Summoned Again?

139 A Gem’s Worth


“I still can't believe you have gems of this consistent quality.” Cherise said as she very closely examined one of the diamonds with her jeweller's glasses. “Yes, before you ask, my gem cutter examined several of them thoroughly... before giggling like a little school girl and started cutting them up.”

I had to laugh at that. “Your clients must absolutely love having pure untouched gems to have cut into whatever strikes their fancy.”

“You have no idea.” Cherise said and couldn't stop her own bright smile, despite her penchant for keeping a stern look while working.

The funny thing was, even though she was old enough to be my mother and was a bit too tall and thin for my liking, I couldn't help imagining her bent over the counter and doing her as she worked. Almost as if she knew what I was thinking, her face flushed slightly red.

“You... shouldn't look at me like that.” Cherise whispered, even though we were alone in the store.

“Dear lady, you're enjoying yourself while you work. I can't help thinking certain things as I see your smile.”

“My smile?” Cherise asked and looked a little confused.

“I haven't... ahem... seen anything other than your face, nor have I tried to look at anything else.” I said and gave her my own bright smile. “I'm a little charged up and haven't slept in three days, so perhaps I'm getting too bold in my words.”

That made her smile again. “Just your words?”

I leaned slightly over the counter to get closer to her. “My good friend asked me before I came here if I would be engaging in... that kind of business. I said no and that it was just normal business... and I'm hesitant to be called a liar.”

Cherise looked quite surprised. “That's all that's making you hesitant?”

I gave her Angel's professional smile and she blushed. “That and it could only be a casual thing. I'm not in town enough to qualify as any kind of boyfriend for you and you deserve to have someone be there for you, more than I possibly could be.”

Cherise's blush faded and she smiled. “You're very considerate of my feelings.”

“Well, I hadn't realized anything could possibly develop, since you said before that all you could do for me was hug.” I said. “If I had been smarter at the time and countered that statement...”

Cherise chuckled. “I would have shut you down faster than I could kick you out of my store.”

“Then the secret is time and temptation?” I asked and made her laugh.

“Don't be such a delinquent.” Cherise said. “You're supposed to be a nice and composed young man.”

“I'm thirty years old.” I countered and she smiled demurely.

“Please wait here while I gather the appropriate funds for these latest acquisitions.”

I nodded and watched her walk over to the door to the back. She didn't rush and let me look at her, at least that's what I assumed, because she swayed her tiny hips a little and hadn't done that before. She entered the back and was gone for several minutes, then she came out with several leather pouches.

“I own a diamond mine, too.” I said and didn't try to look at any more of her body. I didn't want her to think that I was being disrespectful.

“Still young.” Cherise said and handed over three of the pouches. “Three hundred thousand for the ten diamonds.” She handed over the last one. “A hundred thousand for the rubies.”

I didn't bother trying to count it and tucked them into my suit coat pockets as I stored them. “How happy are you that the rubies aren't as big as your gift?”

“Extremely.” Cherise said. “I appreciate you reserving something so special for me.”

“Did you have it cut up yet?”

“Oh, no. That particular gem is sitting at home in my safe.”

I knew what she was thinking and smiled. “How many times have you stared at it and admired it?”

“More times than I can count!” Cherise said and laughed softly.

“Then I'm glad it's being put to good use.” I reached for her hand and she gave it to me, so I brushed my lips over her knuckles. “Thank you for everything.”

Cherise laughed softly again. “Dear boy, you can't thank me for that. I haven't given you everything.”

“One can only hope.” I said and let her hand go. “I don't want you to hesitate to contact me if you need anything else, all right? You don't have to wait for me to be in town and to call you first.”

“You can't tempt a girl like that.” Cherise said with a knowing smile. “I've already hired two new gem cutters. Don't make me hire another.”

“I shall resist tempting you further.” I said with a nod. “Until next time.”

“Until then.” Cherise said and I walked towards the door. “You still need a haircut.”

“You're the only one that complains my hair is too long.” I said and swished the ponytail behind me. “Majority rules, I'm afraid.”

“Pity. You could have several wigs made with that mass of hair.”

“Wait, what?” I stopped walking and looked back at her.

“You can donate the hair to the cancer treatment center across town.” Cherise said.

I hadn't heard of anything like that before. “Do you have the address?” I asked and she looked surprised.

“Yes, I do. I'll be right back.” Cherise said and left to go to the back.

I was tempted to check my cell phone and try to find it myself; but, I didn't know what to look for and didn't want to pick the wrong place.

Cherise came out of the back and walked over to me. “Here's the card.”

