Looking at Naruto rushing towards him to launch the final attack, Bai still cares about Naruto in his heart;"Please hold on to your dream"

"Thank you, you will become stronger."

As Naruto got closer and closer, Bai closed his eyes and waited for death.

The people who were watching the video burst into tears;"Ahhh, you can't die, Bai, who is this kid in an ugly orange suit?"

Little Naruto was confused;"I...are my clothes ugly?"

Little Naruto is just a rookie, but has he offended the entire ninja world by trying to kill Bai?

You know, Bai has become the wife in the hearts of many people in the ninja world.

Even Mei Terumi of the Land of Water was gnashing her teeth with anger;"Damn it, damn it, my Land of Water actually let such a genius run away, and this guy is so beautiful."

Just when the entire ninja world, including little Naruto himself, closed their eyes and dared not watch any more, Bai's heartbeat suddenly quickened, and his eyes fixed, as if he had a premonition of something.

Zabuza was in danger, and Bai took action instantly.

He grabbed little Naruto's hand that was stabbing out the kunai.

There is no doubt that if Bai took out the Senbon and attacked little Naruto at this time, little Naruto would not be Bai's opponent.

Sure enough, it was because Bai let the two Genin of Konoha go. Even Sasuke, who was lying on the ground dying, was actually still alive.

Bai whispered;"I'm sorry, Naruto, I can't die now, Zabuza needs me."

After speaking, Bai made a seal with one hand, and this move shocked the entire ninja world;"Damn, this kid, this kid can actually make a seal with one hand."

Then Bai disappeared instantly. Perhaps it was a relief for little Naruto that he didn't have to kill Bai with his own hands.

Kakashi on the other side of the screen had already condensed Raikiri and rushed towards Zabuza quickly, preparing to launch the final attack on Zabuza.

At this time, Zabuza's limbs had been bitten by Kakashi's ninja dog and he was unable to move. The demon Zabuza uttered his last sigh;"Is it over?"

However, an ice crystal began to condense from the air, and at the critical moment when Kakashi's Raikiri was about to hit Zabuza, Bai appeared.

He stood in front of Zabuza, and blood splattered in an instant. Raikiri completely penetrated Bai's body.

Kakashi widened his eyes. This scene seemed familiar.

Kakashi was completely stunned. The impact of this scene on Kakashi was at the level of a nuclear bomb.

It was also Raikiri, and it was the same person who risked his life to protect something and stood in front of his Raikiri.

The same posture penetrated the same position, and Kakashi thought of Lin. Zabuza

's eyes were full of struggle and disbelief, and the struggle in his heart was overwhelming.

But Bai still had a breath, and he used the last of his strength to grab Kakashi's hand.

Kakashi's hand had pierced Bai's body. He wanted to pull it out, but he couldn't because it was held by Bai's hand.

Bai said with a faint voice;"Mr. Zabuza."

Zabuza understood what Bai meant. How could he miss this opportunity to kill Kakashi?

"Humph, you said I will die in the future, Kakashi, your words fell through."

On the other side, Naruto found that Bai had disappeared, and looked left and right for Bai. At this time, the fog dissipated.

Kakashi, Bai, and Zabuza, where the three stood, blood was gushing down. It was Bai's blood.

Little Naruto was shocked, and Kakashi explained;"He actually rushed over to protect Zabuza without hesitation."

Zabuza closed his eyes...

Kakashi said again;"This child, he is dead."

However, Bai's eyes were still looking at Kakashi, without resentment, only sadness.

He didn't know if he could protect Zabuza after his death.

All the ninja creatures in the main god space were now completely in tears, and ordinary people also covered their mouths with heartache;"This child is too pitiful, the world of ninja is too cruel."

Kakashi, who was watching the video, was also deeply moved. Like himself in the video, he remembered a girl who was also killed by him, Raikiri.

And a certain masked ninja clenched his fists;"As expected of you, Kakashi, you have such a cruel heart!"

He is Uchiha Obito, and the Bai in front of him also reminds him of Rin. Bai, like Rin, is so kind and gentle. The key is that they were both killed by Kakashi.

At this time, Zabuza sneered;"Hehe, well done, Bai!"

Kakashi looked at Zabuza expressionlessly, and the next moment Zabuza drew out the beheading sword on his back without hesitation.

Kakashi couldn't move at this time, he was shocked;"Are you going to chop this child together?"

"Really, I found a treasure."

"At the very end, you created such a good opportunity for me."

Haku is already dead, but his hand is still tightly grasping Kakashi's hand, making him unable to pull it out.

The next scene also explains why Zabuza reacted like this. This is the conversation between Zabuza and Haku after he picked him up and was about to leave the Land of Water.

"Bai, I'm sorry to say that I have to abandon the Kingdom of Water tonight, but I will definitely return to this country.

I will take control of this country, and for this I don't need words of comfort or encouragement that won't work. What I really need is……"

Shiro replied,"I understand. Don't worry, I am Mr. Zabuza's weapon."

Zabuza smiled,"Good boy."

Zabuza closed his eyes and slashed at Kakashi and Shiro, but the scene of himself and Shiro together flashed through his mind.

The next moment, Kakashi picked up Shiro and dodged Zabuza's attack. He missed the attack, and for some reason his speed seemed so slow. Perhaps he missed the attack on purpose.

After falling far away, Kakashi stared at Shiro and closed Shiro's eyes with his hands.

Kakashi looked at Zabuza with a firm look in his eyes,"Naruto, just watch over there. This guy is my opponent."

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