Tsunade pretended to be furious,"Hey, Jiraiya, why are you in my room?"

Jiraiya was embarrassed and was about to explain.

But Tsunade said,"Don't say anything yet, wait until you put on the badge."

The badge given by the Lord God was also brought into reality, and Jiraiya no longer hesitated to put it on.

After wearing the badge, there is basically no room for lying to the loved one.

After putting it on, Jiraiya said,"It's like this, after you got drunk, I drank alone, and after getting drunk, I crawled into your bed in a daze."

"But I didn't do anything, you have to believe me!"

Then Jiraiya grinned foolishly and hugged Tsunade in his arms without hesitation;"Besides, even if I really did something, what does it matter? We are already a couple recognized by the Lord God."

Tsunade didn't expect Jiraiya to be so bold, and soon blushed.

The role of the badge is to express your care to the loved one, act for love, speak freely, and no longer have worries.

But in fact, even if you don't wear a badge, the role has been reflected.

Tsunade, who didn't wear a badge, couldn't push away Jiraiya's arms anyway, and she chose to accept it.

Jiraiya smiled happily;"You look so beautiful when you blush." Tsunade was furious and pushed Jiraiya away;"Idiot, I'm the Hokage, show me some respect."

At this moment, coming to reality, the two of them actually felt a little unreal.

Although they had understood each other's intentions in the main god space, the experience became different after coming to reality.

Although the main god space has nothing to do with reality, the pure white color around it can make people clearly distinguish the difference between reality and space.

In reality, the two of them can talk and chat so intimately, the feeling is really wonderful, anyway, it's great.

Then Jiraiya became serious;"Tsunade, there is something I have always wanted to ask you."

Tsunade was stunned, probably knowing what Jiraiya wanted to ask;"You ask."

Jiraiya said sadly;"If it weren't for the Lord God, you would never agree to me in this life."

Tsunade turned her head away in self-blame;"Well, probably"

"So, why is this? I know you are thin-skinned.……"

Tsunade said angrily,"Asshole, you are the one with a thin skin, you wimp, do you dare to confess, do you dare!" Jiraiya

's face turned green all of a sudden,"Why shouldn't I dare, have I never confessed my love to you?"

The two of them, who were like an old married couple, suddenly started arguing,"When did you confess your love to me? You never did. Even if you expressed your love to me, it was just teasing, not serious at all."

"If the atmosphere was a little better, you wouldn't dare to do it. I was clearly prepared to agree to you, but in the end you just said it as a joke, you bastard."

Jiraiya felt ashamed of himself, but it seemed to be true.

At this time, Hinata was knocking on the door;"Teacher Jiraiya, Grandma Tsunade, it's time to eat."

Hinata now calls Tsunade the same way as Naruto.

Hearing this, the two people in the room blushed instantly, and almost forgot that this was the home of the seventh generation.

Jiraiya just went downstairs and saw Naruto hugging Minato and Kushina with tears streaming down his face. Jiraiya said disdainfully;"What's wrong with this child, he is so shy all of a sudden."

The seventh generation said lightly;"After knowing everything his parents have done for him, he must be very touched."

Jiraiya grinned;"Then what about you."

The seventh generation turned his head away;"Of course it's the same."

It's just that the Seventh Hokage's self-control is much better than Naruto's, so he didn't show it.

On the other side, where Rin and Obito lived, Obito had a face full of self-blame,"Rin, I want to leave."

Lin comforted gently,"No, the teacher and the mistress must not want you to leave. They have forgiven you, haven't they?"

Obito had a guilty look on his face,"Originally, I had already gotten over it, but when the events of sixteen years ago resurfaced, I found that my sins could not be washed away at all."

If it weren't for Rin, Obito would never be able to go back to Konoha in his lifetime.

Even if he came to his senses in the future and helped Naruto, he would not go back to Konoha to atone his sins. Death is the best destination for someone like him.

Lin said helplessly,"If we all leave, Kakashi will be sad too."

Hearing this, Obito wolfed down the food made by Lin,"That's right, Kakashi hasn't found a wife yet, how can I just leave like this."

He thought of ways to make up for his mistakes and atone for his sins.

Lin asked,"Why are you eating so quickly, eat slowly."

