Summoned Again?

137 A Weekend Away Part One


We stepped off the plane and Miss Carlyle gave us a tour of the outside. Crystal stared at the plane and I was sure she was wondering how something like that could carry us all the way to D.C. through the air. I didn't try to explain about thrust and lift and just let her wonder. I'd explain it later if she asked.

The driver of the car my broker had sent didn't mention the eight foot tall teddy bear as I put Teddy into the back seat. Luckily, the back seat was huge and had lots of leg room, so for the first time ever in a car, Teddy sat like a normal person and not jammed in sideways.

Of course, Crystal insisted that he be strapped in as Nat put her in the middle of the bench seat. I agreed, since Teddy had just dramatically displayed what could happen if someone wasn't strapped in. I buckled Teddy in and rode in the front seat with the driver while I also kept an eye on Crystal. I saw her looking around like her head was on a swivel and her eyes were wide as she took in everything.

I couldn't help but smile. I am definitely going to bring her along when I can. I thought and kept watching her reactions as we drove to the meeting.

The driver promised to wait for as long as he had to and Nat, Crystal, Teddy, and I entered the building and went up to the floor with the meeting room. To my surprise, no one mentioned the eight foot tall bear until I introduced Crystal and Teddy. They greeted both and that made me appreciate their diligence even more. Nat was greeted almost as enthusiastically and that made her smile.

“Any luck getting offices?” I asked as I sat down at the end of the table.

“I've picked a nice place not far from here where we can all go to work, assuming you really want us to give up where we are to do it.” Derek said.

I chuckled. “No, I'm sure that you're already set in your ways. If you want to keep working remotely, that's fine by me, as long as the work gets done.” I saw a lot of relieved faces. “Having an office and a secretary or two is just a face to show to the public. They can answer some questions, after being briefed of course, and then direct the calls to you, the lawyers, or me when appropriate.”

“That's actually a good idea. Did you have anyone in mind?” Derek asked and glanced at Nat.

“She's my commissioned artist and product designer, so she's going to be busy doing other things.” I said and then thought about who I could get. “Although, I might have a couple of prospects locally and I'll see if they are interested in making a boatload of money to be talking heads for us.”

Nat laughed softly. “I'm sure anyone would take that offer if they were smart.”

“If we're lucky.” Derek said. “If not, it might be a bit of a process to search for someone.”

“We don't really need them for a while, considering the corporation is still in the building stages.” I said. “I assume you've polled a few advertising agencies?”

“I have and there are a few good prospects. I'll give you the details after the meeting.” Derek said and glanced at the others around the table. “We've got a few more purchases for you to look at and more contracts and deals to hammer out first, then we can try to tackle our first product's design and production schedule.”

I turned to Crystal and whispered really loudly. “He means that this is the boring part for you and Teddy, so try to not fall asleep.”

Crystal giggled and Nat nodded agreement.

“I thought I saw a vending machine or two in the lobby.” Nat offered. “We can come back later.”

“We shouldn't be too long. Maybe half an hour. It's just signing papers for the most part.” Derek said.

Nat nodded again. “Come on, Crystal. Let's see if we can find something good while we look around.”

“Okay.” Crystal said and hopped off of her chair. “Bye, Teddy.”

Nat and Crystal left and the entire room seemed to grow serious.

“I've got two diamond mines that would be perfect for what you want them for, except that one is in a middle eastern country and the other is in Russia.” Derek said.

“Damn. I guess that means I won't be trying to buy my citizenship.” I said and he nodded. “No other prospects?”

“None that will let them go for less than their yearly yields.” Derek said. “By the way, it's a lot.”

I chuckled. “I suspected as much. Which one do you recommend?”

“The Russian one. You do not want to be anywhere near the middle east, especially being an American citizen.”

“Good point. Is there any problems with foreign owners with Russia?”

“Only that you can't bring anyone in to run the place or to work there.”

“Hmm. Russians only.” I said and he nodded. “I assume you've already had someone looking into that aspect for me?”

Derek smiled and pointed to one of his assistants, so I turned to her.

“Please enlighten me to your plight.” I said and she smiled.

“Well, it's like this...” She said and then explained that finding an Russian diamond mining expert is as hard as digging for diamonds by hand. That made me laugh, because she had found two.

I picked up one of her hands. “You have really strong hands to have dug up two diamonds.” I joked and a few people laughed as she blushed. “Set up interviews for two weeks from now, please.”

“Y-yes, sir.”

“Derek, buy the mine and get the details of the thing. The equipment, workers, any existing contracts, and anything else they have.”

