Orochimaru did not attack Sasuke and Sakura, but with just a look, he released all the murderous aura in his body.

In those years, he participated in the Ninja World War with Jiraiya and Tsunade. They faced so many difficulties and killed so many people that he couldn't count them all.

The murderous aura was like substance, so thick that the air seemed to be filled with the smell of blood.

Zabuza scared Naruto so much that he dared not move, and now Orochimaru also scared Sasuke so much that he couldn't move.

The murderous aura on Orochimaru was so terrifying that it was unimaginable. It was not something that Sasuke and Sakura, the two Genin, could resist.

At that moment, they seemed to have two kunai inserted into their heads, and the smell of blood was all around.

Sasuke was shocked and said nothing. Once again, he felt the eyes of Uchiha Itachi, and the suffocating pressure came again.

It's not that Orochimaru is stronger than Itachi, but Itachi was reserved even when he released the murderous aura to Sasuke.

But Orochimaru released it to Sasuke without reservation, which reminded him of his weak self back then and the powerful Uchiha Itachi.

"Is this an illusion?"

Sasuke was so irritated by the strong smell of blood that he knelt on the ground and vomited.

"No, it's not an illusion, it's just pure murderous intent!"

"Who the hell is this guy?"

""Sakura... Sakura."

Sasuke looked at Sakura, who was also facing the murderous aura, but Sakura sat on the ground like a duck, lowered her head, and tears fell.

When facing Zabuza, although it was scary, she didn't cry. But now, she was scared to tears because of a look from Orochimaru.

"No, I have no choice but to run away. If I don't run away, I will be killed."

A big snake with a bulging belly swam towards Orochimaru, and the little Naruto in his stomach roared;"Let me out!"

Naruto wanted to resist and rummaged in the ninja tool bag;"This is the rice ball that I left behind at noon and haven't finished eating."

Then the rice ball fell, stained with mucus, and melted instantly.

"No, if I don't escape, I will definitely be digested."

Orochimaru thought,"Little Naruto, he should be able to hold on for five minutes. If he doesn't escape within five minutes, I will have to let him go."

After all, he and the Seventh Hokage are allies. It's okay to test each other's strength, but if he kills the other, Orochimaru dare not think about the consequences.

He doesn't want to fight the Seventh Hokage, and the Seventh Hokage is outside, he can rush to the rescue at any time.

The female ninja looked at the shivering Sasuke and Sakura;"Hehe, can't move anymore?"

Sasuke shouted in his heart,"Move, move, I can't wait to die, how can I die in this damn place."

He reached for the ninja tool bag with trembling hands, even just taking out the kunai in it seemed so difficult.

Sasuke successfully took out the kunai, but his legs were still shaking.

Aunt Snake said calmly;"So, what do you want to do!"

Another huge murderous aura came, and Sasuke was completely unable to move.

Aunt Snake slowly approached Sasuke;"Don't worry, I won't let you have any time to suffer, just a moment, hehehe……"

Orochimaru raised his kunai high."I wanted you to play with me, but you are so unbearable."

He threw the two kunai casually and slowly threw them towards Sakura and Sasuke's heads.

Sasuke roared and stabbed his kunai into his thigh. He broke free from the powerlessness brought by fear and hid with Sakura.

Aunt Snake snorted coldly."It's not so hopeless. Use pain to eliminate fear."

On Naruto's side, the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique was activated in the snake's body. The number of clones was so large that it directly burst the snake's body.

Naruto, who successfully escaped, gritted his teeth."I am going to be a Hokage. How can I turn into a snake's feces in a place like this?"

At this time, Sasuke and Sakura were hiding behind a tree. Sakura said worriedly,"Sasuke, what should we do now?"

Sasuke covered Sakura's mouth in fear."Don't make a sound. He is nearby and will catch up soon."

Another snake climbed up the tree, wrapped around the roots, and attacked Sasuke.

There are many ordinary giant snakes like this one in the Ryuchi Cave whose only advantage is that they are huge, and they are not even worthy of being called summoned beasts.

Facing such a snake, Sasuke was also frightened. He seemed to feel the huge murderous aura of his master from the snake.

He took out the shuriken and screamed,"Ahhh, don't come over!"

The snake fell down, and Sasuke was still panting and having difficulty breathing.

At this time, the skin of the fallen snake's body was broken, and the disgusting woman crawled out of the snake's body.

Sasuke and Sakura were shocked,"Ah, this!"

Such a disgusting, powerful, and perverted opponent is something they have never encountered before.

"You can't be distracted even for a moment. Prey must always be highly nervous and flee, especially in front of the predator."

Snake Aunt's body was covered with the mucus from the snake's body, which was extremely disgusting.

Orochimaru spit out a long tongue, and the next moment his body extended, like a snake, climbing up the tree in circles.

Sasuke's horrified expression was beyond words, and Orochimaru was about to pounce on Sasuke. Naruto

's shuriken blocked Orochimaru's way, and the three of them looked in Naruto's direction unexpectedly.

"Sorry, Sasuke, I'm late."

At this moment, there seemed to be an exciting drumbeat, and Sakura smiled happily, as if she saw a hero, and shouted;"Naruto!"

"As for the secret code, I forgot it."

There is no doubt that this is the real Naruto, but it still doesn't work.

Sasuke looked at Orochimaru, who was looking at Naruto with a smile [This kid can really escape.]

Sasuke didn't think that Naruto could defeat Orochimaru after he came. This was an opponent more terrifying than Zabuza.

He closed his Sharingan;"Please wait a moment."

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke in confusion, and so did little Naruto, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Sasuke took out the Scroll of Heaven from the ninja tool bag;"As for the scroll, I'll give it to you, please, take this and go."

Little Naruto widened his eyes in astonishment, unable to believe that this was the unruly Sasuke he knew.

"Hey, Sasuke, what are you doing? You actually took the initiative to give the scroll to the enemy. Are you going to retreat?"

Orochimaru sneered;"I see, you have a good idea. The prey only expects the hunter to hand over other food and then let it go."

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