Because of Bai's help, Naruto also filled the test paper with answers.

The deadline for this exam is one hour to answer ten questions, and the last question will be revealed after 45 minutes.

During this period, little Naruto sat in his seat with his arms folded on his chest and was very calm.

He was no longer like Alexander, sweating profusely in the original historical process.

Finally, Ibiki announced the tenth question. In Naruto's opinion, it didn't matter whether he answered it right or not. Anyway, as long as he didn't get zero points, Sasuke and Sakura would not be implicated, and he could continue to participate in the Chunin Exam.

Ibiki said coldly;"Before that, there is a small condition for the last question."

Kakashi, Asuma, and Yuhi Kurenai, who were waiting for the good news outside the house, were sitting on the sofa and chatting.

Kakashi said;"It's so free without my subordinates around!"

Asuma said lightly while smoking a cigarette;"Well, I will definitely be busy soon"


Asuma shook off the ash from his cigarette and said,"It is said that the examiner of the first exam this year is that Morino Ibiki."

Kakashi understood. [Now, the first exam is also in danger】

"Why did they choose this sadist as the examiner?"

Yuhi Kurenai was puzzled;"Sadist?"

Asuma explained;"Kurenai, you are still a novice ninja, it is normal that you don't know."

Kurenai indeed had never heard of Morino Ibiki and asked;"Who is he?"

Asuma said;"He is a professional in torture and interrogation"

"Although there may be no physical torture in the exam, he will definitely use mental torture to put psychological pressure on the candidates."

"After all, he is the captain of the torture and interrogation unit of Konoha Anbu, Morino Ibiki.

As Asuma expected, in the classroom, Morino Ibiki's pressure was about to begin.

"First, you have to choose whether to answer the tenth question or not."

Temari asked;"Since we have to choose, what will happen if we don't answer the tenth question?"

Ibiki said expressionlessly;"If you don't choose, then the candidates will be judged as zero points on the spot, which means they have failed."

All kinds of fancy cheating, the surviving candidates immediately started to discuss;"What is going on!"

"In this case, then the tenth question must be answered!"

"Why do we have to choose?"

"If you don't choose, you will be eliminated. This rule is too chaotic."

Ibiki didn't care about the emotions of the candidates at all, and continued to announce;"There is one last rule. If you choose to answer the question but don't answer it correctly, then the answerer will be disqualified from participating in the Chunin Exam forever in the future."

The candidates were in an uproar;"Ah, this is too much. The person who answers incorrectly can only be a Genin forever, and his companions will be kicked out of the classroom and fail this exam."

How familiar the rules are in front of me, as if I have experienced similar ones in the main god space.

However, if you answer the questions incorrectly in the main god space, you will die on the spot.

And Ibiki's question is to permanently disqualify you from the Chunin Exam, which is exactly the same routine.

Ya stood up and roared;"How can there be such a strange rule? After all, many people here have participated in the Chunin Exam more than once."

Ibiki sneered;"Your luck is too bad. This year I am the rule, and I have already given you a way out.

Guys who don't have confidence, then honestly choose not to answer, and take the exam next year or the year after."

Such arrogance and domineering, Bai finally helped Naruto cheat, but now it has become meaningless.

The first test was to cheat without being discovered, and many people were eliminated.

This time, the test is about courage, and never backing down in the face of huge pressure.

However, at this moment, most people have backed down. They don’t want to answer the tenth question, and they don’t want to be a Genin for the rest of their lives.

Ibiki sneered sinisterly, and Sakura gritted her teeth nervously. [In other words, as long as one of the three of us chooses not to answer, the other two will be judged as failing.

Even if all three choose to answer, as long as one person gets the answer wrong, they will all be eliminated, and the person who gets the answer wrong will never be able to participate in the Chunin exam and can only be a Genin for the rest of his life.]

Sakura was suffocated by the pressure;"Damn, in this kind of thing, any normal person would not know how to choose."

Ibiki stopped laughing and said coldly;"Then, let's start"

"I abstain"

"I give up."

More and more people were saying they wanted to give up, one after another. Many people left the classroom with their companions. No one wanted to be a ninja for the rest of their lives.

Bai was not worried about being a ninja for the rest of his life. He didn't care and there was no pressure. He looked at Naruto. As long as he didn't give up, Bai could still help him cheat.

Sakura looked at Naruto worriedly. [Even if I choose to answer the tenth question, I have the confidence to answer it, but Naruto is different. He should choose not to answer and come back next year.]

The people around him who were shouting to give up continued, but Naruto was reluctant to raise his hand.

Sakura was even more worried. [That guy, who kept saying that he wanted to be an elite ninja who wanted to become Hokage, kept saying it over and over like a fool. That was not only his dream, but also the meaning of his existence. Becoming a Chunin was too important to little Naruto.】

【So, I'm sorry, Naruto, I don't want to completely shatter your impossible dream. 】

Sakura slowly raised her hand, and looked at Naruto's back with gentle eyes. He planned to give up, because Naruto still had the chance to take the next Chunin Exam.

However, an invisible hand pulled Sakura's hand down, and it was naturally Bai's hand.

If Sakura gave up, Naruto would also be eliminated, and Bai naturally couldn't let this happen.

Then he gently wrote on the back of Sakura's hand;"I'm Bai, I can help Naruto cheat, don't worry, I will copy your answers."

Hearing this, Sakura was ecstatic. It was really a ray of hope. She didn't have to worry about whether Naruto could answer the questions.

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