Summoned Again?

034 A Humble Request


“I really wish I had a translation spell or something to talk to you.” I said, then I felt a divine presence create an entrance to my consciousness as time stopped. There wasn't a bright light, even though my mind wanted to say that there was one shining down on me right now. It sure as hell felt like one was on me, like an ant under a magnifying glass, actually.

“You're still alive? Well, I lost that bet.” A woman's voice said into my head, whom I assumed to be the Goddess Jasindia. “I suppose you're having trouble understanding the locals, are you?”

I guess I was a bit too hasty for my own good. I thought to her, sincerely hoping she could hear me.

“Of course I can hear your thoughts with a connection like this. I'm a goddess and you are one of my four chosen heroes.” Goddess Jasindia said, a little peeved. “If you had stayed around after receiving your class, I could have explained everything and given you the extra skills needed for you to fulfill the mission you were summoned for.”

I sighed and let her feel my repentance. I'm sorry that I was too eager to get to work for you. I have family and friends waiting for me to go back. Like I told you before, the sooner I get this done, the sooner I can be sent back.

I felt her scrutiny for a second and she sighed as well.

“I suppose I was eager to be rid of you as well, considering the way you acted.” Goddess Jasindia said. “I haven't had anyone desire to leave my presence in ages.”

My mind immediately had a fantasy of staying with her and showing her how fun sex could be, even when repeated.

“Mortals.” Goddess Jasindia lamented. “Do you just want the language conversion ability or do you want to hear about the plight of this world?”

I actually had to think about that.

“Are you really going to say no, after I'm offering an explanation to you again?” Goddess Jasindia asked and I had to agree that it was a good idea. “Impatience is not a desirable trait in a person.”

I opened my mouth to speak, then remembered that she could read my thoughts, so I gave her my entire relationship with Diane. I would normally hold things like that back; but, this time I needed for her to understand that I had plenty of patience. I was also full of eagerness.

“Very well. I understand.” Goddess Jasindia said. “I will make some allowances for you, just for that.”

Did you send the others to the same place you dropped me? I asked, curious.

“Of course not. I didn't want them to die as a level one in the middle of the beast infected areas.” Goddess Jasindia said. “They are safely ensconced at the palace of the King of Men and are training under their best warriors and magic users to level up to a good level before embarking on the journey.”

Wow, I really should have kissed you first. I thought and showed her in my head that I had done it in the wrong order.

“I am... not sure... it would have made that big of a difference.”

I heard the hesitation there. I thought with a smile.

“Do you want the skills and cautions I want to convey to you or not?”

Yes, please. I am very grateful that you still want to help such an impertinent person as myself. I thought and gave her a regal bow in my head and let her feel my sincerity.

“Why couldn't you have acted like that before?” Goddess Jasindia asked and I felt that she was being rhetorical and didn't answer. “Remain still while I give you the required skills you need to survive.”

I used Stillness and let her power wash over me.


Bonus Skill granted: Language Conversion (Infallible). Your ear will hear in your native language and those around you will hear their language in return when you speak.

Bonus Skill granted: Uninfectable (Beast Strains). You cannot be infected by the spell or by interaction with the beast races and people that have been infected. Scratches, fluid transfer (blood, saliva, etc.) and deep wounds cannot cause you to catch the infection or become one of them. This does not stop you from being harmed, only from being infected.


I stopped myself from cursing, because the cat woman in front of me was frozen still and her invitation was still right there for me to take. Imagine what could have happened if I had done something and caught whatever it was she had? Beast cat venereal disease? Cat herpes?

“You would have fallen ill for several weeks, possibly a month. If you lived, you could have become a carrier for the spell infection or morphed into one of them.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Although, if you are infected by one, it doesn't mean that you'll become one of that particular race. It's dependent on your own proclivities and disposition as well as the means of transfer and infection.”

My mind reeled over the mess I could have been in, all because I had been too eager and the goddess had been annoyed at me.

“I was surprised you were still alive, so you shouldn't have to worry about being infected.”

I could have been sent back home with it! I thought in surprise.

“That wouldn't have been possible.” Goddess Jasindia said.

Oh, thank god... I mean goddess. I thought in relief.

“I would have either left you here or killed you. Your choice, of course.”

I stood there, my Stillness still in effect, and I couldn't wrap my mind around never going home.

“That's why I offered the death option. Most cannot accept having to stay permanently.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Now I'll fill you in on the situation and you can start working towards solving my problem.”

I did my best to clear my mind and listened as she told me all about how a hundred years ago, something had breached the barrier around the world. No one noticed at first, then one day a patrol was sent out to investigate. They never returned. Another was sent a month later and they found a village that was full of beasts. The patrol tried to kill them all and only a few of the patrol lived to escape.

