One day later, Namikaze Minato, Kushina, and six female ANBU jonin from Konoha personally went to the Snow Country to pay a visit to the Queen.

By the way, after Danzo was captured by Akatsuki, the Root had been merged into the ANBU.

Konoha could also mobilize more ninjas.……

"Report, Your Majesty, there are several Konoha ninjas visiting outside, and one of them is the Hokage."

Hearing about the Hokage, Fuuka Xiaoxue remembered that this was Naruto's dream.

Now the Hokage is standing outside the door, this...

Although Fuuka Xiaoxue is not a ninja and does not know how powerful the Hokage is, according to Naruto's judgment, he must be a very remarkable person.

Fuuka Xiaoxue said;"Please come in."

Although the number is not large, Namikaze Minato still prepared a lot of gifts, such as Konoha's cloth, weapons, and scrolls with sealed ninjutsu.

Some powerful ninjutsu are stored in it to ensure the safety of Her Majesty the Queen.

Fuuka Xiaoxue was stunned;"I feel the friendship of Konoha, thank you for the gift of the Hokage." But

Namikaze Minato was not serious at all, and smiled gently;"No, Your Majesty, I am not here as the Hokage today, I am here as a father."

Fuuka Xiaoxue was stunned;"Father...father?"

"Could it be... could it be!"

Looking at the golden hair of the person in front of her, Fenghua Xiaoxue thought of little Naruto.

Instantly, Fenghua Xiaoxue's heartbeat accelerated...

She felt difficulty breathing...

Kushina looked at Her Majesty the Queen in front of her, very happy and very satisfied, and said,"We are Naruto's parents. Today we specially send you a gift, although it's not much to show our love."

"And these six ANBU jonin of Konoha, we will stay to protect the safety of Her Majesty the Queen."

Fuuka Koyuki fell off the Queen's throne in fear. Kushina exclaimed, and instantly appeared beside Fuuka Koyuki and helped her up.

Looking at Kushina, or should I say looking at her future mother-in-law, Fuuka Koyuki felt terrible.

This... such a big scene really scared her.

The Santaifu also looked at Namikaze Minato in disbelief;"That... that is the Kage of a village, he would come in person, I didn't expect... I didn't expect Naruto's father to be the Hokage!"

The two presented the deposit of the betrothal gift, and Kushina's face was serious;"From now on, you are an engaged couple. If that kid forgets your three-year agreement, I will tie him up and bring him here."

It might be the first time in her life that Fenghua Xiaoxue felt so passive, so blushing, and so at a loss.

Just like that... Her Majesty, the newly crowned queen, was tricked by little Naruto's parents into becoming their daughter-in-law?

Although Fenghua Xiaoxue was quite happy, it was still so fast...

After a brief exchange, Namikaze Minato left the Flying Thunder God Mark. Occasionally, he would take Kushina to care about his future daughter-in-law.

After watching the two go away, Fenghua Xiaoxue seemed to collapse and lay on the throne.

Little, little Naruto's parents, are still... really impatient.

At the same time, the queen's cheeks flushed A beautiful blush appeared on her face, which meant that she was now the fiancée acknowledged by Naruto's parents.

Fuuka Koyuki bit her lips tightly, trying to restrain herself from laughing out loud.

Santaifu showed a relieved smile, it was really thanks to his unauthorized behavior.

Otherwise, how could they alarm Naruto's parents? In fact, he knew that Fuuka Koyuki's idea was just to wait.

Naruto is still too young now, just wait until he grows up, but humans are often the most unstable creatures, it is possible that Naruto will forget her in three years.

……(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the house of the Seventh Hokage, Kaguya and Hinata were watching TV.

Unexpectedly, the advertisement for the final episode of Fengyunji shot by the director has been released, and the scene of little Naruto handsomely defeating the villain came into view.

Hinata covered her mouth and chuckled;"Naruto, he has been very brave since he was a child."

But Kaguya couldn't sit still. She stood up and stared at the TV screen, especially at little Naruto.

Hinata asked curiously;"Kaguya, what's wrong with you?"[]

Kaguya Otsutsuki threw her sleeves and said domineeringly,"I also want to be on TV."

Hinata blinked blankly when she heard that."Ah, this..."……"

Kaguya said coldly,"Isn't it possible for me?"

"I am stronger than him. I have been a princess, a queen, and even a goddess."

Hinata was stunned. She really didn't know what to do now.

She quickly called the Seventh Hokage over and explained the situation.

The Seventh Hokage was also stunned;"How about I send you to the crew of Princess Fuyu?"

Kaguya was obviously moved, her face flushed slightly, her dream would soon come true.

Although this dream was born only a few days ago, it was also a dream derived from her watching the movie.

The Seventh Hokage shook his head and smiled bitterly;"My father Namikaze Minato has gone to Myoboku Mountain. When he comes back next time, I will ask him to use Flying Thunder God to take you there."

As for why Minato Namikaze was asked to take her there, it was because Minato had already met Fuuka Koyuki.

It would not be appropriate for him to go, and it would not be so abrupt if someone familiar introduced her.

Kaguya was patient, she was looking forward to seeing herself on TV and in movies.

As for what role she would play, she didn't really care, she just thought it would be fun to see herself on TV.

This kind of simple wish is probably something that any child would have, even little Naruto is no exception.

Now Fuuka's crew has only made a trailer, and the finished film will take time to be polished and perfected.

And they are already planning a new movie project, she wants to be both the actor and the queen.

On Naruto's side, he met Shikamaru and Choji, so he took out the photo of himself being kissed by Fuuka Koyuki and showed off;"Hehehe, stupid duo, you will definitely project me, I got a signed photo of Fuuka Koyuki!"

Shikamaru looked at him dismissively."Humph, you just received the mission to protect Fengyunji. What's so difficult about begging for an autographed photo during the mission?"

But when little Naruto took out the photo mysteriously, Shikamaru and Choji's eyes widened.

Especially Choji, whose eyes narrowed in shock.

"You must be kidding me, that Fengyun Ji, that popular female star, how could she kiss Naruto!"It's okay to kiss on the cheek, but this is a real kiss...

Shikamaru was stunned...

Choji was also stunned……

I'm a sabmado

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