When Naruto was caught between two beauties and was in a dilemma, it was the end of the main god space that saved him in the end.

Naruto, who returned to reality, felt afraid of the main god space, but Hinata was next to him, or should I say, on his bed.

After all, they slept together and were then pulled into the main god space together.

Hinata's face was frosty;"Naruto-kun, what's going on with that girl?" The henpecked husband, who was the same as the fourth generation, began to sweat;"Hinata, I really don't know, I don't remember, but I do feel that I have seen that girl, but I can't remember, maybe my memory has been erased as she said."

Hinata is not a girl who cares about every penny, and even if there is something, it was before they got married. At least Hinata has never seen that girl after they got married, and even before they got married.

Since even the main god exists, it is not so difficult to accept that Naruto's memory has been erased.

Hinata is helpless. She knows Naruto's character and he really doesn't have so many tricks.

Naruto is now middle-aged, and he must not have any sparks with the mysterious girl.

After all, the appearance of the mysterious girl was just a small episode and would not affect their married life.

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief;"Then Hinata, I should set off. Today is the first time I have performed a mission to the Land of Waves when I was a child."

Hinata exclaimed;"Ah, I haven't made breakfast yet."

Then Hinata hurriedly got dressed and went downstairs to cook. Fortunately, little Naruto was still sleeping in and it was in time.

At this time, the seventh generation fell into deep thought. He seemed to have really forgotten something very important.

But Naruto, who is middle-aged, does not want to bring any changes to his life, but if he doesn't think about it, he always feels sorry for the mysterious girl.

Forget it. When there is a chance in the future, I will ask the third generation about the ninjutsu of erasing memory.

Today's little Naruto is different from the original. At least he will not get a stomachache from eating expired milk, nor will he go hungry because he has no money to eat.

Or they can only eat instant noodles. When Naruto woke up, he was greeted by two warm greetings;"Naruto, you are awake, come and eat."

The table was unusually rich. Hinata took great pains for this meal. After all, this was her future husband, so she had to be more attentive.

Hinata smiled gently;"Naruto, come and try it. Although the ramen I made by myself may not be as good as Ichiraku ramen, you should not eat instant noodles in the future. If you want to eat ramen, I can also make it for you." Naruto was almost moved to tears. To be honest, the ramen made by Hinata was not worse than that made by Uncle Ichiraku, and it was better with full ingredients.

The taste was different, but both were delicious.

Hinata smiled;"Naruto, you must be a good man with a single heart when you grow up."

Naruto naturally agreed, but the seventh generation was embarrassed;"Ah, it seems that Hinata really cares about that matter."

After all, their newlywed life has been so happy so far, and suddenly one day Hinata learned that Naruto seemed to have other confidantes when he was young, who loved her husband. How could she bear this?

While little Naruto was so moved, Hinata said,"By the way, there is something I want to ask little Naruto."

Little Naruto patted his chest and said,"Just tell me, no matter how difficult it is, leave it to me."

Hearing this, Hinata smiled more gently,"There is a shy girl named Hinata in the Hyuga family. She is my sister. You must take good care of her in the future and never let her get bullied. Please, Naruto-kun."

Little Naruto began to feel elated and patted his chest,"Don't worry, sis. I will never let anyone bully her."

The seventh generation couldn't stand it anymore,"I said Hinata...……"

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he couldn't call her Hinata in front of little Naruto, so he skipped the name and continued;"From childhood to adulthood, every time you were bullied, I stood up to protect you, right? I have done this a long time ago."

After dinner, the seventh generation went out with Naruto, and little Naruto asked curiously;"Brother, what are you going to do when you go out?" The seventh generation smiled and said;"It's a small matter, you should go to teacher Kakashi."

Before leaving, the seventh generation squatted down and opened the little Naruto's ninja tool bag, stuffed a kunai shuriken into it;"Take these, practice well, and become a powerful ninja."

In fact, one of the kunai shuriken that Naruto stuffed in was transformed from his shadow clone.

Feeling the bulging ninja tool bag, little Naruto was ecstatic. In fact, ninja tools are quite expensive. Naruto doesn't have many, and this is the first time it is full.

This sense of happiness is no less than eating Hinata's ramen. It turns out that boys like to play with these little things.

The Seventh Hokage saw a familiar figure, Dazna, on the street;"Sure enough, is the Land of Waves about to begin?"

You should know that Naruto attaches great importance to the mission of the Land of Waves this time, and cares a lot about Zabuza and Haku, but he gave this mission to his shadow clone to handle, because his original body has more important things to do, he wants to meet Orochimaru.

In the future world, Orochimaru helped a lot in the Fourth Ninja World War, and he was specially taken care of afterwards, allowed to move freely in Konoha Village, and the wanted order was cancelled.

And he, no, it's the"she" next to the female character, cultivated an excellent boy, who is Boruto's friend and a young junior that the Seventh Hokage is very optimistic about.

Besides, Jiraiya teacher also hopes that Orochimaru can return to Konoha. At present, before he has caused great damage to Konoha, meeting him once may change a lot of things.

In fact, the Seventh Hokage wants to see Jiraiya teacher the most, but even Naruto, the disciple, doesn't know where Jiraiya teacher is, so forget it, you can't find him, you can only wait for him to return to Konoha.

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