The Samsara Eye Sasuke also decided to join the war to help Obito become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki and start a new Moon Eye Project.

He also has the Seventh Hokage and the Five Kage Villages. The reason why he opposed the Moon Eye and Uchiha Madara was because the plan was unreliable.

It is equivalent to building a dream and reuniting with family in the dream. I am afraid that only extreme people are willing to do this.

But now the Moon Eye Project is equivalent to gaining the ability to resurrect others at will.

And the ability to modify reality, such an ability can be compared with the Lord of the Lord God in the Lord God Space.

Ohnoki of the Tsuchikage Village has personally experienced the horror of Uchiha Madara. If such a person has this power, it may be the end of the world.

He feels that Uchiha Madara does not understand what love, happiness and bond are.

If the world is really rebuilt according to his ideas, even if all the dead are resurrected, it must be a hell on earth.

How can a guy with an extremely extreme personality who regards human life as worthless create a world full of love?

Raikage Ai also had a serious expression. The two-tailed Jinchuriki of their Cloud Village, the two Yuzukimon, and the eight Jinchuriki Killer Bee would all become the target of Uchiha Madara.

The same is true for other ninja villages, whether it is Sand Village, Iwagakure Village, or Mist Village, they all have their own tailed beasts.

In other words, if Uchiha Madara's target is the tailed beast, then he is almost an enemy of the entire ninja world.

At this time, the Lord God spoke again;"Well, then let's enter this quiz game. Who will win the battle between Deidara and Gaara?"

Naruto, who had fought with Gaara, naturally supported Gaara, as well as Gaara's disciple Jasmine.

They both wanted to say Gaara's name loudly, but were covered by the people around them.

Sasuke in white roared;"Idiot, how come you are still like this after three years? You don't even know what the punishment for answering incorrectly is."

The Lord God said considerately;"Same as three years ago, those who answer incorrectly will die."

"In addition, the winner in this video will obtain part of the One-Tail's chakra to summon the Ten-Tail, and can also resurrect one person."

The resurrected Uchiha Madara sneered;"Is that so, then I don't even have to catch the tailed beast."

At this time, Uchiha Madara felt that he was simply the son of luck, and his plan was so great.

Even the Lord God approved of his plan and resurrected him.

Although he was just overthinking, it was simply because the Lord God needed to correct history.

According to the current historical development, it is really too far away from the original history, so it is necessary to intervene.

At this time, Deidara began to laugh;"Hahaha, do we still need to consider this kind of problem? Of course, the artist Deidara will win."

The Lord God said lightly;"Wrong answer……"

Deidara was stunned for a moment.

The Lord God said again;"Artists are redundant, Deidara, correct!"

"This will not happen again. From now on, no one is allowed to add strange suffixes to themselves."

Although he was spared from death, Deidara began to feel ashamed and angry. If it were someone else, he would have gone up and blown the other person to death.

What do you mean by artists are redundant? Am I, Deidara, not worthy of being called an artist?

In the entire ninja world, is there anyone who understands art better than me, Deidara?

Gaara did not want to compete with Deidara for the answer, because in his opinion, he would not be able to speak, and he would only die if he answered.

It was just a good opportunity to eliminate one person with the help of the Lord God without any effort.

But he really did not expect that after Deidara said that he won, since it was the correct answer

"Next, the answer will be revealed."

The picture began to play, and two mysterious men wearing black clothes with red clouds and wearing bamboo hats slowly walked towards the direction of the Sand Village. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They killed all the guards of the Sand Village and sneaked into the Sand Village.

The battle between Gaara and Deidara is about to begin.

The Sand Village in the main god space said in disbelief;"How is it possible, how could a monster like Gaara lose?"

"Hey, be careful with your words. Gaara is the Kazekage now. What if he hears us and he massacres the village?"

"Anyway, it's unbelievable that a monster like Gaara would lose. How strong must the opponent be?"[]

Gaara heard their conversation, but he kept silent and closed his eyes. It was his best choice to pretend that he didn't hear it.

At this time, Deidara's skills were finally revealed. He was like a weak and helpless bird being hunted by a predator.

0 Asking for flowers

All he could do was run away, escape from the bondage of the sand, and look very embarrassed.

However, he always had a confident smile on his face, as if he didn't take Gaara seriously at all.

Kurotsuchi said disdainfully;"Humph, brother, he is still as arrogant as before."

She, Hongtu and Deidara were all the favorite disciples of Tsuchikage Ohnoki. Ohnoki was also very annoyed when he saw Deidara attack other shadow villages after joining the Akatsuki organization.

Humph, anyway, that guy is already a traitor, and his actions have nothing to do with the village. The powerful strength of Kazekage Gaara was fully revealed in this video.

Deidara could only throw some insignificant bombs, and could not cause effective damage to Gaara's absolute defense.

Even later, Deidara's arm was twisted off by Gaara.

At this time, Deidara's clay was almost used up. He wanted to end the battle, so he threw a C3 bomb towards the Sand Village.

The people of the Sand Village had already seen how powerful Deidara's bombs were. Now this huge bomb was thrown towards the slums.

Some people even saw themselves, or people they knew, their wives, lovers, children, or siblings.

They looked up in despair, and a bomb was about to explode above their heads.

Many people in the main god space saw the sand.���The villagers had already closed their eyes, unable to bear to watch.

After a loud bang, someone exclaimed,"Look, we are not dead, we are safe."

Gaara was seen wrapping the bomb with his own sand, but he was already out of breath and his chakra was over-consumed.

At this time, Deidara seized the opportunity, and a bomb flew towards Gaara, and Gaara used absolute defense to wrap himself.

However, a bunch of mini spider bombs crawled out from inside the absolute defense.

That was the moment when Deidara's arm was broken and buried. If it weren't for Gaara to save the Sand Village, he would not have such a good opportunity to use it.

So the bomb exploded inside the absolute defense, and Gaara was dying and completely lost his ability to fight..

Added by: sabmado

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