Summoned Again?

094 Reverse Interrogation


The nurse came back twenty minutes later with scrambled eggs and toast, without the crust, and she stared at me as soon as the door opened. She had pushed it open with her back, so as not to disturb the food tray and stand she had in her hands. She came over to the bed and placed it over my lap, then she realized that she had another problem.

“Here comes the food train! Chew chew!” I said and opened my mouth.

The nurse looked surprised for a second, then she laughed.

“Unless you have the keys for the cuffs, I am at your mercy.” I reminded her.

“Even if I had the keys, I wouldn't be allowed to unlock them.” The nurse said and pulled over a chair. It was much too short to work, though. “I'll be right back.”

As soon as she left, I stored the bottle of soda pop on the nightstand and put it on the tray, just to see if she would notice and say something about it. She came back with a stool that would let her sit beside the bed and feed me, and she propped herself up on it. She wore traditional nurse scrubs and had her hair covered, so I didn't know what color hair she had. I also didn't see any rings on her hands, diamond or otherwise.

“Are you married?” I asked.

“Don't go there.” The nurse said and gave me a look. “I don't have the keys to the cuffs.”

I chuckled. “I'm just gauging how much flirting I can do without crossing the line.”

The look on her face changed to one of concern. “Did they beat you up so badly that you lost your common sense? You're in federal custody right now.”

“I'm not worried about that.” I said and her concerned look seemed to intensify. “I'll handle them as soon as they fix all the crap they did to my life to get at the gold I have access to.”

The nurse blinked her eyes at me several times. “Excuse me?”

“It's a classic money grab. I'm pretty sure one of the men are from the secret service, one is from the treasury, since that would be the only way they would know about the coins, and maybe the tech guy and the detective might be from the NSA.” I nodded at breakfast.

The nurse used a fork to pick up some of the eggs and fed them to me.

I chewed them up. “Stacy might be NSA or an actual FBI agent, now that I'm thinking clearly.”

The nurse just stared at me and I nodded at the plate again. She fed me more eggs.

“They must have thought I was funnelling illegally obtained currency into the economy and are trying to seize it.” I said and took a bite of toast that she held up for me. “Drink.”

The nurse nodded and turned towards the nightstand and stopped.

“It's over here.” I said and she turned back and finally noticed the bottle on the tray. “It's warm; but, I don't want to waste it.”

She opened the bottle and gave me a drink.

“Thank you.” I said and she put it down, then fed me more eggs. “If you're wondering, I'm a self-styled children's magician.”

The nurse gave me a skeptical look and I smiled.

“I know I don't look the part. It kind of just happened when I was taking care of a friend's... an ex-friend's young daughter.” I explained. “I swore her to secrecy...”

“...which meant that she told everyone.” The nurse said with a smile.

“Everyone and their parents.” I said and she chuckled. “Instead of being the construction man at her school's show and tell, I ended up doing a whole magic show.”

“I bet the other kids loved that.” The nurse said and fed me more toast and gave me a drink.

“Unbelievably so.” I said. “Of course, I swore them all to secrecy...”

The nurse laughed. “How many calls to do parties did you get after that?”

“Too many to count.” I said. “I even changed my message to say 'I'm sorry, I am not doing parties'.”

The nurse kept laughing. “Oh... oh. That's funny! You thought you might get a construction job out of it and all they wanted you to do was entertain their kids! Ha ha!”

I laughed, too.

The nurse fed me the rest of my breakfast and I finished off the soda pop.

“Thanks for giving me breakfast in bed, Brenda.” I said a little suggestively, after reading her name tag.

“I'm still not getting you the keys.” Brenda said.

“What about my clothes? Any idea where they are?” I asked. “Blue shirt, work pants, boots...”

Brenda shook her head. “I haven't seen anything like them.”

I sighed. “I guess I'm still at their mercy for now.”

“Is a hospital gown so bad?” Brenda asked with a grin.

“My butt is sticking to the sheet.” I said. “I think there's a crease right along my right butt cheek.”

Brenda barked a laugh. “All right, lift up and I'll check for you.”

I pushed with my hands and back to lift my butt up and the sheet came with it.

“Well, you were right.” Brenda said and pulled the sheet off and smoothed it out. “I saw a red indent across that rounded butt.”

“Oh, no!” I fake gasped and she chuckled.

“I'll see if I can find your clothes when I go on break.”

“Thanks.” I said.

She checked the IV bag and decided to change it out.

“I guess you can't remove that until they say.” I said and she nodded as she added a new one and changed the drip feeds.

“If you need anything else, push the button.” Brenda said and picked up the tray and stand. She could handle it with one hand, now that the tray didn't have food on it anymore.

“I doubt I'll need you again before they come calling, unless you changed your mind about the whole flirting thing.” I said with a sly smile.

Brenda chuckled and shook her head, then she opened the door and left.

My smile disappeared and I looked at the high stool. That wasn't standard issue for a hospital, so I stored it and put it up on the bed. I couldn't find any distinctive markings or anything, so it was probably bought in a basic furniture store or even one of the larger store chains. I put the stool back where it had been and looked around.

My room didn't have a window, so I couldn't even look out to see where I was. I must have been unconscious for a while, considering I woke up and I was already here. I had to assume that they didn't take my rings off until I entered the building, wherever it was, which meant that it had to be either an official building or one they were borrowing for this occasion.

I went over my options and what I could do, being half naked like I was, and I smiled. I didn't have to be the only one half naked. I thought and chuckled as I contemplated storing everyone's clothing that came into the room. That would give away some of the range of my ability, though.

