Summoned Again?

129 The Principal Principle


We left Teddy in the car, like usual, and took Crystal inside the school to her classroom. Her teacher gave me a huge smile and a little wave. Nat clamped her mouth shut to stop her laugh and elbowed me in the side to get me to wave back.

“I'm not supposed to encourage them.” I whispered to her and waved with just my fingers, then Nat and I walked down the hallway.

“You're kidding, right? Aren't you single?” Nat asked with a sly smile.

“I guess I am, technically.” I said and tried to resist saying exactly what I had been doing the last time I saw the principal in her office.

“Unless they asked you out, you're still a free agent.” Nat said.

“Are you?” I asked.

“Technically.” Nat said with a grin and we entered the main school office. “Grace said she wouldn't mind seeing me again next week when she has a day off.”

“Really now.” I grinned back and she chuckled as we sat down to wait.

“It could turn serious or it could be a total bust.” Nat joked and I laughed.

“There you go again, joking about breasts.”

“It's not my fault they feel so nice.” Nat said with a smug expression.

“Don't kid yourself. You would totally claim credit for that if you could.” I said and she laughed.

“I really would!”

“Mr. Smith, she can see you now.” One of the secretaries said and waved at us to follow her.

“Thank you.” I said and Nat and I stood up. The secretary opened the door for us and we went inside the office. “Good morning, Madam Principal.”

Her eyes flashed anger for a second, then she nodded at the secretary, who shut the door.

“I didn't want to use your name, considering how our last interaction turned out.” I said and she sighed.


“I'm sorry if I embarrassed you and I hope it won't affect my standing at the school.” I said and Nat and I sat down on the available chairs.

“He means that he wants you to add me to the allow list, so I can drop off and pick up Crystal if he can't.” Nat said.

“...and you are?” The principal asked, even though we both knew that she didn't really want to know.

“I'm Natalie! The new live-in nanny!” Nat said with a big smile and showed off all of her teeth.

“Jesus Christ.” I whispered with a sigh. “Thanks a lot, Nat.”

“Hey, I'm just being honest.” Nat said and looked at the principal. “Before you let that repressed and irrational anger at Damon overwhelm your common sense, not only are we not sleeping together, he's not sporting the right equipment for me to enjoy it.”

The principal sat there and stared at us for almost a full minute before she spoke. “You're serious?”

Nat nodded. “I haven't even seen him naked and we've stayed in the same apartment for two whole days already. Although, I had a shower at the hotel yesterday and I assume he had one before, so... there might be a potential oops moment sometime in the future.”

“That's not helping.” I commented.

“What? It's not like I haven't seen a penis before.” Nat said. “I mean, I would have to in order to realize that I didn't like them.”

I leaned over and put my head in my hands. “Nat, for god's sake.”

Nat put a hand on my back and rubbed it. “It's all right. I'm just distracting her from blowing up at you.” She said. “She looks like she's wound up so tightly that she could snap at any moment.”

I lifted my head and looked at the principal and saw her worried expression. “Caroline?”

She took in a deep breath and let it out. “I want us to have a relationship and I know you can't, because you're so busy.” She said and braced her hands on her desk. “You're even hiring a long term nanny to ensure Crystal's happiness isn't marred by your schedule.”

“I hear a huge but there.” Nat said.

Caroline looked at her. “It was the best sex I ever had. I mean, even better then when I had my first orgasm.”

“You're kidding!” Nat exclaimed.

Caroline shook her head. “I want to do it again, very very badly; but, I'm not a casual person. I don't... I mean, I've never... I usually fall in love with someone before I let them...”

“You've never had a lust attraction before?” Nat asked and Caroline looked surprised.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you've never met someone and immediately thought, I want them naked and all over me right now.” Nat said and Caroline looked right at me. “Ah, I see. Damon was the first.”

“Yes.” Caroline said.

“You want to date and try to see if love develops, don't you?” Nat asked and she nodded. “What happens if it doesn't?”

“I... well, I...”

“You'll be stuck with someone you don't like, just for great sex.” Nat said and Caroline's face flushed red. “You're thinking that it would be worth it for a while.”

“Good god, yes.” Caroline said. “I've never felt so good in my whole life.”

“So, you're willing to be miserable emotionally, as long as you get laid on a regular basis.”

Caroline sighed. “That makes it sound so much worse when you say it like that.”

“You do realize that you're a woman, don't you?” Nat asked.

“Excuse me?” Caroline looked confused.

“Ninety percent of our sexual satisfaction is from how we feel.” Nat said and I turned my head to stare at her. “Yes, really.” She said to me and pat my knee. “If we're not into it, you can pump and play with us for a long time before we get off.”

I turned to look at Caroline to see if she was going to deny it and she didn't say anything. “Wow.”

“Yep, it's the truth.” Nat said. “If we are into it, though... look out! Even bad sex can still feel good.”

I sat there and thought about it. I thought about all the interactions I've had with women and the circumstances. Each time there was a buildup or a bit of tension between us first, it was a lot more amazing. When it was because of whatever I had gained from the dragon, they were more intense initially and then tapered off fast, especially since there was usually some kind of conflict that developed.

Even that time with Whitney the treasury secretary, it was the gold she loved. The more emotionally satisfied she was with the gold I gave her, the hornier she was and the more sex we had. Afterwards, when she had to do her job, it was like we hadn't had sex at all.

