Just now someone seemed to have said that he had no weaknesses.

The girl Hashirama covered her mouth and chuckled;"Hehe, I have found the weakness."

The Uchiha girl shouted in shame and anger;"Believe it or not, press your face into the dirt I just peed in."

Then the girl Madara yelled;"Asshole, don't run, come and try my water escape!"

Hashirama chased after him;"I don't want to, it's so dirty"


These are all the childhood memories of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but after the gender change, it really became a black history!

Especially Uchiha Madara, his face turned red when he checked the extra memories in his mind.

As the two met more and more times, they became closer, just like sisters who had been separated for many years. It was common for them to meet together and discuss ninjutsu.

The girl from the Senju family said excitedly;"Madara, I thought of a super powerful ninjutsu!"

"Let's practice together!"

The girl had a blank expression on her face, showing no interest at all;"Really? What kind of ninjutsu!"

The girl with long black hair said seriously;"The secret of physical technique is Super Fire Release, illusion, and Heaven-cut Shuriken Two-stage Technique."

The hedgehog-haired girl pouted;"Ah, this... I can't imagine what it is at all"

"Is this a physical technique or a genjutsu?"

"No, first of all, the name is not good-looking, who can remember it?"

The black-haired girl said patiently;"If you want to explain it in detail, it is……"

The hedgehog-haired girl said impatiently,"Shut up. Today we're competing in vertical climbing."

Perhaps because the hedgehog-haired girl's tone was fierce, she squatted on the ground in frustration."You... are fierce to me!"

The girl said viciously,"Don't be so dejected all the time. Is this your weakness?"

The girl raised her head playfully."Your weakness is that you think I'm this kind of person."

"I deliberately let you think this is my weakness... and then... vertical climbing."

The black straight girl was very excited, and she ran away and started climbing.

The hedgehog-haired guy was furious and chased after her;"You bastard"

"Hahaha, first"

"You looked so dejected, you were just pretending!"

After climbing up, the two sat down to rest, the black-haired girl panting;"I won." The hedgehog-headed man said unconvinced;"Of course, because you cheated and ran away."

Then Hashirama looked into the distance and sighed;"By the way, the scenery here is really beautiful."

Madara smiled;"Yes, but compared to eyesight, I will not lose to you"

"Oh, you seem to be very confident about your eyes."

Talking about this, Ban was no longer sleepy, and raised his head proudly;"Of course, I have written……"

Seeing the innocent eyes of the girl with long black hair, the girl stopped talking abruptly...

She suddenly realized that if she said this, she would definitely lose her friend Hashirama.

The girl with long black hair asked curiously,"What's wrong with you?"

The girl bit her lip,"No, think about it carefully, I'm not that great."

Little Ban Ban is not a modest person, so it is conceivable that saying this is not in line with her character, just because she doesn't want to lose Hashirama

""What are you talking about? Why did you suddenly become so obedient?"

The girl said softly,"If I were really that powerful, I wouldn't be unable to protect even my own sisters."

"But I still have a younger sister, I will do everything I can to protect her"

"Hashirama, what about you!"

"Ah~ I also have one last sister, she is very obedient (referring to the second generation), and I also plan to protect this brother at all costs.'"

Madara nodded slightly in approval.

Hashirama shouted;"It's decided!"

"Let's build a village of our own here!"

It turned out that the vertical rock under their buttocks was the future Hokage Rock.

And in front of them, the area that was still a forest was the future Konoha.

The vision of Konoha Village was established at this moment. During the chat between the two girls...

Hashirama said happily;"The children in this village don't have to kill each other."

"Then set up a school to train them so that they can grow up and become stronger."

"Everyone can choose tasks according to their personal abilities and strengths"

"There must also be a jonin who can reasonably distinguish the levels of tasks. This is a village that does not need to send children to the front line to risk their lives."

The girl Madara snorted coldly;"You are the only one who would say such stupid things."

"What about you, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Ban also smiled, showing his red lips and white teeth;"Not bad,"

"That's settled."

"Ah, if this village is really built, I want my brother to protect it well in this place where you can overlook the whole forest."

Then the two girls looked at each other and laughed happily.

Then they parted, and on the other side, they caught the stones thrown by each other.

The girl Ban said,"This stone is very suitable for skipping stones. Please keep it for me until the next time we meet."

During the war period when supplies were not abundant, the two girls did not have any decent tokens of love... ah, it's a token, it has nothing to do with love.

The next time they met, they were worried.

The girl Ban said with cold sweat,"Then let's start, let's start by saying hello by skipping stones."

The two took out stones from their arms and threw them at each other at the same time.

When they caught the stones thrown by the other, they found that there were words on them.

After taking a look, the girl Ban said with an unnatural expression,"Hajji Lama, I'm sorry, we can't play together today."

"I suddenly remembered that I had something important to do."

"Is... is that so? Then I will go back today."

On the stones of the two people, one said,"Run!" and the other said,"There is a trap, run!"

The next moment, the two of them quickened their pace without hesitation and ran in the direction of their own forces.

The two were like children who were discovered by their parents on both sides of their premature love, but their situation was more serious because they would be killed by the parents of the other party.

The head of the Senju clan said angrily,"Hashirama, this guy actually leaked the secret."

Then he said to his second daughter beside him,"Let's go, Tobirama." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the other side, the head of the Uchiha family, with Madara's sister Izuna, rushed to the surface of the water at the same time, and the two sides started a confrontation.

"It seems that we have the same idea, Senjubutsukan, and Tobirama"

"Yes, Uchiha Tajima and Izuna."

The two sides stared at each other, and the battle was about to start. The situation was almost exactly the same, and even the strength was extremely close.

