Summoned Again?

053 Dinner And A Show

After a quick discussion with my favorite and her three decoys, we decided that it would be best if the princess discretely discussed healing the prisoner's tails. She would do so behind closed doors later that evening, which meant that we were staying for a while to visit with them.

The essential work was done for the day and we were on the side where they lived and relaxed. The children played and were taught by their parents and anyone else that had something to teach them. There was even a small building used as a school in the mornings, which was on the other side and where the children had been earlier.

That explains that odd scene of kids flooding out of that building. I thought. They were in school.

The kids were ranged in ages from three to fifteen, which I thought must have been hard to teach properly. The more I listened, the more I learned that they were their own little community. The only difference was that they didn't have any men involved in their lives. I asked about the guards and nearly everyone laughed.

“They can't even look at us properly.” One of the prisoners said. “Our shame is too prevalent.”

“It's not your fault.” I said and she gave me a grim look. “It's not.”

“He is not a male of our people and doesn't understand.” My favorite said and it was weird to see an entire group of people nod at the same time.

“I'm tempted to ask you to explain, except that even if I did know it all, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can do to change it.” I said. I waited for a second and I still didn't get a flash of Divine Sight, even after that loaded statement.

“Change it? Why would you want to change it?” One of them asked.

Her question surprised me enough that I couldn't come up with a good answer before my favorite spoke again.

“It's the same answer.” She said with a hissing chuckle. “He comes from a place where women get to choose their own fate.”

Hisses, gasps, a few purrs, and a lot of whispers started up after that.

“That makes me sound like I'm the weird one.” I whispered to her and she leaned her head against my helm.

“Savior, you are the weird one.” My favorite said in a normal voice and laughed, which quickly spread to everyone and they laughed, too. Even the kids got into it and laughed, even though they didn't know what they were laughing at. Kids were funny like that.

“All right, fine.” I said and stood. “Who wants to see some magic tricks?”

A lot of them had confused looks and I knew then that I had to put on a good show for them and held up my armored hands.

“Look! Nothing in my armored hands... except my hands.” I said and a few of them chuckled as they got the joke. I clapped my hands together and made a gold coin appear. “Oh? Where did this come from?” I asked and a few of the kids stared in awe.

I closed my hand and opened it to hold the coin between two fingers, then did it again and added a coin, then again and had one between each of my fingers. I did it for my other hand as well, then made fists and clapped my hands together and stored the coins.

“Uh oh! I think I lost them!” I looked at my hands, front and back, and a few people chuckled. “Oh, dear me! Where could they have gone?” I asked and looked at the closest girl. “Hey! I think I see one!”

The girl looked around and then pointed at herself.

“Yeah, you! It's right there.” I said and stepped close and pointed. “You've got it in your pocket.”

She slowly reached in and jerked as she found it, then pulled it out.

“There it is! Thanks.” I said and took the coin. I stepped back and stopped. “Uh oh! It's gone again!” I said and showed her my empty hand. “You need to check your pocket again.”

The girl hissed when she checked and found it, then she pulled the coin out and showed me.

“I think it likes you.” I said with a chuckle. “I guess you better keep it.”

Both her mouth and her mother's dropped open in shock.

“Now, I know I had more coins around here somewhere.” I said and pat different parts of my armor to make the metal clang and a little girl giggled. “Oho! I think I see another one.” I said and walked over to her. She giggled again as I pointed to her pocket. She reached in and took out a gold coin.

“Me!” A girl that looked about fifteen exclaimed and raised her hand.

“Are you sure? You're a bit old for it, aren't you?”

“I'm only fifteen turns!” She said, a little defensively.

I walked over to her and sat down. The woman next to her looked like her mother, so I whispered to her. “Please tell me your daughter grew up in here and wasn't... well...”

The cat woman let out a low sigh and touched my armor. “Would you think less of her if she was?”

“No, it's not her fault and it's not yours, either.” I said and put my hand on hers. “It would just ease my heart to know that she didn't have to suffer like you did.”

Her eyes showed me that she was grateful about me caring. “She hasn't been touched.”

“Thank goodness.” I whispered as I reached up and scratched the side of her chin.

She let out a purr and closed her eyes to enjoy it even more.

“It's none of your fault and I'm sorry you all had to go through this.” I said and pet her chin to smooth the fur I had messed up by scratching it, then I reached over and took the teenager's hand. “I think a couple of coins liked you.”

She let out a startled hiss and searched through her pockets, then pulled out two gold coins. She stared at them like she had never seen one before.

“Me!” “Meee!” “I want one!” Several children said at the same time as they waved at me and some even stood up.

I walked around and did a few other small magic tricks to give each child a gold coin.

“That was a lot more than the handful you started with and lost.” A cat woman commented when I went back to the middle of the group.

“I have some to spare.” I said with a smile, then remembered she couldn't see it with my helm on. I chuckled and held my hands up. “Look, nothing in my armored hands!”

“Except your hands!” A bunch of the kids said loudly in response and I laughed, as did a lot of the women.

“This might get a little dangerous, so I'll move waaaaay over here to be safe.” I said and took one step to the right and made the kids laugh and giggle. I clapped my hands together and pulled them apart to make a short sword appear.