I couldn't see anything else around that had any kind of name or marking on it to tell me where I was, which meant I was either going to have to ask directly or be really sneaky about it. I equipped eight Detect rings and used them to search for various things. Nothing appeared in my perception, not even a camera, which meant that they either had one on them or had taken it with them.

One of them was wearing it. They had to be. I thought with a smile, then took out all the rings that I had used up the spells, to let them take the time to recharge on their own. Once I had them set out, I sat there in bed and waited as I thought about how I was going to handle it when Stacy came back into the room.

It took them almost four hours before they came back to visit with me. I had stored all the rings long ago, except for the ones on my fingers, which I had changed out for two Detect and six Wind rings. The low powered wind spell would only last for three minutes each, so I had a maximum of eighteen minutes before her smell overwhelmed the reasoning part of my brain. I was not going to succumb to it.

“How are you feel... oh, my god.” Stacy said as she entered the room and saw me.

“I guess the nurse didn't tell you about my miraculous recovery.” I said and activated the first spell. She shivered a little when the light breeze flowed over her and she must have assumed it was from her opening the door, because she didn't mention it.

The others came in behind her and I used the first Detect spell to look for recording devices. I found two of them. One was on one of the agents and the other was on the tech guy. I used the next Detect spell and looked for guns. I found five. Two on each of the male agents and one on the female fake detective. I waited until they were all pretty close to the bed before I stored the cameras and guns I had detected and then I spoke.

“I hope you're here to tell me who you people really are.”

“We'd rather not say.” The fake detective said.

I switched out the two Detect rings and looked for identification. I found eight of them, one each on the tech guy and Stacy, and two each on the two agents and the fake detective. I stored them all.

“Then what are you here for?” I asked.

“We're here to apologize.” Stacy said.

“It doesn't look like any of you are.” I said and looked at all their faces. “Especially those two.” I nodded at the two agents.

“It was a legal investigation.” The two of them said, as if they had rehearsed it.

“So, now what?” I asked and shook my hands to rattle the cuffs. “It doesn't look like you're apologizing if you're not releasing me right away.”

Stacy sighed. “We're waiting for word from higher up the chain of command.”

“For what? I should be free to go, since I didn't do anything wrong, right?” I asked and looked at her. The spell ended and I started another one right away.

“It's... not that easy.” Stacy said.

“How's it going with fixing my finances?” I asked.

“We've made some progress on that front.” The tech guy said. “They finally lifted the court order that froze your assets.”

“Only some progress?” I asked and gave him a particularly stern glare. “What aren't you telling me?”

“N-nothing.” The tech guy said and backed up a little.

“It sounds like there's something wrong with all the money I had.” I said and looked at Stacy. “What do you have to say?”

“I've already filled the paperwork to reverse the fines and tax penalties...” Stacy started to say.

“Oh, for fuck's sake!” I said angrily. “It's all gone, isn't it? As soon as you unfroze it, they took it all.”

Stacy took a deep breath and let it out. “Unfortunately.”

“Taxes for the buildings?” I asked and cast the next spell.

“As far as we can tell, they were taken first, then the penalties were applied and...”

“You better get every goddamn cent back that YOU caused me to lose.” I said. “I'll even give you the same time limit as Diane, just because I want to be the nice guy here. You have a week to fix it all, then you're all fucked.”

“You are in no position to threaten us.” One of the agents said.

“No? What are you going to do? Put a bullet in my head, Mr. Secret Service Agent?”

The female fake detective and Stacy took in quick breaths and exchanged concerned looks.

“How are you going to explain that, huh? Mr. President sir, he had his arms and legs shackled to the bed and he was trying to escape! I had to shoot him in the head, just to make sure he didn't get away!”

The agent looked pretty angry and his hand made a fist.

“Go ahead and try to shoot me, jerkface.” I smiled. “I don't want to know what kind of paperwork you would have to file to cover up the murder of an innocent civilian with witnesses from three different agencies.”

They all looked surprised this time at my words.

“Damon, please.” Stacy said. “Don't overreact.”

“I am far from overreacting, my dear lady.” I said and gave her Angel's professional supermodel smile. “You all would have been dead the moment I woke up the first time if I had overreacted.”

“That's enough out of you.” The angry agent said. “Everybody out! NOW!”

“No.” Stacy said. “No, we stay and we explain.”

“Stacy!” The fake detective exclaimed and grabbed her arm to shake her. “He just threatened to murder federal officers!”

“No, he didn't.” Stacy said. “Did you, Damon?”

“No, I didn't threaten anyone.” I said. “I need you to fix all the damage you've done.”

“You know I have to report this.” The fake detective said to her.

“Make sure to tell your boss at the NSA that Damon Smith will be paying him a visit next week to discuss his policy on public kidnappings and excessive force.” I said and she gasped.

“You can't just show up and...” She started to say.

“I'm going to own it, so I can show up if I want to.” I said, completely confident.

“You can't buy the National Security Agency.” The angry agent said.

“I'm not buying the agency, I'm buying the whole goddamn country.” I said and the five of them stared at me. “What? Did you think because I was drugged up and ignored what you said, that I wasn't listening to you talk?” I chuckled. “I was horny, not deaf.”

None of them said anything in response, I assumed because they thought exactly that.

“Well? Go ahead and explain.” I said to Stacy and cast another wind spell. “You have nine minutes before I lose my composure and beg for you to let me ravage you.”

Stacy caught her breath and even with the wind spell, I smelled it a little and started to get an erection. I cast another spell to try and dissipate the excess.

“Make that six minutes.” I said and she shivered, then she started to talk.

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