Summoned Again?

098 Damon Unleashed


As soon as Stacy left and didn't take the gun, I knew something was going to go wrong. It wasn't Divine Sight that told me that, just intuition. I stored the other three sets of handcuffs and hopped out of bed. I quickly popped the little needle and tube out of the discarded IV bag I had used as a decoy and I was pretty sure that the barely quarter filled bag had all of whatever that woman had tried to inject me with.

I stored it, the gun, and the two cameras. I walked over to the door, my bare feet making no sound on the floor, and equipped several Detect spell rings. I used one and found 2 security cameras and stored them. I pulled the door open slightly and peeked my head out. I watched the fake nurse's legs disappear into a room down the hallway and quickly followed. I checked for cameras again and didn't find any in the hallway or inside that room.

I stood there and listened to everything they talked about and I was pretty surprised by the dissension between them. There was a clear divide, which meant at least one or more of them didn't approve of what was going on. It impressed me that Stacy was the one that was pretty much running the conversation, even though I didn't think she was in charge.

“It looks like he helped with that, too.” A male's voice said. “I'll go and get her.”

I dashed to the next room and ducked behind the open door. It was the room I had been in during their interrogation and I stored the camera. I heard his footsteps retreat down the hallway and peeked out. Unfortunately, I was a bit too far away to hear what was going on in the room and had to wait for several minutes before I heard two sets of shoes come back down the hallway.

The door didn't shut and that was both good and bad for me. Good that I didn't have to strain to listen and bad that I was too far away to do anything without them seeing me.

“What did your supervisor say?” Stacy asked.

“This is the first he's heard about any of this.” A man's voice said. “He didn't even know we apprehended the suspect.”

“You set us up.” Stacy said.

“Complete deniability. I told you. I was given orders to deal with it.” A man's voice responded, that I recognized as the angry agent.

“From who? It wasn't the normal chain of command.” The other man asked there was a brief silence.

“Now what?” The tech guy said.

“Is that your favorite saying or something?” A woman asked and I was pretty sure she was the fake detective.

“It is now.”

“I should tend to that woman.” Brenda said.

“She tried to kill Damon with an injection.” Stacy said.

“No, she... why...” Brenda said. “Then I think I'm a little busy right now. It's one thing to rough him up to get him to talk, it's another to murder him in cold blood to erase your mistakes.”

I didn't know you were so tough on the inside, Brenda. I thought with a smile.

“It's not a mistake. He's an imminent threat to this nation.” The angry agent said.

“He was only supposed to be a suspect wanted for questioning!” Stacy said.

“He was. Now that we know what he can do, he needs to be disposed of.” The angry agent argued.

“That's going a bit too far.” A man's voice responded.

“No, it's not far enough. Even if he can only take small things, what's to stop him from walking into any bank and just taking everything?”

“I would have said the higher moral ground, considering he hasn't done that, despite being inside a federal bank, with his own coins that he handed over without complaint, and didn't take them back. They were counted again, just to be sure and then they were shipped out.” Stacy said. “God, how could you think he would do it now, unless... you aren't holding the gold coins from his safety security box in trust, are you? They're already gone and smelted down into bars, aren't they?”

“Yes. Almost as soon as they were all tested to prove they were real, they were incorporated into the treasury.”

“To use Damon's words, you are fucking idiots.” Stacy sighed. “I can't believe that he was right. You've been doing this to him just to get his gold.”

“We have been doing this.” The angry agent said. “You. Me. Them. All of us.”

“No wonder people hate it when our agencies cooperate and don't keep each other in check. Look how much we can screw up in only a couple of days.” A woman's voice said.

“We've been working this case a lot longer than that.” Stacy said. “I agree. Now what do we do?”

“We wait for my phone call.” A man's voice said. “My supervisor's going to the man himself.”

“This is not going to end well. I just know it.” The tech guy said.

The phone rang and I couldn't hear anything, which meant no one was talking on this side of the conversation. I stood there and listened for several minutes to just silence and breathing.

“We're busted.” The man's voice said.

