The boat was in a state of panic, but the boat was still in a state of panic.

Supporting the railing of the bow and looking at the colorful island on the sea level, Planck's uneasiness became more and more serious.

Shouldn't it be? If his uneasiness came from what Graves had done, then it should have disappeared now. After all, it had already happened, so what else hadn't happened? Was it Charlotte Lingling?

Planck was secretly puzzled. After learning that Graves was not in danger and was even living a comfortable life, Planck slowed down the speed of the Nether. Planck needed more preparations to deal with unknown dangers.


A poker card on the deck lit up, rotating and spreading into a circle, and then a figure in a windbreaker appeared beside Planck.

"How is it!"

"The goddess of luck is smiling, this time it's the trump card!"

"Haha, then, no matter what hell is ahead, let's go and see it!"

The port of Cake Island is a sea of ​​joy at this time.

The moment the Planck Nether appeared on the sea level, the whole port danced happily, the trees, houses, street lights, even the ships docked in the port and the flags on the flagpoles were singing and dancing happily!

Charlotte Katakuri, the second-in-command of the Big Mom Pirates, one of the four generals, the Minister of Flour of All Nations, and the user of the Mochi-Mochi Fruit, leaned on the street lights of the port with her arms around her chest, her eyes fixed on the Nether in the distance, and Charlotte Smoothie stood beside Katakuri.

"Brother Katakuri, I didn't expect you to come in person. You're just one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"That man is different from the rumors. I always feel that something will happen."

"Maybe. Even if they have any conspiracy, they can't escape mother's hand."


In the pavilion not far from the port, Morgause was holding a camera and recording. Since the appearance of the Nether, Morgause's eyes have never moved away.

"Mr. Morgause, can I borrow a camera from you?"

Mr. Morgause turned his head and found that it was the woman who came with the robbery.

"You are the one from the Shadow Stream..."

"Mr. Morgause misunderstood. I am not from the Shadow Stream. The Shadow Stream is a killer organization, and we are the Bounty Hunter Guild. My name is Sarah."

"Hello, Miss Sarah, I hope to have the opportunity to interview you about the Bounty Hunter Guild." Morgause stretched out his hand and shook hands with Sarah. Whether it is the Killer Guild or the Bounty Hunter, the person who can take down the funeral house must have a lot of news value.

"No problem." Sarah smiled and shook Morgan's hand: "What about the camera?"

"No problem! We are all friends, this is for you." Morgan took out a camera from the feathers under his jacket and handed it to Sarah.

"I didn't expect that Miss Sarah also likes to record such big events."

"I am very interested, especially this one."

"Here we go!"

The dark and ominous hull of the Nether gradually docked at the port. The entire hull seemed to emit black mist. As if frightened by the ominous breath of the Nether, the singing and dancing of the Homies on the dock seemed to stop for a moment, but soon, the singing sounded again, but the sound was much smaller than before.

Seeing this situation, Katakuri frowned deeply. He felt the breath of danger from that ship. Why would such a person, as a Seven Warlords of the Sea, want to join the Big Mom Pirates, or in such a way that left no way out?

Smoothie glanced at Katakuri with concern, and seeing that he had no reaction, she waved her hand to signal the pirates waiting on the side to come forward.

Cheerful music sounded, and a group of pirates excitedly beat gongs and drums, gathered on both sides of the port, waiting for the protagonist to appear.

However, no matter how lively the port was, there was no one on the deck of the Nether, let alone Gangplank, not even a crew member.

"Brother Katakuri."

Smoothie asked worriedly.

But Katakuri shook his head gently: "Wait a little longer."

Just as the cheerful music was about to end, a ladder finally stretched out from the deck.

"Da Da Da!"

Gangplank walked down the deck step by step with a hearty smile, followed by Trist.

"Welcome to the World!" Smoothie greeted him, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and clapped his hands.

The street lamps on both sides stretched out their slender arms, gently holding a gold wire hook, a gem pendant, and a cloak as soft as cotton candy.

Put it on Plank's shoulder. Under the guidance of Smoothie, Plank and the others came to a pumpkin carriage: "Please, the celebration is about to begin."