“Well, damn.” I said and Nat pat my knee again.

“It's all right, Damon. You're not the first clueless person that I've enlightened to the importance of romance and seduction.”

I opened my mouth to make a joke, then shook my head. “You mean other women.”

“Of course I do, knucklehead!” Nat said and tapped the side of my head with her knuckle. “I am not normally going to help the competition.”

That made me laugh. “What competition? The ones who looked at you barely knew I was in the room.”

Nat laughed and gave me a quick one arm hug. “I'll make the same promise you made to me and I'll try to not poach your potential girlfriends.”

Caroline looked from Nat to me and back again. “Are... are you two...”

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was you specifically that we were talking about.” Nat said. “You can rest assured that Damon and I do not have the same taste in women, even if some parts of them can qualify for the both of us.”

“She did not need to know that last part.” I said and Nat winked at me.

Caroline looked at the both of us for another quiet moment. “I suppose I could add you to the approved list.”

“Thank you.” Nat said in as professional of a voice as she could. “I also noticed there's some artwork hanging in the front office.”

“One of the grading students did it a few years ago.” Caroline said. “He's quite talented.”

“I assume he went to a nice secondary school?”

“He did, with Art as his major.”

“That's great.” Nat said with a genuine smile.

I let the two women talk for a few minutes, then reminded them that Nat needed to provide her information for them. Nat did so, under a much more cordial atmosphere than it had been at the start, then we were out of the office and stood in front of the car.

“That went a lot better than I thought it was going to.” I said with a sigh and turned to look at Crystal's classroom. “The last thing I want is to mess anything else up for that beautiful little girl.”

“It wasn't really your fault what happened to her parents.” Nat said.

“I gave them some very tempting money.”

“All that did was make it happen sooner.” Nat said and I looked at her in surprise. “You pretty much gave Diane the apartment and she was only paying the building fees, so her whole paycheck was pretty much hers to play with, after groceries of course.”

“A year, maybe less.” I said, now that I thought about it. “He would have known she had money eventually anyway and it would have happened, just on a much smaller scale.”

“You got it.” Nat said and pointed at one of the windows.

I saw several kids looking out and Crystal's face was mixed in there, so I went to the back door and took Teddy out. Even from this far away, I heard several screams of delight.

“Now you definitely have a problem.” Nat said with a laugh.

“We better get out of here before the bell rings for recess.” I said and had Teddy wave, then shoved him into the back seat, climbed into the front with Nat, and sped out of there.

“The Great Teddy Getaway! Woo-hooooo!” Nat said loudly and we both laughed.

After driving for a few minutes, I spoke. “I think we better stop at that toy store again.”

“You better hope they have at least one more back in stock.” Nat warned me. “Crystal is not going to want to share Teddy when her friends invite themselves over later.”

“Dammit.” I said and stepped on the gas. The problem was that I was driving an economical car. It's 'get up and go' was little more than a higher revving engine and we only picked up a little more speed. Of course, Nat laughed her ass off at it... and me... and the whole situation.

We arrived at the store in question and to my relief and surprise, they had three of the giant eight foot tall teddy bears on display. I took all three to the counter and Nat kept laughing the whole time.

“Can I ask what's funny?” The woman behind the counter asked.

“I showed the last one I bought from you to a class full of little girls.” I said.

The clerk looked shocked for a second, looked at a still laughing Nat, and started laughing herself.

“It's not that funny.” I said and took out the money to pay for them. “Um... actually... do you have any out back? I better take those, too.”

Both Nat and the clerk laughed and laughed.

“I'm... going to close... early today.” The clerk said and wiped at the tears on her face.

I handed her a box of tissues and she thanked me and wiped at her face. Nat took some as well and wiped at her face. The clerk rang the stock boy in the back of the store to bring more out. I kid you not, the little bastard came out with a forklift and a pallet that was stacked with gigantic cardboard boxes that were eight feet long, four feet wide, and three feet high. There were six of them, too.

“You... you have to get them, Damon! You HAVE to!” Nat said loudly.

I didn't hesitate as I nodded and made the clerk very happy when I bought all nine of them.

“Crystal is going to lose her mind when she sees them.” Nat said as I arranged the delivery to the building. “Or die of the giggles. It's a toss up.”

I paid the fee and had the truck meet us out front. “I'll prepare her for the shock before I...”

“You will do no such thing.” Nat said and glared at me. “You are going to set it up so that as she enters the apartment, all she's going to see as she walks, is teddy bears. Everywhere.”


“You can't ruin the pure joy that she's going to feel when she sees all of the new friends that Teddy's going to have.” Nat said.

I looked at the clerk for help and she shook her head. “All right, it'll be a complete surprise.” I said and Nat nodded enthusiastically.

“I don't think I'll be needing any more.” I told the clerk.

“I'm bringing more in anyway.” The clerk said. “Thank you for your purchase and I hope you come back and bring that little girl with you.”

“I've got one right there.” I said and pointed at Nat, who stuck her tongue out at me and made the clerk laugh.

We left the store and drove home with the delivery truck behind us. I opened up the service elevator and they loaded it up for me with nine giant teddy bears, all in boxes. Nat and I stepped in and let the doors close, then I stored the boxes. We went up to the apartment and the setting up of the teddy bear surprise party began.

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