An orange figure ran quickly towards his small and dirty residence.

Because of the class assignment today, he met new companions such as the arrogant Sasuke, the cute Sakura, and Kakashi teacher, so he was very happy.

The child on the street pulled his father's hand and said coquettishly;"Dad, I want to eat a lollipop!"

Naruto's steps slowed down immediately, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the voice, and a sense of loneliness instantly hit him.

But he has gotten used to it, and walked slowly to the door of his house and said;"I'm back."

Even if no one is destined to answer, Naruto will still say it every day, pretending that someone is waiting for him in the house.

When Naruto put his hand on the handle, the door opened by itself. The person who opened the door also had short golden hair and a signature cat beard.

The man's smile was extremely gentle;"Hey, Naruto, welcome home."

There was also a black-haired woman with the white eyes of the Hyuga clan in the house, cleaning the room.

Hearing this, she put down her broom, looked in the direction of little Naruto and said,"Naruto, welcome home."

Instantly, tears filled his eyes, and he lowered his head and bit his lips tightly to prevent himself from crying.

An unbelievable word came out of his mouth;"Dad, Mom?"

Hinata and Naruto looked at each other, Hinata covered her mouth and chuckled, and Naruto also smiled helplessly.

But he didn't mean to deny it at all, because there was no need. Only Naruto knew how much little Naruto longed for his parents.

Last night's quiz game was still vivid in his mind, but Naruto, a guy with a big nerve, didn't take it seriously.

Last night, the entire ninja world was pulled into the same dream. There were so many people that they couldn't even find the people they were familiar with in it.

What if someone didn't sleep? Then they would be forcibly pulled into this dream.

Using the time of dreaming on weekdays to complete a quiz game will not affect the work during the day.

If you don't even want to do this, then the Lord God doesn't have to be polite, just force it in.

At that time, it was the first time such a thing happened, and there were no familiar people around. There were strangers everywhere, and the scene was in chaos.

They whispered to each other, shouted, and walked around randomly.

Little Naruto just thought it was a strange dream, and there was no one familiar to him around.

There were ordinary people living in the ninja world, and ninjas from other ninja villages. What made little Naruto at a loss was that there was an extremely beautiful big sister, who looked at little Naruto with disbelief in her beautiful eyes. With her little hand covering her mouth, she seemed to recognize little Naruto, but Naruto did not recognize her.

She was the queen of the ancient country of Loulan, which is a country that has long disappeared in today's ninja world.

Of course she remembered Naruto, or rather, she recognized Naruto as a child at first sight.

It was Naruto who saved the queen and her country in the Lost Tower.

At the very end, she wanted to give Naruto a hug but didn't have time, and when Naruto went back, he had forgotten everything that had happened.

Little Naruto scratched his head in embarrassment;"Big sister, do you know me?"

The queen said gently;"My name is Sarah, we will meet when you grow up, and thank you, Naruto!"

Naruto was at a loss for words by the changes in front of him. This dream was so strange.

People who did not belong to this time and space appeared here, and Naruto certainly would not notice this.

But somewhere there was a great ninja wearing the robe of the seventh generation, who had already noticed this.

He saw many people he had helped in the Fourth Ninja World War, but now they looked very young.

Where is this place, Boruto, Himawari, Hinata, where are you.

Then the seventh generation's eyes calmed down, and he saw a beautiful woman with a face as white as snow floating in the air. The seventh generation shouted in shock;"Kaguya... Kaguya!"

There were also Uchiha Madara with a hedgehog head, Hashirama, and the mysterious man with a black background and red cloud pattern. Those who did not belong to this era or were hidden very deeply were pulled out one by one.

A majestic voice sounded,"Everyone from all time and space in the ninja world, I have gathered you here just to invite you to watch some shocking scenes.

For some of you, it will happen in the future, but for others, it will happen in the past.

I let you watch these scenes in advance to see how you can change history.

Similarly, everyone living in the future world will witness it with me and even participate in it.

Before the formal start, you need to answer a question for me.

I will give you a generous reward if you answer it correctly.


Then the Lord God began to ask questions,"What is the most popular food in Konoha?"

Most people in this special space have not sorted out their thoughts yet. No one answered the Lord God's question, and no one dared to be the first to speak out.

The children hid behind their parents, and the adults were terrified. At this time, a ninja who was the first in unexpectedness said without hesitation,"Of course it's Ichiraku Ramen."

In fact, little Naruto never thought about whether Ichiraku Ramen was the most popular in Konoha. Every time he went there, Ichiraku Ramen was quite deserted and there were empty seats.

There has never been a time when they need to queue. It was simply because little Naruto loved Ichiraku Ramen the most, so he didn't care whether he answered the question or not.

Since someone asked what was the most popular food in Konoha, the first thing Naruto thought of was his favorite Ichiraku Ramen, so he subconsciously said it.

Kakashi recognized Naruto's voice and said in disbelief;"That's, Naruto!"

Sasuke looked worried;"That idiot!"

The voice of the Lord sounded again;"Congratulations, you got it right."

Then an image appeared in everyone's mind. A cute boy with golden hair was standing at the door of Ichiraku Ramen. It was raining outside, and he seemed to want to hide from the rain at the door of the store.

Naruto was very young at that time, and at the same time very cute. His innocent big eyes made people feel distressed;"What's wrong, Naruto, do you want to eat ramen?"

Naruto was startled;"Forget it, I don't have any money."

"Give it to me when you become Hokage successfully."

Little Naruto's face was full of expectation;"Really?"

Where the leaves dance, the fire will also continue.

The flames will illuminate the village, and the leaves will sprout new buds.

That was Iruka's childhood, crying. The Sandaime invited him to eat ramen, stroked his head and comforted him gently.

Then Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata and other familiar figures appeared in Ichiraku Ramen one after another.

There was also a red-haired woman with a big belly. She covered her mouth with a look of discomfort after eating two bites.

A blond man gently helped her out of Ichiraku Ramen.

Finally, on the eve of Naruto's wedding, Uncle Ichiraku wrote a small card for Naruto to eat as a permanent wedding gift.

A small ramen restaurant runs through the memories of several generations, not because it is so delicious, but because it is a taste that has been engraved into the bones of Konoha.

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