Summoned Again?

084 The Real Tup

“You have a name.” The Tup said as we entered the room. He saw my arm around her waist and then his eyes widened as he looked at her head and noticed that her horns were not just decorative.

“I can also defeat you. Easily.” Diana the Freemartin said.

“Excuse me?” The Tup said and stood up to glare down at us.

I held a hand up to stop his rant. “Please, hear her out.”

The Tup shifted his gaze to me for a moment and then looked back at her with a nod.

“I helped defeat one of the corrupted heroes. The Queen Ant.” Diana said and the Tup took in a sharp breath. He stopped before he made a noise of surprise, though. “Yes, my gains from assisting were beyond anything I could ever imagine.”


“Ants are surprisingly weak to being crushed by horns.” I said and the Tup said several loud words that I couldn't understand, which I assumed were curses. “I can tell you are a little upset...”

“UPSET?!?” The Tup roared. “I could have defeated her years ago!”

“No, you couldn't.” Diana said. “We all knew her army of drones would have mulched us before you could get anywhere near her.”

“Then how...”

“Damon removed them first.” Diana said. “Once she no longer had her living shield, one full charge and a giant boulder dropped on her, finished her off.”

The Tup sat back down on his throne. He let out a sigh and looked at us. “Yes, I can see how much easier it would be. You may continue.”

“My job is still Enforcer.” Diana said and the Tup nodded. “My Tup needs to leave soon and my family is here, so I want to stay here and resume my duties until my job changes... to mother.”

The Tup jerked as if someone had slapped him across the face. “Surely, you joke.”

Diana pulled up her top and showed off her baby bump. “Four more months, and the healer staying with me will assist in the very first birth of a new beast strain.”

“That... is...” The Tup stopped talking.

“I'm sure she can work for another two months, then she will need to stay home and be taken care of.” I said. “I very much want to stay; but, we both know that's not possible, nor is it allowed.”

The Tup nodded and waved for me to keep talking.

“I also don't want her left alone, so she should be with her family.”

“What do I get out of it?” The Tup asked.

“You get to live.” Diana said and the Tup huffed angrily and stood again. “Even after the way you treated me, I agreed with Damon that it would be unwise for me to challenge you now. I cannot take over the settlement, nor can I run it properly, if I am with lamb.”

“What's to stop you from doing it after the lamb is born?” The Tup asked with a snarl.

“I won't be who I was anymore.” Diana said. “My priority will be raising my lamb to be the best they could ever be. As long as you keep your word to protect me and my family, I won't ever take my revenge on you.”

The Tup stared at her for several seconds, then he sat down. “That is not nearly enough for me to agree to this... arrangement.”

“I think it would benefit your settlement a lot.” I said and his gaze shifted to me. “You see, you can claim the truth. One of your enforcers... a female no less... was able to defeat a corrupted hero.” I said with a smile. “What would that say about the Tup that gave her the Enforcer job?”

The Tup fell silent and looked like he was seriously thinking about it.

“He agrees.” A woman's voice said as she stepped out of the room behind the throne. She carried the Tup's son in her arms. “As long as you agree to never challenge him or my son for leadership.”

“I can handle this.” The Tup said and glared at her.

She waved for him to be quiet and looked at Diana. “I also want you to train my son when your own lamb is old enough to start themselves.”

The Tup let out a surprised sound and Diana let out a bleat of laughter.

“I always knew that you were the one that really controlled everything.” Diana said and nodded. “I agree, just so our lambs are protected by everyone and can grow up together.”

“Then it's settled.” The sheep woman said and let out a bleat of satisfaction. She put her lamb down and he started running around her. “May I see?” She asked and motioned to Diana's stomach.

Diana nodded again and she came over and touched it.

“You really are with lamb.” She said, a bit surprised, then she smiled. “I am so glad that you can finally be what you were supposed to be.”

“As am I.” Diana said and put a hand on top of hers. “Thank you.”

“Will you tell us how this was made possible?” The Tup's mate asked.

“It's a bit of a long story.” I said and chairs were brought in for us to sit down, then I told the story of how it all came about. When I tried to leave some of the details out, either the Tup or his mate would let out a huff of disapproval and I would have to explain in even more detail. It took a while for me to tell it all and they sat in silence for several minutes when I was done.

“Thank you.” The Tup's mate said and reached out to pat my hand. “You could have just changed my mate and then Diana could have assumed the Tup's position.”

“I wouldn't do that.” I said and turned my hand over to hold hers. “We both know Diana would be very upset with me if I interfered like that.”

The woman bleated a laugh. “She would accept help to make herself stronger and not to make her opponent weaker.” She said and I nodded. She looked at Diana as she let my hand go. “Will you tell us your level?”

Diana looked at me with a question on her face.

“It's your choice.” I said. “If you want to be as welcome here as you know you deserve...”

Diana nodded. “I'm Level 99.”

The Tup, his mate, and the Tup's son let out bleats of surprise.

“H-how... how did...”

“The queen ant has been around for a long time and she was also max level.” I explained. “I was involved in the encounter and I have to say, even I never imagined getting the experience and bonuses taking her down gave me.”