Before this, the two sides had fought several times and understood this.[]

Then both sides raised their weapons and started to fight. The hedgehog-headed girl and the black-haired girl said at the same time,"Stop it."

The most important quality of a ninja is that once on the battlefield, no matter what happens, you must stay calm. Tobirama and Izuna will certainly not listen to their sister.

The same goes for the fathers of both sides. A moment of distraction and panic will create a flaw, and the next moment may be a moment of separation.

At the same time, these two parents know very well that once their children are killed, they will inevitably be shaken.

So they don't want to bet on Izuna or Tobirama, who is stronger and who can kill the other.

Both fathers attacked the other's children in advance and threw kunai.

However, the two kunai were hit by the stones in the hands of the hedgehog-headed girl and the black-haired girl. These two stones are the tokens of their friendship.

The spiky-haired girl and the black-haired girl jumped in front of both families at the same time. The girl said expressionlessly,"I will never forgive anyone who tries to hurt my sister."

Hashirama said expressionlessly,"The same goes for me."

The hedgehog-haired girl stared at Hashirama for a long time."Hashirama……"

"Those silly and beautiful futures we talked about may not be realized in the end."

Hashirama's expression was shaken;"Madara, you……"

The hedgehog-headed man said expressionlessly,"Although the time was short, I was really happy, Hashirama."

Uchiha Tajima said calmly,"Three against three, how about it, is it okay, Madara?"

Madara said calmly,"No, Hashirama is better than me."

"If we fight head-on, we will lose."

Izuna, who looks a lot like Sasuke but is his younger sister, said in surprise,"A woman who is more powerful than her brother?"

At this moment, Izuna actually showed some interest in Hashirama, the girl with long black hair.

Tajima also believed in Madara's judgment,"Really? She is so powerful. Then, let's retreat." The hedgehog-headed man looked at the girl with long black hair coldly and left without any emotion,"Goodbye, then."

Hashirama understood that Madara meant goodbye forever, and she said reluctantly,"Madara"

"Actually, you didn’t give up, did you?"

"You finally have the same idea as me……"

The girl with long black hair tried her best to keep him, she just couldn't bear to see such a close friend leave her.

They had so many good memories together.

They competed in rock climbing, physical skills, number of people, and who had a better figure. They even compared the number of shadow clones.

They grew up together and made progress together.

Their dreams were so consistent.

They even compared who could pee farther.

At this moment, the girl Madara said heartlessly;"You are from the Senju family."

"If possible, I really hope that we have different ideas. My sister was killed by the Senju clan."

"And your sister died at the hands of the Uchiha clan"

"So, there is no need for you and me to be honest with each other."

"From now on, we will meet on the battlefield."

The next moment, Madara's tone became resolute, as if he was looking at an enemy;"Senju Hashirama!"

She had completely erased Senju Hashirama from her heart, because they were both children of enemies.

Finally, she emphasized;"And I am... Uchiha Madara."

Her eyes turned blood red, opened for Hashirama.

Uchiha's eyes need strong mental stimulation to open,���I can't bear to see my relatives die in front of my eyes.

But Madara opened his eyes directly just because he wanted to cut off contact with Hashirama, and he was heartbroken. You can imagine the position of Hashirama in her heart.

Izuna said excitedly;"Look, father, my sister has opened her eyes."

At this moment, Hashirama also understood what it meant to open the blood-red eyes. Ban had been completely isolated from her in his heart.

After that, they became enemies, fighting day after day and year after year.

Until their father died, one grew up to be a beautiful and cold queen, and the other grew up to be a dignified and elegant independent woman.

Unknowingly, they have become the patriarchs of each other's families.

So far, the smiles on their faces have never appeared again. The sweet and lovely smile of little Ban Ban only stays in Hashirama's memories.

Similarly, the serious, sometimes funny and mean little Hashirama, who makes her angry, will only appear in Madara's sister's memories.

And their childhood dreams (Zhao Dehao) stayed in the farthest distance.

On Hashirama's hands, there was the blood of the Uchiha family, and on Madara's hands, there was also the blood of the Senju clan.

It was another fierce battle with all the clansmen from both sides present. Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama confronted each other, and neither of them mentioned their childhood.

The strength of the two was still evenly matched, and no one could tell the winner in a short time.

However, their sister was confronting each other, and the outcome was just like the past. If one of these two people was killed, her sister would also have a flaw in her heart.

The straightforward Izuna took the lead in launching an attack, and Tobirama sold a flaw to make her underestimate the enemy. It was obvious that he could cause her serious damage, but for some reason she showed mercy because she remembered Hashirama Shin.

Tobirama wanted to give Hashirama and Madara one last chance, and did not severely injure Izuna, which led to Madara's blackening later.

Here appeared the second turning point in history after the Moon Eye Plan.

Madara came to Izuna, who had lost his fighting power, as soon as possible, and Tobirama instantly felt it, pointing his sword at Uchiha Madara;"You can no longer defeat me."

That's right, Tobirama and Hashirama were both in a state, but Madara was the only one left.

She gritted her teeth, not expecting to be forced to this point by Hashirama."Hashirama!"

But the next moment Hashirama dropped his weapon."I haven't completely given up on my dream. Let's put an end to it. As long as the two of us join forces, the ninja world won't find any other families that can fight against us." The black-haired, straight-haired, intellectual beauty reached out with a firm look in her eyes."Come on!"

Madara wavered, and she wanted to step forward and hold Hashirama's hand. In the original history, it was Izuna who stopped her after being severely injured, but now Izuna remembered that Tobirama showed mercy, gritted her teeth, endured the reluctance, and encouraged her."Sister, go ahead, don't you always admire her?".

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