The two swords in Yongen's hands thrust down, and one red and one blue blade hit the transparent shackles that locked his feet.


The moment the red blade touched the shackles, the sound of metal and iron intersecting rang out, and the shackles on one side broke and dissipated in the air, while the blue blade on the other side passed through the transparent shackles.

"Go to hell!"

Foxie took the opportunity to rush up and punched Yongen.

Yongen swung the red blade and hit the shackles on the other side of his foot. Yongen, whose feet were freed, kicked out and hit Foxie's chest.

Puff! !

Foxie flew backwards.

"Boss!" Foxy was knocked away, causing the surrounding brothers to exclaim.


A monkey-like monster took advantage of Foxy and Yongen's fight to get behind Yongen and punched Yongen. Yongen turned his blue blade back and blocked the monkey's attack with the blade.

Yongen slightly tilted his body, swung the red knife in his hand back, and knocked the monster away with the back of the knife.

"Hamburger!" Foxy exclaimed.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood, rushed over to help the monkey monster who was knocked away. Seeing that he was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked Yongen: "Who are you? I have never seen you. Why did you attack us with your strength?"

"Use your ability on me."


"Use your ability on me." Yongen's indifferent voice sounded, and the long sword in his hand stood beside him: "You can leave if you satisfy me."

"You guy! Slow light!!" Foxy felt the indifference in Yongen's tone, raised his hands, and circles of light flew towards Yongen.


Yongen waved the two swords in his hand, and the blue blade easily passed through the aperture, as if the aperture did not exist at all, and the red blade seemed to cut on a metal circle when it touched the aperture. As Yongen waved the blade, the aperture layer by layer collapsed and dissipated in the air.

"Slow lightsaber!!"

A transparent long sword appeared in Foxy's hand and slashed at Yongen who was flying.


The red blade flashed, and the transparent long sword in Foxy's hand was cut off, and the red blade slashed Foxy's chest.

"Ah!" A burning pain appeared in Foxy's chest. Foxy, who was slashed by the red blade, seemed to have his soul torn apart.

Buzz! !

As Foxy screamed, a transparent sphere burst out around him, slowing down everything around him.


Foxy seemed to be suffering from great pain and screamed towards the sky.

The red long sword in Yongen's hand lit up, removing the influence of the slow fruit on him, and did not attack Foxy immediately. At this time, Foxy's eyes had lost their luster and seemed to have lost his mind. Everything around him was shrouded in the influence of the slow fruit.

At this time, everything in the entire pirate ship seemed to be still.

He frowned and looked at Foxy, and the red long sword in his hand slashed at Foxy, and another transparent spherical slow light burst out from Foxy's body.

The red blade light enveloped Yongen, making him immune to the influence of the fruit ability. The red flames in his eyes lit up. In his eyes, a hideous shadow was shrouding Foxy.

Yongen frowned slightly, raised the red blade light and slashed at the shadow, and the red blade light slashed on the shadow's neck.


A shrill scream sounded, and the shadow completely shrank into Foxy's body.

As the shadow disappeared, the slow energy that enveloped the entire pirate ship also disappeared, and everything around recovered.

Foxy curled up on the ground, his body trembling constantly, as if he had suffered great damage, as if the blade light that had just slashed on the shadow had also caused great damage to Foxy.

Yongen stared at Foxy, and the other pirates on the ship did not dare to approach Yongen. After a while, Foxy's body trembling slowly stopped.

"What happened?" Foxy covered his head and touched his head. There was no blood or wounds, but the headache was still very strong.

"Do you know what just happened?"

"I was hit in the chest by your red blade, and then I fainted." Foxy shook his head, trying to relieve the headache.

"Are you still capable?"

Hearing Yongen's question, Foxy staggered to his feet, stretched out his hands tremblingly, and released his abilities in front of him, deliberately avoiding

Yongen. After the fight just now, Foxy already knew that there was a huge gap between him and Yongen.

At this time, Foxy only hoped that after Yongen was satisfied with his answer, he would let him go as promised.

He made a gesture for the first time, but the light was not emitted. Foxy gritted his teeth and released his ability again.

A halo was emitted, but the color was lighter and the halo range was smaller, and the diffusion speed was slower.

Foxy shook his head and said to Yongen: "The power seems to be much less powerful."

"Yeah." Yongen nodded quietly, and then his figure disappeared on the deck, returned to his small sailboat on the sea, pulled up the sail, and left on the boat.

"Huh! Saved."

Seeing Yongen, the evil star, leave, Foxy lay on his back on the deck and took a long breath. The feeling of surviving a disaster almost made him cry.

"Old, boss, navy!"

The trembling voice of the younger brother sounded.

"Hehe." Foxy looked up at the broken sail, smiled bitterly, and said to his brothers: "I can't run away. You go first. I don't want to move."


East China Sea, Kokosia Village.

"I'm back, how is it?"

"The Demon Sealing Sword can hit the power of the Devil Fruit." Yongen didn't keep it a secret.

"Oh, the same as the Armament Haki?"

"No, there is still a little difference. The Demon Sealing Sword seems to be able to hit the Devil Fruit directly." Yongen told Yasuo that he used the Demon Sealing Sword to attack Foxy, triggering the automatic defense mechanism of the Devil Fruit. After he hit the phantom on Foxy's body with the Demon Sealing Sword, the phantom was injured and returned to Foxy's body, and Foxy's ability was weakened accordingly.

"You mean, the Devil Fruit is conscious, and when attacked, it will fight back, and will dodge after being injured." Yasuo pondered. If so, then the Devil Fruit may not be as simple as it is said on the sea.

"So what is the purpose?"

"Soul power." Yongen said: "When attacking Foxy, I found that the devil fruit and the soul of the ability user are firmly embedded. In this case, if the host dies as you said, the devil fruit will reappear in the sea, and it will definitely take away part of the soul power of the ability user."

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