The Seventh Hokage showed his strength by creating more than a thousand shadow clones, and each of them was in Nine-Tails mode.

Tobirama suddenly lost confidence,"This... this is a forbidden technique that I created!"

But soon Tobirama said happily,"However, I am satisfied to see such an outstanding backup."

The Seventh Hokage explained,"These shadow clones will surround the examination venue and search for Orochimaru."

Tobirama smiled,"That's great!"

However, the Seventh Hokage's ultimate goal was to make a big fuss and let Orochimaru see him. He would understand that he should retreat when the matter was exposed.

After summoning the snake, Aunt Snake attacked Sasuke first. At this time, Sasuke was already scared, his eyes were shocked, and he even forgot to dodge.

His heartbeat resounded through the sky.

Sakura shouted worriedly~;"Sasuke!"

In fact, this giant snake is just a little bit bigger, and it is fundamentally different from the Ten Thousand Snakes.

Obviously, Orochimaru was letting Sasuke go by not summoning Ten Thousand Snakes. Seeing the giant snake rushing towards Sasuke, Sasuke was still in a daze. Naruto took action. He appeared in front of Sasuke in an instant, and used two kunai in his left and right hands to block the attack of the giant snake.

He turned his back to the giant snake and faced Sasuke.

Sasuke was in disbelief. He didn't expect that at such a critical moment, the one who saved him was this last-place person.

Little Naruto glared at Sasuke with great disappointment;"You're not hurt, coward!"

What Sasuke once said to little Naruto, now it's the opposite, which makes Sasuke feel extremely aggrieved. He gritted his teeth, hating his own weakness that he would be protected by Naruto, the last one.

Little Naruto's eyes had turned scarlet, his eyes were so fierce that Sasuke didn't dare to look him in the eye.

Little Naruto gritted his teeth and said,"This kind of cowardly and incompetent guy is definitely not the Sasuke I know."

But Orochimaru stared at Naruto, he found that the seal of the Nine-Tails seemed to be loose.

Orochimaru's long tongue rolled towards Naruto and pulled Naruto in front of him.

The handsomeness just now was gone, Naruto shouted helplessly,"Asshole, let me go, snake demon."

Orochimaru thought expressionlessly [When emotions are high, the power of the Nine-Tails will leak out. After so many years, Kushina's seal seems to be unstable!]

Orochimaru stretched out his hand to condense chakra. In an instant, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth condensed on his five fingers.

Then Orochimaru used his tongue to open up Naruto's belly. On his belly, the seal had already appeared.

【Look, even the seal has emerged.】

Little Naruto was terrified. He didn't know what the snake demon in front of him was going to do to him.

Orochimaru shouted,"Five Elements Seal."

Then he slapped Little Naruto's stomach. Naruto screamed in pain, and the seal of the Nine-Tails was reinforced again.

This was a good thing for Naruto, but at the same time he could not use the power of the Nine-Tails, even when he was extremely angry and emotional.

Sakura also said in horror,"Sasuke, go save Naruto!"

Sasuke was still in a daze, staring at everything Orochimaru did to Naruto, but he was powerless.

Then Naruto's scarlet pupils returned to blue, he lost consciousness and passed out. Orochimaru didn't know what he was thinking. After sealing Naruto, he stretched his tongue into Naruto's ninja tool bag and took away the scroll of heaven in his ninja tool bag. He seemed to be determined to create difficulty for Sasuke's Chunin Exam. As for Naruto's posture, it was just that it was implicated.

After taking the scroll, she threw Naruto away, and Naruto's unconscious body fell from a height.

If he fell to the ground like this, he might be seriously injured. Sakura shouted Naruto's name and threw a kunai at him. The kunai pierced Naruto's clothes accurately and pinned him to the tree trunk. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then Sakura desperately asked Sasuke,"What's wrong with you, Sasuke?"

Sasuke was still in a daze, his pupils were shaking, and no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

Even Sakura had gotten rid of the fear and broke free. Sakura looked at Sasuke in disbelief, the man she loved so much. Sakura looked at Sasuke and whispered Sasuke's name again, with a firm look in her eyes,"Naruto is indeed different from Sasuke. Although he is clumsy and in the way, at least he is not a coward."

Asking for flowers 0[]

Sakura cried,"Right, Sasuke!" Sasuke gritted his teeth. The reason he was in a daze was at least because he remembered a certain man, Uchiha Itachi.

In front of an unknown ninja, he was so disgusting, so how could he defeat that man?

Although Shisui's brother, no, it should be called sister, has been resurrected and is also going to kill Danzo with the idea of revenge, but he will become a burden to him.

Sasuke remembered what Itachi said;"My stupid brother, if you want to kill me, then hate me, and then live on in an ugly way.

Run, run, and desperately grasp every chance to live."

""No, it's not like that!"

Sasuke shouted loudly. He roared and the next moment his Sharingan opened. He stared at Orochimaru expressionlessly.

Orochimaru raised the corner of his mouth slightly;"Haha, it's indeed the Uchiha clan. Seeing his companions being beaten, his blood began to boil."

【Let me slowly test your strength!

Orochimaru smiled sinisterly.

Sasuke picked up the fallen kunai again and held it in his mouth."In order to defeat my brother, I must live. I have always believed this, and that is why I am afraid of a life-and-death duel. But it seems that I am the real fool. Naruto, Sakura, how can I defeat such a powerful opponent if I can't risk my life here?���】

Sasuke rushed towards Orochimaru in a ninja-like manner, launching a new round of swift and flexible offensive.

Orochimaru's speed was extremely fast, even much faster than Rock Lee in normal state. Sasuke, who couldn't even defend against Rock Lee's attack at the beginning, now not only saw it clearly, but his body was also better.

Although Orochimaru was letting him go, it must be said that Sasuke has grown a lot.

Sasuke made a seal and used the fireball technique! Orochimaru avoided it and then counterattacked. Sasuke also avoided it and pulled away several steps, ready to attack at any time..

Added by: sabmado

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