Sarah grabbed the edge of the well awkwardly, but she was a weak woman and had no strength.

If she knew that Naruto's pair of innocent blue eyes were looking up at her skirt, she would be even more embarrassed."Naruto, help... help me."

"What's wrong, Naruto? Why are you daydreaming?"

"Oh...oh oh oh, okay...ok, coming!"

After saying that, Naruto lifted her up slightly, carried her to the ground safely in a princess hug.

The moment she landed on the ground, Sarah's face suddenly turned red, remembering that Naruto seemed to be in a daze just now.

When he answered, his voice was trembling...

Sarah turned around and slapped him in the face;"You rude guy, saw everything?"

Naruto covered his red face in a daze;"Well...ah ah didn't."

Sarah kicked him again angrily;"You rude guy, you idiot……"

But soon Sarah couldn't care less about being shy, because she saw a group of male laborers below, being driven to work by puppets.

Some people fell down due to exhaustion, but they would be whipped by puppet soldiers.

In order not to be beaten, everyone could only work hard.

They were helping An Lushan to make more puppet soldiers, and after these puppet soldiers were blessed by the dragon veins, they could move continuously without providing additional chakra.

As long as this factory continued to work, An Lushan's soldiers could be produced continuously.

How could the flesh and blood of any human country resist such a puppet army.

Naruto asked;"What should we do now?"

He wanted to know Sarah's opinion, because she was the queen of this country.

Although Naruto said that it was very strange now, how could Sister Sarah of Konoha Village be the queen?

Sister Sarah would occasionally come to see him and care about him, but Naruto had never asked about her story.

And Sarah never mentioned her own story, she just wanted to wait quietly, waiting for Naruto to grow up.

Waiting for Naruto to travel through the past and see his past self, he would definitely remember it.

Then this wait lasted for three years.

He may be the first girl in the world to fall in love with Naruto, even earlier than Hinata.

Because she had already fallen in love with him before Naruto was born.

Sarah looked at the tragic situation in her country and made a decision with her expression;"I must stop all this."

Then Sarah pointed to a place below;"Please take me there, please Naruto, I can cut off the dragon vein there."

Hearing this, Naruto slowly approached Sarah and picked her up.

This was the third time that Sarah was carried by Naruto as a princess after just a few meetings. Sarah endured the shame in her heart and was actually a little used to it.

Not only did he pick up Sarah, he also said confidently;"Sarah, you have to hold me tight."

Hearing this, Sarah gritted her teeth and hugged Naruto's neck tightly.

After arriving at the location, Sarah stepped forward alone and stretched out her arms;"I order you in the name of the queen to cut off the dragon vein torrent and suppress your power!"

Sarah's palm emitted a purple light, and the power of the dragon vein disappeared instantly.

Sarah said,"It's all right now. I have completely cut off the dragon veins flowing into the factory."

However, at this moment, An Lushan suddenly appeared and activated the puppet with the dragon veins stored in his body. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Your Majesty, what are you doing in a place like this?"

Sarah exclaimed;"An Lushan?"

"What! He is An Lushan?"

Sara scolded;"I will not allow you to use the power of dragon veins for war, stop the development of puppet weapons immediately and release the people who are serving."

An Lushan said lightly;"Then, I can't let you live anymore."[]

"It's enough to use a puppet queen to replace you."

"Because my puppet army has been built, I no longer need you to control the power of the dragon veins."

Naruto created four shadow clones to protect Sarah. He said lightly,"You must have killed Sarah's mother, so I will let you die here today."

Sarah pursed her lips. Since An Lushan was such a person, her mother's sudden death must have been caused by him.

Sarah covered her face and sobbed. She never thought that An Lushan, who had been with her after her mother's death, was the murderer of her mother.

Naruto roared,"Now is not the time to cry. My clones will escort you. You still have a mission to complete. Go, Sarah."

Sarah gritted her teeth. Naruto was right. She did have an unfinished mission.

She wanted to rescue the Loulan people who were serving. Sarah immediately ran to the arsenal and personally uncuffed them."Take off the handcuffs quickly, please follow me"

"'Your families are waiting for you up there, come up there.'

As for Naruto, his three years of training have cultivated a good habit, no matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, he will just go up and use his ultimate move.

Sage Mode, Wind Style Rasenshuriken.

Centipede also summoned a giant puppet to wrap itself, but the giant puppet was instantly destroyed by Naruto's Wind Style Shuriken.

Namikaze Minato and the young Kakashi he brought out specially for training appeared at the same time, but the battle was already over. Looking at the fragments of the giant puppet, Namikaze Minato still reminded;"It's best not to let your guard down, this guy's ability is unfathomable."

"Do you think you can defeat me like this?"

Then, the power of the dragon vein controlled more puppet parts and reassembled a larger puppet.

To deal with him, it is not enough to be powerful enough, but to close the dragon vein first. Only by closing the dragon vein can the defense be broken.

Naruto stood on the puppet helplessly and kept breaking its limbs, but it (with good money) could keep repairing itself.

This kind of puppet can't hurt Naruto in Sage Mode at all, but Naruto can't kill him either, which is very tricky.

On the ground, Sarah successfully brought out the serving people and reunited with their families on the ground.

Sarah shouted;"Everyone, get out of here quickly, it's very dangerous here."

The huge puppet came to the ground like a mad tailed beast, wreaking havoc.

Sarah worriedly said;"Naruto……"

But Naruto said helplessly;"Sarah, I will find a way to block it here, you take everyone away from here quickly."

Sarah looked at Naruto worriedly. The puppet was too big, and she was worried that Naruto could not deal with Za.

Naruto instantly dismantled the puppet's arm. Although it was immediately repaired, it also showed his strength to reassure Sarah. He shouted;"Your responsibility is to protect everyone. You are the queen."

I'm a sabmado

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