Jiraiya is always so lustful, but when she is drunk, he never takes advantage of others, and always acts seriously in places where he shouldn't.

If there is any possibility between Tsunade and Jiraiya, it is probably only after drinking and being confused, using alcohol to give courage.

Well, actually, just now, if Jiraiya really did something to her, Tsunade would wake up immediately.

And she would definitely push Jiraiya away, because she is thin-skinned.

Although Tsunade looks heroic at ordinary times, in terms of emotional matters, Tsunade is already a virgin in her fifties.

Kato Dan is just her former boyfriend, not her fiancé. With Tsunade's personality, nothing will happen before marriage.

Sighing, Tsunade fell asleep in a daze.

The main god space of the night descended, and even Tsunade, who was sleeping soundly in a drunken state, recovered her mental state.

Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato and others stood beside her. Is the new question-and-answer game about to begin?

This time, there was not much free time for everyone to move around. The Lord God appeared in a straightforward manner."Everyone in the Ninja World, there is no quiz game today. Instead, we will have an inventory of the Ninja World."

"A review of Konoha Village, the fifth Hokage, Tsunade, the fat sheep who always loses in gambling, bets on the life and death of her beloved, and finally wins the bet"

"If the selected ninjas like each other, they will be given a reward that can warm up their relationship."

"If the two sides are opponents, power will be granted to both sides, and rewards will be issued according to the differences between the parties involved."

Hearing this, the whole ninja world became excited. To be honest, although the rewards for the quiz game are generous, there are too few people who can really participate in the quiz game. It is very interesting to count the ninja world this time. There is no need to be afraid of being killed for answering the wrong questions.

Every time the party answers the questions, it must be 100% correct. This game is too unfair.

The participation of the party is simply cheating. If others participate, the price may be their own life.

However, the person counted by the Lord God turned out to be Tsunade, the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha.

And it is related to gambling. This kind of small gossip between big countries, to be honest, they are quite interested.

Only Tsunade herself is very dissatisfied with the title of big fat sheep.

With his violent temper, if it were someone else, he would have beaten him up long ago.

But who made this person the Lord God?

Jiraiya comforted;"Okay 640, okay, don't worry about this, let's watch the video."

However, Gosho became worried, because he knew his strange luck in gambling.

If he gambled, he would definitely lose every time. If he won occasionally, it must be that something big was going to happen.

No matter what, the life and death of her beloved, her ex-boyfriend Kato Dan had died a long time ago.

And he had never predicted his life or death.

Before he could continue to struggle, the video began to play.

There was a knock on the door of the Hokage's office;"Tsunade, I'm coming in."

I didn't expect that the first scene played was Jiraiya going to see Tsunade.

So, could the beloved person that the host mentioned be Jiraiya?

However, there is indeed such a possibility. Tsunade and Jiraiya are both disciples of the third generation, and both belong to one of the three ninjas. Even if they have a crush on each other and like each other, it seems quite normal.

But only the Konoha ninjas know that the two of them are not lovers or couples.

However, if these two people can get together and like each other, they will get the blessings of all the villagers of Konoha.

Tsunade is the current 5th generation Hokage, and Jiraiya is in Konoha Village. In everyone's mind, he is the strongest ninja of Konoha, but now there is another Naruto.

And this Naruto seems to have surpassed his master. Even so, Jiraiya is still the master of Konoha's strongest ninja. Watching Jiraiya walk into the office, Tsunade asked;"Jiraiya, what do you know?"

Jiraiya looked serious;"I found the hiding place of the Akatsuki organization."

As soon as these words came out, people in the entire ninja world understood that it should have happened before Konoha was destroyed by Pein.

Even based on the information known now, it is easy to judge that Jiraiya should also be sacrificed.

Because Jiraiya is already dead, he naturally did not appear when Naruto fought Pein.

In fact, if you look closely at the original video, you can easily find out the fact that Jiraiya is dead from the dialogue between the characters.

And now how did Jiraiya die? Jiraiya of their Konoha Village, even if he died, he must have died in a splendid way. How could he die in mediocrity? The answer is finally revealed by the Lord God.

When Tsunade knew that Jiraiya had discovered the information about the Akatsuki organization, she stood up excitedly;"What, really? Tell me in detail quickly."

Shizune said;"Based on this situation, immediately formulate a surprise attack and combat plan."

Naturally, he was also leisurely;"Well, well, don't worry."

Tsunade said with a ferocious expression;"This is not a sequel to your novel, how can you not be anxious"

"It's not good to be so anxious."

"Especially when the stakes are high."

Jiraiya then said with an expectant expression,"How about we go out for a drink, the two of us?"

"Hehe, I haven't been there for a long time."

Tsunade's forehead was bulging with anger and she cursed;"Idiot, I'm the Hokage, how can I drink in broad daylight?"

"Don't you feel sorry for those ninjas on the mission?"

Tsunade seemed angry and sternly rejected Jiraiya.

However, he appeared in the izakaya the next moment. After just a few sips, his face flushed and he fell into a state of drunkenness.

Tsunade liked this feeling of ecstasy and was intoxicated by it.

Even the Konoha ninjas were dumbfounded. Tsunade said she was sorry to the ninjas on the mission the last moment, but she appeared in the izakaya the next moment.

After taking a sip of wine, he slammed the bottle on the table and sighed with satisfaction;"Ah~~"

Jiraiya was even more speechless."Hey, at least take some responsibility for what you said, and you've already finished the bottle. You're the Hokage."

He was so serious in the Hokage's office, but the next moment he started drinking.

But it didn't matter, anyway, the purpose of asking Tsunade out was not for this, it was just to drink.

