Summoned Again?

030 Last Minute Preparation


I was driving down the street and my eye just happened to catch sight of a grocery store. It was open 24/7 and I laughed as I skidded into the parking lot. Why hadn't I thought of this before? I asked myself and left my car as I walked through the doors that opened for me. I didn't bother looking at the shelves and went right down to the back storeroom.

“Hi, there. I want to buy groceries by the pallet.” I said to the surprised stock clerk.

The guy stared at me and didn't say anything.

“Look, I don't want to bother with buying individual buns of bread. How much is a whole pallet?”

The guy still didn't say anything and didn't move, either.

I sighed. “Where's the manager?”

“Office.” The guy said and pointed.

I walked by him and over to where he pointed.

“You can't be back here.” The guys said.

“If you were more helpful I wouldn't be back here.” I said and knocked on the office door. “Hi, sorry to bother you.” I said and the slightly overweight woman stared at me. “I want to buy food by the pallet and the guy out front is an idiot.”

The woman chuckled for a moment and then her face went serious. “Are you for real?”

“I'm rich and I don't have a lot of time.” I said and her eyebrows rose. “Please show me what you have and I'll buy it bulk.”

“You do realize that we don't normally do that.” The woman said.

“I don't care if you charge me the full price. I'm in a hurry and need supplies.”

She stood up and walked over to me. “What do you need?”

“Toilet paper and paper towels for one. Cereal, milk, bread, porridge, sugar, spices, cookies, anything you got.” I said. “I doubt I'll get fresh meat without going to the meat counter, though.”

“Why don't you go to one of the big box stores?” The woman asked and led me over to the storage area. “They sell this stuff over the counter.”

“I don't have the time to wait for them to open in the morning.” I said, honestly. “I need it now or I won't have anything to eat where I'm going.”

“You want to buy tons of food for wherever you're going?” She asked, a little incredulous.

“I don't know how long I'll be gone. With God as my witness, I want modern food when I get there.”

“I'm going to charge you for the pallets.”

“I don't care.” I said and she gave me an inquisitive look. “I'd by the whole store if given the chance.”

The woman saw my resolve and brought me over to the large pallets with items stored on them. “Let me record them and we'll see how much they come up for.”

I nodded and followed her around. She wrote down the items I wanted and as we walked around, I stored the pallets. They were a single item in my inventory and to my surprise, multiples of the same item stacked into the same slot. I quickly ran back and stored everything the store had. I pretty much cleared out their back store room. I'm not evil, though. I intended to pay for it all.

I counted in my head what I took and when we were back at the storage area's entrance, I told her. “You're going to want to order everything back in.” I said and tapped the clipboard she had and recited the pallets I took. I was not going to be stuck eating poisonous basilisk meat or boar entrails, jerky made from God-knows-what, or endless soups and stews that were tasteless and chewy. Nope, never again. From now on, I was going to eat like a king. No, better than a king.

I even took crates of candies, gum, chocolate, and potato chips. They would keep forever in my inventory and would only start aging when I took them out, which I would only do when I was going to eat them... so... practically endless food as long as I didn't go overboard with it.

The stock manager gave me a shocked look when she glanced back and saw most of her stock was gone. “Wh-what... what did you...”

“Did I mention I'm an amateur magician?” I asked with my best smile.

She stared for another moment, then she shook her head. “Is that all?”

“Hell, no.” I said. “I need meat. Lots and lots of meat. Oh, and alcohol. I didn't see any back here.”

The woman blinked her eyes for a moment. “We store both in another back room.”

“Then please, lead the way.” I said and bowed, as if she was royalty.

She looked surprised for a moment, then she chuckled and walked away. I followed her to another part of the store and I whistled when I saw the crates of whiskey, vodka, rum, and wine. Beside them were pallets filled with beers of multiple flavors.

“Good lord!” I exclaimed as we walked around and she marked what ones I took. “I could kiss you!”

“I'm married.” She said and pointedly ignored the things disappearing behind her.

“Are you sure? The last woman I said that to had the time of her life right after.” I said, teasingly.

“Sure she did.” The woman said, uninterested. “Muscles and brawn don't do anything for me.”

I gave her the most exaggerated look of disbelief I could and she laughed.

“Come on, smart ass. The butcher section is over this way.” She said and led me out of the storeroom and we went to the meat counter.

“I knew you looked when I turned around.” I joked and she laughed again as she shook her head.

“Hey, Jeff. This weirdo wants a ton of meat.” The stock manager said.

“I've got a dozen half-cows out back and two already sectioned and ready to be put out.” Jeff said and turned to look at us. “Are you having a big barbecue or something?”

“Or something.” I said with a smile. “How quickly can you do up the stuff you got in the back?”

“A-all of it?” Jeff asked, surprised.

“Yeah. Paper wrapping will do. No need to waste your time with foam and plastic wrap.”

“Is he serious?” Jeff asked the stock clerk.

“Completely.” The woman said. “He might even offer to kiss you if you amaze him.”

Jeff barked a laugh. “Keep your lips to yourself.” He said to me. “I'll need... well...”