Obito quickly finished his meal and put down his bowl and chopsticks."I'm sorry, Lin. I have to leave for a while. Please wash the dishes."

Lin tilted her head."What are you going to do?"

Obito said."Looking for the remaining two tailed beasts."

The next moment, in the Snow Country, a vortex-shaped space emerged, and Obito knelt in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki."Please, let White Zetsu obey my orders."

Kaguya glanced at Obito indifferently."I remember you are……"

Obito was very sincere, and had no intention of looking up.

Kaguya said calmly,"Okay, I'll give orders to White Zetsu, and I'll continue to obey you in the future."

Obito was overjoyed,"Thank you very much."

Then Obito activated White Zetsu's reconnaissance ability and began to look for the six-tailed and seven-tailed beasts.

Soon, somewhere in the world, Uchiha Sasuke was very high-profile, like a big boss, walking expressionlessly in a forest.

A White Zetsu clone slowly emerged from the ground, and Sasuke said calmly,"What's the matter?"

White Zetsu flattered,"Mr. Sasuke, I have found the six-tailed beast, as for the seven-tailed beast, Obito has already gone to catch it."

Akatsuki's strongest intelligence officer, White Zetsu, was dispatched, and the effect was indeed amazing.

Sasuke and Obito both have the ability of time and space, and they quickly captured the six-tailed and seven-tailed beasts and brought them to Nagato, the base of Akatsuki.

At this time, Pain, Yahiko, and Konan were still at the Seventh Hokage's house, so Nagato had to personally extract the tailed beasts.

At this point, the tailed beasts were collected, and Sasuke said calmly,"Obito, when do you plan to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

Obito said expressionlessly,"Now, I want to revive all the Uchiha clan members as soon as possible."

The next moment, Obito performed the summoning technique, trying to summon the Outer Path Demon Statue, but failed.

Obito was shocked,"This... could it be Uchiha Madara?"

Good man, why is Uchiha Madara not in a hurry at all? It turns out that there is a back-up plan here!

Sasuke frowned. Seeing Obito's reaction, it seemed that something unexpected had happened.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Nagato also looked curious;"Is it... the Outer Path Statue?"

Then Nagato said;"To be honest, the Outer Path Statue disappeared a few days ago. Now I think it should have been summoned by Uchiha Madara." Obito said angrily;"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Nagato said lightly;"I was just planning to tell the Seventh Hokage that I sent Pein over for this purpose. I want to have a good chat with him."

Sasuke sighed;"In this case, we have to snatch the Outer Path Statue from Uchiha Madara."

The portal opened in front of the Seventh Hokage, and Sasuke said lightly;"Then Luduo, come here, I need your strength."

The Seventh Hokage (cjfb) stepped into the portal without hesitation;"Have the tailed beasts been collected?"

After Sasuke explained the matter, the Seventh Hokage was also shocked;"Uchiha Madara?"[]

"It seems that we still can't get around Uchiha Madara after all."

Sasuke said seriously with the Rinnegan,"Then, Naruto, let's go."

Naruto clenched his fists, full of energy. It has been a long time since he and Sasuke teamed up to fight a strong enemy. He said loudly,"Okay."

At this time, White Zetsu poked his head out,"Are you really going?"

"Do you really understand how powerful Uchiha Madara is?"

"To be honest, Uchiha Madara had a fight with Senju Hashirama not long ago because of a dispute over ideas. Uchiha Madara, who opened the Samsara Eye, defeated Senju Hashirama."

Sasuke with the Samsara Eye said indifferently;"Stop talking nonsense and tell us the location."

Bai Zetsu was helpless;"Okay, okay, I have warned you."

Then Bai Zetsu told Sasuke the location of Uchiha Madara, and they were on the way to Konoha.

Senju Hashirama asked loudly;"Madara, what are you doing in Konoha."

At this time, Senju Hashirama still had blood on the corner of his mouth. He had fought with Uchiha Madara not long ago.

He didn't want Uchiha Madara to go to Konoha, and wanted to stop him, but he lost.

Uchiha Madara said indifferently;"Stop talking nonsense, if you dare to make trouble again, I will kill you!"

Madara would really do this, because after killing him, he could also use the Moon Eye plan to revive him.

