On the ruins, Hinata looked at the battlefield worriedly, her eyes narrowed;"Naruto-kun."

Seeing this, Boruto, who was watching the video, shouted;"Ahhh, Mom, she won't, she won't want to go up to help"

"No, run away, you can’t go up there!"

"Dad will definitely not die, but Mom, you must not get beaten!"

Sunflower also looked at Hinata in the video with concern. She looked extremely worried and must want to go up to help.

But in front of such a powerful Pein, what can Hinata do even if she goes up?

The Land of Lightning, the Raikage, he has been grateful after watching the video so far, and he can't speak.

Because he remembered a guy who was more terrifying than the Pein in the picture.

Oh no, it should be two, one in black clothes and the other in yellow clothes, who just came to their Cloud Village and fought a big battle.

Killed Killer Bee and Raikage Ai in seconds.

The Raikage couldn't believe in reincarnation. The eye has the ability to destroy a village in an instant.

Fortunately, the guy who came to their Hidden Cloud Village did not use this ninjutsu in the Samsara Eye on them.

As if he suddenly knew that he was lucky enough to survive, looking at the miserable situation in Konoha, the Raikage was extremely grateful.

At the same time, Kushina and Namikaze Minato watched the video with a worried look on their faces.

Was the childhood memory just now the real life of Naruto after they died?

It turned out that the villagers of Konoha didn't like him.

Ordinary people of Konoha [finished, the Fourth Hokage found out】

【I saw myself in the picture just now. I am too ashamed to stay in Konoha any longer.】

【Ahhh, social death!

In the scene just now, the jonin who was protecting Hinata also turned pale;"I actually told Miss Hinata not to get close to Naruto, it's over, I can't stay in the Hyuga family anymore!"

【I will definitely be labeled a traitor and kicked out of the Hyuga family! 】

Because the Hyuga family already knows that the seventh Hokage is Naruto, and the seventh Hokage's wife is Hinata.

Next to him, the Hyuga family ninja patted his shoulder;"Don't worry, Master Hyuga Hiashi won't kick you out, but I want to beat you up."

In the picture, Pein said lightly;"Since you said my peace is fake"

"But in this cursed world"

"Nothing is more false than making people truly understand peace."

At this moment, Naruto once again remembered what Jiraiya said;"The time will eventually come when people truly understand each other."

"I firmly believe this."

Naruto said calmly;"The lecherous sage believes that the time when people can truly understand each other will eventually come. He is different from you."

Pein said calmly;"It's just a lip service."

"What can you say if you can't give an answer?"

"All you can do is hand over the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox."

"I told you, your death can bring peace"


"Hinata wants to be as strong as her father, as gentle as her mother, and become a great ninja."

In the memory, Hinata's family of four stood together.

Her mother held her younger sister Hanabi in her arms, standing with her father, and Hinata stood in the middle.

In childhood, Hinata was out of breath under her father's training.

The jonin Hyuuga comforted her,"The fact that Hiashi-sama is so strict shows that he has high expectations for Hinata-sama."

"One day, Hinata-sama will also come here to study."

"I'm fine."

"Yes, of course, come on."

Hinata looked back, and saw a blond boy on the swing, swinging alone.

She had seen this boy before.

When she was younger, this boy protected Hinata from a group of bad kids who laughed at her and said her eyes were disgusting.

As a result, he got beaten up, but walked away without a care afterwards.

Hinata wanted to get closer to him;"This kid is……"

The jonin said,"Lady Hinata, please don't get involved with that child."

"Why... why?"

The Jonin did not answer;"It's time to practice, let's go back."

So, Hinata was pulled away unwillingly. Kushina, who was watching the video, had her red hair standing up;"Asshole, what do you mean don't get involved with my child, that bastard Jonin from the Hyuga family."

Namikaze Minato pulled Kushina helplessly;"Don't... don't do this, this is the main god space, you can't mess around, you will be laughed at."

After recalling the past, Hinata looked at Naruto who was unable to move, and called softly;"Naruto!"

Then there was another memory;"Ah, this child, isn't he a child of the Hyuga family?"

Before graduating from the Ninja School and becoming a Jonin, Hinata was surrounded by three boys in the middle

"Yeah, these eyes"

"She must be that Neji's cousin."

"This guy must have a bad personality, because he was born into a famous family and has great talent."

""Pretend to be very impressive."

Hinata lowered her head weakly;"I... I didn't do that."

Hearing this, Neji's forehead was bulging with anger. He never thought that there would be such a thing when he was a child. Because of him, Hinata was bullied.

Hinata wanted to escape, but was grabbed by the hair and pulled back.

"It's really bad that you ran away without even apologizing."

Then, the boy held Hinata's head and forced her to kneel on the ground;"Apologize quickly"



Hinata said weakly;"I'm sorry……"

"The voice is too soft, you should apologize more properly."

Another boy pushed Hinata's head hard;"Apologize to me!"

Hinata's eyes were full of tears;"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Apparently Hinata was a���She was timid, but now, watching Naruto being beaten by Pein, Hinata's eyes were very firm.

When she protects others, she will become very strong.

However, the scene just now has touched the pain points of many people.

In the main god space, Naruto was furious.

The seventh generation, with a gloomy look, thought that he had successfully rescued Hinata every time she was in danger when she was a child. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But I really didn't expect that there would be such a scene. Because of Neji's arrogance, his sister Hinata was forced to apologize for him. Sasuke, who had the Rinnegan, also had a murderous look in his eyes. That was his best friend's wife, and she was humiliated like this.

