The new world, Bilgewater, Cake Island.


In the huge tavern, the senior officers of the Nether Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates raised their glasses, cheered, laughed, danced with their arms around each other, and clinked glasses. The whole scene was harmonious.

At the long bar of the tavern, Gangplank and Shanks leaned on the table, watching the joyful scene with a smile on their faces.

"Bilgewater is really prosperous, Gangplank!" Shanks raised the glass in his hand, clinked it with Gangplank, and raised his head to pour it into his mouth.

"Of course, who do you think I am, hahaha!"

Gangplank was not at all shy and drank a big glass of wine.

"But I have always had a question, is that really Charlotte Linling?"

Shanks looked at Charlotte Linling in the tavern. Although she was still fat, her temperament was very peaceful. She was cutting cake and happily calling her children to eat. He could not connect the woman who was happily sharing cake with the dreaded Big Mom.

"Of course it's real." Gangplank put the wine glass on the bar, took another bottle of wine from the waiter, pulled out the cork, and poured it by himself.

"This is the real Charlotte Linling." Gangplank said to Shanks seriously.

"Then who did we see before?"

"It was the previous owner of the Soul Soul Fruit, a nun named something. Her soul has been living in Charlotte Linling's body, suppressing Charlotte Linling's soul. It can be said that she is the real Big Mom, not Charlotte Linling."

"I erased her soul. Now Charlotte Linling is just a woman who loves her children, but bulimia is a problem. Fortunately, there are enough things to eat on Cake Island."

Shanks frowned: "Can the Soul Soul Fruit user live his soul in the fruit?"

"It can be said that all devil fruits will carry the soul mark of the previous user, affecting the next user, and the Soul Soul Fruit amplifies this influence based on its characteristics. It can be said that people who have eaten devil fruits are no longer pure themselves."

"How is this possible!!"


"Of course it is possible." In Piltover, Heimerdinger handed a form to Heka.

"Because the fruit can evolve, and all the evolutions come from the previous users' development of the fruit's abilities. Look at this."

"These fruits start with a certain user, and every subsequent user is a powerful person who dominates the world. If the fruit is very powerful from the beginning, then why is there an obvious time node as a dividing line?"

"This is just a guess."

"Guess, of course not a guess! As long as all the data is integrated, the law obtained is the truth!!"

Heimerdinger became excited: "And, look at this."

Heimerdinger pulled Heka to a huge device with two cylindrical glass covers connected at both ends of the device.

A red devil fruit was placed in the glass cover on one side.

Heimerdinger called a guard next to him and took out the devil fruit for the guard to eat.

"This is the Gun Gun Fruit, which can turn your arm into a gun barrel for shooting." While the guard was vomiting, Heimerdinger pulled out a piece of paper with the pattern of this red devil fruit and the information of its previous user: a small pirate from the West Sea who was shot dead by the West Sea Navy while robbing a town.

With the guard and Heka, Heimerdinger came to an underground test site, which was a huge space covered with metal plates on all sides.

Heimerdinger said to the guard: "Now, concentrate and use your ability to launch the strongest attack on the target."

The guard stood in front of the shooting range, closed his eyes, and raised his arm after a moment. His arm turned into a slender gun barrel and aimed at the target in the distance. As the fire flickered, the bullet shot out of his arm, leaving a fist-sized hole on the target.

Then Heimerdinger took the guard to the huge equipment just now, put an apple in the glass cover on one side, and let the guard enter the glass cover on the other side.

"Then we take out the devil fruit!"

As Heimerdinger pressed the button, a blue light enveloped the guard, and then the blue light entered the glass cover on the other side through the catheter. When the light faded, the apple had turned into a red

Devil fruit, exactly the same as the one the guard ate before!

"Professor! You can extract the devil fruit of the ability user!!!"

"Ah! Of course, of course, this is very simple, the principle is... No, don't interrupt me!"

"Professor, please continue." Heka touched the back of his head embarrassedly.

Heimerdinger took the fruit from the glass cover and bit it.


The three came to the test site again, and Heimerdinger said to Heka: "The ability of the devil fruit is much greater than people think."

"For example, the gun-gun fruit, this is just a name that people summarize the abilities displayed by the ability user. We can simply understand this ability as: body parts become weapons similar to firing bullets."

"Then, as long as we amplify some of the abilities brought by the devil fruit."

Heimerdinger raised his right hand, and his arm first turned into a half-pistol, then a rifle, and a long-barreled sniper rifle.

"Here are all the abilities of this fruit so far."

"If we develop this ability again."

Heimerdinger's big head shook: "Since it can be turned into a long-barreled sniper rifle, then we just need to make the barrel thicker!"

As Heimerdinger muttered to himself, the barrel of the gun that his right arm turned into became thicker and thicker, until it exceeded the thickness of Heimerdinger's original arm. At this time, his right arm could no longer be considered a gun, but more like a hand cannon.

"Equipped with a bigger bullet!" Heimerdinger said, firing a "bullet" at a target in the distance.


The target instantly turned into fragments.

That was no longer a bullet, and artillery might be more appropriate.

"Professor, it's amazing!" Heka couldn't help but admire.

Heimerdinger was pushed back by the recoil and shook his big head: "It's not over yet."

"Since the ability is to fire bullets, let's try to change the way of firing, and turn the gunpowder-like propulsion method into a more scientific method."

Heimerdinger's right arm changed, the round barrel became flatter and the structure became more complicated, but as the structure became more and more complicated, the change of the right arm became slower and slower, as if some unknown energy was blocking the change.

"Not enough!" Two antennas stood up on Heimerdinger's head, and sparks flashed between the two antennas.



