A breeze blew by, blowing away half of Sasuke's hair, revealing a pair of extremely dangerous six-magatama eyes.

The two Yukitos were so frightened that they forgot how to breathe."That... that's the same eyes as the Six Paths Sage." It even looked more powerful than the Six Paths Sage's eyes.

The Seventh Hokage laughed dryly,"Hey, Sasuke, please give me some face. Although I don't spend much time with Yukito, he is still my fellow Jinchūriki after all."

"So please don't use violence, it's too hurtful, and if you use violence against Yukito, you will have no choice but to use violence when you meet Killer Bee."

Sasuke said lightly;"If it will embarrass you, just get out of the way, I'll do it."

The conversation between the two was as if they could take the tailed beast from her body as easily as taking something out of a bag if they took action.

But now she can no longer decide her own fate, her fate is in the hands of the two men in front of her, life and death.

Yukito gritted his teeth in shame. Although Kakuzu was also very troublesome and strong, Yukito at least had the confidence to run away.

But facing these two men, Yukito was not sure.

In any case, sitting and waiting to die was not her style, so let's run.

When the idea of escaping came into her mind, Yukito did not hesitate, and her petite body ran out like an arrow from a string.

She looked back quietly, both Sasuke and the Seventh Hokage were arguing about whether to use violence.

Seeing this, Yukito's mouth curled up;"Huh, are these two idiots?"

So she"940" accelerated towards the direction of the Hidden Cloud Village. Before her smile could fully bloom, Sasuke's Heaven's Hand Force was activated.

After being forcibly replaced by the Heaven's Hand Force, Yukito appeared in front of the Seventh Hokage.

But because she was running wildly before, she fell to the ground due to inertia at this time, and there was no time to brake. She knelt in front of the Seventh Hokage in a panic.

Like a kitten, she raised her head slightly at this time, and the Seventh Hokage was looking at her with embarrassment.

The next moment, the two Yukitos' faces turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She gritted her silver teeth and stared at the Seventh Hokage with shame and anger;"A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated.

" The Seventh Hokage waved his hands repeatedly,"Don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything, and don't be afraid, we won't hurt you.

" The next moment a shuriken cut Yukito's arm, and Sasuke came to his side and said lightly;"You'd better not run around, otherwise my shuriken will not be as simple as scratching the skin.


The Seventh Hokage roared;"Sasuke, what are you doing? I just told you that I wouldn't hurt her, and you slipped and broke her skin?"

Sasuke said expressionlessly;"What does it matter? She is the Jinchūriki, and her broken bones can be repaired."

The two Yukitos were confused [So my broken bones can be repaired?】

【But how come I don't know it myself! 】

During the battle between Naruto and Pein, his palm was pierced by his black stick, and there is no doubt that the bones in his palm must have been comminuted fractures.

But then his palm was perfectly repaired, so Sasuke judged that if Yukito's bones were broken, they should also be able to be repaired.

Seeing the seventh generation standing there without saying a word, Sasuke said again;"How about, do you want to try it? I'll break her bones and see how long it will take for her to recover."

Yukito's face turned pale when he heard this. Even if she was brought back by unknown means during her escape this time, she still wanted to run.

What a joke, if she doesn't run, she will be killed by these two perverts today.

What kind of bones can be restored after being broken? Use your own body to test this strange thing!

Yukito entered the tailed beast form again without hesitation, and jumped several kilometers at a faster speed than before.

In an instant, he opened up the distance with Sasuke and the others. At this speed, you must not be able to catch up anyway.

At the speed of Nekomata, it is impossible for a normal ninja to catch up anyway.

If they were strong enough, they could still barely follow behind and launch some long-range attacks.

Kakuzu was like this, he could only barely follow behind and attack her with his outstretched arms.

Or he could use a tentacle monster with a mask on its face to ambush in front.

However, the next moment, Yukito was pulled back by the power of the heavens again. This time, the speed of the rush was too fast, and it was not as simple as just kneeling down.

