Jiraiya said to Nagato alone: "When you are hurt, you will remember the hatred."

"If you hurt others, you will be resented and blamed for your guilt."

Nagato recalled the past and said calmly,"But it is precisely because we know this kind of pain that we can treat others gently. It is because we know pain that we can grow."

"So-called growth means being able to think about what to do, knowing the pain, thinking, and how to come up with the answer."

"It was as if Jiraiya-sensei was speaking to himself."

"The teacher didn't find the answer either, just like you now"

"I found the answer very quickly at that time. There were only two people I wanted to protect, no matter how painful it was."

"What has the teacher been thinking about?"

"This world is full of wars and hatred. Teacher, I want to change this situation."

"What is the so-called peace? I also want to find the answer."

It was another rainy night. Jiraiya told Nagato the origin of the Samsara Eye and the story of the Six Paths Sage, and then left.

With Yahiko as their leader, they began to act.

"The organization soon became very famous, and our idea of building peace without relying on force was unanimously agreed upon by everyone."

Later, Hanzo's conspiracy came to them.

Everyone already knows the rest of the story. Nagato's second pain was the death of Yahiko.

After listening to Nagato's experience, Naruto still gritted his teeth;"I already understand your pain, even so, I really can't forgive you."

"I really hate you guys after all."

Nagato said calmly;"Then let's end it now."

"However, the lecherous immortal believed in me and entrusted everything to me."

"Then I will try to believe what the lecherous immortal once believed."

"This is my answer"

"I won't kill you."

Chang 19 repeated;"Do you believe in what Jiraiya-sensei has to say?"

"So that's your answer?"

"So let us, believe that you can bring peace to the world, so have we been waiting?"

"Stop joking. Can you still believe what Jiraiya said at this point?"

"True peace does not exist as long as we live in this cursed world."

The last sentence, Nagato said in a roaring voice;"Peace is impossible to exist."

Naruto lowered his head and thought;"Even so, I just want to break this curse"

"If there is peace, I will hold on to it."

"I won't give up"

"You, that's……"

Konan broke out in a cold sweat as he looked at Nagato's surprised expression."What's wrong, Nagato?"

Naruto said calmly."Yes, these are all lines from this book."

Naruto took out a book."This is the first book written by the lecherous sage."

"The lecherous immortal really wants to change the world with this novel"

"At the end of the book, he wrote about the story of the disciple who inspired him to write this book."

"That's your name, Nagato."

Nagato's eyes widened;"How could it be……"

One day, it was raining outside, and Jiraiya was eating noodles in the house.

Nagato said,"Are you free, Jiraiya-sensei? I have something to tell you.""

"What's up!"

"Regarding what the teacher said before about the hatred in this world, I also thought about it myself."

Jiraiya almost said,"Oh, have you thought of a good idea?"

"I don't know the way to peace yet, but one day I will break this curse."

Nagato looked back at Jiraiya confidently;"If there is peace, I will hold on to it tightly."

Jiraiya looked at Nagato with a gratified expression.

"What is more important than the method is the power of conviction."

Jiraiya agreed;"Really?"

"That's a great idea, it could be true."

"Thanks to you, I remembered a book. In this case, I need to confirm the name of the protagonist first."

As for the name of the protagonist, Jiraiya looked at the famous volume in the ramen bowl and had the answer in his mind.

It was another rainy night. Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, and Jiraiya were conducting the final training.

After the training, he naturally looked at his three disciples with satisfaction;"Then it's time for me to go too."

"It's up to you guys from now on."

"You are all outstanding. Oh, don't cry, Yahiko will also be regarded as a coward."

Konan's eyes were also shining with tears, and Jiraiya teased;"Konan, you will become a beautiful woman"

"See you when you grow up."

"This country is very poor, and there will be a lot of pain later."

"However, this time, it is up to you to change this country."

Jiraiya turned his back to the three people;"Nagato, you have grown up, right."

Nagato whispered;"Thank you, teacher."

Jiraiya always seemed to like to give Nagato special treatment, and would always enlighten Nagato alone.

Jiraiya once said to him;"You may be the reincarnation of an immortal"

"I feel that the immortal places his hopes in your eyes"

"I was once inspired by an ancestor."

"My apprentice will bring great changes to the ninja world"

"I am the one who brings about change, and I believe that person is you"

"At the same time, I also believe that you will become the savior of the world"

"If it's you, it's really possible."

At this time, Nagato's face was moved, his eyes flickered, and he recalled the past with Jiraiya, and scenes emerged in his mind.

The celebrity picked up the novel written by Jiraiya and said to Nagato lightly;"And the name of the protagonist of the novel is, Naruto."

Naruto, pointing to his chest, said with a proud face

"So my name is a precious relic left to me by the lecherous immortal."

"So I absolutely cannot give up, as that would harm the master's relics."

"I will become the Hokage, and then bring peace to the Fish Shadow Village."

Nagato asked;"Why, why can you assert that you will not change?"

"No matter how much pain you suffer in the future, you will not change"

"You can do this���Do you firmly believe it?"

"Can you really assert that?"

"Naruto touched his belly and said,"The greatest pain is brewing in my body." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I don't know what kind of pain will come to me next."

