Summoned Again?

150 The First Date


I went to Crystal's school at the appropriate time and I debated going inside to wait for her. It only took me two seconds to decide that I would rather be the first thing she saw as soon as the classroom door opened, rather than wait outside and have her come all the way out of the school to see the same thing. I entered the school and a few people looked my way. I wasn't sure why, since I only wore casual clothes, blue jeans and a red t-shirt. They weren't that eye-catching.

I stood in front of the classroom and tried to not peer through the little window to look at Crystal to see how she was doing. I wasn't going to be that kind of a controlling influence in her life. She had plenty of that from her mother and that wasn't my style anyway, even though I cared about her a lot. The bell rang and the door opened, then a whole pile of girls flooded out to surround me.

“We wanna fly, too!” They said loudly and a few tugged on my clothes, then repeated themselves several times.

“Whoa, whoa.” I said and pretended to look around. “The girl I'm actually looking for is around here somewhere.”

“I'm HERE!” Crystal had to yell to be heard over her friends and raised her hand, even though she was right behind the girl next to me.

“There you are!” I said happily and reached down for her. I picked her up and held her tightly. “What's going on here?”

“Crystal told us about the weekend trip you took and how much fun you had.” The teacher said and I saw her eyes roam over my arms and look at my face. “It was quite the presentation.”

I smiled at her and she smiled right back. “That explains a lot.” I glanced down at the girls practically hugging my legs. “I doubt your parents would approve of you all coming with me for the whole weekend.”

The girls all looked sad and their hands fell to their sides as they let me go.

“It's all right. You don't have to be sad. You can still have sleepovers and things to have fun in the meantime.” I said and knelt down to put my face closer to their height and Crystal sat on my knee. “I might not be able to take you all at the same time; but, that doesn't mean I won't ever take you along.”

“YOU MEAN IT?!?” They yelled and so did Crystal, which made me laugh.

“It won't be for a couple of weeks, because I've got to fly to a whole different continent next week.”

“Ooo!” A few of the girls said.

“Where? Where?” One of them asked.

“I've got a few stops in Europe and then I've got to visit a place in Russia.”

“Wow, really?” The teacher asked, clearly intrigued and as excited as the girls.

“I've bought a few mineral mines that I need to check on and I also need to hire some new people to help run them.” I said. “Thankfully, I have some good people to handle all the little details for me and I pretty much just have to show up and give my approval.”

Crystal knew what I meant and her hand touched my face. “You're leaving?”

“I can't take you with me this weekend, because I've got more work in D.C. to handle.” I said. “I'll be leaving next Thursday for Europe and I should be back by the middle of the next week.”

Crystal's face went sad.

“I promise to call you at least twice every day, once when you wake up and once when you're going to bed.” I promised. “I can even give you proof.”

Crystal's eyes went wide when I pulled out a cell phone from my pocket. It had a thick protective case in the shape of a teddy bear and she stared at it.

“It's your very own phone. It already has my cell phone number and Nat's in it.”

“It's... mine?” Crystal asked, her voice full of hope.

“As long as you promise to be careful with it.” I said and she nodded several times. I gave it to her and she turned it on. “You should get the numbers of your friends, too.”

“Kay.” Crystal held it out to them and the girls all had their own out and a series of little beeps followed.

“Geez, that was fast. It took me ten minutes to try and get my own number in there and you got nine of them in a few seconds.” I said with a laugh. “I thought Nat was the only one smarter than me!”

Crystal giggled and a few of her friends did, too.

“It's unlimited calling and text, so you don't have to worry about not having enough minutes or data.” I said as an explanation. “I want you to know that you can call me whenever you...”

*Ring!* *Ring!* *Ring!*

“Excuse me for a second.” I said and took out my own cell phone. “Hello?”

“HIIIII!” Crystal said loudly into her phone and it came out of mine. All the girls laughed, even the teacher.

“Ow.” I rubbed my ear playfully. “We know it works.”

Crystal laughed and hung up.

“We better go. Nat's got a few things for you to do this afternoon.” I said and put my cell phone away.

Crystal stood up and held a hand out for me to take. “Will it be fun?”

“She hopes so.” I said and stood up myself. “Goodbye, everyone.”

“BYE!” The girls yelled and the teacher waved.

I waved back and we left the school and drove back home. I dropped her off at Nat's place and Crystal's eyes nearly popped out of her head at the way her old home looked. She walked around, almost stunned, at all of the changes.

“I've got this.” Nat whispered to me and I nodded.

“We're having a late supper.” I whispered and Nat understood. I left her apartment and rode the elevator down to the ground floor as I checked for what I wanted. It would only be a short drive to get to where I needed to go, so I hopped in the car and drove to the first place. The large flower shop had every kind of flower you could imagine and I ignored them all as I went to the counter.

“Hello!” The woman behind the counter said. “What can I help you with today?”

“I need ten dozen long stem roses in a single arrangement, partially bloomed, baby's breath scattered throughout, and in a large crystal vase if you have one.”

