The boat was so busy that it was difficult to get out of the water.

Weiss, who was following the Nether closely, suddenly realized that the hull of the Nether seemed to become transparent, looming in the mist on the sea like a cicada's wing. At this time, the Nether, just like its name, gradually turned into a ghost ship, mysterious and strange under the cover of the mist.

"Hahaha! Follow closely, little ones!"


The sudden change shocked the little brothers who followed: Planck, he is actually a capable person! ! The Nether shuttled through the mist, and every time it appeared, its image became more hideous. The original wooden horns began to reflect the luster of metal, and the sharp barbs turned the entire bow into a sharp spear. The goddess figure on the bow gradually twisted and deformed, and finally turned into a banshee howling at the sea. Black oil-like substances gradually climbed up the Nether from the sea and covered the entire hull. At this time, the Nether was like a black ancient sword emitting an ominous aura, piercing the waves and breaking through the fog.

"Pirates, pirates!"

The sentinel's roar disturbed General Middel's morning peace.

"Close the city gates and let the brothers stationed on the seashore withdraw. Don't worry about them, just grab some money and leave."

General Middel stretched, picked up the knife and fork and continued to taste the exquisite breakfast. As the last stop before the North Sea enters the Great Route, the Kingdom of Namiia has countless pirates coming here every day. The pirates who come here are either for supplies or to grab some money. No matter which kind of pirates, they will not choose to confront the Kingdom Army head-on before entering the Great Route.

As for the civilians in the coastal villages and towns? What does it have to do with him, but no one cares about those poor ghosts.

"General, it's the Nether Pirates!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Go inform His Majesty the King, go to the city and call all the soldiers to garrison the city walls! Cannons, and cannons, pull them all to the city walls!"

The entire capital was in a turmoil, but the seaside was unusually quiet at this time. Five huge pirate ships occupied the entire port. From entering the port to Gangplank and others landing, the Nether Pirates did not encounter any resistance. After stepping on the land, there was only a group of ragged beggars who gathered on the dock trembling.

"What's going on?"

"They should be here to pay the landing ceremony." Weiss walked to Gangplank and said, "These are civilians in the seaside villages and towns. When the pirates come, they hand over their property, and the pirates generally won't plunder the villages and towns again. This is the landing ceremony."

"Where is the kingdom's army?"

"They should have withdrawn to the royal city." Weiss pointed to the towering castle on the hillside in the distance.

"Dong, dong, dong." The soles of thick leather boots knocked against the wooden boards of the port, like the bells before the trial, knocking on the hearts of the people in the port.

"Sir." The old man at the head seemed to be the leader. Seeing Planck and others coming forward, he took a step forward and bowed deeply to Planck.

"Welcome to your arrival, sir. These are the gifts we prepared for landing. Congratulations to you for conquering the North Sea and embarking on the great voyage."

After that, the people behind him carried a large basket more than one meter high and a small wooden box and placed them in front of Planck. The basket was filled with fruits and grains, and the other small wooden box contained a stack of old Baileys, with large and small denominations, and even a few coins with almost worn out prints were exposed under the banknotes.

"Tsk!" Planck glanced at it and couldn't help but sneer. Weiss and others behind him also looked serious when they saw this situation.

But the old man panicked and knelt down in front of Gangplank: "My lord, I promise that this is all the money in the town. I really dare not deceive you!"

"You are not allowed to bully the mayor!" Seeing Gangplank stretched out his hand, a little boy suddenly rushed out of the crowd and opened his arms to block the kneeling old man. Gangplank's mouth curled slightly, ignoring the little boy who was facing a great enemy, and reached out to pick up two apples from the basket, throwing one to Weiss beside him and biting the other in his mouth.

"Okay, the gift of landing has been accepted. Get out of the way, little boy, I still have work to do." After saying that, Gangplank chewed the apple and continued to walk forward.

"By the way, old man, how do I get to the capital?"

On the sea not far from the Kingdom of Namiia, three huge warships were quietly parked on the sea. They were the three vice admirals Ghost Spider, Mole, and Doberman belonging to the Navy Headquarters. Planck's rapid rise still attracted the attention of the navy, and the three Moles ambushed Planck here.

"Pu Ling Ling, the Nether Pirates are coming, come and save us!" Mole

A shrill cry suddenly came from the phone in his hand, indicating that Planck officially entered the encirclement.

"Let's go!"


The guards on the city wall saw Planck throwing a gunpowder barrel out of thin air, and then the huge explosion made the whole city wall tremble!

"The city gate is broken, run away!!"

"Give me all the weapons of those rubbish on the opposite side! Weiss and his men will follow me to the palace."

Planck and his men arrived at the palace without encountering any resistance. Planck's feat of blowing up the city gate with one blow made everyone in the royal city terrified of the means of this legendary pirate. The guards along the way saw Planck and his men and fled in all directions.

"Your Majesty, Pirates, Pirates are coming in!"

General Middel was no longer as elegant as usual, and he rolled and crawled into the palace.

"It's not like I came in to kill you. I just followed you in." Before the fat man on the throne could speak, the gloomy voice behind him was like a ghost from the deep sea, strangling Middel's cry and the king who was enjoying the singing and dancing.

"Your Majesty is quite leisurely and elegant. Won't you introduce the show to me?" Planck turned the scimitar in his hand and walked into the palace leisurely. The whole hall was quiet in an instant, and the dancers who were performing singing and dancing in the hall huddled in the corner of the hall.

Compared with General Middel who was lying on the ground and looking at him in fear, the fat king sitting on the throne seemed much calmer. He picked up a grape from the fruit plate in front of him and put it into his mouth. He asked Planck slowly: "Whatever you want, just ask. Whether it's treasure or beauty, as long as you like something in this palace, take it away if you like it."