Yukito in the form of Nekomata rushed directly towards the Seventh Hokage, and the Seventh Hokage's reaction was also extremely fast, with countless nine-tailed tails extending from behind.

He tied up Yukito in the form of Nekomata and lifted him into the air;"Oh, don't run away, you can't be Sasuke's opponent, that guy is very strong."

The next moment, Sasuke used the ability of time and space to return to the Seventh Hokage. In front of the two big bastards, even Kaguya would have to fall.

What's more, these two big bastards are middle-aged ninjas in their prime, knowledgeable, and have dealt with countless battles.

The two Yukitos who were tied up turned back into human form, shedding a tear of humiliation.

Nekomata said helplessly,"Sister Yukito, I think you should just hand me over to them. It's only half of my chakra anyway. I can recover after a while of rest."

Hearing this, Yukito felt extremely guilty,"I'm sorry, Nekomata, I can't protect you."

"It's okay, they are too strong."

The two Yukitos shed a tear of humiliation;"Okay, I will hand over half of Nekomata's chakra, please keep your promise."

The Seventh Hokage laughed happily upon hearing this;"Thank you very much for your understanding, don't worry I won't hurt you."

Yukito said lightly;"It doesn't matter whether it hurts or not, I just ask you not to kill me."

The Seventh Hokage was speechless.

At this time Sasuke said;"Humph, then Rudo, as long as you want to do it, you can do it. Even I threaten her like this, I can't force her to submit, you are still more powerful." The

Seventh Hokage was even more speechless;"I obviously didn't do anything, she just fell towards me, and I tied her up to avoid injury."

However, being tied up in the air like this, unable to move, is what makes Yukito most desperate.

Moreover, every time she tries to escape, Sasuke uses his Heavenly Hand Power to change her position. When she gets in front of the Seventh Hokage, she already has a psychological shadow on the Seventh Hokage.

Then the Seventh Hokage puts Yukito down. At this time, Yukito doesn't dare to run. Although he doesn't know Sasuke's specific ability, he seems to be proficient in time and space ability.

It seems that no matter how far she runs, he can transfer herself to the original place. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yukito sighed and gave up struggling;"Come on, if you want to pull it out, pull it out, hurry up."

The Seventh Hokage scratched his head;"Sasuke, do you know how to peel off the tailed beast?"

Sasuke shook his head;"Our Konoha Village seems to have never studied how to extract the tailed beast."

Even after so many years, even if he became Hokage, Konoha Village has never studied how to extract the tailed beast.

Their village chief is the Jinchūriki, how could anyone dare to develop a way to extract the tailed beast?[]

The Seventh Hokage sighed,"Then there is no other way. Let's go find Nagato and ask him to extract the tailed beasts. Akatsuki is the best at this."

Sasuke nodded,"Okay, let's do it. But there is another Jinchūriki, Killer Bee, in the Hidden Cloud Village. Why don't we capture Killer Bee as well and take him away together?"

Looking at the pitiful and angry Two-Tails Jinchūriki, the Seventh Hokage sighed,"Well, we've already captured one person, and it's hard to explain clearly. Let's complete the Moon Eye Project and then make amends. I will treat all the Jinchūriki to ramen. Let me do it, at least it's better than Akatsuki."

If Akatsuki took action, they could easily injure civilians by mistake. Sasuke and the Seventh Hokage would not let the battle affect civilians, and they would be safer for the major ninja villages.

The Seventh Hokage laughed dryly at the Two-Tails Jinchuriki."Then will you please follow us for the time being?"

The two Yukitos were so ashamed and angry that they wanted to die."You kidnapped me and asked me to go with you. This is really too much."

Then they lowered their heads helplessly."Okay, I will follow you and promise not to disturb you."

The Seventh Hokage smiled."Thank you for your cooperation. Long live understanding!"

Yukito forced a very reluctant smile and nodded slightly.

Sasuke continued to threaten."If you dare to run, you know the consequences. I will make you unforgettable for the rest of your life.........."