The woman blinked at me for several moments. “Did you say ten dozen?”

I nodded. “In a single arrangement and in one vase. Do you have one big enough?”

“I... maybe.” The woman said. “Just a second.”

I stood there and waited as she went in the back and I heard her talking to someone. I couldn't make out what she was saying and looked around. I might have to buy the vase somewhere else and have to come back.

“Would this be suitable?” A different woman's voice asked and I turned to look. She was drop dead gorgeous with her silky black hair and a curvy body that was covered with the smallest and tightest apron I had ever seen. She wore jeans like a second skin and a sleeveless top that barely hid her breasts that were easily two handfuls each. She also held a vase that was about the size of my head around and a foot and a half tall.

“As long as you think you can get the roses in there.” I said and I was surprised that I wasn't reacting to her, even though she was pretty close to my ideal type of woman. I even tempted fate by breathing in through my nose and didn't smell anything.

“I've never made an arrangement this large before, so this will be both scary and interesting.” She responded and laughed a girly laugh. It was pleasant to the ears and I wasn't moved by it at all.

Normally, I was pretty receptive to flirting, mainly because that was pretty much all that I had done the first time I had come back from being summoned. I didn't have the time for anything else. This time, I had plenty of time and a sex drive to rival a horny dragon, and this flirting wasn't doing it for me.

I was a bit disappointed by that and had to smile in amusement. I am not going to complain when I don't react to a beautiful woman, not after everything else that's happened. I thought and stood there as I admired her work.

“This could take a while.” She said and smiled at me. “Do you want to come back in a little while?”

“Sure. I've got another stop or two to make and will be back then.” I said and left my name, a partial deposit, then left. I drove to the second place and entered the clothing rental shop.

“Yes, may I help you?” A man asked.

“Tuxedo rental with the works and I'd like it immediately.” I said. “I want to leave wearing it.”

The man looked surprised. “Have you never rented before? It takes time to...”

“I assume the pants and suit coat are adjustable?” I asked and he nodded. “Then I'll buy the shirt and accessories, so you only have to worry about getting the main parts back.”

The man moved his mouth as if he was talking and no sound came out.

“I'm in a rush and I'm running short on time. Can we get this done? I only need it for a day.”

“Y-yes, all right. This way, please.” The man said and led me to a display booth. I told him my measurements and he quickly assembled what I needed. The tux even had tails and I nodded in approval.

Ten minutes later, I was fully decked out and the man looked very pleased with his work. We went back to the counter and I filled out the paperwork, paid the deposit and rental fee, and left wearing it. I drove to the next place and went inside. The woman behind the counter stared at me and looked like she didn't know what to say.

“I need a nice glittering dress that matches these colors.” I pointed to my blue vest and bow tie. “Do you have anything knee length or even floor length?”

“Yes.” She said and led me over to a nice display. “These are the latest fashions and...”

“I don't need a sales pitch, thank you.” I said and she looked surprised. “I'm sorry if that was abrupt. I'm running out of time and I need to get back. You already have the sale, I'm just picking it up and paying for it.”

The woman looked confused for a moment. “But... you really should hear...”

“It's not necessary, since I don't know about things like that to appreciate whatever you say.” I browsed through the dresses. “Do you have one with a partial plunging neckline?”

The woman looked at me as if she didn't know what to do with me.

“Time is wasting away.” I said and took out my cell phone. “Where's the next high end store for...”

“I have the perfect dress for you.” The woman said and interrupted me.

I had hoped my threat to go somewhere else would motivate her and she took me to a different area. I could see the difference in the quality and brightness of the fabric in these dresses and knew she was showing me the most expensive things she had. She waved at one dress and it was as close to perfect as I was going to get on short notice.

It had a nice v-neck, spaghetti shoulder straps, and was covered in blue sequins. It was also just at the knees, so if Susan sat and crossed her legs, she would show off a dangerous amount of thigh.

“I'll take it.” I said and the woman looked surprised again, probably because I hadn't asked how much it was. “Do you have a nice box I can carry it in?”

“Y-yes, of course.” The woman said and took the dress off of the display and carried it like it was made of precious and delicate material.

“I need matching shoes and a pair of panties, if you have them.” I said as I followed her.

“I assume you want them wrapped as well?” The woman asked.

“For the shoes. The panties you can put in with the dress.” I said and she nodded as she put the dress on the counter. It only took her a minute to leave the counter and come back with shoes, a very fancy pair of blue panties, and the boxes for the dress and shoes.

She quickly wrapped them and rang the items up. “That'll be...”

I held a hand up to stop her from telling me the price, just so she would know that I didn't care about it, and took out my debit card. She nodded and I swiped my card and paid for it. She handed me the receipt and I tucked it into a pocket, picked up my purchases, and left.

I stored them before getting into the car and drove back to the flower shop. The gorgeous woman arranging the roses stared at me with an open mouth as I walked in wearing the full tuxedo. I didn't say anything and the other woman tapped the gorgeous one on the shoulder. She jumped a little and glared at her, then sighed and went back to work.