They went back to the capital of the nation and fell deathly ill. Several died; but, not before passing on the infection. It spread easily, since some of the patrol were only carriers and didn't change. Shared food and utensils let it spread quickly and soon a good portion of the population were infected and it spread further.

This went on for years as the nearby nations declared the land a plague and closed all borders. It wasn't until the mages of several nations raised the magic walls of earth and stone that the lands had been segregated physically and anyone leaving the lands were immediately killed. The downside was that there were still millions of people still living inside the walls that hadn't been infected.

All waterways were also blocked, so no ships with infected could be allowed to leave. Decades of research and expeditions into the lands have proven useless to either find the cause or the cure. The expeditions were one way trips, unless you wanted the death sentence of coming back.

Small towns popped up on either side of the walls where the expeditions decided to stay when not allowed back with the data they gathered. They relayed the information with magic through a dummy proxy, in case the magic itself caused the spread of the infection, and that was how things had been for the last twenty years.

I spent several minutes thinking about all that information. Why do they all cover their faces?

“It has become sort of taboo to know what strain of the infection you have.” Goddess Jasindia said. “It also protects those that are not completely infected and are only carriers. With their identities concealed, you don't know who is actually infected or the extent.”

You would know that as soon as they speak. I thought.

“An outsider would, yes. The spell, or infection, grants the same language bonus.”

I frowned. Then how would there be any conflicts?

“The speech patterns and mannerisms, of course. You grow up in a certain area, you adopt the local tongue and their way of speaking and acting. It is very easy to find anyone that doesn't conform to the local way of doing things.”

I guess height differences would make a difference, too. I thought.

“Also state of clothing and the way the wrap is around the face. It's all distinctive in its own way.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Also, there are rivalries between the same strains, or beast people as you think of them. Not all of them get along or live together. In fact, some actively hunt the others to make themselves and their group stronger.”

I completely understood that reasoning, especially since I assumed the females I had rescued were from another 'clan' of cat people. At least, I hoped they were. If that was how they treated all of their females, well... I wasn't as sorry as I used to be for killing them all.

“I am granting you a Map spell as well, considering there is no way for you to tell where you are right now. You could be wandering around for years before you found your way to the wall.”

Will the other three be waiting for me there? I asked.

“Of course not. They need to be trained up just as much as you do.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Make your way to the western wall. It is near the Kingdom of Man and their research station has the latest information that you will need to search for the cause and possibly the cure.”

I thought about it as a spell appeared in my consciousness. Can my armor cast it instead? I don't have any points in my mana and can't cast spells on my own yet. I heard a sigh as the spell stayed in my consciousness and the spell duplicated into the abilities that my armor had. Thank you very, very much. Is there anything I can do to thank you?

Goddess Jasindia was quiet for several moments before she spoke. “You actually want to thank me, after I've tried to kill you?”

I didn't die. I thought back and smiled. So, a temple or something? Sacrificial deaths in your name?

“You're serious?” Goddess Jasindia asked in disbelief.

Sure. I mean, you didn't have to answer my plea for help at all. I could have given into my lust, that I've been very, very good at keeping in check for a long time, and I would have been infected. That would have ruined my life. I thought. I would have been pissed if you had waited to tell me until after I had done something, though.

“Then... if you would be so kind... please take the maiden before you, in my name.” Goddess Jasindia said. “I have not had a virgin gift in over a millennium.”

You just want to see me have sex with a magically altered species to test if the skill actually works. I thought, teasingly.

“Well, yes. I admit that it hadn't been tested before.”

How many heroes have you brought here?

“Only eight others. Four have perished, either by battle or by their own choice.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Some couldn't accept that they could actually complete the mission without one of their members and two of the others had the false impression that they had to die to allow others to be summoned.”

I laughed at that. They didn't even ask you about it, did they?

“No, and they were good heroes, too.” Goddess Jasindia said, sadly.

Well, don't worry. I do not have either of those mindsets. I'll do everything I can to complete this, even if I have to do it all alone. I thought and let her feel my determination.

“Thank you, Damon.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Please accept the Carnivora's offer in my name.”

I looked at the offer in front of me. Can I talk to her first or at least look at her face?

“You do not need to see her face to know that she desires the being that slayed her captor, whom she believed to be unbeatable.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Do as you promised and give me her maidenhood.”

Yes, Goddess Jasindia. I thought in acceptance and time resumed as the bright non-light disappeared and no longer shined on me. At least, I had assumed time stopped for everyone. It seemed to stop for me, anyway. Perhaps the whole conversation with the goddess only happened within a second? I shrugged. Either way, I had something in front of me that both my erection and the goddess wanted.

Who was I do deny the request of a goddess?

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