The two of them drank and talked, Tsunade put down the empty glass and asked;"So the leader of Akatsuki is from the Hidden Rain Village?"


Reporter Tsunade said,"But the strict inspection of entry and exit, as well as the monitoring of the stay period are very strict."

"Even the procedures for holding the joint Chunin exams are always difficult to handle. It's a very closed village."

"It shouldn't be a place where the leader of Akatsuki can move freely." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jiraiya said;"But it is precisely because it is a very closed village"

"This also prevented other countries from knowing the inside story, and carried out a thorough blockade management to completely hide the shame."

Tsunade looked strange;"What does shame mean?"

"It seems that there was a civil war in that country a long time ago, and the village was divided into two"

"The leader of one of the factions is rumored to be the leader of Akatsuki"[]

Gangshou fell into deep thought;"That country is surrounded by the three major countries of earth, wind and fire."

"Since ancient times, it has been a battlefield between the three kingdoms, playing a buffering role in the battlefields of the great powers."

"(acaj) Due to the unstable policies, the number of refugees has been increasing."

Jiraiya decided,"In any case, in order to confirm whether the information is true, I will first infiltrate and investigate the combat plan."

Tsunade shouted,"No, it's too dangerous."

Jiraiya said calmly with a blank expression,"I am one of the three ninjas, you should also know the meaning of this."

Tsunade turned her head away,"I'm sorry, I always let you play the role of being at a disadvantage."

Jiraiya laughed,"What's wrong with you suddenly?"

Tsunade felt a little guilty,"You are the one who should have become the Hokage."

"Even our teacher, the Third Hokage, thinks that you should be the next Hokage." Jiraiya said nonchalantly,"I am not suitable to be a Hokage, I prefer the feeling of freedom."

Tsunade told the truth,"You regret not stopping Orochimaru, so you have been investigating his every move." Jiraiya

, expressionless, fell into deep thought,"This, ah, is no longer necessary."

Since they were young, they have always wanted to bring Orochimaru back to the village. Now they are all in their 50s and have really given up.

"Only with me like this, I can get an interview for the sequel of the novel as soon as possible."

Tsunade raised her glass;"Reality is even stranger than fiction."

"I didn't expect that���The guy is dead."

The two of them fell into reminiscence;"In the past, the three of us had always followed the third generation old man……"

But before he could say anything, Jiraiya started teasing Tsunade with a frivolous look on his face."I didn't expect that Tsunade, who used to have flat chest, has become a busty Hokage now.""

"Times are constantly changing. You, who were once beautiful, are now an old woman over 50 years old."

"I think you have so many thoughts about the dead in your heart, which is really helpless. However, this thought will become even more in the future."

Tsunade did not get angry because of Jiraiya's teasing, but looked at Jiraiya blankly with a red face.

The blush was not because she was teased by Jiraiya, but because of the blush after being drunk.

Every time Tsunade was slightly drunk, she had a faint blush on her face, which was the most beautiful. Jiraiya also loved to see Tsunade who was slightly drunk.

Jiraiya said again;"But if you think about it calmly, you will find that it is not the same. My mission is to set an example for the next generation and help them."

Jiraiya thought of the third generation Hokage;"For their smiling faces, I will bet my life. This is probably the handsomeness of the elderly."

The next moment, I don’t know how long the two had been drinking, and the fifth generation Hokage with twin ponytails knelt in the alley and vomited continuously.

Jiraiya gently patted Tsunade’s back;"Your drinking is worse than mine. Do you want to find a place to rest!"

At dusk, Tsunade finally returned to normal, her face slightly flushed, and she sat on a bench with Jiraiya;"Akatsuki, it is impossible to guess how powerful the person who can lead those guys is!"

"Moreover, you ran right in front of the enemy, as if you were going to die."

Tsunade's words were recognized by everyone in the main god space, and they were even full of worry.

Because they already knew that the leader of the Akatsuki organization was Nagato and Pein who was standing in the foreground.

Their strength no longer needed any proof, he himself proved himself by destroying Konoha.

It took Naruto a lot of effort to defeat Pein, and even after releasing the Nine-Tails, he was not Pein's opponent. He was suppressed by Pein and sealed with the Chibaku Tensei.

Of course, if the Nine-Tails came out in its complete form, Pein would be miserable.

It was thought that the two would chat for a while, but Jiraiya stood up and said;"Then... it's about time to set off."

Tsunade said softly;"Come back alive."

Hearing the abnormality in Tsunade's tone, Jiraiya turned his head and looked at Tsunade blankly.

"If you die too, I……"

Hearing this, Jiraiya laughed slyly,"Will you cry for me?"

"Then I am very happy"

"But I guess I won't be as sad as I was at that time."

Tsunade said angrily;"Idiot!"

Jiraiya said;"Then, let's play your favorite game."

Tsunade raised her head and looked at Jiraiya in surprise.

"You bet that I will die. You always lose anyway. But when I come back alive,……"

At this moment, Jiraiya looked at Tsunade with deep affection.

Tsunade's eyes flickered, her mouth slightly opened, and her face was flushed, whether it was because of drunkenness or shyness.

Neither of them spoke, Tsunade just looked at Jiraiya quietly, as if waiting for something...

However, Jiraiya laughed loudly, perhaps he had a premonition that he would probably die, and didn't want to make Tsunade more sad.

"Just kidding. Just kidding."

"I am very grateful to you. Men become strong after being dumped. In other words, if a man does not have the magnanimity to laugh it off, he will not be a man. He should be able to use these things as inspiration."

Tsunade's words are meaningful;"Do men have to be strong?" Jiraiya smiled;"Almost, and happiness should not be the pursuit of men.".

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