"Why did you want Ivan Vanke to start his own company? Is it because you want to push him to the front to fight Stark?" Justin

Hammer has always had an idea, or an obsession.

That is to surpass the Stark Group and make Hammer Industries the number one arms manufacturer.

"Maybe you should see what Stark Group is behind it.

Nathan Hawke's words made Justin Hammer suddenly stunned, and then deflated.

"You're saying that even if the Stark Group is gone, there are other people secretly supporting the Stark?" asked

Justin Hammer, confused, "the military? I also have friends from the military.

"So this time you can see what the Stark Group is behind it really is. Justin

Hammer was still a little depressed when Nathan Hawke apparently didn't intend to tell himself and let himself see it. Because he has thought about it, let the steel army established by Ivan Vanke install the missiles of his ex-wife of Hammer Industries, plus the publicity and distribution department of the Hawker Group, the popularity and sales are combined, and the company's shares are not quacking. It's sure to trample Stark under your feet.

"Vanke Technology, aren't you also a shareholder? At the very least, you won't lose. "Nathan Hawke is not going to tell the story of Justin Hammer going to prison if he didn't come to this world, if you follow the plot.

"I think I'm going to get a couple of researchers over, right. Justin Hammer couldn't help but nod, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a match.

"I'll go to Vanke Technology first. Next time we talk. After speaking, Justin Hammer immediately walked towards Vanke Technology with great interest.

The scene of a superhero screening.

"There are so many people. I didn't expect there to be so many people today.

"Of course, it's three superhero movies playing together today.

Peter Parker and Ned were carrying backpacks and poking popcorn and Coke with their bags as they prepared to enter the screening room.

"Hey, hello. A cold voice sounded from beside him.

"Wow!" the two were taken aback for a moment.

"Hahahaha, that's how it really is. "The Invisible Man reveals his true form.

"Wow, the Invisible Man. Ned's eyes lit up immediately, and he shoved the Coke and popcorn bucket into Peter Parker's hand, "The Invisible Man, I'm a huge fan of yours, please give me the front." As he spoke, he took off his backpack and handed over an invisible man peripheral suit and a graffiti pen inside.

"Oh. Thanks, since you're a huge fan of mine, can you tell me what's your name?" replied the Invisible Man kindly, with a smile.

"Ned. The Invisible Man, my name is Ned. Ned looked excitedly at the invisible man who had started writing.

"No problem. After the invisible man signed, he also took out his pen and wrote under his signature, Super fan: Ned.

"Wow, thank you!" Ned jumped excitedly. Then he elbowed Peter Parker next to him.

Peter Parker woke up from a dream, "You, hello, Invisible Man, please sign me too."

"Okay, I'd love to. The Invisible Man smiled and took one of his peripheral signatures and said, "Kid, what's your name?"

"Peter Parker, sir." Peter Parker said with some social fear.

"Oh, Peter Parker. After the invisible man signed, he was stunned for a moment, and looked at the name of his peripheral sign, super fan: Peter Parker. Then he looked at the child with a green face.

"Kid, you say your name is Peter Parker?" the Invisible Man raised an eyebrow, but because he was wearing a suit, the two of them couldn't see his expression, only his eyes and mouth.

"Yes, Mr. Invisible Man, do you have any questions?" Peter Parker suddenly panicked in his heart.

"Oh. Then I'll have to sign another one. The Invisible Man suddenly had a whim, according to the three of them chatting together at the time, Electro Man said about his opponent, Spider-Man Peter Parker. The Invisible Man signed and handed over the peripheral.

"Alright. I hope my movie today can give you guys an enjoyable experience. The Invisible Man said, ready to leave.

"No, Invisible Man, today is a very pleasant, exciting day for us. Ned was so excited that if it weren't for the fear that yelling might make more people notice this, and at the same time for fear of affecting the invisible man, Ned would have been stomping his feet in excitement and madness.

"Hahaha, thank you. "The Invisible Man disappeared and left.

"Parker. You see, what I said, today is the premiere, there will definitely be superhero promotional easter eggs and fan benefits, no, we met the invisible man. There is also the electric light man, Super V. Ahhhh If only we could meet them. Ned drank the Coke in an excited gulp.

