Summoned Again?

016 Initial Purchase

Having access to half a million dollars was as wonderful as it sounds... for my little sister. For me? I was pretty much dragged around by my nose and told to watch and listen. I was ordered not to speak as she took me apartment shopping. Not little dinky apartments, either. No, these were upscale high end apartments with views of half of the city.

Jenny was in her element as she spoke eloquently to the various owners, then she decided that renting wasn't going to be good enough when one of the owners mentioned selling the place. I managed to hold in my sigh as she called a local real estate agent. I pointed to her watch and she glanced at the time to see that it was close to five o'clock, or quitting time.

“For this kind of money, she's going to spend all night helping us.” Jenny said as the phone was picked up and she switched to the speaker option so I could hear.

“Jackson Reality. How can I help you?” A woman's slightly happy voice said.

“Oh, hello.” Jenny said. “I know this is short notice and I'm sure that you're busy...”

“Not at all.” The woman said. “I'm more than happy to help all night if needed.”

Jenny smiled at me and I shook my head. “Great!” She said. “I'm looking to buy a nice apartment, or condo, or even a nice house... depending on the size and the location.”

“At the moment, I have three apartments on the upper west side, a condo downtown, and...” There were shuffling paper sounds. “Six houses all over. Only two of them are a significant size.”

“At least two thousand square feet?” Jenny asked, her eyes dancing.

“One house, two apartments. The condo is only eighteen hundred.” The woman responded.

“We might want to look at it anyway.” Jenny said. “Can we start there first?”

“Of course.” The woman said. “I can come and pick you up or we can meet there.”

Jenny thought about it. “I think we'll take the pick up option.” She said, a bit tired of driving. “Can you meet us at the shopping mall on Pekoe? We'll park down by the west entrance and will wait for you there.”

“That's fine. What's your name and what do you look like?”

“My name's Jenny Smith and I'll be the black haired goddess standing next to a big lummox.” Jenny said and burst out laughing.

“Hey!” I exclaimed and the woman on the phone laughed, too.

“I'll be there in ten minutes.” The woman said.

“See you then.” Jenny said and hung up.

“That wasn't nice.” I frowned.

Jenny reached up and pat the top of my head. “I thought I told you to be quiet?”

“That was before when we weren't alone.” I responded.

“Do you want a coffee or something?” Jenny asked, ignoring me. “Maybe we should get some for the real estate agent, too.”

“Jenny...” I started to say and she took my hand.

“You know, having both technological and monetary control over my big brother is a huge emotional power boost to my ego.” Jenny said with a huge grin.

I couldn't help but laugh. “What's it like having half a million dollars at your fingertips, anyway?”

Jenny's grin turned wicked. “I want to withdraw a few thousand dollars in one dollar bills, dump it on a big bed, and roll around in it.”

“Somebody's been watching too many movies.” I said and thought about actually letting her do that. Of course, I would do her one better and use twenty dollar bills instead. I mean, who wants their sister to roll around in the cheapest denomination? I sure didn't.

We got coffee and tea, just in case, and waited by the west entrance of the mall. A nice car pulled up a couple of minutes later and came to a stop. The door opened and she gave me a full look from head to toe, just like Jenny's friend Kathy did.

“You must be Jenny.” The woman said and looked at my sister with a big smile.

“How did you guess?” Jenny asked with a laugh and walked over to the car.

“I'm Lisa. Lisa Welch.” Lisa said and shook Jenny's hand.

“Coffee or tea?” Jenny asked and pointed to me holding the tray.

“Coffee, please.” Lisa said and took one. “Thank you.”

“Long day?” Jenny asked and the three of us got in the car.

“Unbelievably.” Lisa chuckled and took a sip of coffee. “Mmm.”

The car pulled away from the entrance and took off like a shot. Jenny almost whooped in laughter.

Lisa grinned at her. “She's got some pep in her.”

“Yeah!” Jenny said happily.

They shared small talk as we drove downtown towards the condo area and we all finished our coffees. The traffic was kind of cooperating, so it didn't take us very long to get to the right address.

“Ooo, this is nice.” Jenny said as we parked in the driveway.

“Wait until you see inside.” Lisa said. “I personally love the granite counter tops.”

“Not marble?” Jenny asked.