As Heimerdinger released his skills, the changes in his right arm accelerated, and the entire right arm became a square energy-gathering device separated on the left and right sides, with blue light flashing between the squares.


As a blue light flashed, a blue bullet was fired.


The next moment, a blue flame lit up in the huge underground test site. After the flame expanded to a certain extent, it began to collapse rapidly, as if it was surrounded by a transparent barrier and then continuously compressed.

Finally, it turned into a tiny white bright spot, and finally disappeared in the space, leaving only a round giant pit.

"This, this is..." Heka was amazed by the ability shown by Heimerdinger.

"This is the power of science!!"

No, this is not scientific at all.

While complaining, Heka followed Heimerdinger back to the machine. This time, Heimerdinger put three apples in another glass cover, and the blue light flashed.

Two of the apples turned into red devil fruits, but the difference was that the color of one of the devil fruits was a little darker.

Heimerdinger took out the two fruits and held them in front of Heka.

Taking out the drawing of the Gun-Gun Fruit just now, Heka found that the lighter one was the Gun-Gun Fruit, and the other fruit was darker in color and had a more complicated pattern.

"Then this one?"

"This is the evolution of the Gun Gun Fruit. The new superior fruit of the Gun Gun Fruit, I want to call it: the Armstrong Spinning Cannon Fruit of the Great Professor Heimerdinger!"


What is it? ? ? ! ! What Armstrong Spinning Cannon? Suddenly I felt that this fruit was not serious. Others are magma people who eat magma fruit, rubber people who eat rubber fruit, who would want to be Armstrong Spinning Cannon Man? And what about the great Professor Heimerdinger, this fruit not only makes people feel not serious, but also a little bit timid.

"Eat it!" Heimerdinger threw the Gun Gun Fruit into the plate on the side and pushed the new fruit into Heka's arms.

Heka looked at the fruit in his hand, hesitated for a moment and bit it.


It is said that devil fruits are unpalatable, but Heka did not expect them to be so unpalatable. It was like eating a mixture of stinky tofu and a defense and then vomiting it out, and then putting the vomit and the stinky socks that have been stored for three years together to ferment for 49 days.

While retching,

Dragged by Heimerdinger to the test site.

"Come on, little Heka, try your ability!"

Heka imitated Heimerdinger, raised his right arm, and silently activated his ability.

The right arm gradually changed, and a light cannon similar to Heimerdinger, but a circle smaller than the one Professor Heimerdinger had just used, replaced the right arm.



The blue flames instantly exploded at the target position, and a powerful shock wave spread.

"Ah, awesome!" Looking carefully at the technological arm, Heka exclaimed sincerely.

"Yeah, that's a little scientific knowledge." Heimerdinger nodded aside: "Do you want to know the principle?"

"Of course!!" Heka answered without hesitation.


Heimerdinger jumped up and slapped Heka on the back of his head: "Why do you want to know the principle?"

"Professor, why did you hit me? Why? I want to know." Heka rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm asking you, why?" Heimerdinger stared at Heka's eyes seriously and said, "Before, when I mentioned any principle, you would stay away and say you didn't understand. Why are you interested in this?"

"Is it because you are interested in the light cannon, or is it an unknown reason?"

"I am interested in..." Heka paused. Is he interested in the light cannon? That's for sure. But is he interested in the principle of the light cannon? Heka thought seriously. He has no interest in the principle of the light cannon. But just now, when Professor Heimerdinger proposed to tell him the principle, he really exuded a desire from the bottom of his heart. Even now, he still seemed to want to know its principle.

This is not right! !

It's like, maybe many people will be interested in driving a Gundam, but if they are asked to learn the physics, mathematics, and materials science required to build a Gundam... then there will definitely not be many people who say they are interested in these principles.

Silently following Professor Heimerdinger back to the machine upstairs, Professor Heimerdinger put an apple in a glass cover on one side, and then pushed Heka into the other side.

The familiar blue light lit up.

As the light faded, Heka felt that some energy in his body was being drained away.

Walking out of the glass cover, Heka tried to activate his ability and found that his devil fruit ability had really disappeared, and the familiar devil fruit really appeared on the other side.

"Professor, that was..." Heka recalled what happened just now and felt a little uncomfortable.

"That was the mark I left in the devil fruit. If you continue to keep that fruit ability, you may become a scientist." Heimerdinger said while tinkering with the machine.


Heimerdinger turned his head and looked at Heka carefully, then stared at Heka's head carefully for a while, and sighed: "Maybe not, you will only become interested in science."


I always feel that I am being disliked!

Heimerdinger didn't dwell on this matter for too long, and said to Heka: "The greater the previous ability user's development of the fruit, the stronger his willpower, and the greater the influence left in the fruit."



"So, that is to say, when someone eats a devil fruit, his fate is often fixed, becoming a villain who roams the sea, or a hero of the next era!" Gangplank slammed his glass on the bar.

"This is the fate that the sea is spreading! Hahahaha, so ridiculous, the fate that countless people believe in actually comes from the characteristics of the devil fruit! Not believing in your own abilities, but believing in the illusory fate!"

"Cowardly, really cowardly! Want to change the status quo but don't want to work hard yourself, pinning your hopes on fate! Hahaha! In the final analysis, isn't it just waiting for others to change?"

"If you wait, it's fate's arrangement, and if you don't wait, it's not the time of fate!"

Gangplank laughed out loud and patted the bar.

"If it were me, even if I died, I would definitely die on the entire ocean, no, in the most spectacular explosion in the entire history!!"

And Shanks on the side seemed to have thought of something, his face was serious and his brows were deeply frowned.

Is it an illusory fate?

A breeze blew by, lifting half of his empty sleeves,

Don't believe in your own ability, but believe in an illusory fate?

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