After speaking, he waved to the dancers hiding aside, indicating that they should continue the performance.

Looking around the palace, the whole hall was magnificent, with golden reliefs all over the walls and countless colorful gems inlaid on the roof. When the sun shone in during the day, the gems on the roof reflected the gorgeous brilliance of different colors, shining like the starry sky. The bricks and stones on the ground were polished like a mirror, reflecting the luxurious shadow of the whole hall. There were dozens of beauties standing on both sides, and even eight women were hung on both sides in light clothes, with scarlet whip marks faintly visible on their bodies.


Planck raised his hand and shot the fruit plate in front of the king.

"Your Majesty, didn't you hear me? I asked you to introduce the program!"

"How dare you shoot at me! I am the king of a member country of the World Government. I am afraid that you know that the three vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters are almost here. You still have time to run now! Get out of here, scum of the sea!"

"Hahahaha, it seems that your Majesty likes art very much. Coincidentally, I also have a craft. I would like to ask your Majesty to appreciate it." Ignoring the king who looked fierce but was actually weak, Planck laughed wildly: "This technology is called bone carving. I wonder if your Majesty has heard of it."

Bang bang bang!

"It's the navy! Fire, fire quickly! Notify the captain and others!"

The pirates guarding the ship soon discovered the huge warship of Mole and others, and the sky full of shells smashed towards the navy.

"Swish swish swish!" Several figures quickly flew out of the warship, blasting the shells one by one in the air, and then rushed towards the pirate ship parked in the port. The Navy not only mobilized three vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters for this operation, but also mobilized a large number of officers and officers for safety. Any one of these elite officers would be able to guard a sea area in the four seas, and it would be more than enough to deal with the pirates who stayed in the port. Soon, all the pirate ships fell into the control of the Navy.

Arrange a part of the Navy to guard the pirates and pirate ships at the port, and the three Moles led most of the elites to the palace quickly.

"Captain, the Navy is here and has taken control of the port."

Weiss drove all the people in the palace out, and emptied the royal family's treasure house with the crew. As soon as he returned to the hall, the deputy stationed at the port reported the Navy's attack through the Den Den Mushi.

At this time, only Planck and the king were left in the hall. The king no longer had the arrogant demeanor before. At this time, Planck was piercing his shoulders with two long knives and nailing them to the pillars of the hall. And Planck was sharpening a knife with great interest.

After hearing Weiss's report, Planck grinned at the king: "You are so quick, your Majesty is so lucky!"

He grabbed the king's collar, pulled him off the pillar, and held him in his right hand: "Let's go, take your things, let's go meet the navy."

The king's fat body dragged on the ground, leaving a long bloodstain on the floor tiles of the palace.

As soon as he walked out of the palace gate, he ran into the mole and ghost spider who came over. As for Doberman, he had already led his navy

Fighting with the pirates in the royal city, Vice Admiral Doberman held back the other three captains under Planck.

"Let's put down the king and surrender, Planck, you are surrounded." Vice Admiral Mole pointed his sword at Planck.

"Let's make a deal. If you let us go, I will give you the king, how about that, Vice Admiral Mole? Saving the king of a member country of the World Government, such a feat will be rewarded by the World Government, this is a merit that comes to you."

Planck raised the king in front of Vice Admiral Mole and others.

"How can justice give in to evil, pirate!"

"Tsk, not enough chips." Planck threw the fat king on the ground and patted his face that was shaking with fear. "Don't blame me if you die if the navy doesn't save you! It's all your fault that you are too useless. If you were a Celestial Dragon, these vice admirals should kneel down and beg me to let you go, instead of talking nonsense about justice and evil, hahahaha!"

Planck's words made the two moles look as gloomy as water. The fat king's narrowed eyes showed hidden hatred, towards Planck and the navy.


The mole stepped on the ground and stabbed at Planck like a sharp arrow.


Planck was not to be outdone. He raised his scimitar and slashed at the incoming blade. Seeing that his captain had already taken action, the pirates behind him also rushed down to kill into the navy, and Weiss also stopped in front of the ghost spider who wanted to besiege Planck.

"Let me be your opponent, spider monster."

Wes stepped forward with a knife and attacked first. As they fought, Weiss found something wrong.

Both of them were swordsmen. He had one knife, and this guy had one, two, three, four... Shit, there was another one behind him. How could he fight! Too careless, the captain should have done it.

Weiss was in danger while defending on his side, while Gangplank and Mole were fighting on the other side with sparks flying.

"Zhang! Zhang! Zhang!"

Mole was getting more and more frightened. He fought with Gangplank for a few times, but Gangplank still defended with ease with a scimitar. This guy was not inferior to me in strength! He narrowed his eyes slightly, threw off the coat of justice on his shoulders, changed his attack strategy, and increased the speed of swinging the knife.

For a moment, the knife light surged towards Gangplank like a tide!

Gangplank was not a hero with a good speed. Mole's sudden change of tactics left several blood marks on Gangplank.

It worked! !

Planck also discovered the change of tactics of the Mole.

"Great, Marine! I am not good at speed, but I am very familiar with life-and-death fights!"

Seeing that the blade of the Mole's blade from the left was already close in front of him, Planck was not panicked at all. He laughed and swung the knife at the Mole with his right hand, which was a way of fighting with injury for injury! The Mole was shocked to see Planck fighting so hard, and his men did not stop for a moment. As a veteran who had been roaming the sea for many years, the Mole knew that in this kind of fight, there could be no hesitation. At this time, fighting instinct is more important than subjective judgment!



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