I was a bit surprised that she had an actual card and not a piece of paper with the address on it, then I understood. “That's why you're so thin.”

Cherise nodded. “I had breast cancer nearly ten years ago.”

I wasn't sure what to say to that, so I stepped forward and put my arms around her to give her a gentle hug. “I'm very glad that you made it.”

Cherise hugged me back and held on. “I didn't have to get a mastectomy.”

I took in a sharp breath. “I can feel your real breasts?”

Cherise chuckled and let me go. “You lech.”

I gave her a wink. “I'll pop by there when I can and see what I can do for them.”

“You don't have to do more than give up all that hair.” Cherise said.

“Maybe I'll donate a few gems and things for a fundraising auction.” I said and her eyes widened. “Can I give them your name to set everything up?”

Cherise took a deep breath and let it out. “I would be honored to help if you did that.”

“I'll dig up some good things and call when I know anything more.” I said and she nodded. I leaned close to do the air kiss near her cheek and she turned her head to actually kiss me.

“Thank you.” Cherise said as her face flushed red.

“Now who's a lech?” I asked and her face became even redder. “I'm kidding, dear lady.” I said and then whispered. “That wasn't a proper kiss, though.”

Cherise opened her mouth to respond and I really kissed her. As I did, I switched out my rings for Minor Healing ones and used each of them. When I exhausted all eight of them and broke the kiss, she looked absolutely shocked.

“I hope you have a great day.” I said and left the store as I exchanged my rings again. I looked back in through the display window and she still stood there, frozen. I opened the door and leaned back in. “Hey! Get back to work!”

Cherise jolted like she had been startled awake after a nap. “Yes! Work. Thank you.” She said and walked across to the counter and went behind it.

I gave her a wave and she frowned a little, so I bowed instead and closed the door. I walked back to the hotel and arrived just in time, because I rode the elevator up with a waiter and food cart with several covered plates on it. We both went to my room and I knocked. He gave me an odd look as if he was confused, then Nat was there and opened the door.

“Perfect timing.” Nat said to the both of us and handed the waiter a ten dollar bill. “Thanks. We'll leave the cart in the hall when we're done.”

The waiter took the tip as he nodded, then he walked away and I pushed the cart into the room. Nat, Crystal, Teddy, and I had a great meal for supper and I told them that I was thinking of getting my hair cut and donating it.

“Can I have some?” Crystal asked.

“Um... sure?” I said, almost like a question. “If you really want it.”

Crystal nodded several times and continued eating. Nat and I exchanged glances and both of us shrugged at the same time. We finished eating and put the cart outside the room and then Crystal yawned.

“Uh oh! Someone caught the yawns!” I said and tickled her to make her laugh.

“Don't! She's infected!” Nat exclaimed.

“Naw, it's not so easily transferred as...” I opened my mouth and fake yawned. “Oh, dammit!”

Crystal giggled.

“You know what this means.” I said to Crystal and she nodded, then we both looked at Nat.

“No!” Nat exclaimed and tried to run. Crystal and I grabbed her before she took a step and we tickled her. About ten seconds later, Nat let out a huge yawn. Both Crystal and I laughed and then Crystal yawned again.

“I think it's bedtime.” I said and they nodded. They gathered their clothes and went into the bathroom to change while I called the cancer treatment center. The building was closed in the evenings, so I wouldn't be getting my hair cut tonight. To my surprise, the woman on the phone offered to take me in tomorrow afternoon for the hair donation and to talk to the management about the fund raiser.

I quickly agreed and said goodbye before I hung up. She didn't even ask me how long my hair was.

Nat and Crystal came out wearing similar pyjamas and I must have looked surprised.

“It's just a coincidence.” Nat said and I gave her a skeptical look. “Yes, really.”

I shrugged and went into the bathroom and came out wearing a t-shirt and jogging pants, then made up the small couch to sleep on.

“You don't have to do that.” Nat said and did a head motion towards Crystal.

I looked at her and she was both nervous and a little scared. “This is for Teddy.” I said and moved Teddy from the bed and onto the couch. “There, all snug.”

Nat climbed onto the bed and went to the far right, Crystal climbed up and laid down in the middle, and I went to the left side and laid down.

“Nat, I have to skip tonight. I've missed two full nights of sleep already and had no time for naps.”

“That's all right. Get some rest and we'll sleep in tomorrow.”

“I don't have to be at the cancer place until tomorrow afternoon.” I said. “If I'm not awake in the morning, or if anything happens tonight, you know what to do.”

Nat nodded and I kissed Crystal's cheek, then I slipped off my Clarity necklace. I didn't even get to drop it on the nightstand and I was out like a light.

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