How did Haku and Zabuza die? The Lord God has released a video to answer this question.

In other words, if the Lord God had not revealed the plot in advance and changed the future, the two of them would have died like in today's video.

Haku faced Zabuza with an extremely gentle smile;"It's great that the two of us are still alive and didn't die like in the video, Mr. Zabuza."

Zabuza was relatively silent;"Really."

After watching the video, Zabuza has faced his own heart. He cares about Haku very much and wants Haku to live a good life. He doesn't want him to live with him at the risk of dying at any time.

Zabuza suddenly spoke up to answer;"Lord Lord, I want to answer the question."

This time the Lord God was stunned for several seconds, probably because the video of the Fourth Ninja World War had not been played yet, and Zabuza started to answer.

The Lord God said;"Okay, but in order to avoid someone answering randomly and wasting time, the wrong answer will die."

Haku looked at Zabuza worriedly, and Zabuza said without hesitation;"It's Naruto. If we meet Kakashi many years later, we will definitely talk about Uzumaki Naruto"

"The answer is correct. Now let's reveal the answer."

The video shows the Fourth Ninja World War two years later. In the video, Haku and Zabuza are standing together.

I have to sigh again that Haku in the video is so beautiful. I don't know who put the pink lipstick on her lips, or maybe Haku's lips are originally this color. She is so sexy.

After they were resurrected and attacked by the Allied Ninja Forces, Haku said calmly;"Although we have no grudges against you, our actions have nothing to do with our will."

As he said that, he rushed towards the Allied Ninja Forces. The people in the main god space began to exclaim;"Those are the ninjas of Konoha, and the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village are standing together, and there is only one word"Ninja" on their forehead protectors. What is going on?" The ninjas of the five major countries whispered to each other;"It's impossible, it's fake, we have grievances with each other, how can we just unite together casually?"

"Yes, what kind of enemy can make us put aside our grudges and unite together."

Soon Kakashi appeared in front of Zabuza.

After the resurrection, Haku and Zabuza looked at each other with wide eyes, and instantly recognized Kakashi.

The video gave Haku a close-up of his face, and instantly made everyone in the ninja world who were watching the video fall in love;"Mr. Kakashi?"

Afterwards, although both sides used their weapons to block each other's weapons, their bodies were out of control, but they chatted with each other.

Haku fell into memories and remembered his encounter with Naruto in the jungle.

Zabuza asked first;"He defeated us, and now his size and reputation should have grown a lot."

Kakashi replied;"Ah, that bridge was named Naruto Bridge, and now people in the village use words like hero and miracle boy to call him." The seventh generation who was watching the video was also stunned;"It turns out that Kakashi teacher once met Haku and Zabuza in the Fourth Ninja World War."

The Seventh Hokage lowered his head and when he raised his head he smiled gently;"That's great, Kakashi-sensei, but it's a pity that I was learning how to control the tailed beasts with Killer Bee at the time, I wanted to meet them too."

Bai in the picture smiled with satisfaction after hearing about Naruto's growth;"Hehehe……"

Kakashi added,"Thanks to you, he found his own way of ninja, and he also swore an oath in front of your grave."

"From then on, he became an outstanding ninja."

Bai said in a positive tone;"Then, he can become even stronger."

Another close-up of the face, people can clearly see his long eyelashes, beautiful eyes, and pink lips.

The seventh generation actually blushed a little. Such a beautiful appearance and firm belief in him made the seventh generation very embarrassed.

Hinata said expressionlessly;"Naruto-kun, why are you blushing?"

"Oh, am I blushing? Don't get me wrong, he's a man."

Hinata snorted coldly;"Where have you been these days? I didn't see you. Maybe you don't know that Sarah has already lived in our house."

The seventh generation looked embarrassed;"I'm looking for Orochimaru. As for Sarah, wait for little Naruto to come back and let him deal with it himself. After all, I already have a family, right Hinata."

Hinata's face was cloudy;"You mean, let little Naruto have three wives and four concubines?" The seventh generation was about to cry;"Just forgive me, Hinata, you also know that I am already a middle-aged man. I have Boruto, Himawari, and you. I can't mess around."

In the future ninja area in the distance, Kushina was holding Himawari, and Namikaze Minato was holding Uzumaki Boruto, watching Kakashi's class and little Naruto, and would also look at the seventh generation and Hinata.

Boruto said;"Grandpa Minato, Dad seems to have completely forgotten me."

Namikaze Minato said gently;"But with me accompanying you, Boruto, you won't feel lonely, right?"

Boruto said excitedly,"Among all the previous Hokage, the one I admire most is you, Grandpa. And when I eat instant noodles, I always draw my father's card, but never my grandfather's card. I'm so angry."

Sunflower lay happily in Kushina's arms,"Grandma, tell me more stories about you and Grandpa."

The seventh generation had seen his parents a long time ago, and his obsession with his parents had completely disappeared, or he was completely satisfied.

So he didn't even think that his parents might be in the main god space, and the same was true for Minato Namikaze and Kushina. What they couldn't let go of was little Naruto, not the seventh generation. The seventh generation was already an outstanding ninja, and they wanted to see their grandchildren more.

Namikaze Minato looked at the embarrassed seventh generation helplessly,"This child, let's meet him when he remembers you."

Boruto said excitedly,"Grandpa, I want to learn Flying Thunder God and Big Ball Whirlwind Maru, please teach me quickly."

Minato Namikaze said with difficulty;"It may be too difficult for you now, and your chakra is not enough to release the Rasengan. Let's start from the basics, okay?"

Boruto was not interested;"Okay."

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