The attack on the Celestial Dragons that caused a stir in the entire sea was gradually forgotten by people as time passed.

The Celestial Dragons ushered in the long-awaited moment of the "Indigenous People Removal Contest".

In the holy land of Marijoa, a magnificent palace was now full of Celestial Dragons. A long-bearded Celestial Dragon walked up to the podium and announced loudly to the crowd below who were looking forward to it: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time! The much-anticipated 'Indigenous People Removal Contest' is about to begin! The location selected this time is Saxony, a non-member country located in the Grand Line!"


The Celestial Dragons in the entire hall cheered and waved their swords and muskets!

Navy headquarters, Marijoa.


Seeing the Den Den Mushi ringing on the table, Sengoku frowned slightly, took a deep breath and answered the phone.

“I’m Sengoku.”

“Sengoku, block the waters near Saxony, a non-member country of the Grand Line. No one is allowed to approach the island within 100 nautical miles, including the navy!” The voices of the Five Elders came from the Den Den Mushi.

“Saxony Kingdom? Why block it there?”

“It’s an important confidential mission related to the World Government. You just need to follow the order. A general is needed.” The Five Elders paused and warned Sengoku: “Remember, restrain the navy.”

“I know.”

Sengoku thought for a while and made another call: “Akainu, there is a mission…”

At this time, Kizaru was still a wounded soldier in name, and Aokiji had gone to who knows where, so the only one who could be sent out was Akainu.

Grand Line, Saxony Kingdom.

At this time, the king was seeing off a group of distinguished guests in the palace, envoys from Noxus in the Grand Line.

"Dear envoys, the Kingdom of Saxony is very willing to establish a strategic alliance with Noxus and be under the wings of Noxus." The old king had a warm smile on his face, and he could not object to the price offered by Noxus.

Including the strategic alliance of Noxus, Noxus will provide Saxony with necessary equipment and even send troops to help in the war; as an ally of Noxus, it will join the business alliance between Noxus and Alabasta.

Saxony needs to recognize the status of Noxus as the sovereign state. If necessary, the army of Noxus can pass through Saxony's territory and have the right to dock warships in the ports of the Kingdom of Saxony.

The old king was also worried that Noxus would use this opportunity to invade Saxony, but he had no choice but to accept it. As a non-member country of the World Government, Saxony would not have anyone or any country to lend a hand when it was invaded by a powerful country like Noxus. What made the old king feel relieved was that at least now Noxus is very friendly to all the patron states, as long as you are obedient!

"In the era of great strife, the strong will be strong, and the weak will perish!" Looking at the Noxian envoys who were leaving far away, the old king sighed deeply. Where will Saxony's future go?


A port in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In a hidden corner, there is an open fright box. The clown doll in the box is grinning with bloody red lips, bouncing in the wind, and the doll's eyes are fixed on the fleet passing by.

In a small house not far away, Sarco was playing with the short knife in his hand: "Hehehe, such a mighty fleet came out of Mary Geoise, there must be something interesting happening."

"Well, I seem to hear a grand banquet, full of artistic atmosphere." The playwright Jin put his feet on the table and spun the gun in his hand: "Let's go and have a look. As an artist, I can't watch so many unpolished works of art slip away from my eyes."

The playwright Jin stretched out his hand and gently squeezed it in the rays of sunlight coming in from the window: "As long as the impurities are removed, the most beautiful part will be revealed!"

"Hehehe, is it because Morgana stole your limelight?"

The playwright Jin glanced at Sarco lightly, and said with a little fanaticism: "Morgana, she is not an artist! Killing without beauty, waste, that is a waste! I will let the world know what true art is!"

"Let's go and borrow a ship."


New World, Revolutionary Army Headquarters

"Chief, there's something going on." A revolutionary soldier walked into the house with a Den Den Mushi and handed a piece of information to Long.

'Early this morning, a huge fleet sailed out from the holy land of Marijoa.

The shadow of the Celestial Dragons was seen in the fleet; at the same time, the Navy Headquarters, led by Admiral Akainu Sakaski and assisted by six vice admirals, blocked the waters near Saxony, a non-member of the Grand Line. ’

Looking at the news on the intelligence, Long's pupils shrank, and the island full of tragedy appeared in his mind again. The wailing of civilians and the wanton laughter of the Celestial Dragons echoed in his ears.

"Chief, are you okay?" Seeing that Long's expression was not right, the revolutionary army beside him asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Long pressed his brows and ordered: "Please invite the commanders of each army and Mr. Silas here. There are important things to talk about."

Soon Silas came to Long's cabin. At this time, there were already several people sitting at the long table in the living room. The woman in red tights on the left was the commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army: Belo Betty. The guy sitting next to Belo Betty, who looked like a fur tribe, was the commander of the Southern Army of the Revolutionary Army: Lindberg; sitting outside Lindberg was a man wearing a mask and a black fur coat - the commander of the Northern Army of the Revolutionary Army: Crow.

On the other side of the long table sat a tall giant, the commander of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army: Mori.

Long sat in the main seat with a serious face.

Silas walked over silently and sat in the empty seat next to Mori.

Seeing that everyone was present, Long handed the note to Mori and said, "Everyone, take a look at this information first."

After reading the information on the note, Silas asked in confusion, "What is the World Government doing with such a big move?"

"Hunting humans." Long's voice came in a deep voice.

"Human hunting?!" Lindbergh repeated in surprise: "Is that what I imagined?"

"Yes." Long nodded seriously, and then said: "Human hunting is one of the important entertainment activities of the Celestial Dragons. They will select an island, and then the Celestial Dragons will go to the island to hunt humans for fun. This is a celebration and a competition."

"So the location this time is the Kingdom of Saxony." Silas tapped the table and continued: "As long as we can disrupt this activity, we can save this country and even expose the evil deeds of the Celestial Dragons to the world."

"Yes." Long nodded: "But how to get in is a problem. There is a blockade outside by the admiral of the navy and the protection of the Knights of God inside. It is not easy to get in."

"Hehe, I have a way." Silas smiled: "If we can't walk on the sea, we can walk on the seabed. I have some friends under the sea."

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