“The cuts don't have to be precise as if you're putting them out for sale. I only need it sectioned for cooking.” I clarified.

“Well, shit.” Jeff said and thought about it. “Maybe four hours?”

“Great, man. Thanks.” I said and looked at the stock clerk. “Can I pay for it all now and have the meat shipped over when it's done?”

“Are you actually rich or something else?” She asked.

“Or something.” I said with a smile and stored the meat the man had just cut up and wrapped.

“All right, come on. I need to take this to the front office to get it all calculated, anyway.” The woman said and led me out of there and over to the office. After a brief talk to the young woman there, she started calculating everything.

“Make sure you put in a bit extra for depleting the store's stock.” I said. “I'm sorry about that.”

Both women gave me odd looks for a moment, looked at each other, then got back to work. It didn't take as long as I thought it would to calculate everything up. I didn't even blink when she gave me the ridiculously high bill. Since she didn't want anyone else to handle it, the stock manager led me out of the office and over to one of the checkouts.

“Will this be cash or charge?” The clerk asked and looked down to see me put nothing on the small conveyor belt.

“Debit.” I said and took out the card as the stock manager gave the bill to the clerk.

“Jesus Christ.” The girl said when she saw the total. “You bought out the whole store?”

“Pretty much.” I said and she rang it in. I used the card and both women were very surprised that it went through with no troubles. “I have an unlimited draw limit.”

They both looked at me with wide eyes.

“The bank held nine million in gold coins for me at one point.” I said and they kept staring. “Well, I need to get to work, so thank you for humoring a smart ass.” I held a hand out to the stock manager.

She couldn't help her laugh and took my hand to shake it. “I'm surprised you didn't try to hug me.”

“Am I allowed?” I asked and pulled her into a brief hug and let her go. “Never mind.”

“You're pushing your luck.” The woman said with a smile on her face.

“Oh! That reminds me.” I said and did some fancy hand movements, then made a gold pendant on a chain appear. “Thank you for your help.”

“Wh-what...” She started to say as I hung it on her neck. She felt a warm feeling fill her for a moment. “What was that?”

“A good luck charm.” I said and left her standing beside the checkout counter. I left the store and climbed into my car and drove to the current construction site. Once there, I used the Fog ring and covered the outer area to block anyone from seeing me. Since it was night and cool out, the spell would end and the fog would stick around and not get burned off by the sun.

I stored tons of steel i-beams, cases of rivets, braces and tools, and got to work. I bet people are going to be shocked in the morning. I thought with a laugh as I carefully used my stats and built the framework of floor after floor. With everything on me, I didn't have to make trips back down the service elevator or use the crane to lift the beams to each floor as I built it. I made it up to the fifteenth floor, having built the framework of ten floors, and stopped to have a break and a snack.

I took out a pallet of soda pop and a pallet of potato chips, took one of each out, and stored them again. I sat there, my feet dangling off the side of the building, and looked out over the city. The fog had spread out, which meant I would need to cast it again. I saw a delivery truck pull into the construction lot and the headlights landed on the meeting trailer where I had left the lights on.

I went to stand up to go down in the elevator and my foot slipped on the edge of the floor. My stats didn't mean diddly squat as I flailed my arms and toppled over the side of the building. I didn't even scream as I plummeted down all fifteen stories, sure that I was going to die when I hit, then I remembered my vision. I was going to be summoned and thought about what would save me.

“Featherfall!” I said and felt the skill activate just as I was about to hit the ground. I slowed right down and landed like a feather on my back. I was panting heavily, both terrified of almost dying and relieved that I hadn't died.

The delivery truck honked the horn and I sat up. I chuckled at my stupidity for sitting on the edge of a building and walked over to the truck.

“This is a weird place for a meat delivery.” The driver said as he got out and led me around to the back.

“Company party.” I said and he nodded.

“Do you need a hand with all of that?” He asked and pointed to twenty four large plastic crates that were filled with cuts of meat. “No, thanks.” I said. “There's some refreshments in the trailer if you want to help yourself.”

“Hey, thanks.” The driver said and went over to the meeting trailer and opened the door. “Holy shit!”

I laughed, because everyone that sees the inside is always shocked the first time. I quickly stored the crates and shut and secured the door. I stood there and waited for about ten minutes, then went into the meeting trailer.

“Done already?” He asked, halfway through a sandwich and a bottle of soda.

“I put it all in the storage trailer.” I said and sat down across from him and picked up an apple to eat. “Thanks for bringing it out so late... or early. I needed it for tomorrow morning.”

“Is it true you bought out the store?” The guy asked, curious.

“Pretty much.” I said and chewed. “I just wish I had thought of it before. Doing everything last minute was kind of a pain in the ass.”

“I hear that.” The guy said and finished his sandwich. He drank the rest of the soda and stood up. “Thanks for the snack.”

“You can have another if you want.” I offered.

“I need to get back to the store. The shelves aren't going to stock themselves.”

“Good luck with that.” I said with a grin. He looked surprised for a second, then we both laughed.

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