I paid the other woman and the rose arrangement was done only a couple minutes later. I thanked both of them for finishing so quickly, gave them a huge tip, and left. I stored the huge arrangement and drove back to my apartment. I rode the elevator up to my place and took out the flower arrangement, in case Susan had the apartment door open while she waited for me.

I had used up an hour of our date while prepping for it and I hoped that she wasn't angry about it. The elevator door opened and the apartment door was closed, so I walked over to it and set the flowers down to the side of the door and took out the dress and shoe boxes to put them on the other side. They were out of immediate sight and I knocked on the door.

The door opened a few seconds later and Susan glared at me. “It's about goddamn... time...” She stopped talking when she saw what I was wearing. “Damon, what...”

“I couldn't have our very first date and not go all out.” I said. I looked at her and she had on a black dress that was form fitting and looked nice. “You're a little under-dressed.”

“I'm under-dressed? You're way over-dressed! You're wearing a tuxedo for god's sake!”

“I've got the solution for that.” I said and bent down to pick up the dress and shoe boxes. “I'll wait out here while you put this on.”

Susan looked at the boxes and back at my face. She didn't say anything as she took both boxes and she closed the door. A minute later, I thought I heard a yelp of surprise. Ten minutes later, the door opened and a red faced Susan faced me.

“D-Damon... this dress... I absolutely love it.” Susan said, her voice almost a purr. “Thank you.”

I bent down and picked up the huge flower arrangement that was out of her sight.

“Oh, my god!” Susan gasped.

“I'm sorry I'm late.” I said and handed her the vase. “I asked Nat to keep Crystal for a while longer before I left to get all this done.”

“Damon, you... you went through so much trouble...” Susan started to say.

“It was no trouble at all.” I interrupted and stepped into the apartment to shut the door. “We still have a couple of hours to ourselves.”

Susan put the vase on the kitchen table and she stood there, slightly bent over.

I walked over to her and saw a drop of wetness hit the table. “Hey, don't do that.” I said and put my arms around her from behind to hug her.

“I'm just... so happy.” Susan said and didn't wipe at her face, I assumed because she didn't want to mess up her make-up.

“Is it because I'm taking this date so seriously or because we haven't had sex yet, despite you looking extremely sexy in that dress?”

Susan barked a laugh and I let her go to hand her a tissue. She dabbed at her eyes and turned around to face me. “Yes to both.” She said and reached up with a hand to caress my cheek. “I'm glad that it's not just sex you want.”

“Who told you that?” I asked and looked from side to side. “Oh, yeah. It was me.”

Susan shook her head and gave me a kiss. “What should we do for our first date? We can't eat, because that will ruin supper with Nat and Crystal.”

“I already have the date planned.” I said and went over to the lights to turn them down and changed the television as I picked the right channel. It was a music one and had a mix of ballads and rock songs. “My dear lady, may I have this dance?” I asked and held a hand out to her.

Susan didn't hesitate as she nodded and came over to take my hand. I held her close and we slowly danced to the ballad that was currently playing. She stared into my eyes and I stared right back.

We danced for several songs, stopped to get a drink of water, since neither of us wanted to drink alcohol in the middle of the day, and then we sat and chatted for several minutes. A fast song came on and Susan hopped up and started to jump and bounce around. She really liked that song and she grabbed my hand and pulled me up to dance, too.

I liked seeing her enjoying herself and her breasts bouncing around freely was a sight to see in that expensive dress. She easily caught me looking and grinned at me as she shook her breasts a bit more than she normally would as she danced. The song ended a few minutes later and she was breathing a little heavily.

I stepped close and put my arms around her. “Thank you.” I whispered and kissed her. She put her arms around me as well and kissed me back enthusiastically. A slow song came on and we stayed like that, making out and swaying to the slow music, until the song was over.

“I think... I think that's enough.” Susan whispered and let me go as she stepped back.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“This.” Susan said and reached down to grab the bottom of the dress and pulled it up and off. “I want you so bad right now.” She said and tossed the dress onto the couch as she touched herself through the fancy panties. “I'm wearing a scent absorbing pad.”

I blinked my eyes for a second, then she pulled the panties off. “Jesus!” I gasped, because it felt like I had been punched in the face when her scent hit me. I kind of lost myself as I quickly turned her around and stored the tuxedo, then I took her right there. Susan moaned loudly as I did and she helped by moving her body back onto me. It was hard and fast and it was over after only a minute.

We both came and cried out together. I held her close from behind and she leaned back and turned her head to kiss me several times as we stood there and let the feelings flow through us. I took the tuxedo out of inventory when she wasn't looking and tossed the pieces onto the couch by her dress.

“B-bedroom.” Susan whispered as she opened her eyes to look at me. I nodded and quickly pulled out to make her gasp, then I turned her around to face me and picked her up. I settled her down on me and she moaned. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms went around my neck. She held on as I walked to the bedroom and I switched the beds and laid down with Susan on the bottom.

We spent the rest of our date there, making sweet passionate love to each other.

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