“oh,shit。 Parker, I still want to buy a Coke.

"Okay. In

the same way, Peter Parker's heart was super excited, because after he took over the peripheral, he saw that the invisible man had signed a paragraph for his peripheral.

"A tribute to our future superhero: Peter Parker. "

Can I be a superhero too?" Peter Parker's latent heart began to loosen inexplicably.

"Hey. Guess who I just saw?",

the invisible man in the background said to Andre to the electric man.

"Who? Seeing that you're so excited, it can't be that buttocks again, right?" As for the Invisible Man and Andre, they have gradually become familiar with the road, and they all know some of the things they tell about their own world. But there is one thing that is different from them, that is, these two people are people who like night games, today is not this buttocks, tomorrow it will be that buttocks.

"Who?blonde or silver?" Andre immediately became interested, just when he was in the fan welfare, Andre noticed a lot of hot fans, only after the battle to attack the Hydra base, the returning Andre was inexplicably eager to vent and the type changed from cute out of the water to tall and mature.

"What kind of eyes do you two have? "The invisible man has a crooked look on his face, and he wronged me.

"It's Peter Parker. I bumped into Peter Parker. The invisible man began to tell the scene of encountering Peter Parker in front of the two of them, and finally Peter Parker finally saw him.

"I didn't expect Peter Parker to be a child, although you have told me that this world is different from your world, but I still want to say that this child maybe, most likely, will become a superhero in the future. The Invisible Man affirmed.


"Because that's how movies act. A young kid meets a superhero, and then gets encouragement and aspires to become a superhero, and the protagonist is conservative and wooden, then it is more in line with it. The Invisible Man told the whole story in a few words.

"It's a world where superheroes are stars. Andre and Dianguang glanced at each other, and the same inner description appeared inexplicably.

The premiere of superheroes will be very successful, especially when the superheroes make a collective appearance at the end, and the scene is even more popular.

At the press conference after the premiere, a reporter asked a very heavy question.

"May I ask what the three superheroes think of Iron Man, the superhero, and have they also pulled Iron Man into the superhero lineup?"

The people at the scene heard this question, and obviously set the whole scene on fire.

It is known that under the skin of Iron Man is a playboy, Tony Stark. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Stark Group. One of the most successful people in the world. It's very easy for such a big guy to start a superhero group, but why not imagine it.

Faced with this problem, even the invisible man who has experienced a hundred battles was stunned for a moment. Then he thought about the words given by the company, and said kindly: "In addition to making movies, we are actually more about seeing unevenness in private, helping people in need, and if one day we need to defeat evil enemies with Iron Man." Then, as a member of justice, we don't need to say much, justice will inevitably unite us closely. "

Bang bang bang...

The roaring applause was endless, and everyone stood up to applaud the words of the invisible man.

"Wow. Is this still the invisible man I know?" watching this paragraph on TV, Nathan Hawke couldn't help but think of the character of the invisible man and what happened after watching the black-robed pickets when he first saw it.

Tony Stark, who was also in control of the monitor in Jarvis, also watched the scene, but his palm unconsciously touched his reactor.

Then he sighed.

"Natasha. How's Tony's going?" Turning off the monitor, Nick Fury looked at Natasha, who had gone undercover into the Stark Group.

"Confused, like a little sheep standing at a fork in the road. Natasha replied with her hands on her chest and raised her eyebrows.

"It's time to tell him about his father. Nick Fury stood up, "Ready, ready." "

The next day.

In addition to the headline-making superhero build-up and superhero movies, there's one thing, and that is Tony Stark, one of the most successful people in the world.

A very hot TGA.

Hearing and Tony Stark.

"The change in the world line has begun, although I know all this..."Nathan Hawke looked at the plot of Iron Man II, which only happened after the Thor story, and smiled slightly.

"But that's pretty good, isn't it? At the very least, this world, or this parallel universe, could have more different things going on to be more interesting.

"I can't suppress it anymore, I'm really looking forward to who the villain will be summoned next."

"I'm really looking forward to it. "

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