“Too easy to scratch and mark up. Granite is much more durable for regular wear and tear.”

“I didn't know that.” Jenny said as Lisa opened the door for us.

“Most people don't care enough to ask about the specifics.” Lisa said with a chuckle. “Some even think that as long as it looks expensive, it'll last longer.”

Jenny chuckled, too. She had proof that wasn't true in the box of my old presents at home. Some of the most valuable things she owned were cheap when they were bought and had lasted for more than ten years.

“I normally stay outside and let the clients walk through on their own.” Lisa said and stepped aside.

“I'd rather you come in and explain things for us when we have questions.” Jenny said.

“Are you sure? I don't want to influence...”

“Not coming in will do that.” Jenny said and waved her to go in first.

Lisa looked at me and I smiled.

“Jenny's in charge.” I said and she nodded.

Lisa took us in and pointed out everything, explained what it was made of, then showed us the back yard.

“It has a POOL!” Jenny said and almost jumped for joy.

I sighed. “You're not supposed to show the real estate agent that you're excited.”

“Who cares! It has a POOL!” Jenny exclaimed.

I turned to Lisa. “How much is this place?”

“What?” Lisa looked at me. “I thought you wanted to look at...”

“Do the other places have a pool?” I asked.

“No, but the house has a huge backyard and...”

“We don't need to see anything else.” I said and cut her off. “How much?”

Lisa looked at Jenny and saw how happy she was. “It's just under seven hundred thousand dollars.”

“We'll take it.” Jenny said from the other side of the patio doors as she slipped off her high heeled shoe and splashed it through the water.

“The price is a little excessive. I'm sure there's some room for negotiation...” I started to say to Lisa.

“I said... We. Will. Take. It.” Jenny turned to face me through the doors and glared.

I sighed. “We'll take it.”

“Wonderful.” Lisa said with a huge smile. “I'll have the contract drawn up in an hour and we'll submit the offer to the owner.”

I had a flash of Divine Sight and Lisa and I spent a wonderful three months together. We kept it hidden from my sister and then we go our separate ways when I buy an office building that was two streets over, six months from now. She retires from the real estate business on the commissions from both properties. She meets her future husband in Florida and they have three kids and a dog.

That was too much of a good thing, for the both of us, so I turn to Lisa.

“Make it an even seven hundred thousand and tell them we'll pass on the home inspection.” I said and Lisa gave me wide eyes. “Oh, and I'll pay the early move in fee and ten years of condo fees in advance.”

Lisa stared at me as if I was a gift from god and I smiled at her. “My clients are going to love you.”

“They aren't the only ones.” I said suggestively and she let a huge smile grow on her face.

“Are you really a big lummox?” Lisa whispered the question.

I glanced down at myself and then at her face. I smiled back and she blushed in reaction.

“I'll... call them and tell them the offer.” Lisa said and walked across the place and stepped out the front door. I turned to my sister and gave her two thumbs up.

“YES!” Jenny yelled and actually did jump up and down with excitement. I had to turn away, just so I wouldn't see my sister's wonderfully perfect breasts bouncing under her top. I did not need that kind of stimulation. Nope, I did not.

An hour later, my sister signed the papers, because I wasn't a legal citizen and couldn't sign them myself. So, essentially, my sister bought a condo that I was going to be living in alone. Or so I thought.

“I can't wait to show my friends our new place!” Jenny almost yelled.

Well, fuck. I thought with a sigh and my sister hugged me.

“Don't worry, bro. They won't be staying over too often.” Jenny said and let me go.

That's not really what I'm worried about. I thought and didn't say anything to her. If she knew the potential trouble I could get into with both of her friends 'staying over' all the time, she would disown them immediately, like I saw in my vision. I need to be very careful from now on.

“I can't wait to shop for new bikinis!” Jenny said. “Kathy and Sarah are going to love it here, too!”

I rubbed my face in frustration and stayed silent. Thanks to Divine Sight, there was nothing I could possibly say to avoid the situation. I accepted it for what it was, an unending bout of temptation, and I resolved to never give in.

“Your kids are going to be beautiful.” Lisa whispered to me as Jenny did a little happy dance.

“She's my sister.” I whispered back. Lisa looked surprised for a moment, then she smiled. I hesitated for only a moment, then I asked her out to dinner. She accepted.

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