After they opened their hearts to each other, Bai hugged him excitedly.

After years of waiting and always being by his side, Bai finally got what she wanted.

Naruto was a little shy and hugged Bai back. He said seriously,"Don't worry, sister Bai, I will let the shadow clone stay with you forever."

The shadow clone strengthened by the main god has no intention of being with the main body, and can share memories with the main body when it is released.

So the shadow clone is equivalent to Naruto's original body;"Sister Bai, you can take the shadow clone to any place you want to go."

Bai lives in Konoha, and of course she knows more about Naruto's new abilities. She doesn't care whether it is Naruto's original body.

The difference between the original body and the shadow clone is infinitely small. The real shadow clone has 100% of the power of the original body, and it will not disappear unless it is released.

The only difference from the original body may be that the memory will be shared only when they come into contact. According to the current agreement, the shadow clones will be released by Naruto's main body every month, and different clones will be separated to go to various countries to find their partners.

Now the only flaw is that there will be a process of rushing in the middle.

If the process of rushing on the road can be downplayed, then the shadow clone will really be the same as the original body.

Therefore, learning Flying Thunder God is absolutely crucial.

In the entire ninja world, except for some special ninjutsu that require bloodline limits and bloodline nets, he can learn any regular ninjutsu.

Naruto is one of the few ninjas who possesses five attributes of chakra. As long as he is willing, he can learn most of the ninjutsu in this world.

Bai opened the window on the second floor, where he could have a glance at the street view below.

Bai looked into the distance, which was the direction of the Hidden Cloud Village, and whispered;"As for me, I've always wanted to visit the Hidden Mist Village. I don't know why, I just want to take a look."

"But obviously, there is no one in the Hidden Mist Village that I care about, or anyone who cares about me."

Naruto smiled and said,"Then go, I will leave my shadow clone in Konoha, and I will go with you."

"Besides, you should indeed go to the Hidden Mist Village, because there is indeed someone there who is still worried about you."

Naruto was referring to Zabuza, of course, and then Naruto picked up Princess Haku, held her in his arms, and jumped to the window.

Haku blushed immediately;"Naruto, quickly... put me down, I can't get used to being so close to you in front of outsiders."

Now Haku has completely integrated into Konoha and is considered a native villager of Konoha.

Living there for three years is enough for everyone in Konoha to know her. After all, the village of Konoha itself is not big.

Naruto ignored Haku's shyness and still jumped out holding Haku.

As for the business of the medicine store, there is no need to worry, the Hyuga family will send someone to maintain it.

Along the way, she was held by Naruto and was seen by many Konoha villagers. Some exclaimed;"Hey, isn't this the son of the Hokage and Miss Haku?"

"Miss Bai actually got together with the Hokage's son. Although there were some foreshadowings, it was still very unexpected!"

The first impressive scene in the main god space is the Zabuza chapter, and Bai in it is even more heartbreaking.

That's why Bai's herb shop business is so good, it's cheap and affordable, plus Bai bandages it very carefully.

Hearing the villagers who had come to her herb shop for treatment make such an exclamation, Bai was too shy to see anyone.

She really couldn't get used to being so close to Naruto in front of others.

When Bai saw a familiar figure, it was Kakashi, who was shopping with his little girlfriend Ali.

When he saw Naruto, his eyes widened in surprise;"The person in Naruto's arms, that person... turned out to be……"

Bai immediately uttered a cry and buried her head in Naruto's arms like an ostrich.

Naruto was puzzled and asked,"Sister Bai, what's wrong with you?"

Bai was embarrassed and said,"You……(adaf) You also said that Ka... Mr. Kakashi saw it." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Naruto asked curiously,"What's the big deal if he saw it? Could it be that, Sister Bai, you are still shy?"

Bai almost cried out of shame. She didn't know why.

If others, especially acquaintances, saw her and Naruto together, she would be very shy.

After all, she was not only a man, but also had an extremely cold personality. She played more of a role like Naruto's guardian.

So... this is just like a sister-brother relationship. It would be really embarrassing if a sister-brother relationship was discovered.[]

If they were of the same age and childhood sweethearts, they would be discovered.

In fact, Naruto has another woman who is older than him, and that person is Fuuka Koyuki.

However, Fuuka Koyuki is quite courageous and doesn't care that Naruto is younger than her. Even if others know about it, she won't feel embarrassed.

In order to speed up, Naruto entered the fairy fox mode, his whole body was golden and so warm.

Bai looked at Naruto's profile and was actually a little dazed. Yes, Naruto has grown up and is taller than her! Naruto was the shortest of the three Genin back then, even shorter than Sakura.

His height was only up to Bai's chest, but now, he is not only taller than her, but he can even hug her like a princess. This feeling is like being raised by a husband, and that feeling is really embarrassing for people with thin skin.

Bai became even more shy when she thought that she might have to give birth to little Naruto in the future.

Naruto said gently,"So after you go to Kirigakure, do you want to settle down in Kirigakure or go back to Konoha?"

Bai didn't know. Although she was born in Kirigakure, she was disliked by her parents.

Her mother at least loved her, but she hated that her bloodline limit was passed on to her own child, bringing bad luck and disaster to Bai, that's all. Her father was a complete scumbag. After discovering her mother's bloodline limit, he directly killed his wife.

After a long journey, Naruto gradually became a little tired. Bai said indifferently,"Put me down. Have you forgotten that I am also a ninja?"

Hearing this, Naruto remembered that Bai was not only a ninja, but also a very powerful ninja. He didn't need him to hold her at all.

It's just that recently, he has been used to running with his sister.

I don't know how many young and beautiful girls he has held in a princess hug, and the purpose of holding them is to hurry on the road.

So subconsciously, Bai Ye regarded as a girl who was powerless..

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