And the resurrected Hashirama must be in line with his wishes.

But if Hashirama is willing to be quiet, he can also let Hashirama live and witness him fulfill his wish with his own eyes.

He wants to completely end the hatred in the ninja world and use the Moon Eye plan to fill the world with happiness.

To accomplish it directly in one go, neat and tidy, unlike Hashirama who is so soft-hearted and puts his life in the hands of others to influence others, which is extremely childish. Hashirama added;"But Konoha's goal is also to collect the tailed beasts and complete the Moon Eye plan. Can't it fulfill your dreams?"

"Then why do you have to go to Konoha? After all, Konoha was founded by you and me. Do you want to destroy it with your own hands?"

What is certain is that as long as Konoha dares to defy Uchiha Madara, he will attack without hesitation.

And Konoha is unlikely to hand over the tailed beast to others, and a fierce battle is inevitable.

Hashirama could not have imagined that Uchiha Madara could not even stop himself now, so who else could stop him.

At this time, the space-time gate of Rinnegan Sasuke appeared not far away. The next moment, the Seventh Hokage, who entered the Fairy Fox mode, and Rinnegan Sasuke slowly walked out.

Rinnegan Sasuke said lightly;"Where is the Outer Path Demon Statue, where are you hiding, hand it over."

Uchiha Madara retorted;"Why didn't you hand it over?���Where are the tailed beasts?"

Because Uchiha Madara was resurrected by the main god, the Rinnegan is on his body, and there is no need to retrieve Nagato's.

So now Madara is at his peak, and he is also extremely arrogant.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara also noticed Sasuke's six-magatama Rinnegan, and he said greedily;"What a nice eye."

Then he took the lead in launching an offensive towards Sasuke, and the shadow of the Rinnegan attacked Sasuke with the Rinnegan.

It was obviously an invisible attack, but was kicked away by Sasuke.

Uchiha Madara was shocked;"What, it seems that your Rinnegan can see too!"

The next moment, Uchiha Madara activated Susanoo, while Naruto and Sasuke also used the Nine-Tails Phantom at the same time, with Sasuke's Susanoo covering it.

This was the strongest combined attack of the two, and it was worth it for them to deal with Uchiha Madara.

Two huge figures instantly appeared outside Konoha, one was Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, and the other was the Susanoo Nine-Tails jointly launched by Sasuke and the Seventh Hokage.

Such a large-scale battle naturally attracted the attention of the people of Konoha. Naruto was shocked when he saw it.

He was not sure if he could help. He mastered the Yin-Yang Dun that even the Seventh Hokage did not have.

Although the Seventh Hokage possessed the chakra of Yin-Yang and the five elements, he had not yet cultivated the Yin-Yang Dun.

Anyway, let's go over and take a look. In case of missing limbs, he can also help with treatment. He can also pull back the dying, and at the same time use the Yin-Yang Dun to seal the strong enemy.

So Kakashi, Minato, Jiraiya, Naruto, these top combat forces of Konoha, rushed to the battlefield together.

Uchiha Obito also used the ability of time and space Teleported here to watch the battle.

With so many people with outstanding abilities, it is really disadvantageous for Uchiha Madara.

In fact, they don't need to help at all. He is a little tired of parrying with the Seventh Hokage and the Samsara Eye Sasuke.

He underestimated the power of the Seventh Hokage and the Samsara Eye Sasuke. They seemed to know his abilities and knew how to resolve them.

But he had almost no information about their abilities. For example, the Sky Hand Power mastered by the Samsara Eye Sasuke was extremely abnormal.

It was unimaginable that the Seventh Hokage used the Wind Style Rasenshuriken without hesitation to attack Sasuke beside him.

This scene made Uchiha Madara look incredible. He even suspected that there was something wrong with their brains and they killed each other.

But the next second, he was teleported to the position where Sasuke was just now, which was the skull of the Nine-tailed Shadow.

And Sasuke was also teleported into Uchiha Madara's Susanoo and destroyed it instantly.

As soon as he made a move, Uchiha Madara suffered a big loss.

This move is too disgusting. It is simply impossible to defend against it. It is even more disgusting than the Flying Thunder God of the Fourth Hokage..

I'm a sabmado

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