The atmosphere in the house of the Seventh Hokage was simply boiling.

Haku, Naruto, the Seventh Hokage, Hinata, Hiashi Hyūga, Sara, Kakashi, the Sandaime, Rin, and Kushina were all gathered together.

The focus of attention was naturally on Kushina and Rin who had just been resurrected.

Kushina hugged Lin with heartache;"Good child, you are resurrected too, I am so happy for you.

Back then, first Obito left, and then you left too, leaving Kakashi alone, dejected all day long, and the whole person became gloomy.

Later, Minato and I also left, but Obito didn't see him in the main god space, he was still alive.

Damn it, this kid actually hid it from me, if he was alive why didn't he come to find us.

When he dares to show up in front of me next time, I must beat him to death."

Lin smiled gently;"Yeah, it's great to be resurrected again, but it's a pity that we didn't catch the masked man in the main god space, and the main god space ended.

Next time, Kakashi and I must catch the masked man and ask him clearly."

Kakashi also smiled rarely"It's great that the master's wife can be resurrected. Next time we must answer the Lord's question and strive for a chance of resurrection. Then we can resurrect Minato teacher and we can be happy together."

Naruto was completely dumbfounded. He shouted,"So, is this person really my mother?"

Kakashi rubbed Naruto's head,"Of course it's true, it's absolutely true. You still don't want to accept it!"

Then Naruto pointed at the seventh hokage,"Then who is this person and his wife?"

Hyuga Hiashi stepped forward, took Hinata's hand and said,"This person is my daughter Hinata, and your future wife. If you dare to be indecisive, I... will not let you go."

When he said the last sentence, Hyuga Hiashi moved close to Naruto with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

Kushina also looked at Hinata with a smile;"It's great that Naruto will have a wife like this when he grows up."

But Sarah next to her said unhappily;"No, it's too early to say these now. History has changed, and I have already appeared. It's hard to say who Naruto likes now."

Kushina looked at Sarah again, with a face full of happiness;"Oh, so many good girls want to be my daughter-in-law, I really don't know what to do."

Then Kushina looked at Bai;"He is a big star, and everyone in the ninja world is moved by him. I know you, and I am relieved that you can accompany my son as a bodyguard."

Little Naruto looked at the seventh hokage with disbelief;"Brother... Big brother turns out to be what I look like when I grow up."

The seventh hokage was embarrassed;"Sorry, I kept it from you for so long."

Little Naruto couldn't accept it;"Why... Why am I so ugly when I grow up, wuwuwu……"

Hinata's face suddenly turned black, and so did the Seventh Hokage.

Should they beat up little Naruto?

But Kushina took the initiative and punched little Naruto on the head;"Idiot, that was you, how can you scold yourself.

Besides, he is already a father of two children, it is normal for him to be a little older, and his appearance will definitely decline, but I believe that he must have been very handsome when he was young, just like his father."

Not only the Seventh Hokage, but Hinata also laughed when he heard it. Yes, think about how handsome Naruto was back then, the great hero of Konoha, and even the great hero of the entire ninja world.

Then little Naruto looked excited;"In other words, the Fourth Hokage is my father?"

Everyone nodded in unison, and then little Naruto cheered.

The seventh generation also said,"By the way, mom, why haven't I seen dad?"

Kushina's hair stood up immediately, and she pulled the seventh generation to scold him,"You kid, you have forgotten your future when you came to the third generation. We are the ones who comfort and take care of your two children for you."

Kushina was referring to the main god space, where Minato trained Uzumaki Boruto every day, and Kushina was also teaching Uzumaki Himawari.

Kushina found that Himawari and Boruto also inherited some Uzumaki blood. Although they were thinner and their hair was not red, their vitality and chakra were stronger than ordinary people.

Such a sunflower was also enough to learn some sealing techniques, but it was a pity that no matter how Kushina taught, Sunflower could not learn it.

It seemed that Sunflower was more suitable for the Hyuga family. The Uzumaki clan could not find a successor to the sealing technique, which made Kushina very helpless.

Then Kakashi and Lin came to the Seventh Hokage and said,"If it's you, you must know the true identity of the masked man, please tell us."

Since Kakashi and Lin had already guessed it, although the Seventh Hokage felt that the timing was not right, he did not intend to hide it. But when the words came to his lips, his throat seemed to be starved by some mysterious power. Well, it seems that some core secrets cannot be revealed.

The Seventh Hokage finally shook his head and said,"I'm sorry, I can't reveal things about the future. It seems that the power of the Lord God is preventing it."

Hearing this, Kakashi and Lin did not ask any more questions. It seems that they can only find the masked man by themselves.

"Hey, Kushina, long time no see. I’m glad to see you resurrected."

The Nine-Tails in Naruto’s body materialized in the form of chakra, and the huge fox head looked at Kushina with satisfaction.

Kushina was startled."It turned out to be you, this stinky fox. Humph, do you still want to be sealed by me? I will not easily forgive you for killing me."

The Sandaime, Kakashi and others were shocked. Is this the Nine-Tails in the Seventh Hokage’s body?

Little Naruto was also startled when he saw the Nine-Tails for the first time.

The future Nine-Tails had a shy face."Old… I just… just wanted to… apologize to you." The

Nine-Tails couldn’t speak clearly, and the Seventh Hokage smiled with satisfaction.

The Nine-Tails roared."Asshole, don’t watch the show either.���, also say a few words for me."

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