The nine tails on the seventh generation have laughed at the ground;"Hahaha, it is deserved to be you, it is the seventh generation of you, it really surprised the old man.

" I can't bear it.

Today, I wo n’t hit the little Naruto shit today.

He is not the seventh generation.

But she was swollen with a blue face, and her body was not finished.

It was no problem.

Seeing that it was almost done, Kushina stopped, after all, Naruto was her son.

But the Seventh Generation didn't stop, but became more and more powerful.

Hinata panicked,"Stop hitting, it will kill people.

" The Seventh Generation said lightly,"It's okay, the Nine-Tails said that he can be cured, and he will be alive and kicking the next day.

" Kaguya still looked dazed, and her young mind was shattered.

She saw very dirty, very dirty, very dirty things, and she wished she could become blind.

Then, Kaguya covered her eyes and wiped her tears sadly.

From outer space, a simple girl who had never been in the world, her heart was completely dirty.

Although she was indeed the mother of two children, the children were born with people's blessings, and she was indeed an innocent girl.

Seeing this, Hinata hurriedly ran up to comfort her.

At the same time, Hinata felt strange and anxious.

It was obviously her husband who had made her dirty, and she ran to comfort her as a wife, which felt so strange.

The reverse harem technique was so terrifying.

Fortunately, Sakura was not here, or she would have fallen to the ground with a nosebleed.

In fact, Kushina and Hinata were almost killed by this ninjutsu, but fortunately, the Reverse Harem Jutsu was released with their backs to them.

But even if it was released with their backs to them, seeing thousands of naked handsome men at once, their young hearts also suffered unparalleled critical damage.

So they put themselves in their shoes, and even they could hardly bear it, so what about Kaguya who faced the Reverse Harem Jutsu.

Her heart must have been shattered!

No wonder Kaguya couldn't help but wipe away tears sadly at this time.

After a long time, the Ame-no-Mikoto was lifted, and everyone returned to the Seventh Hokage's home.

Little Naruto could no longer get up, and the whole person was beaten into a cripple.

He didn't understand why this was the case.

Obviously, the last time he released it on the lustful sage, although he was also beaten, he was not crippled.

But now, little Naruto was sad and shed tears in confusion, feeling that he was not his own child, and he was so vicious to attack him.

And that Seventh Hokage, who was obviously his future self, was too cruel to him, and he was the one who beat him the hardest.

From then on, Kaguya never mentioned the special training for little Naruto again, as she already had a psychological trauma.

But as naive as she was, she forgot quickly.

In the afternoon, she watched a bloody love soap opera with Hinata.

The two of them knelt on the tatami, staring at the TV.

Hinata took out a tissue to wipe her eyes, and was moved to tears.

Kaguya had a blank expression...

(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) Hinata asked,"Why...

don't you think it's very touching?" Kaguya shook her head,"I think it's boring.

" Hinata handed the remote control to Kaguya,"Then change the channel and choose a TV show you like.

" Under Hinata's instruction, Kaguya learned how to use the remote control, which also opened the door to a new world for her, a brand new hobby.

Soon she stopped on a channel, and the picture showed a heroic princess, saving her country.


The name of this film is"Snow Princess Ninja Scrolls".

Kaguya said calmly,"I want to watch it, why is it gone?"

Hinata explained,"What you just watched was just an advertisement. It should be a promotional trailer for a movie that will be released soon."

Kaguya said seriously,"How can I watch it?"

Hinata was speechless. She didn't expect Kaguya to be interested in this.

"It's getting late today, so let's go to the cinema tomorrow with Kushina and the other two."

Hearing this, Kaguya nodded happily, she was looking forward to it.

Although he didn't understand TV dramas and movies, the delicateness of the pictures and the big scenes made him feel much better than the romantic soap opera.

Hinata, who will become a housewife in the future, has only this one hobby, doing housework, washing clothes and cooking, and watching romantic soap operas to kill time in her spare time.

And now, Kaguya and Kushina are also people who have nothing to do. The three women watch together and go shopping together, which makes Hinata very happy.

It's like finally having friends to do the same thing together.

In the future, Hinata, Sakura, Ino and Tenten Temari, these girlfriends, rarely go out together, and each has their own family.

And the seventh generation's family has only Hinata as a woman, which is really boring.

And in this era, the seventh generation's mother, Hinata's mother-in-law, is also here, and Kaguya also lives here.

There are two more full-time housewives all of a sudden. Although Kaguya is not yet, the three of them (Zhao Qian Zhao) can indeed act together and pass the time together, which is much more interesting than when they are alone.

Besides, Hinata really likes to be with Kaguya.���When they are together, she is not only beautiful, but also very simple and well-behaved.

I just don’t know what her interests are. Kaguya seems to have no interest in anything that ordinary ladies like.

For example, beautiful clothes and romantic soap operas. Even Hinata doesn’t understand what Kaguya likes now.

But it doesn’t matter. There are still many days to come. She will definitely find out Kaguya’s preferences, what she likes to eat, what she likes to watch, and what she likes to play.

Then she, Hinata, Kushina, and Kaguya can stay together and play happily every day.

The only thing that bothers Hinata is that Kaguya is always elusive. For example, when she goes to the toilet to take a shower, she suddenly sticks her head into the bathroom, washes her hands, and then runs away with the paper..

Added by: sabmado

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