"Then, Senju Tobirama has been resurrected, please decide your next place."

At this time, in the Konoha area, Senju Tobirama's eyes were full of surprise, and the Sandaime's eyes were instantly wet.

He took two steps forward and wanted to explain something, but Senju Tobirama stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Monkey, there is no need to say more, I have seen and know it all."

The Sandaime suddenly remembered that the ninjas of the past and the ninjas of the future were also in this special space.

It was just that he was in the main line and could not see the ninjas of both sides, nor could he communicate with them.

At this time, Senju Tobirama came in front of Shimura Danzo again, staring at him expressionlessly.

Shimura Danzo smiled hypocritically;"It's great that the teacher can come back, our Konoha will definitely become stronger."

In fact, if he had no choice, Danzo would not even want to resurrect Tobirama.

However, Senju Tobirama was not grateful to Danzo for his resurrection, but slapped him in the face.

"Yes, I do have prejudices against the Uchiha clan, but I have never thought of exterminating them."

Senju Tobirama gritted his teeth and said,"You are my student. How can I face my elder brother if you do this?"

Senju Tobirama became more and more angry. After a slap, he punched again, but his fist penetrated Danzo's body.

Maybe it was because the punch was very heavy, and the main god space judged that he would be hurt and was immune to this attack.

Shimura Danzo found that the fist did not hit him, not only was he not happy, but he felt cold.

This means that Senju Tobirama is really very angry.

Shimura Danzo immediately knelt on one knee;"I'm really sorry, teacher, but you also know that Uchiha Madara is from the Uchiha clan, and I must be cruel to this clan."

Senju Tobirama frowned;"Forget it, you get up."

Even though Shimura Danzo was hidden, Senju Tobirama still had an angry expression on his face and even bore a grudge against Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo looked puzzled;"Teacher, don't you hate the Uchiha clan?"

"You even proposed a policy to split up the Uchiha clan, but it was stopped by the first generation."

The second generation said calmly,"The main purpose of my policy is only to monitor the Uchiha clan, so that we can respond immediately when the next"Uchiha Madara" appears.

After all, the Uchiha clan is an inherently evil clan, and there were still many followers and admirers of Uchiha Madara among the Uchiha clan back then.

After saying this, the second generation gritted his teeth again,"Do you know... how does big brother see me now?"

"He has stopped talking to me and is extremely disappointed in me."

The second generation was really furious;"And this is all because of you, you are my disciple, and you have done something to annihilate the clan, big brother thought that I instilled my prejudice against Uchiha into you."

The first generation of course also saw everything in the main god space, and he really misunderstood the second generation, and the two brothers had a fierce conflict.

The two have always been inseparable, and Senju Tobirama didn't even want to talk to Tobirama anymore. Tobirama tried his best to explain, but to no avail.

By the way, the ninjas of the past cannot change history, they are frequent visitors to the main god space.

What happened in the past has happened and cannot be changed, and they will not appear in the past when the main god space ends.

The third generation smiled awkwardly;"Well, Tobirama teacher, please let him continue to determine the next candidate."

Shimura Danzo remembered that he still had to rely on Tobirama to rescue him, and flattered;"Teacher Tobirama, the next candidate for resurrection will be decided by you."

Senju Tobirama looked at the area that looked like the old ninjas, which was his elder brother, the Shogakyuu."What do you think, brother? I'll revive you, so don't be mad at me, okay?" But the Shogakyuu was still depressed."I'm too ashamed to see Little Spots, I'm too ashamed to see him.……"

He couldn't hear what Tobirama said at all. Tobirama gritted his teeth. Damn, is it possible to communicate well with this eldest brother?

The Nidaime looked at the Yondaime again,"What about you, do you want to see your son?"

The Nidaime didn't know the Yondaime, but they knew each other after chatting in the main god space.

And he also knew the experience of the Yondaime, and admired this backup very much.

The Yondaime smiled gently, pointed at Kushina who was very happy holding sunflowers, and shook his head.

Obviously, he is henpecked and wants to accompany his wife. Besides, he has left a backup plan. In the future, both of them can see their son, so there is no need to rush.

If the main god grants them another chance to resurrect next time, and both of them can be resurrected at the same time, they are willing to resurrect.

Then Tobirama looked at Mito again,"How about sister-in-law,……"

Uzumaki Mito decisively refused;"I want to accompany your elder brother."

Kakashi wanted to revive Rin, but he was too weak to give advice on such a major matter concerning the village.

In fact, not only Kakashi, but also the masked man, was also full of thoughts about reviving Rin.

At this time, a little brat suddenly appeared. He grabbed Tobirama's trouser legs and choked;"Uchiha clan, please revive at least one."

Sakura looked at Sasuke worriedly, and even Naruto was shocked after hearing about the Uchiha clan in recent days.

Tobirama glanced at the fan behind Sasuke;"Uchiha brat? Why are you the only one alive!"

Even if Tobirama was extremely angry about the destruction of Uchiha, it did not mean that he liked Uchiha.

His attitude was still the same. Uchiha had to be vigilant, but the crime was not punishable by death.

But now that the Uchiha clan has been exterminated, Tobirama temporarily put aside his prejudice against the Uchiha clan and said calmly,"No."

Sasuke gritted his teeth and said,"Why? That's all because of Konoha and Danzo. Does the Uchiha clan really have no value in Konoha?"

Tobirama was silent."Uchiha Madara is still alive, so I will only resurrect those who are useful to Konoha."

"So, I'm sorry, Uchiha brat."

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