“Fuck!” Stacy said, and that surprised me. It sounded kind of odd and cute.

“Wipe everything.” The man said. “Clean house. Nothing left.”

“Slash and burn? You got it. Hard wiping hard drives.” The tech guy said and there was loud whirring for a minute. “I really liked this phone.” He said and I heard him smash it on something.

“Let's go, people.” The man said.

“Let me out of the cuffs. I can help.” The angry agent said.

“You have other problems right now.” The man said and I heard someone choke and sputter. “The boss doesn't approve of loose cannons that compromise security systems.”

I heard footsteps get closer and got ready. I saw the second agent carrying the angry agent and reached out to chop the side of my hand into the throat of the second agent. I grabbed his collar and pulled him into the room, stored his cell phone that he didn't have on him before, and covered his mouth to stop him from mumbling as he died. A crushed windpipe wasn't a pleasant way to go.

“Well, you heard the man.” A woman's voice said. “Clean sweep.”

“But... Damon...” Stacy said.

“When we wipe everything clean, you can poke your head into his room and tell him he can go.”

“But... but...”

“He can release the footage all he wants and it won't make any difference. They'll never find the one who tried to kill him.”

“It's us I'm worried about.” The tech guy said. “He knows our names and where we live.”

“Just set up police protection from a stalker. As soon as he shows up, he'll be arrested and that's that. He can't go around you anymore.”

I almost laughed at how easily that could be circumvented and applied pressure to the angry agent's neck to put him to sleep like the fake nurse.

“That's not a bad idea. I'll get the van loaded and set it up for us when I get back to my place.”

“Leave me out of it.” Stacy said. “I won't have him arrested again. Not again.”

“You just want him to come to you.”

“Yes... and no.” Stacy said. “Do you know how angry he's going to be that we can't undo everything, now that the operation's a bust?”

“It doesn't matter now.” A woman's voice said. “Let's get everything cleaned.”

Oh, don't worry. I'm going to do just that. I thought and checked the agent's clothing. The second one was a pretty close match for me, so I closed the door almost all the way and unbuttoned his shirt. I stored the suit and then equipped it. I wasn't going to chance using his underwear, though. Going commando was going to be a little rough on me until I found a clean pair of underwear.

That's what I get for thinking one pair was enough, just because I can clean them in inventory. I thought and stored the second agent's body. I pushed the angry agent and the woman behind the door and opened it enough to listen to the others. As far as I could tell, there were only four people left. Stacy, the fake detective, the tech guy, and the nurse.

“I'll go start cleaning the nurse's station.” Brenda said and I heard footsteps.

I thought this was my opportunity to pass by the observation room without being seen, so I equipped a simple face covering and stepped out of the room and started walking as Brenda stepped out of the next room. She barely looked at me, I think because she recognized the suit. I grabbed her arm and put a hand over her mouth and ran.

“HMM MMM!” Brenda mumbled loudly as I dragged her quickly down the hallway and ducked into the nurse's station. No one came out to look, so I was in the clear. So far.

“You seemed like such a nice person.” I said and stored the face covering.

“Damon! How did you get out of the cuffs?”

“Magic.” I said. “Tell me what happens now.”

“It's a wash. The operation never happened. We go back to our regular posts and wait for the next job.” Brenda said.

“I thought you were a nurse.” I said.

“I am a nurse. I handle things like this all the time.”

I sighed. “I really liked you, though.”


“How many other people have you helped them kidnap and ruined their lives?” I asked and she didn't say anything. “That many?” I shook my head. “I hope they give your husband a nice settlement.”

“Wait! I can help...” Brenda started to say as I grabbed her head and then twisted it. The crunch was pretty loud as her head turned all the way around. I held onto her as she died and then stored the body. I went to the nurse's computer and tried to look through it, then sighed.

I had no clue how to check it and I also didn't want to shut it off, because I was pretty sure it would need a password to get back into it. I was also sure that it might only be a terminal connected to the main computer, wherever that was. I saw papers scattered around and lucked out when I saw an envelope. I read it and it told me an address.