“You are fulfilled, too?” The Tup's wife asked, surprised.

“Damon is much more than that.” Diana said and let out a little bleat of pleasure. “He has been Level 99 for nearly six months.”

The others stared at me.

“The last time you were here...” The Tup started to say and I nodded. “You could have challenged and defeated me back then.”

“That wasn't why I was brought here.” I said. “I've also convinced Diana that it's better to have friends to help than it is to have enemies after you all the time.”

The Tup's mate let out a relieved sigh. “Thank the goddess.” She said. “The first to be removed after the Tup are his family.”

“Removed from power.” Diana corrected. “I would never clean out the house like that.”

The Tup let out several bleats of laughter. “You would make a terrible Tup.”

“Why do you think I'm letting you keep the job?” Diana asked with a smile and he laughed again.

“I still can't believe your horns are real, even seeing them up close.” The Tup's mate said.

“They really hurt growing in, since they had to bust through my skin and flesh.” Diana said. “The healers worked hard to fix the damage.”

“They did a wonderful job.”

“I was very lucky to have so many at my side.” Diana said and looked at me. “And to meet the man to give me a second chance at life.”

“On that note, I think we need to get back to the house.” I said and stood up. “Thank you for accepting Diana's new position.”

“I didn't have much choice.” The Tup said.

“I was talking to your mate.” I said with a smile and it was her turn to let out several bleats of laughter.

“Now I wish you could stay, too.” She said and stood up. “The Tup gives his permission to hug me.”

“Excuse me?” The Tup said and that made everyone laugh, even his son.

“I can't refuse a request from the Tup.” I said with a smile and embraced her.

To my surprise, I felt each of her six nipples poke me and the large softness of her breasts as she pressed them into me. I stopped myself from asking how she could hide them inside her clothing without letting anyone know just how big they were. When I let her go, she had a slightly red face and a sly smile.

“You are as lucky of a man as I am.” I said to the Tup and he let out a satisfied bleat.

“No one else knows that, so keep it to yourself.” The Tup said and I nodded in understanding.

Diana stood up and we both gave them slight bows. “Tup. Tup's Mate. Tup's Heir.”

“You have a week to rest from your long journey and then you need to get back to work.” The Tup said.

“I'll only need two days because Damon is leaving tomorrow.” Diana said. “Thank you.”

The Tup waved in dismissal and we left the throne room.

“You still need to be careful.” I said and she nodded. “I'll give you some armor plating to wear under your uniform to absorb any shock from someone trying to attack you or make you lose our child.”

“I... didn't think of that.” Diana said.

“Just because you're a higher level than almost everyone else, it doesn't mean someone can't get in a lucky shot.”

“Like the scout bear and your armor.” Diana said.

“Yes. You are still smaller than most of the rams, so you need to be careful. Use your speed to full advantage.”

“I will.” Diana said and pulled me off of the main road. “Now it's time to fulfill your dreams.”

I looked down the road to where the shearer was. “But...”

“It's a private thing.” Diana said. “Too many curious rams tried to check me out when I was younger.”

I opened my mouth to tell her that I would have been curious as well and she let out a bleat of laughter.

“Yes, I know you would have been right there with them.” Diana said. “You would have had a different opinion than them, though.”

It took me a minute to realize what she meant. “Ooohh. They wanted to see if you were really a girl and not a boy in disguise and I would have been wondering if we could have sex.”

“Exactly.” Diana said and leaned close to nibble on my earlobe. “You would have been the only one with an erection.”

“Only if you were old enough.” I said as we walked towards a small house. “Old enough in my opinion, anyways. That is, legal age from where I come from and not the age of consent, since that's different depending on where you go.”

Diana bleated several laughs. “You have a lot of restrictions on mating, Damon.”

“Consensual mating.” I corrected and she laughed again.

“So strict, and yet, so satisfying.” Diana said and knocked on the door. A moment later, a brownish colored sheep woman opened the door.

“FRESH FLEECE!” The woman yelled and Diana laughed.

“Yes, I am here to be removed of most of my softness.”

“Come! Come! I am eager to get started.”

“You really should greet my mate.” Diana said.

“No time!” She grabbed Diana's hand and pulled her inside, which pulled me inside, too. “I haven't had a private session since the last time you were here.” She slammed the door and dragged us into a back room that looked just like the shearing building we had passed on the main road.

“I have a few requests...” Diana started to say.

“Yes, yes. Start stripping.” The woman said and prepared the tools she would need. “It looks freshly grown and not the old matted stuff I usually see, so I need it off of you as soon as possible.”

I took out a chair and sat down in front of the area and waited patiently as Diana took off her clothing. “Be careful of the baby bump.” I said, just in case the woman didn't notice.

“WHAT?!?” The woman yelled and whirled around to stare at Diana's belly.

“Damon fixed me and gave me a lamb.” Diana said and handed me her clothes, which I stored.

“Then I hope he's going to enjoy this as much as I am.” The woman said and rubbed Diana's belly.

“There's no need to worry about that.” Diana said and pointed to my crotch.

The woman looked and let out a bleat of surprise at my erection, then she laughed.

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