Derek nodded and marked it down. “Sign this.” He said as one of the corporate lawyers handed me a small set of papers.

I checked it over and it was the contract to buy the mine. “I'm feeling a little manipulated.”

“Then I'm doing my job right.” Derek said with a smile.

I chuckled as I quickly read it over and then I signed it.

“There's just a few other things to handle...” Derek said and then everyone else in the meeting became involved.


An hour later, Susan crawled out of bed, still naked and her hair a mess, and she went to the bathroom. She felt a little sore down below and it was a good soreness, in her opinion. Damon hadn't been gentle that morning and that was a pleasure all on its own. She looked into the mirror at her appearance and she was amused that anyone would even look at her in that condition, let alone want to have sex with her.

Her eyes dropped to her breasts and she was glad that they had finally caught the only man to ever say no to her. She always joked about her nipples, because they were so freakishly large, and they were her most defining feature. Other than them, she could have been just any blonde woman that could be easily exchanged for another.

Susan laughed at that thought. She knew her own worth and anyone that thought they could trade her in for a better woman had another thing coming. She stepped into the shower and immediately regretted that Damon wasn't there for them to have a shower together. The thought that she would be the first woman he would have in the shower made her wet. She refrained from masturbating, though.

Despite her words to Damon about recovering quickly, she only referred to it springing back into a reasonable shape and not magically healing any soreness from being treated roughly. She wouldn't trade that feeling for anything, either. After all this time, she finally had the sexiest man she had ever met.

He was her best friend's brother... her ex-best friend's brother... and she had fallen in lust with him from the moment she saw him. Susan had teased him playfully for a while and he took it, and then he never followed through, no matter how many times she invited him to. They carried on and joked, and that had been great at the time; but, she quickly grew frustrated that he never crossed that line.

Oh, boy, did she want him to. She had seen him shirtless a few times and all that hard musculature drove her crazy with lust. She needed him bad and he always kept things platonic. She had even snuck into his bedroom once and kissed him while he was asleep. It was thrilling to steal one and she got out of there before anyone knew she had.

It was maddening that he never mentioned it because she had intentionally left her lipstick mark. Her frustration grew and she did take things a bit too far by spiking his drinks. She never knew that he knew, though. That was a bit of a surprise for her to discover. She had laughed it off, even though she was embarrassed that she had done it.

She admitted to it and owned up to it, and once again, Damon exceeded her expectations. He didn't get angry about it or even berated her for trying to make him more passive and to accept her. It made her regret trying anything so foolish.

At the time, she was desperate to have his affection and she did everything she could to get it... right up until that first evening when she, Jenny, Kathy, and Damon had fallen asleep during a late night movie marathon. She had woken up part way through the night and felt a little stiff, realized where she was, and felt the strong arm wrapped around her.

Her heart had nearly beat out of her chest at being cuddled by him, willingly, and she cuddled in and stayed awake all night. She knew then that her approach had been wrong and that the only way for anything to happen between them was for her to just be there and let things develop on their own. Trying to force it wasn't working, so she stopped pushing and things became great after that.

It was like she had a secret boyfriend and the only bad part was that they never had sex. They did everything else, though. They ate meals together, went out dancing, watched movies and cuddled on the couch, and hung out when he had spare time. It was great and she hoped that it would progress a bit further than that.

Then he disappeared again and it all went to hell. Her best friend changed practically overnight and Jenny's mood and attitude became darker and darker as time went on. She had done her best to keep her friend from progressing to the point where things could have gone terribly wrong. She didn't want to lose her friend like that and did everything she could to keep her happy, engaged, and trying to work towards a solution.

Time seemed to stretch on forever as Jenny got worse, then suddenly Damon was back. It was a miracle... or so Susan had thought at the time. When Jenny told her what happened, Susan had been so angry at her for being so stupid. She had suffered so much with him gone for six months, and the first thing she did was arrange for him to be taken away again.

Susan stopped those thoughts and turned off the shower. She didn't need to relive that particular conversation again, just like the one she had when Jenny had walked in on her and Damon. She had so easily told Jenny off for being so stupid and making so many mistakes, then Jenny had left without a word.

Susan dried off and went to the hall closet to grab one of Damon's shirts and she tossed her other clothes into the washer. As she waited, she decided that it was time to try and make things right. She picked up her cell phone and went to the living room, sat on the couch and pulled her legs up in the same position she always used, and dialed.

She just hoped that Jenny didn't ignore her this time.

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