So, this is a federal building and it's near the outskirts of the city. I thought and looked around some more. There were file folders and things, paperwork for other things, and a filing cabinet. I quickly gathered up what I could see, put it in the filing cabinet, and stored it. I could go over everything later. I held in my chuckle as I turned off the monitor to perhaps trick someone into thinking the computer was off, then started helping the people that kidnapped me by cleaning the place out.

I stopped at the storage closet and after a brief glance to make sure there wasn't anything toxic, I stored everything inside and shut the door. I checked all the other doors and only found empty rooms with hospital beds in them. Just for fun, I stored them, too. I quickly discovered that the only real office was the one they were in and currently cleaning. I did find a kind of locker room and easily broke the locks to check them all. I found the personal items of the agents and the tech guy, so I stored everything.

I remembered Brenda saying something about a lab, which must be on another floor, and I was pretty sure that if I tried to go down there and they had already been warned to evacuate, they could set off all sorts of alarms when they saw me, an unfamiliar face. That meant I only had one choice now, so I walked down the hallway and stepped into the office.

“Hello, Stacy.” I said and she gasped as she dropped another document into the shredder. I stored it before it was barely cut on the blades. The tech guy and the female fake detective whipped around from the filing cabinet to stare at me. I stored the files in their hands and then stored the filing cabinet.

“Oh, my god!” The fake detective gasped. “How did you... you're across the room!”

“Don't worry about it. You won't be alive long enough to tell anyone how far away I can do that.”

“DAMON! NO!” Stacy yelled and stepped forward.

“Stop.” I said and took out some gauze and shoved it up my nose. “There we go. I can't smell you as much now.”

“Damon, please. You're not a murderer.” Stacy said in a calm voice.

“What made you come to that conclusion?” I asked and her eyes widened slightly.

“After everything we've found out about you, I know you're not an evil man.” Stacy said. “All the good you've done, the people in your life...”

“...that you've taken from me and turned against me by undoing the good I've done.” I said. “I'll agree that I'm not evil. Vindictive, revengeful, and a strong believer in retribution? Yes. I am definitely those.”

“Please, don't do this.” Stacy said and took a step forward.

“One more step and I'll shoot you with her gun.” I said and pointed at the fake detective. “Just to wound, though. I don't want you dead until you've suffered like I have.”

“What... what do you mean?” Stacy asked.

“Branded criminals, money stolen and left penniless, no friends or family to care what happens to you.” I said. “You know, exactly what you've done to me.”

“No, we... we tried to undo...” Stacy started to say.

“Don't you recognize this suit?” I asked with a smile and all thee of them looked at it.

“Oh, fuck.” The tech guy said.

“You... only stripped...” Stacy started to say, so I took the second agent's body out of storage.

“AHH!” The fake detective yelped.

“Now you know what else I can store.” I said and made it disappear again.

“D-Damon, you... no, you don't... you can't...”

“You've driven me to this.” I said and she caught her breath. “Lying about my money and my gold, telling me you can fix things and then abandoning me without a second thought.”

Stacy's eyes filled with tears. “No, I... I was still...”

“What? I heard you say you can't undo everything and I warned you that was the only reason I let you all live.” I said and two tears rolled down her cheeks. “I just came here to get Craig there to inform the lab downstairs that I was coming. It's just too bad he broke his phone, just like I am going to break his fingers.”

“NO!” Craig yelled, then he really yelled when I lunged at him, grabbed him by the neck, and walked back over to the middle of the room to stop the other two from leaving.

“Your fingers are dangerous weapons.” I said and he tried to struggle and punch at me. “Keep struggling and we'll see how long you can live with a broken neck.”

Craig stopped and his arms dropped to his sides.

“By the way, this is really going to hurt.” I said.

“DON'T!” Stacy yelled and gave a look to the fake detective, then she pulled open her blouse. “Please. I want you, Damon. I'm going crazy. I can't even feel myself anymore because I've rubbed it so much.” She dropped her blouse to the floor and then opened her skirt and dropped that, too. “Look, I'm soaked for you.”

