Summoned Again?

043 Aftermath

After I sat there for a good ten minutes and cursed at myself for not waiting until after I ate the dragon before allocating my points, I realized that if I hadn't boosted my Intelligence and Wisdom, I probably wouldn't have been able to survive sucking up hundreds of tons of ore as well as all of the dragon's treasure. I had the same type of trouble with the large round stone at the cave entrance.

At the time, it was a bit too much for my mind to handle. After I had allocated my points, I knew I could easily handle it, which was why the dragon compressing together reminded me of that stone. If it had been just the dragon I absorbed, I was sure that I wouldn't have suffered any mental strain. It was sucking up everything it owned that had screwed my brains out.

I chuckled at that thought. “Yeah, dragon. You got me back.”

I looked over the side of the chasm and shook my head at the memory of plunging into it. I also wondered what the bottom looked like now with all that collapsed rubble in it. I stood up and walked over to where I had secured the crossbow and sighed. When the dragon had snapped the rope, a lot of the stress had been applied to the crossbow holding it. It was splintered and useless, which meant I needed to buy another one, assuming they even had that kind of technology or someone that could enchant it.

I picked up the thing and none of the enchantments had survived. I shrugged and tossed it into the chasm, just in case someone came by and might find it if I left it there. As I walked back through the partially collapsed cave system and avoided the debris, I looked at the popups I had missed while I was unconscious.


Your skill Devour (Unique) has absorbed a similar skill called Swallow It Whole (Legendary). Devour has been upgraded to Devour It Whole (Mythical). You no longer need to compress or shrink what you want to consume. It will dissolve and be absorbed in a single step.

Your skill Elemental Resistance (Common) has been upgraded to Elemental Resistance (Legendary). You no longer feel the difference between extreme cold and extreme heat, unless you choose to. Your body treats every day is as if it is a nice summer's day, even in the dead of winter. You can no longer suffer frostbite or be burned in normal fire. Magical Fire Resistance: 75%

Your Regeneration (Uncommon) skill has been upgraded to Regeneration (Legendary). Most wounds (non-magical) will heal almost immediately. Magical wounds will vary. Lost limbs will regrow on their own in a day (unless healed). Warning: Severed heads will not regrow lost bodies.


Your Body aspect: Strength and both related abilities (Recovery and Resilience) have been maxed. You have reached the pinnacle of the enhanced human species in this and only others of similar ability can compare to you.

+ 1,000 Skill points that can only be spent on Strength based skills and abilities.

Your Magic aspect: Mana and both related abilities (Offensive and Defensive) have been maxed. You have reached the pinnacle of the enhanced human species in this and only others of similar ability can compare to you.

+ 1,000 Skill points that can only be spent on Magic based skills and abilities.


You have gained the Legendary skill Stomp It (Strength, Magic). Depending on the amount of mana you wish to spend and the level of the skill, an area around you will be crushed as if stepped on by a dragon. Higher levels allow more steps and more mana makes them bigger.

You have gained the Legendary skill Breath Of Flame (Magic). Distance: 100 feet. Cone of effect: 45 degrees. Can be boosted to 90 degrees and 200 feet for triple the mana cost.

You have gained the Legendary skill Enchanted Sleep (Recovery). When resting, it restores your body and negates all negative status effects. Recovery time: 60 seconds.

You have gained the skill Trample (Strength). All large creatures have this skill. Anyone in your way while running will be trampled (it's your decision to avoid them or not).


Skills suspended (requirements not met or redundant):

Magical Flight (Magic, Strength, Reflexes, Agility, Dexterity). You can soar through the air like a bird of prey. Needs: Wings.

Magic Claws (Magic, Strength). Your magic enhanced claws can rend and tear armor easily. Needs: Morph ability / Claw Generation.

Impressive Aura (Charisma). You look impressive, no matter what. (redundant)

Dragon Telepathy (Magic, Intelligence, Willpower). You can hear dragons and their inner thoughts. Needs: A dragon (wild, summoned, bonded, or tamed)


I kept walking, even though the information I was reading was ridiculous. I can regrow my arm in a day without Major Healing magic? I asked myself. Flight? Telepathy? I shook my head. I'm glad they're suspended, considering the requirements.

I made my way through the cavern system and easily killed the creatures that had come out of hiding because of the rumbling. I gained only a few experience from them, which was what I was worried about. My skills and abilities were so much higher than almost everything else now. At least, I assumed so.

I also used up some of those free points I got from maxing Strength and Magic to level up the new skills, which left me 1208 points from 2000, since I maxed out 8 of the new skills, even the ones that were suspended. I wasn't going to cheap out, now that I had some free points to spend.

I mean, who doesn't want a maxed out fire breath that can cover 300 feet normally and double that for triple the mana cost? I asked myself with a laugh and came to a stop at the stone covered entrance. I didn't even think about it as I stored it and didn't feel any mental strain. I stepped out and put the stone back, then smiled and pushed on it a little. It sunk in almost a foot deeper and I nodded at the more secure closure.

