After letting Choji and the others take care of Hinata, Naruto went to look for Princess Haruna alone.

He then found Princess Haruna by a stream, where she was resting by the river because she was tired.

"Great, Princess Haruna, I finally found you."

Little Naruto smiled and slowly approached, put his face close to her with concern, wanting to help her up.

Princess Haruna opened her eyes hazily, and blushed instantly when she saw little Naruto's face approaching her;"Ahhh... don't come over." She instinctively pushed forward with both hands and pushed little Naruto into the river.

Little Naruto said in despair;"You are too much, I came to find you with good intentions."

Haruna sat on the ground awkwardly;"I... I'm sorry."

Little Naruto climbed ashore and sat next to Haruna;"Why did you run away alone?"

Princess Haruna said lightly;"You... you are not reliable at all."

"No matter who is sacrificed, I will live."

"As long as I am alive, there is hope for the revival of the Kingdom of Vegetables."

Princess Haruna's eyes were firm;"This is the most important thing!"

"I am a victim. As long as I make this appeal, other countries will help me."

"When I take back the country and succeed to the throne as the legitimate heir, people will surely gather back and return to the original Vegetable Country."

Naruto said expressionlessly,"I... don't think so."

Princess Haruna bit her lip tightly,"You... do you want to say that the Vegetable Country will not be revived?"

"I didn't say that. I just imagined myself as a resident of the Land of Vegetables."

"Imagine if I were Yuri Nobuyuki, and there were ninjas like Kikunosuke who sacrificed themselves for you, I would not be willing to protect a daimyo like you."

Princess Haruna was almost crying, but she was already broken, and she grabbed Naruto's collar and said,"What do you know about me, how much do you know about me, what kind of life I led as a hostage, can you imagine?"

"I was under surveillance 24 hours a day, without a single moment of my own time, and was alone every day. It was in this kind of life that my body broke down, and I fell on the bed dying before I was finally released back to my homeland,"

Princess Haruna roared;"Naruto, tell me, were all the sufferings I endured to protect the Land of Vegetables wrong?"

"Then why did my parents abandon me and make me a hostage?"

"He is so gentle and kind to other people, why is he so cruel to me, his daughter?

Princess Haruna screamed with tears in her eyes;"Answer me, Naruto."

Little Naruto looked sad, but said nothing.

Princess Haruna said lightly;"I won't rely on you, I will go alone"

"Wait, I'll go too. I promised Hinata that I would protect you."

Haruna asked in astonishment,"Hinata?"

She had attacked Hinata with a stone, knocked her unconscious, and escaped alone. She didn't understand why Hinata still cared about her.

"You said that you didn't accept the mission to protect me, but why do you still want to protect me?"

Naruto said;"As for me, it's not just me, but also Hinata and Choji. We just don't want to see the people in front of us get hurt and sad."

Then the two continued on their way and encountered the last evil ninja, who was the leader and the strongest among them.

Little Naruto was in a tough fight and pulled Princess Haruna to escape.

A large-scale explosive ninjutsu came, and Naruto threw Princess Haruna to the ground without hesitation and pressed his body on her.

Using his body as a shield for her, Naruto's blood flowed on Princess Haruna's face. She said in disbelief;"Naruto, why do you want to protect me like this?"

"Yeah, I don't know why."

A few more drops of Naruto's blood dripped onto Princess Haruna's fair and beautiful face. She was so moved that she shed tears and whispered his name,"Naruto!" Then

Naruto pulled her to a rock,"I'll divert his attention, and you take the opportunity to escape."

This kind of thing was no pressure for Haruna, but for some reason, this time, she nodded hesitantly, worried about Naruto's safety.

Seeing Naruto step forward again and willing to be a bait, the evil ninja sneered,"You are really the same as the Daimyo of the Vegetable Country, a goody-goody and a big fool!"

Princess Haruna, who was hiding behind the rock, condensed her eyes,"Same as your father?"

"For us who usurp the country, that daimyo is really stupid."

He said sarcastically;"The daimyo knelt on the ground and begged us not to let the people of this country suffer. Please, you can do whatever you want to me, but please promise me one thing. This country is a weak country sandwiched between big countries. Without the power of the people, the country cannot prosper. For the prosperity of the country, every citizen must be cherished and no one can be sacrificed. Please treat the people as family members and don't let them suffer."

Naruto said;"It is because of such a daimyo that this country can always maintain peace."

"Humph, I don't care about these. I just want to make money from the people. It was because he was such a goody-goody that he had to let his daughter be a hostage. It seemed like it was ten years ago, before he was killed by me." (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

The sound ninja recalled the words of the daimyo;"Because of the pressure from the big country, many people sacrificed, domestic riots occurred frequently, and the country was on the verge of collapse. I had to make a painful decision and had to let my daughter, who was more important than my life, be a hostage. Haruna will definitely not forgive me."

The daimyo clenched his fists;"You will not forgive me, a cold-blooded father who sacrificed his daughter for national peace."

Naruto said lightly;"He is a great man, I can't hand over the country of vegetables to someone like you."

Shadow clone, Rasengan, with great difficulty, Naruto finally defeated her.

At this time, Shizune led the team, and Shikamaru also rushed to the scene to solve the remaining forces of the evil ninja and deter other countries in the name of Hokage.[]

Princess Haruna ran to the evil ninja and wanted to make the final move to avenge her father.

"Do it, you and I are the same kind of people, we can sacrifice anyone for our goals, and we prefer to take revenge by ourselves."

Princess Haruna's eyes wavered, she roared, but failed to stab the kunai;"No, I'm not like you."

Then Princess Haruna leaned her head on Naruto's arms and cried.

After the incident, Haruna put on the queen's clothes and built a tombstone for the sacrificed Kikunosuke. At this time, she had grown up and understood the meaning of the people.

Naruto behind her comforted her;"You can overlook the entire vegetable country from here, Kikunosuke will definitely always protect everyone."

Then Shizune stepped forward;"Then Princess Haruna, we'll say goodbye."

Iai Nobuyuki said enthusiastically;"Thank you, Naruto 080, Hinata and Choji."

Princess Haruna, wearing the queen's clothes and makeup, looked better than usual;"Shizune, I have an unreasonable request"

"What's up, Princess Haruna?"

"It is my responsibility to carry on my father's will and protect the Land of Vegetables. To fulfill this responsibility, I want to borrow someone from the Konoha Ninja Village."

Haruna said seriously,"I hope you can lend me Naruto."

Then Haruna walked towards Naruto,"Please, Naruto."

When she said the word Naruto, she was extremely gentle.

"I want you to help me revive the country of vegetables."

That was a unique confession from the queen. Although the meaning was not obvious, it needed to be savored.

Hinata didn't understand and stared blankly. She had no idea that Princess Haruna was trying to steal her man.

And Naruto didn't understand either;"Sorry, I can't promise you."

Princess Haruna's eyes were dim and tears were flashing.

Naruto explained;"I still have to go back to my companions, practice hard, become stronger, and then become Hokage."

Princess Haruna looked relieved;"In this case, it is not convenient for me to keep you, Naruto, I promise you that I will work towards my father's ideal, without sacrificing others for survival, and work hard to build such a peaceful country."

Naruto slapped his chest hard;"Yeah, then we have an agreement."

The spring breeze brought the rape flowers in the field and blew Princess Haruna's hair. She smiled gently and waved to them;"Thank you, Naruto."

Naruto also turned his head;"Three years later, when I come back from practice, I will come to see you again."

Haruna waved her hands tirelessly, watching Naruto go away.

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