"Thank you." Plank nodded to Smoothie, and the whole person seemed like a gentleman with grace. Before getting on the car, Plank smiled at Smoothie: "My brothers will be here soon, please help me prepare some food."

"Click, click, click!"

In the pavilion not far away, Sarah's camera kept ringing, recording Plank's smile.

"Let's go too."

Seeing Plank's carriage leave, Sarah called Morgans, excited like a little girl who got candy, and left with brisk steps.

The carriage drove through the chocolate gate and stopped in front of a huge garden.

"Boss, Boss!"

Graves changed into a white shirt, a vest with gold embroidery in the middle, a dark brown windbreaker with red print and gold edging, a gold pocket watch hanging on his chest, and even the shotgun named Destiny on his back was tied with a big bow with a red ribbon.

His hair and beard were carefully trimmed, like an aristocrat.

He held a wine glass in his hand and laughed with his big teeth bared. When he saw Planck coming, he rushed out like a butterfly and rushed under the carriage.

"Boss, you are finally here!" Graves took a sip of wine and raised the glass to Gangplank: "Boss, try it, the beer here is not bad!"

Looking at Gangplank's well-dressed outfit, the veins on Gangplank's head jumped: "You are living a good life!"

"Hehe, boss, don't worry, I have completed all the things you asked me to do, and I didn't delay anything!" Graves patted his chest and proudly asked Gangplank for credit.

"You did a good job." Gangplank bit out the word "not bad" from his teeth.

"Of course, boss, I will do it, don't worry. I said that Drizzt's character of being cautious can't do anything big, this kind of thing has to be done by me!"

Drizzt winked at Graves frantically, but Graves didn't see it.

Hearing what Graves said, Drizzt slapped his head.


It can't be saved, forget it, bury it.

"What's wrong with you?" Graves looked at Drizzt in confusion.

"Nothing, I'm a little carsick."

"Hey, let me tell you, I'll recommend you a few dishes later, which will definitely suit your taste! I have to say that the wine and food here are really unique..."

"Okay, let's go in first."

Seeing that Graves had already put his arm around Drizzt's neck and started to talk about this and that, Planck interrupted the two and walked in first.

In the middle of the garden, a huge cake suddenly caught the eyes of several people. The cake was nearly ten meters high and had more than a dozen layers, like a cream pagoda. Each layer of the cake was decorated with different fruits or sugar grains.

In front of a square table in front of the cake, there was an eight-meter-tall woman with a warm smile on her face, muttering something to the photo on the table.

Around the table, Stussy, Umit and others gathered together enthusiastically to discuss something.

Planck's smile froze at the corner of his mouth, because he found a familiar figure among Stussy and others, wearing a black helmet and with a faint red light in his eyes! Zed!!!

Zed naturally also found Planck, the focus of the whole scene, and tilted his head slightly, stretched out his right hand and greeted him warmly.

It's like you were stripped of your pants and hiding on the street. Just when you were glad that no acquaintances found you, a childhood playmate suddenly squatted in front of you and asked enthusiastically: "Are you here to poop?"


Destroy it when you are tired!


A cold little hand pressed Planck's right hand from behind, which was reaching for the pistol on his waist.

"Don't be excited, come on, smile."

A gentle voice sounded in his ears, and then a familiar fragrance enveloped him.


Plank turned his head stiffly and saw Sarah leaning against him enthusiastically, holding a camera in her other hand, with the lens facing the two of them.

Plank finally knew where his growing uneasiness came from. He was really dead, socially dead in front of all his companions from Valoran! Plank believed that if he was caught by Sarah, it would reach everyone's ears in less than a day.

Being reported by paparazzi like Morgans, as long as he killed Big Mom, then this was all part of the plan.

And being caught by Sarah, Plank believed that "liking Charlotte Lingling" would become a label that he could not tear off!

"It's a good day, smile."


Squeeze out a stiff smile.

"Miss Sarah, do you know Mr. Plank?"

"No, it's my first time meeting the Seven Warlords of the Sea, I'm a little excited." After taking the photo, Sarah let go of Plank indifferently and walked towards Jie and others.

