have to go to the navy."

"Forget it, I'll give it to you."

Yasuo didn't intend to turn himself into a bounty hunter.

Zep handed Albert's head to the bearded chef. Even if a man wandering on the sea dies, he should be buried on the sea. Zep took out Yasuo's flute and handed it to Yasuo.

"This guest should be visiting the East Sea for the first time. Why don't you stay for a while? I'm quite familiar with the surroundings."

While the two were talking, Tina led a group of navy men into the restaurant, holding a pirate minion in her right hand.

"It's... that's him."

The minion shrank his neck when he saw Yasuo, and pointed at Yasuo who was sitting in the middle.

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