There was no need to explain Neci anymore. His face was full of blue veins, and he was about to go crazy with anger. The gentle Neci was like a mad dog at this time. The main god space was over, and he wanted to find these three guys and tear them into pieces. He really wanted to kill them.

Uzumaki Boruto was so angry that his pure eye burst out.[]

Sunflower, angrily opened her white eyes and entered the black state.

Yuhi Kurenai, her pretty face was gloomy, and Ya and Shino, the veins on their foreheads bulged.

Asuma, who did not die in this timeline, was also furious. This was his wife's student.

It seemed that the whole Konoha was angry, and the people of the Hyuga family were especially angry.

However, compared with what Pein did to Hinata, being forced to apologize was nothing. Pein almost killed Hinata.

At this time, Pein took out two more black sticks and stabbed Naruto's legs, making him completely unable to move.

A total of seven black sticks completely pinned Naruto to the ground.

He only needed the Nine-Tails Chakra. It didn't matter to him whether Naruto was still healthy or not.

Pein said lightly;"I avoided your vital points and made the wounds very shallow, so you can't move at will."

Shima's grandmother, whose husband had just died, shouted;"Come on, kid, no matter what this guy says, you can't believe it easily. You are the son of prophecy and the savior of this world."

"Jiraiya, the brat, and the child's father both believed it and risked their lives for it."

"So, I will never allow you to lose. If you die here, I will never forgive you."

Pain slapped him with a shock wave, which was another way to use Shinra Tensei to attack someone at a single point.

"What a noisy frog, okay, it's almost time to take you away."

At this time, the scene stopped abruptly, and the Lord God said calmly;"Then, please answer the question, besides Naruto, who else stood up and successfully protected Konoha? The mission reward is any wish."

After hearing this, the whole ninja world went crazy. How long has it been since there was a reward for any wish?........

But this is too hard to guess. Naruto is already the strongest fighting force in Konoha. Jiraiya is dead, Kakashi is dead, and the major jonins are useless.

Only Naruto, the genin, is still struggling.

Who is it? After standing up, the battle will be won. There can't be such a powerful person.

Sakura thought of that person. It should be... It can't be Sasuke. Sasuke is back.

Sasuke said lightly;"Impossible, if nothing unexpected happens, I should go to Uchiha Itachi for revenge. I don't care about the village."

This question is too difficult to answer, and almost no one knows the answer.

In fact, some people speculated whether it would be Hinata, because in the video just now, Hinata was given a shot when she was a child, suggesting that Hinata might stand up.

In fact, Hinata herself doesn't know the answer, but she looks at Naruto, and she feels the same as Hinata in the video.

What she wants to do most now is to stand up and help Naruto, and she wants herself in the video to go up and save Naruto.

Therefore, she would definitely stand up, so she said weakly;"If it's just about standing up, then I, Hyuga Hinata, will definitely stand up."

The Lord God said lightly;"The answer is correct."

Everyone was shocked that the answer was correct, but now they should think about what wish to make in order to end the rebellion in the ninja world.

They will definitely make a good wish this time to maximize the reward for the wish. But the Lord God said;"Then, let's start revealing the answer now."

In the video, Pain's palm is facing Naruto, his pupils dilated, as if he is going to use something on him.

Naruto widened his eyes, he felt unwilling.

At this moment, footsteps were heard, Hinata jumped high, and forced Pain back with a palm.

Pain jumped away and looked at her, very curious about what this overconfident woman wanted to do.

The Hyuga family's senior ninja said in horror;"Lady Hinata"

"That's too much. You used these iron rods to block Naruto's movements."

Hinata said firmly,"I won't let you attack Naruto again."

"Is it reinforcements?"

Naruto looked at Hinata in disbelief;"Why did you come out?"

"Run away, you can't beat that guy at all."

Boruto, who was watching the video in the main god space, scratched his head;"Ahhh, my mother, she really went up, what should I do, what should I do!"

Hinata said;"This is my own decision."

Naruto said angrily;"What are you talking about, how can you run to such a dangerous place"

"I came here of my own volition."

In my mind, the scene of Hinata trying to get close to Naruto but being pulled away by the Hyuga ninja flashed back to 5.1 hours ago.

"This time, I want to help Naruto"

"I just cried and gave up from the beginning. I almost went astray several times."

"I am like this, it was Naruto who brought me back to the right path."

"I always chase after Naruto, want to catch up with Naruto, always want to walk side by side with Naruto"

"I always want to stay with Naruto. It was Naruto who changed me and it was Naruto's smile that saved me."

"So, if it is to protect Naruto, I will not even fear death."

Hearing this, Naruto widened his eyes in disbelief.

Hinata smiled at this time;"Because I... love Naruto the most."

Then Hinata took a stance and protected Naruto.

Boruto was almost moved to tears;"Wow, this... this is the love of my parents, so... so romantic���, but mom begs you to run away quickly."

A black stick always falls out of Pein's sleeve as a weapon, and he will not show mercy. Hinata's Byakugan slowly opened, but her eyes were always aimed at Naruto, or to be more precise, the black stick on Naruto.

The next moment, Hinata didn't rush towards Pein at all, but kicked back and broke the black stick on Naruto. Another kick tried to break more, but was bounced off by Shinra Tensei.

She fell several times, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Hinata wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, stood up again, and rushed towards Naruto.

Pein said nothing, looking expressionless.

When he was about to get close to Naruto, another Shinra Tensei bounced him away..

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