“Ooo!” The kids said.

I tucked the sword between my legs and did it twice more. I now had three short swords and picked them up, then tossed one into the air. All of their eyes followed its trajectory and I caught it. They were cat people, so I guessed right that they would want to see shiny things be tossed around. I tossed one sword up and then another, then caught both.

I had their complete attention now and tossed one, then the second, then the third into the air. They held their breath as they tried to watch all three at the same time and then I started to juggle them. I had to hold in my laughter as their heads jerked up and down to try and watch the flow of shiny moving things that I was pretty much teasing them with.

When I thought I had juggled enough, I tossed them high into the air. “Oops! I lost them.” I said and looked at the ground.

“Up! They're up there!” The kids yelled and pointed.

“Where?” I asked as the first came down and I stepped to the right slightly and looked up. The blade slipped past my shoulder and thunked into the ground as it stuck. “Oh! Here's one.” I said and turned back around to pick it up.

“Another one!” They yelled and pointed.

I put my arms on my hips. “I looked the last time and it was on the ground.” I said and the blade just missed my back and thunked into the ground. “See? There's another one.”

“LOOOK UUUUUUP!” They said and pointed up as they jumped in excitement.

“All right, I'll try looking up again.” I said and tilted my armored head back. “I'm sure there's nothing...”

The short sword was flipping end over end and the hilt just so happened to be on the bottom and the sound of metal on metal clanged as the sword hit the top of my helm. I shook comically and dropped to the ground.

Everyone laughed.

“Owww!” I said loudly as I sat up and rubbed my helm. “Why didn't you warn me?”

Everyone kept laughing.

“Someone remind me to not do that again.” I said and picked up the swords as I stood. “Hey, I just remembered that I know a neat trick with swords...”

“DON'T DO IT!” All of the kids yelled, even the older ones, and the adults laughed.

“I guess I'll try something different, since swords might be a bit dangerous.” I said and stored them, then I proceeded to do a whole magic show for them. Even the guards were enraptured by the spectacle I provided. I kept them entertained for quite some time and when the show was over, it was time for supper.

The meal the cooks had started to prepare for lunch was ready and it was served to the prisoners. They even gave us plates of food, too. It was quite the change from the delicious meat we had for supper, so I snuck off to the kitchen and seared up a bunch of meat strips. They took almost no time at all, so I quickly divided them up among everyone.

Each and every cat woman purred as I did so and a few of them thanked me verbally. Once again, the mothers were especially thankful when I gave their children the same portions as them. Apparently, being a good provider made them like you that much more.

After dinner, I was led off to one of the barrack-like buildings and then sequestered into a curtained off area with the Freemartin. She stood beside the bed and didn't try to lay down on it. The bed was fairly small and I was sure that I could possibly get myself and her on it, if we wanted to get very close to each other. I was fine with that and turned to her to ask if she was, when the curtain opened.

My favorite came in and she had her arm over another cat woman's shoulder. “Savior, I have told them of our story and your miraculous healing ability. Now they require proof.”

“Sure.” I said and looked at the cat woman's face. It was slightly red and her brown fur rippled slightly, then she pulled on her clothing that was slightly different than what she had worn before. It dropped down as if it had been designed to, and I realized that it had been. She was completely naked and her particular odor reached my nostrils.

“Wh-what... what are you...”

The woman stepped forward and climbed onto the bed on all fours and stuck her ass up for me. “Please, please heal me as you have the princess.” She begged and she dripped onto the bed. Her mangled stub of a tail moved from side to side as if the tail was still attached.

I turned to look at my favorite and she nodded. “You can't expect me to...”

“You need to distract her from the pain.” My favorite said, matter of factly.

“But... what about...”

“I told them how you made me feel like a woman.” She said. “As did the others.”

“Oh, damn.” I whispered. “I can't...”

“Will you let her suffer this indignity? Will you make her keep her shame?” She asked me.

“I can't just... she will see that...”

“She has been sworn to secrecy, on her life, that she won't tell anyone what you look like.”

“Just her, right?” I asked and stored my armor to leave myself in just my underwear.

“As proof, yes.” My favorite said.

For some reason, I knew that was both the truth and a lie. I stored my underwear and the cat woman on the bed looked at my erection. She didn't react at the sight, so I equipped the nibbed condom. She let out a hiss and them a very loud purr.

“P-please... be my Savior.” She begged and she gushed a little between her legs.

I am going to regret this. I thought, even though I didn't get a flash of Divine Sight. I used my fingers to check her and work her up a little, then I mounted her.

“MRRROOOWWWW!” She yelled in pleasure as the nibs rubbed all of her insides at once. Her hands and feet dug into the bed and held on as I did her roughly, as they all seemed to really like. Just as I felt her body start to buck from having an orgasm, I touched her stub of a tail and cast Major Healing on her. I kept moving in and out of her as her tail regrew and when it was fully restored, I gave her another orgasm.

She collapsed on the bed and laid there as I pulled out of her. She looked to be half asleep and very satisfied, if the loud purr and huge smile were any indication. She didn't even notice her own tail as it swished lazily on the bed.

“Th-thank... thank you... Savior.” She whispered and drifted off to sleep.

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