Hidan found Kakuzu, who widened his eyes in disbelief.

Why did this blushing and shy white-haired lady look so much like Hidan?

"I am Hidan, for real!"


After trying very hard to explain, which was actually just cursing Aunt Snake, the stinky snake,

Kakuzu used his smart brain to integrate Hidan's messy words and finally understood what happened;"It has nothing to do with me. Although Orochimaru's bounty is high, he is not easy to catch. I don't want to make a wasted trip."

So Hidan found Konan, and Konan's explanation was even simpler, with just two words;"I won't go.""


Since Naruto and Jiraiya left, Konoha Village has also ushered in a brief peace.

Time flies and it is three years later. Naruto and Jiraiya travel around the world, and Minato Namikaze often comes to see them.

On this day, Minato Namikaze said something meaningful;"Naruto, I don't know if this is a coincidence. Look at the tower in front of you. It is the place where I sealed the dragon vein many years ago." The tall and handsome Naruto jumped and looked at it, and said nonchalantly;"What is the dragon vein."

Minato Namikaze lowered his head and thought;"Actually, I don't want to talk about the dragon vein, but I think this tower is very important to you."

Naruto grinned;"Since it is so important, let's go and take a look."

The three came to the tower, and Minato Namikaze frowned. He seemed to have forgotten a lot of things, but his instinct told him that he should let little Naruto unseal.

So Minato told him how to remove the seal."Go ahead."

Naruto didn't know what was waiting for him, so he said uncertainly."Then... I'll go?" Minato nodded encouragingly, and Naruto slowly stepped forward and removed the seal.

In an instant, a beam of light swallowed Naruto. Jiraiya wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Minato."He'll be fine."

At this time, the centipede who had been hiding here and studying the seal for many years jumped into the light with great excitement.


Naruto was confused and unconscious, but he heard a beautiful song;"The light rising from the heights of Loulan, a mixture of emotions, the dragon vein that must be protected, the sword shooting, looking up at the sky, the dust, the storm is coming."

This song is really beautiful, especially when it is sung in Japanese, it is very touching. Naruto was awakened by this gentle voice.

He woke up from a ruin and looked around, trying to find the place where the song came from.

"The blazing sun is blooming, and the flowers are dancing in the air."

It seemed to be the voice of Sister Sarah. After Sister Sarah moved to Naruto's former residence, he often heard Sister Sarah singing this song.

The girl's voice became sad, and there were two tear marks on her eyes. It turned out that she was hiding here crying and singing this song;"The inheritance is in the spiral……"

""Hey, where is this place!"

Sarah was startled and looked at Naruto in surprise, then ran away in a panic.

Naruto hurriedly chased after her;"Wait a minute, you are Sarah's sister, right!"

Naruto was stopped by the closed door before he could catch up with Sarah. Naruto looked up and found that there was an exit above, so he went all the way up.

When he left the underground, he could see beautiful and magnificent towers. The architecture here is really unique and one of a kind.

"Wow, what place is this, it's so beautiful."

Then Naruto was attacked by puppets. He is now incredibly strong, but even stronger than in history, because he learned the Sage Mode in advance.

He can even mobilize the Nine-Tails Chakra infinitely, and his powerful strength can kill the puppets instantly.

At this time, a masked ninja appeared;"You are so awesome, look at the forehead protector on your head, you are from Konoha." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The masked ninja slowly took off his mask, revealing only the forehead protector;"We are also Konoha ninjas."

But Naruto instantly recognized his voice and said in surprise;"It's Dad, why are you here too, when did you come?"

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment. Kushina had only been pregnant for a short time. How could his son be that big?

But Naruto really couldn't tell the difference between the two Minatos, because Minato died too quickly. He would die in a year, and his appearance and voice would hardly change.

0Please give me flowers0[]

Naruto took off Namikaze Minato's mask with a smile;"Hehe, it's you, Dad."

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything because he was always gentle;"I see, the centipede is from the future, it seems you are also……"

"By the way, Dad, where is this place?"

Minato said calmly;"This is Loulan"

"How is it possible? Has Ran been destroyed long ago?"

Hearing this, Minato became more and more convinced of his guess.

He put on the mask again, but his eyes were fixed on Naruto.

Then he said indifferently;"Can you... leave this city first and go to Konoha, okay? After we complete this mission, we can have a good chat, but now……"

Naruto said without hesitation,"No, you are afraid that I will be in danger. My training with the lustful Sage has not yet ended. How can I go back to Konoha early?"

Hearing this, what Minato of this era was stunned [Lewd... Sage?】

【This should refer to Jiraiya-sensei. 】

Then Minato chuckled, it really looked like him.

Then Namikaze Minato and the other two disappeared in an instant, they planned to quickly complete this mission.

Naruto jumped to a high place;"By the way, is this really Loulan? That red-haired girl must be Sister Sarah, I want to see her."

Naruto was attracted by the cheers;"Queen... Queen..."……"

Naruto was stunned and then approached the tall building. At this time, Sara slowly walked out

"Hey, she...how come she is the queen? And hasn't Sister Sarah always been in Konoha?"

Sarah's appearance also didn't change at all, so Naruto couldn't recognize her.

At this time, Sarah was pushed off the tall building. Naruto jumped on her without hesitation and hugged her in his arms like a princess.

He looked into her eyes and thought,"Sure enough, whether it's the voice, the eyes, or the face, it's the Sister Sarah I know." However, after landing safely, Sarah crossed her arms and slapped Naruto in the face as if she was molested by a pervert.

"Ahhhh, you rude pervert, pervert, pervert... power".

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