""Knock, knock, knock~"

While they were chatting, someone knocked outside the house.

In fact, there were only Kushina, the Seventh Hokage and his wife, and little Naruto left in this house.

Bai now settled in the medicine shop. Although the business was much quieter, there were still people who came to Bai for treatment.

Bai's service was very thoughtful. Although it was not to say that the medicine could cure all diseases, there were also diseases that she could not treat.

But most of the common diseases such as colds, fevers, poisoning, and injuries could be treated by her, and it was more careful and cheaper than going to the hospital.

Sarah felt uncomfortable staying in this house, so she also moved to Naruto's former home, and new furniture was added.

The person she is waiting for will not appear until three years later. As a queen, she has no means of making a living and relies entirely on the subsidy from the Sandaime.

But the subsidy given to Sarah is a lot, enough for her to live in Konoha without worries. After all, she is a person thrown by the Lord God, and the Sandaime must take good care of her.

Recently, Sarah has also begun to learn various ninja-related things. She seems to want to become a ninja too, so that she can help the brave blond boy in three years. The

Seventh Hokage asked;"Who is it, Kakashi teacher?"

The Seventh Hokage opened the door curiously, and when he saw the person coming, his hands trembled, with an expression of disbelief on his face. 443

"Good...lecherous immortal, you...why are you here?"

Kushina hurried out upon hearing that;"Teacher Jiraiya, are you here to see me?"

Seeing the Seventh Hokage, Jiraiya couldn't help but look at him twice more, because the Seventh Hokage gave him a familiar feeling, just like Namikaze Minato.

However, they are different after all, and the difference is also very large. First of all, the Seventh Hokage is not as handsome as Minato.

After all, the Seventh Hokage is already a middle-aged man, and Minato was still a young father when he died.

Jiraiya smiled;"It's Minato's child, it seems that little Naruto's first wish brought you into this world?" The

Seventh Hokage's eyes were filled with tears, and he hugged him excitedly;"Teacher Jiraiya, I miss you so much."

Jiraiya was a little confused;"What's wrong, kid, I don't like men."

The Seventh Hokage suddenly thought of something and ran to his study

"By the way, Teacher Jiraiya, I have a gift for you."

Kushina welcomed Jiraiya into the living room, poured her a cup of tea, and smiled;"I didn't expect to see you again, teacher."

Jiraiya asked with sad eyes;"Is Minato doing well in the other family?"

Kushina smiled;"Teacher, don't worry about him, he is very happy now, with grandchildren accompanying him." Jiraiya smiled happily when he heard it;"Really, Minato is really blessed."

When the seventh generation came back, he was holding the sequel to the basic intimate paradise in his hands;"Teacher Jiraiya, look at this, it was created by someone else."

Jiraiya took it and took a few glances. The content of the book was extremely explosive, even more erotic than the intimate paradise he wrote.

And there were even pictures;"Oh wow……"

Kushina frowned,"Naruto, what are you showing the teacher?" The

Seventh Hokage then remembered that his mother was still there, so he asked Jiraiya to put it away.

Jiraiya was also quite embarrassed, and coughed,"What's wrong, in the future, have I stopped writing, so there are young backups to continue writing?"

The Seventh Hokage said dejectedly,"Yes, for some reasons, Jiraiya-sensei can't continue writing."

Jiraiya had just met the Seventh Hokage, but he seemed to be very familiar with him, and the two talked about everything.

That feeling was very wonderful, as if they had known each other for many years.

In fact, Jiraiya had known little Naruto for a long time, so even when he grew up, Jiraiya would still know him.

Moreover, he was willing to listen to everything he said like an elder.

Suddenly Jiraiya's expression became serious."Can you tell me, what happened to that guy?"

The Seventh Hokage understood."You mean to ask Orochimaru? He has returned to Konoha and is also working for Konoha. He also has an extremely outstanding child."

The tea that Jiraiya had just taken a sip of instantly sprayed all over the Seventh Hokage's face."You...what are you talking about?"

Jiraiya's expression was filled with heartache."Who...who is the child's mother? It couldn't be Tsunade." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The

Seventh Hokage shook his head repeatedly."No, no, don't worry, Teacher Jiraiya, you still have a chance. Grandma Tsunade chose to die alone." Jiraiya took a sip of tea calmly."I see, am I dead in the future?"

As expected of Jiraiya, he guessed it by looking at the Seventh Hokage's unnatural expression and a few words.

But Jiraiya didn't care, he patted the seventh hoist's shoulder vigorously and said,"But since you are here, the future will change."

Kushina went upstairs and cleaned up a bedroom."Teacher Jiraiya, you can live here tonight. Oh no, please treat this place as your own home in the future."

Jiraiya scratched his head embarrassedly."Aha, that's so embarrassing!" Kushina rolled her eyes and said,"Jiraiya, didn't you always do this before, coming to my house to eat and drink, why are you embarrassed now, have I been away for decades and made you shameless?"

Jiraiya didn't care."Hahaha, then I'd rather obey you than be respectful."

At this time, little Naruto came out after taking a shower."Hey, who is this weird uncle?"

Kushina went up and punched him."This is your father's teacher, show some respect to me!"[]

Hearing this, Naruto's eyes sparkled."To be the teacher of the Fourth Hokage, he must be very strong."

Jiraiya, with a weird gesture, opened his palm to Naruto and introduced himself."I am the Toad Sage of Myoboku Mountain."

Naruto pestered."Then teach me ninjutsu and be my teacher."

However, Jiraiya glanced at Naruto indifferently."Humph, I won't accept a kid like you as my disciple." Naruto pouted."The one who was hanging around the women's bathhouse today must be you, uncle!" Jiraiya was stunned. He just returned to Konoha today and visited the Konoha women's bathhouse as soon as possible. How could this kid know?

Then he ran to see Kushina as soon as possible. He was also very concerned about the temperament of this disciple Minato.

In other words, the priority of the women's bathhouse is above Kushina.

He only went to two places in total, but he met Naruto in both places?

Hearing this, Kushina's face was full of black lines, suppressing her anger;"Master Jiraiya!"

Jiraiya said in horror;"Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, how could the Toad Sage do such a thing."

Little Naruto gritted his teeth;"Then there is no other way." Jiraiya asked curiously;"What do you mean by no other way?" It

's not that he didn't want to accept Little Naruto as a disciple, but he didn't want him to succeed too easily.

I, the Toad Sage of Myoboku Mountain, can't be such a casual person.

Little Naruto said lightly;"Just let you take a look, that's all!" Jiraiya asked curiously;"What do you mean?"

The seventh generation smiled, little Naruto's unexpectedness was the first, even he himself couldn't guess the little Naruto's train of thought.

Naruto said calmly,"This is a ninjutsu I just developed, which is more powerful than the seduction technique."

The seventh generation sweat dripped down his forehead,"Could it be the harem technique?"

That's right, with the current amount of chakra in Naruto, it is enough to cast multiple shadow clones, and then transform into beauties of different styles, which is the so-called harem technique..

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