CP stared at Galen, wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and made a sinister voice.

"Then Vice Admiral Garen, can you explain why you attacked the World Government personnel?"

Garen shrugged his shoulders, put his sword behind his back, and said nonchalantly: "We are catching pirates, this island has been blocked. You know what blockade means. I don't remember receiving your entry application. Can you explain how you got in first? "

"CP's mission does not need to be explained to the navy."

Galen chuckled: "What a coincidence. I don't want to know. Since you didn't tell us and broke into the blockade without permission, you deserve to be beaten."

"You!" The man in black was speechless after being confronted by Garen, and pointed at him with a ferocious look on his face. Garen put down his finger angrily after a long time, took another look at Edward Weeble who had lost his breath, and turned away.


Only Garen and the other two were left at the scene, and they killed Weeble. Zefa sat cross-legged on the ground. He did not intervene in the conflict between CP and Garen. He sat quietly with his head down. After CP left, Zefa sighed deeply.

"I owe you a favor this time." Zefa said, and stood up with his left hand on his knee.

"Go back."

Zefa walked towards the coast first, his body slightly hunched, but his steps were indeed unusual. Firm and steady, the coat of justice behind him fluttered in the wind.

"That old man smiled?" Garen glanced at Akainu. When Zefa lowered his head to speak just now, he seemed to see Zefa's mouth slightly raised: "This old man He can still laugh? I thought he had lost this ability. "

"When the old man laughed before, it was usually not a good thing." Akainu still crossed his arms and looked like he didn't want anyone to approach him.

"Wait a minute . "

Garen stopped Akainu and pointed at Weibull, who had lost his breath.

"Is it necessary?" Akainu was slightly dissatisfied with Garen's caution.

"Just in case, since we're already here, don't leave any room for accidents."

Sakaski didn't continue to refute Galen, and punched out casually, and a ball of magma instantly swallowed up Weibull's body.

"You said this guy is really The son of Edward Newgate? His strength and physique are terrifying, and his beard is too similar to his. Galen followed Sakaski who was walking towards the coast and asked as he walked, "You and Have you ever fought Newgate? "

"We have fought, but we didn't fight." Akainu said calmly.

"Now that Newgate knows that Whitebeard II died in our hands, will he come to cause trouble?"

" It would be better if he comes, we can get rid of him too."


New World, Whitebeard Pirates.

Edward Newgate looked at the news that Whitebeard II was killed by the navy and gradually fell silent.

"Old Dad, what happened?" Pineapple-headed Marco looked at the silent white beard and asked worriedly.

"Nothing." Edward Newgate laughed heartily: "Gulala, the new recruits in the navy are getting more and more terrible. You have to work hard and don't be left behind by the sea, stupid son. "Don't worry, Daddy. After Tryndamere came, everyone's enthusiasm for training has greatly increased. Now the attack power of all the partners has increased a lot." Marco stood beside Whitebeard and looked at the deck. The captains who took part in the competition smiled happily.

"Dad, I don't understand." Marco said to Whitebeard, "Why did you allow Tryndamere to sail alone? Since he joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he has never come back once."

"Gulala Lala, some sons like to stay with their father, while others like to sail alone. Since they are family, no matter what choice they make, just support them. When the family needs them, even the farthest children will come back. ”

“ Let's go, let's go somewhere else and visit Fishman Island."

"Yes, Dad!"

Edward Newgate's eyes flickered, and he put the newspaper aside, looking at his hand kindly like an old father. Captains.

The Whitebeard Pirates and Fishman Island have a good relationship now, although Jinbe the Pirate Knight sent back the Whitebeard Pirate Flag before, which was a betrayal to the Whitebeard Pirates in a sense. But Whitebeard didn't care. When he learned that the new queen of Fishman Island wanted to gain independence and rise of Fishman Island, he even asked Jinbei to take the flag back: "Jinbei, take the flag back."

Holding this flag, if you fail one day, just hang up my flag again and sail freely on the sea! "

This flag is now respectfully stored in the Dragon Palace of Fishman Island. The goodwill of the Whitebeard Pirates has also won the favor of the new queen of Fishman Island, the Tidecaller Nami.

On the other side, Miss Bakin, who was hiding on the island, looked at the navy warships that were far away and gritted her teeth. Weevil was her only reliance on the sea. Otherwise, with her current strength, it would be impossible to sail in the Grand Line or even the New World.

Grand Line, Alabasta.

In Heka's secret room, several demon phantoms hovered in the secret room. As a figure walked out of the golden light, the hovering demon phantoms rushed towards the gradually solidified figure, turning into masks hanging on the waist of the figure.

When the golden light dissipated, a strong figure appeared in the secret room, holding two long swords, one red and one blue, wearing a blood-red mask on his face, and long hair fluttering behind his head.

"Ding, congratulations to the system for obtaining the hero, the Demon Sealing Sword Soul - Yongen. ”

“One sword kills evil, one sword calms the soul!”

“Welcome, Yongen.”

“Is Yasuo here too?” Yongen nodded slightly to Heka, and asked Heka about Yasuo’s situation. Although he didn’t know why, he could feel that Yasuo was here too.

“In the East China Sea.” Heka did not hide Yasuo’s whereabouts, but asked curiously: “Want to go see him? Or challenge him?”

“Just go and see if my brother who is lost in pain has found his way home.”

“Hehe.” Heka smiled: “Yasuo is doing well now, promoting the Gale Sword Dao in this world. By the way, he has also accepted several apprentices, and their strength is not bad.”

Heka marked the location of Kokosia Village on the map, rolled up the map and handed it to Yongen, and at the same time took out a Den Den Mushi from the side and gave it to him: “This is a communication tool, with instructions on it. ”

“There are no demons in this world. Take a break for a while, Yongen, go and see this beautiful sea. There are merchant ships heading to the East China Sea at the port.”

“I see.”

Yongen left Alabasta in silence and boarded a merchant ship heading to the East China Sea.


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