Perospero secretly glanced at BIG MOM who was staring at the photo with a warm face, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please come over here, Mom is waiting."

Perospero turned sideways and guided Plank to BIG MOM with his right hand. Although the words were respectful, the tone was tough and unquestionable.

Taking a deep breath, Plank strode to the square table and stood in front of BIG MOM.


With every step he took, Plank's momentum became stronger. When he stood in front of BIG MOM, air currents formed around Plank, and his clothes made a rustling sound in the air currents.

"Mamamama, you must be Planck, from today on you are my 38th husband!"

BIG MOM looked at Planck, took a deep breath, maybe because she smelled the fragrance of the cake, her saliva flowed from her big mouth, and she shouted: "Cake! Bring the cake over!"

"Who wants to marry you, fat woman!"


The scene suddenly became quiet, and the sound of someone's spoon falling to the ground echoed throughout the garden.

BIG MOM bent down her huge body, with a dangerous light in her eyes, staring at Planck and speaking word by word.

"What are you talking about?"

"Tsk, BIG MOM, don't you look in the mirror?"


BIG MOM's domineering aura burst out, and she stood up and punched Planck.

Looking at the fist in front of him that was bigger than himself, Planck did not panic, but slowly pulled out the scimitar at his waist, and the fire ignited on the scimitar.


Just as Gangplank was about to fight back, a smoke bomb hit BIG MOM's face accurately, and the gray smoke exploded, blocking BIG MOM's sight.

"You dare to touch my boss! Ultimate bomb!!"


A huge bomb hit BIG MOM by the corner of Gangplank's clothes. The huge explosion enveloped BIG MOM and also blew Gangplank away. The cake and square table in front of BIG MOM disappeared in the huge flames.


"You guys!"


"Big news! Big news!!"

"Boss, are you okay? Why are you fighting?"

Reaching out to steady Gangplank's body, Graves stood beside Gangplank, holding the still smoking shotgun with a red bow.

"I'll explain later, let's kill them!"

"Don't worry, boss!" Graves lit the cigar in his mouth with the red barrel of the gun and took a deep breath: "I'm good at this!"


Looking at Graves, Gangplank raised his hand and fired a shot into the sky. The sound of artillery fire came from the port, and also woke up the guests who were still surprised by the change.

After the explosion, Katakuri rushed to the celebration garden and saw Gangplank and Graves holding guns in the middle.

His arms turned into two balls of glutinous rice cakes and attacked the two fiercely.


A card flew out from the side, crossed the two balls of glutinous rice cakes, and cut them into two pieces.

"Let me be your opponent!"

Trest held the card in front of Katakuri.

On the other side, the people who wanted to rush up were stopped by the countless lead bullets shot by Graves, separating Gangplank and BIG MOMG from the crowd!

"Get out of the way, Graves, you can't stop us!"

"Just survive first!" Graves took a puff of his cigar and pointed his gun at the people in front of him.


The explosion exploded among the people, followed by countless shells falling from the sky, constantly exploding among the pirates.


Smoothie jumped into the air and swung a long knife, cutting several bombs in half.


The sound of killing came from afar, and countless footsteps quickly approached this side.

"Not good! Gangplank's fleet!!"

Gangplank's fleet was waiting at the port. After the Nether launched an artillery attack, the pirates rushed to the heart of Cake Island like a tide.

"Brother Cracker, take your men to destroy the Gangplank fleet, I'll take care of this guy!"

"Ah! Gangplank!!"

BIG MOM walked out of the smoke and was hit by Graves's ultimate bomb. BIG MOM only had a little skin broken on her forehead and her hair was scattered. It seemed that she did not suffer any fatal injuries.

When she saw the scene in front of her, BIG MOM's eyes turned from extreme anger to dullness, and then

Turning into irrational madness.

"Aaaaaaaa! Sister Carmela!! Cake!!"

BIG MOM clenched her fists and pounded on the ground, attacking everything around her madly.

"Mom, wake up, mom!!"

The Homies surrounded BIG MOM and called out loudly, trying to wake her up.

Planck soared into the air, a flash of fire flashed, and blood bloomed on BIG MOM's chest!

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