I took in a breath through my nose and caught her scent. Thanks to the gauze, it wasn't overwhelming. She saw my erection grow, since I wasn't wearing underwear and the cloth of the suit pants wasn't very thick.

“I want you to have sex with me right now.” Stacy said and touched herself over her wet panties. “I need you to ram me as hard as you can and make me feel how powerful you are.”

I opened my mouth to speak and the fake detective pulled out a can of pepper spray. She pushed the plunger and I moved Craig in front of my face and he took it for me.

“No!” Both women yelled.

Craig coughed and cried and tried to wipe at his eyes as I stepped back and out of the settling cloud.

“Nice shot.” I said and stored the pepper spray. “Do you want to use a taser next? I think Craig might want the relief of pain right now.”

“Stop this, please.” Stacy said. “Damon, I really do need you.”

“You don't think I know that?” I asked and let Craig go. He dropped to his knees and rubbed at his face, making it worse. I took out a pair of rubber gloves and grabbed his hands, then squeezed.

“AARRRGGHHHHH!” Craig yelled and completely forgot about his sore eyes and itchy face and he crumpled to the floor with two mangled hands.

“NOOO!” The fake detective yelled and went to him. “Craig, I'm so sorry.” She said and cradled him on her lap. “I never should have brought you in.”

“No, you never should have crossed me.” I said and she looked up at me with hatred on her face.

“I'm going to kill you!”

“When you get out of jail, you mean?” I asked and she widened her eyes. “I'm pretty sure it's a minimum of 25 years for murder, isn't it?” I asked and took out the second agent's body and shot him in the head and chest with her gun. “Oh, no! You killed him!” I said and stored the body and gun again.

Stacy and the fake detective just stared at me.

“I'm going to leave him at your place, write out a note about how he couldn't stand you not being with him.” I said. “A nice little love trist, right? Won't your friends and family just hate you for it?”

“No, they... they'll believe me.” The female detective whispered. “They will.”

“I thought so, too.” I said and looked at Stacy. “As for you, I think a nice fitting punishment is having to keep suffering like you are.”

“No!” Stacy exclaimed.

“It's been driving me crazy, too.” I said. “It's funny how you wouldn't volunteer to do it until you could have someone else attack me, though.”

“I... I was just...”

“...trying to save your friends. I know.” I said and backed up. “Unlike you, I can go and find any other woman to screw to relieve myself.”

“NO!” Stacy yelled and tried to run towards me. I made a bed appear on its end and she hit it and bounced off to land on the floor.

“I wonder what the local federal bank is going to say when they get up in the morning and their vault is empty?” I asked and stored the bed. “Maybe I'll leave a certain tech guy's ID there to show how they got by the security systems.”

“N-n-no...” Craig said through the pain and tears.

“I expect two of you will be getting visited by the police tomorrow.” I said and stepped backwards into the hallway. “Or maybe federal agents? Who knows.” I shrugged. “Don't worry about that, because I'll be right nearby to make sure you don't weasel out of it.”

“Damon!” Stacy reached out towards me from the floor. She knew better than to try and run at me.

“I'm sorry, Stacy. I won't be giving you a week to fix the things you broke. I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands now.” I said and closed the door.

“DAMON!” Stacy yelled and I crushed the door handle to slow her down.

I went to the next room and picked up the angry agent and the fake nurse, since I had plans for them, and ran down the hallway to the stairs. I used Detect to look for gold and it was on the floor below me in a couple of spots, so I used Detect and looked for people as I went down the stairs. I found several moving around and wished I had my Map.

“ARGH!” I yelled as a sharp pain seemed to slice sideways through my head from temple to temple. I tripped on the stairs and rolled down several feet to land on the landing between floors with the agent and fake nurse on top of me. We had hit the wall pretty hard and I laid there for several minutes as the pain pierced my brain. I barely managed to switch the spent Detect rings for Minor Healing and used one. It didn't work, which meant I was going through a major injury.

I stayed there, in a bundle of three people against the wall, and suffered.

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