Sasuke's personality was very extreme and eccentric, even more extreme than Uchiha Madara. He was almost the next Uchiha Madara. For example, when he wanted to kill Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi, he was serious and didn't even think of holding back.

���He was pulled back, and his personality became much better than usual after getting married and having children, but his decisive character never changed.

When it comes to the time to kill or take action, he will not be as fussy and hesitant as Naruto.

So when he said that he would make Yukito unforgettable for the rest of his life, he really meant it literally.

Upon hearing this, Yukito's eyes flickered, and cold sweat ran down her forehead. She understood the meaning of Sasuke's words.

Although both Sasuke and the Seventh Hokage are very strong, the Seventh Hokage's personality is obviously much gentler, like a fool. But this fool is followed by a cold-blooded Sasuke, and he is also very smart and powerful. Yukito is really a little scared.

For the time being, he gave up the idea of playing tricks. Then Sasuke took the lead and ran towards the direction of the Hidden Cloud Village, followed by the Seventh Hokage.

At the same time, he turned his head and said to Yukito,"You'd better come up here. We won't wait for you."

The two Yukitos were so angry that veins popped up on their foreheads. [Damn, this bastard kidnapped me and ran so fast. I have to do my best to keep up with them, otherwise the consequences will be serious. This is simply too much!]

Yukito's teeth were clattering, and she was grinding her teeth like a kitten.

At first, Yukito followed Sasuke in a serious manner, but then she let him go a little bit. Sasuke really didn't plan to wait for her as he said.

One was jogging, and the other was running fast. Naturally, the distance was getting farther and farther.

The Seventh Hokage noticed that Yukito didn't catch up, and he was a little speechless. [Idiot, you are marked by Sasuke's Samsara Eye. It's useless even if you run to the ends of the earth!]

Unless she hides in Obito's space, as long as she is still within the scope of this ninja world, no matter how far away, Sasuke's Sky Hand Force can exchange their positions.

Of course, the mark of the Samsara Eye is not countless. As long as Sasuke marks other objects many times, the mark on Yukito will be removed.

At this time, Yukito found that the two sides had really pulled a long distance apart, and she turned around without hesitation and rushed in the opposite direction.

She had already figured out Sasuke's ability. Isn't it just a change of position? She was mentally prepared and ran in the opposite direction of the Seventh Generation at the moment of changing positions.

As long as you avoid the Seventh Generation's chakra tail, you should be able to escape.

The two-tailed cat persuaded;"Forget it, Yukito, just follow 0.3 and let them take away half of my chakra. You can't escape. The two of them are obviously not serious."

Then the cat said in great fear;"Even, I vaguely sensed the breath of the Six Paths old man from the two of them. You can't escape from that kind of guy."

Yukito gritted his teeth;"Even if I can't escape, what should I do? Should I sit and wait for death?"

"What's more, these two guys are simply too much. They actually asked the hostage to follow them by himself. They didn't tie me up and let me move freely. They simply looked down on me. How could I listen to them obediently?"

Ten minutes later, Yukito ran far away with all his strength. Although he didn't know why, the guy with the six-magatama Samsara Eye didn't switch their positions.

But it's good this way. She should be considered to have escaped. That should be the case!

Thinking of this, Yukito can finally smile.

At this time, the Seventh Hokage and Sasuke had arrived at the Hidden Rain Village. Sasuke walked towards the direction of the bathhouse without hesitation.

The Seventh Hokage was confused and followed him;"Hey, Sasuke, what on earth do you want to do!"

Sasuke said coldly;"I said, I will make her unforgettable for a lifetime."

Hearing this, the Seventh Hokage turned pale;"No... No way, you... Do you really want to do this?"

The Seventh Generation had already guessed what Sasuke was going to do. He really thought he was going too far.

The next moment, Sasuke walked into the men's bathhouse without hesitation. There were many customers here.

Then the Heaven's Hand Force activated [Accept, social death, by the wooden man】

I'm a sabmado

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