"However, if I don't believe in myself because of this, if the protagonist is changed, it will become a different story, and the things left by the master will become another book, and it will not be Naruto."

"I can't write a book like my master."

"So, the sequel is my way of survival"

"No matter how painful it is, I will keep going."[]

Naruto shouted loudly;"This is the only way to be Naruto."

Nagato suddenly widened his eyes;"If the protagonist is changed, it will become a different story"

"I am your senior brother. We are from the same school and we are both disciples of the same master."

"I said before that we should understand each other"

"Although it was just a joke"

"But you're an incredible guy."

"It reminds me of my old self."

A drop of sweat appeared on Konan's cheek, and he called softly,"Nagato?"

"I can't trust Jiraiya, no, I can't trust myself either"

"But I have a feeling"

"The path you take will lead to a different future"

"I will believe you, Uzumaki Naruto"


The ideological dispute between the two brothers ended here.

The ninjas in the main god space had a great time watching.

To be honest, Nagato's question was too difficult to answer, just like a philosophical master who saw through the essence of the world.

However, Naruto used his innocent heart to awaken Nagato's past memories and reminded him of his youth. When he was young

, he was actually similar to Naruto, and had similar ideals and persistence.

It's just that he was defeated in the face of reality and pain. He suffered too many separations and deaths, and the people he cared about died one by one, leaving only Konan.

Kakashi in the main god space sighed;"Is he Naruto's senior brother? His questions are so tricky. I can't answer them at all."

Tsunade also looked at a loss and said nothing, if she hadn't known Nagato's past now.

If she had encountered Pein for the first time without knowing it, her performance would definitely be exactly the same as Tsunade, the fifth generation Hokage in the picture.

Namikaze Minato also stared at Nagato blankly, so, is he his senior brother or junior brother?

Jiraiya's expression was the most complicated. They were indeed Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan. It was a pity that they had gone astray.

Yahiko, who had been resurrected by the Akatsuki organization, stared blankly at Nagato's strength, his skinny body, and the act of destroying his teacher's village from beginning to end. He kept cursing and never stopped talking.

If fighting was not prohibited in the main god space, Yahiko would have punched him long ago.

At present, Yahiko is separated from Pain, and Nagato has no plan to let Yahiko join Akatsuki.

But���There is no way. Even if the main god space is there, as long as you pay attention, you can still find Nagato and the others.

At this time, Nagato pulled his hand out of the huge mechanical device. Naruto did not stop him, and he didn't know what Nagato was going to do.

Konan stared at Nagato in disbelief.

At this time, Nagato had already completed the seal;"Outer Dao, Samsara Natural Technique"

""Nagato, what are you doing!"

Nagato said calmly;"Konan, that's enough, I have a new choice"

"A choice I once gave up."

Naruto exclaimed;"What, what is that?"

Konan looked at Naruto calmly;"People who possess the Samsara Eye not only have the ability to fully control the six Pains, but also can escape from the world of reincarnation."

""Nagato's pupil power is the art of controlling life and death, equivalent to the seventh Pain."

Nagato exclaimed, thinking that he had won, but he didn't expect that Nagato still had a trump card.

But now, Nagato seemed to want to help him and no longer be his enemy.

Nagato has been accumulating strength. It is not easy for him to release this ninjutsu. His hands have been shaking and cold sweat is pouring down his forehead.

Nagato's chakra has been over-consumed. If he uses the current amount of chakra to release this ninjutsu, then Nagato will definitely die.

Then Konan looked at Naruto again;"Nagato is willing to do this to help this child."

Looking at Naruto with a serious face, Konan's heart was full of disbelief;"He changed Nagato's mind, what an incredible child."

Then in the center of the Konoha area, a summoned creature from the underworld with the word"king" written on its forehead appeared.

The next moment, countless souls shot towards the Konoha area, and the sky above Konoha was covered by a circle of green, representing the recovery of chakra.

"Seems to be over"

"What was the result?"

The Toad Sage said,"Just as predicted, I didn't expect Jiraiya and the other two, the two children of prophecy, to have intertwined destinies."

"Became the leader, the one who changed and developed the ninja world"

"At that time, Jiraiya chose not to give up"

"Maybe this matter is destined to happen."

The Toad Immortal sighed;"I didn't expect that the brat would really become the son of prophecy who guides the world one day."


In a world full of dead people, Kakashi and Hatake Sakumo sat in front of a bonfire.

Both of them were a little embarrassed;"But, I didn't expect that you and I would meet so soon, and we both died so early."

"Although not as short-lived as your mother,"

Kakashi remained silent for a long time before he said,"Dad, I have always wanted to tell you something."

"Why would a hero like you, who is known as the White Fang of Konoha, disobey the important rules of the village and choose to interrupt the mission in order to save the lives of your companions?"

"If it weren't for that, Dad wouldn't be blamed by anyone."

"This way I wouldn't have to push myself into a desperate situation. At that time, I was really unwilling to do so."

"Really? You seem to be very unhappy."

"But, no matter what, Dad has tried his best."

"I think I can understand Dad. I am proud of you for breaking the rules for everyone."

Then Nagato released the reincarnation technique and began to integrate into the bodies of the people who had sacrificed in Konoha. Then all the dead people sat up.

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