If Kakuzu goes alone, although he is very strong, Yukito in tailed beast transformation is also difficult to deal with.

Kakuzu inevitably fell into a deadly battle. In the original main storyline, Yukito was chased by two people. She pretended to escape and ran to the sewer. She set a detonating talisman at the entrance of the sewer, blocked the hole, and then sneered at Kakuzu's Hidan and entered the tailed beast transformation.

Now that Kakuzu is alone and it is an empty training ground, Yukito does not need to worry that her tailed beast transformation will be seen by civilians and cause panic.

Even if there is a bigger movement here, it can attract the help of Raikage and Killer Bee.

It can be said that Yukito is full of confidence in this home field and gives it a try.

On the contrary, Kakuzu wanted to end the battle quickly, but in the perfect tailed beast state, Kakuzu's attack could hardly hurt Yukito.

Kakuzu looked up at the sky and actually missed Hidan, the big B.

At this time, Hidan was shopping in Kumokage Village and didn't care about Kakuzu's battle at all.

Of course, if she saw a large number of ninjas moving around, she would rush over to help Kakuzu.

But now, Hidan just wants to recruit people to join the cult and believe in the evil god.

Hidan wrote the 320 evil god cult initiation ceremony in a not-so-good-looking font, and stopped passers-by on the street at random;"Brother, how about it, do you want to believe in the evil god and join my evil god cult."

This sect sounds very suspicious, and she herself said it was the evil god cult. If it is a cult, who would want to join it.

But after seeing the stunning face of the silver-haired queen Hidan, the boy was stunned. He blushed and pretended to be very interested in the evil god cult;"Oh, the evil god cult, I've heard of you for a long time, I've heard of you for a long time."

Hearing this, Hidan said in surprise;"Really?"

"Of course it's true, I've been interested in the evil cult for a long time."

In fact, according to Feiduan's previous means of recruiting, if the other party says they don't want to join or are not interested, they will be killed immediately after asking them if they want to join.

If the other party is confused, then Feiduan will explain carefully, because she really hopes that more people will join the evil cult.

At this time, Feiduan was ecstatic. To be honest, after joining the Akatsuki organization, she and Kakuzu worked together and accompanied him to earn bounties, and there were very few opportunities to recruit people to join the cult.

Now the first person she pulled in was actually (aica) who was interested in the evil cult, and she had heard of your name for a long time.

Feiduan was so happy, but before she could happily announce it, the other party had already joined the evil cult.

The young man's face suddenly turned black, and he hurriedly said;"Sorry, I'll join next time, I have something to do and I'm leaving first."

Because behind Feiduan appeared a black man with a slicked back hair, his name was Ai.

A big hand was placed on Feiduan's delicate shoulder;"Are you promoting a cult in my Cloud Village?"

Although the boy ran away, Fei Duan felt very sorry, but the next person asked, Fei Duan continued to show a (friendly) but actually crazy smile

"Yes, how about you join the evil god cult? This is a cult where you can kill people at will and will not be questioned. How about that, isn't it great?"

Upon hearing this, Ai's face suddenly became extremely gloomy;"Can I kill people at will?"

The royal sister Feiduan nodded repeatedly;"Yeah, how about that, great, isn't it."

Ai's face was so dark that even her eyes could not be seen;"Hey, you are not a murderer!"

Feiduan slapped his fist on his chest with a sincere face;"No, I'm just praying to the evil god."

Just after finishing speaking, Feiduan also found that the Raikage Ai did not seem to want to join the evil god cult.

And she had some complaints about her evil god cult.

So the smile that was just enthusiastically soliciting customers disappeared immediately, and raised the sickle to Ai;"It seems that I can only offer you to the evil god."

Ai stood there expressionlessly;"Oh, you can try!"


Feiduan raised his sickle, laughed crazily, and chopped towards the waist of the Raikage. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because the Raikage hung his arms, the sickle chopped his hands, making a sound like steel colliding.

Feiduan was stunned;"What the hell!"

She couldn't even break the defense. This was the first time she had seen such a person in her life.

The next moment, the Raikage roared and chopped towards Feiduan's white neck with a knife. She was obviously a great beauty, but unfortunately she was a madman.

In an instant, the bones were broken, Feiduan was whipped away, and smashed into a house[]

The owner of the house was cooking, staring blankly at Raikage Ai.

A drop of cold sweat fell on the forehead of Raikage;"Sorry, come here, give him money to repair the house."

This is the consequence of fighting in the village. If the fighting power is too strong, even if you win, it is easy to lose money if the building is destroyed.

Hidan, who has an immortal body, fainted directly after being hit by Raikage's knife on the neck and chin.

This may be the hardest iron plate that Hidan has kicked. The guard next to Raikage said in disbelief;"Lord Raikage, you are too heavy, she may not survive."

Ai took a breath of cold air, but still waved her hand;"Well, anyway, she is not from my Cloud Village, so she dies."

Then the two Cloud Village ninjas took Hidan to the wild, dug a pit, and buried her.

Fortunately, it was not cremation, otherwise Hidan would really be gone.

At this time, the wooden man was in a difficult battle. Even if she was in the state of tailed beast, she could not take down the masked man.

Although he had done his best to inflict a fatal injury on him, he got up from the ground again.

At the same time, a mask was broken and fell to the ground. From this, the two Yukitos could judge that this guy might have more than one life.

Although Yukito always likes to say that cats have nine lives, if she is hit by a fatal attack, she will really be gone.

At this time, Yukito really felt that there was no way to save the situation. The most uncomfortable thing was that her training ground was far away from the Hidden Cloud Village, in a remote location in the Hidden Cloud Village.

The reason is that the people of the Hidden Cloud Village are more afraid of the tailed beast in her body. Although they don't say it, they still feel uneasy in their hearts.

Yukito is also a gentle little sister. She will deliberately live alone away from the crowd to avoid the fear of ordinary people.

But despite the fear, the Hidden Cloud Village actually respects Yukito very much. Her bravery, beauty, and strength have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If she has an accident, everyone in the Hidden Cloud Village will be worried and angry, and are willing to support and help her..

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