I looked at my Map and cast Search again. The whole mountain appeared on my map instead of the small area I was used to, which made me laugh. I could even see the small caravan on the other side of it. I jogged back over to the road that was a few thousand feet off to the side of where I wanted to go, then ran around the mountain, rather than trying to go over it. I slowed down as I came into sight of the caravan and five people stood up immediately.

I slowed down to a walk and all five of them ran over to me, almost desperate. “How long was I gone?”

“It's been a day since you left.” The Freemartin said, concern in her voice. “I'm glad you lived.”

I chuckled and hugged each of the cat women in turn. “I was unconscious at the bottom of an underground chasm for most of the day, so I'm glad that I woke up before the chasm collapsed under its own weight.” I said. “Otherwise, you would have been waiting here for a long time.”

“No, we would have returned.” One of the ram guards said.

“Your women might have died alone.” Another one said.

I looked at the ram I had headbutted the day before and he turned his head slightly away.

“We would have gone in search of you after another day.” My favorite said as we walked back to the first cart of the caravan. “If only to confirm your death.”

“Then I'm glad you didn't have to sully your claws by digging through rubble to find my body.” I said and looked at the miners. “Where is the place you usually mine?”

“It's over there.” The closest miner said and pointed to the next mountain peak. “Lots of iron ore there.”

“Perhaps.” I said and I helped the women into the first cart. That spot could be completely devoid of ore if the dragon had claimed it for its own, which would mean I already had it in my inventory.

Everyone else climbed into their carts and the caravan drove on down the road I had just run up and took a turn part way to head over to the next mountain. It was a bit past the first one and the caravan came to a stop partway up a nice slope.

“We can't get more than one cart up there at a time.” One of the miners said. “There's no room to turn the cart around.”

“Do you mind if I come along?” I asked and hopped down.

“If you don't mind getting dirty.”

“It won't stick to my armor.” I said and looked up at the women in the cart. “I'll only be a short while. I'm just going along to check on something.”

The cat women nodded and the Freemartin hopped down beside me. I didn't object or tell her to stay, so she fell into step beside me as I followed the miners and half of the guards. I cast Search and the entire second mountain appeared on my Map. A few dozen creatures popped up as red dots and I pointed them out to the guards, just for the heck of it, because I knew that they wouldn't go out to fight and kill whatever the creatures were.

Either they can't be bothered or they were told not to. I thought as we approached a classic mine entrance. Maybe the Tup doesn't want his guards becoming too strong?

The miners quickly lit oil lamps and walked inside, almost without pause, and they followed a well dug out area. A few short tunnels led off to the sides and the lead miner said they were dead ends with no ore veins. It took nearly ten minutes to get to the end of the tunnel and I used Detect. I let out a sigh of relief as several iron ore deposits glowed just past the end of the tunnel.

“How long will this take?” I asked.

“It depends on how much ore is there.” One of the miners said.

“There's a huge deposit three feet in, then another off to the right ten feet, and another twenty feet past that.” I said and the miners turned to look at me. “I used Detect on the ore.”

“How big are the deposits?” The closest miner asked.

“You'll easily fill all three carts with just the first two. You'll need five carts or so for the third one.”

“How can you tell?” He asked, surprised.

“I can see them.” I said and traced out the shape of the first deposit with my finger on the wall. “Have fun.” I said and left them to it.

The Freemartin came with me and when we were far enough away, she spoke. “Why did you tell them the ore was there?”

“Relief.” I said and I was sure she was giving me a look of consternation. “I was worried that there wouldn't be any ore at all. When I found it, why hide it?”

“They will take their time now.” The Freemartin said.

“Will they?” I asked with a smile, even though she couldn't see it. “If they know they are very close to ore that will fill the three carts and also think that there is another deposit behind it with almost twice that amount, what do you think they'll do?”

The Freemartin had to think about it for a minute. “They... will want to dig... and check.”

“Exactly.” I said. “They need to know if I was lying.”

“Were you?” The Freemartin asked.

“Not in what I told them.” I said with a chuckle.

She caught on right away. “There's more, isn't there?”

I nodded. “There's a giant deposit practically right under their feet... I mean hooves.”

“Why didn't you tell them?” The Freemartin asked.

“Because it's funny.” I said and she turned her head to look at me. “They are going to spend hours and hours digging out the dirt to get at the ore in the walls and all they needed to do was dig a few inches down at their feet.”

“But... we are going to have to wait for them...”

“It's not my fault that they aren't thinking in three dimensions.” I said and she jerked in her steps. “I'm sorry. I guess that's not a word translatable into your language. It means that they aren't looking up and down and only front and back and side to side.”

The Freemartin was quiet all the way out of the mine and stayed that way when we went to the first cart.

“I completely forgot to buy bedding and things for us to sleep on.” I said. “I hope you're all okay with just cuddling in the cart for a while.”

The four cat women started purring, which I took for an affirmative yes. I climbed in and sat down at the front of it, then they piled in and held on to my arms and legs as if I was going to float away if they didn't. The Freemartin climbed in as well and sat down at the back of the cart. I couldn't see her expression and I suspected that it was full of conflict.

I also pondered her motivations. Should she move in to add to the pile or keep her distance, because she was just livestock and the cat women were predators. We sat there and neither of us said anything, because if we spoke about it, we both knew that she would deny it.

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