Summoned Again?

153 Flight Of Fancy


I hadn't intended for the flight to be filled with sexual escapades and it ended up that way anyway. Joining the mile high club was something Stephanie and Bethany hadn't expected to happen between us and it made them that much happier and enthusiastic about it. Even when we were going over the itinerary for the meetings and the tours, Bethany was on her knees on a cushion and was going down on me under the table.

“Are you... trying to distract me?” I asked as she flicked her tongue over a pretty sensitive spot.

Bethany popped me out of her mouth with a slurping sound. “Yes. Is it working?”

“Maybe.” I said and she grinned at me and went back to work. I moaned a little for her and she moaned back. She really was great at it and it showed.

“Thank you for this. Thank you so much.” Stephanie whispered in my ear and licked my earlobe.

“You've both... earned it.” I said and put my hand down to hold Bethany still. She knew what I wanted and she sucked hard without moving as she stared up at me. I gave it to her and she didn't flinch or react in any way as I finished.

“Most people wouldn't give us jobs in their companies for having sex with them.” Stephanie said.

“I meant your background.” I said as Bethany slid her mouth off of me and licked her lips. “You both were in the top third of your college classes, did tons of charity work, and volunteered all over the place.” I pet Bethany's hair and she moved out from under the table and sat down beside me. “I'm more than glad to have two very capable women as part of my corporation.”

“That makes us very happy.” Bethany said and looked at my lips and at my face.

I smiled and tapped my lips with a finger. She smiled back and gave me a quick kiss.

“It's like a dream come true.” Stephanie said and kissed me as well, then she leaned around me and kissed Bethany. “We never thought we would ever find someone like you.”

“You almost didn't.” I said and they gave me surprised looks. “Imagine if I hadn't been able to sneak into the White House tour that day.”

Bethany gasped. “No, we... we would still...” Her face turned doubtful and she exchanged looks with Stephanie. “Now we're really glad we went that day.”

“Yes, we are.” Stephanie said. “That was our fourth time and we've never had the opportunity to do what we did in the oval office.”

I cupped the side of her face and gave her a slow kiss. “I was very grateful for that.” I turned and gave Bethany the same kiss. “Thank you for choosing me.”

“We didn't give you much choice.” Bethany said with a grin. “Imagine if you said no!”

I laughed and shook my head. “Who would be that stupid?”

“More guys than you'd think.” Stephanie said.

“Really?” I asked, quite surprised, and she nodded. “How quickly did you ditch them after that?”

“Right away.” Stephanie responded firmly.

“We don't waste time with guys that make us waste our time.” Bethany said adamantly and Stephanie nodded in agreement.

“Then I was really lucky.” I said and put my arms around the both of them to hug them. “Is there anything in the notes here that has to be changed or altered? The hotels and rooms? The car rental and drivers? The gifts for the people we're meeting?”

“I don't see any faults. Bethany and I worked with Derek's secretary for the last two weeks to get this all hammered out. We should be good.” Stephanie said.

“We also have extra gifts as alternates or if anyone else shows up or is replaced in the people meeting us at each place.” Bethany said. “Damon, we've got this. We're ready.”

Her confidence was a real turn on, not that I really needed it. I was still hard from her expert blowjob.

“The money bed awaits.” I said and she let out a squeal, grabbed both my hand and Stephanie's, and dragged us over to the bed.


“They're going at it again.” Miss Carlyle said to the pilots as she watched the security monitor behind them.

“Put it on my display.” The co-pilot said and took in a sharp breath. “I don't know how he does it.”

“What? Two women?” The pilot asked.

“Yeah. How do you handle keeping two women happy in bed? You've only got one thing to use.”

The pilot chuckled. “You pace yourself and hope for the best.”

“You need to make sure they don't get bored.” Miss Carlyle offered sage advice. “That's the worst thing you can do in bed, no matter who you're with.”

“Well, the boss isn't having any trouble in that area.” The co-pilot said. “Oh, she's upside down again.”

“Again?” The pilot asked and hit the autopilot button and leaned over to look at the screen. “Good god, are they doing sixty-nine standing up?”

“Look closer.” Miss Carlyle said and the two pilots leaned in.

“He's having sex with the other one at the same time?” The co-pilot asked, shocked. “How the hell...”

“I really wish this was recording.” The pilot said, sadly. “My wife is never going to believe me when I tell her about this.”

“I can't believe he didn't ask to disable the surveillance system after we told him about it.” The co-pilot said. “I'm not complaining, though. This is goddamn wonderful to see.”

“It's supposed to be for us to make sure the passengers are all right when I'm not in the main cabin.” Miss Carlyle said. “But, yes. I agree. This is... look at her. Her breasts are perfect, even upside down.”

The two pilots glanced at each other and smiled. There was a reason that the three of them got along so well for as long as they had been a crew. They had a lot in common, had similar interests, and the food they ate was always exquisite. They also loved their jobs. The eyes of the pilots went back to the screen and had to admit that the perks were nothing to laugh it, either.


Jenny sat in the cafeteria at the college and she was all by herself as she ate lunch. Both of her friends had moved out of the condo within a week of each other and had left her all alone. One because she bought a house with the man she loved and the other because she had shacked up with Jenny's idiot brother. Her infuriatingly stupid brother.

She scowled and ate her food without tasting it. She had denied all of the texts and calls that came her way from anyone that was associated with her brother in any way, except for the account manager at the bank. She had been in contact a few times to see how she was doing and to make sure that she was happy with the bank's continuing settlement payments.

Jenny was grateful to the woman, mainly because she wasn't judging Jenny with every word or accusing look. Her parents were ambivalent about the whole thing, with the simple explanation that it was her own fault for relying so heavily on Damon in the first place. If she had been more careful, she could have avoided a lot of the repercussions of him disappearing.

The worst part was that they had suspected he would disappear again without warning, once he had ingratiated himself into their family. When he did, it wasn't a shock to them, and they treated it like they had the first time. He was gone and that was it. It didn't matter to them if he came back and they were sad that she didn't feel the same way.

“There you are.” A familiar woman's voice said and sat down across from her.

“I don't want to see your face right now.” Jenny said to her ex-best friend. She didn't immediately get up to leave, however. She still had food to eat.

“I wouldn't be bothering you so much if you would answer my texts at least once.” Susan said.

“I don't want to talk to you, either.” Jenny said and kept eating.

“That's too bad, because you have a problem and I've been trying to help you with it.”

“You caused the problem.” Jenny said.

“No, you did.” Susan responded. “Your own feelings of self-entitlement and greed has led you to the worst situation you've ever experienced in your life.”

“Excuse me?” Jenny put down her fork and glared at her.

“You got a sniff of money, more money than you've ever seen in your life, and you were all over it. You didn't think about anyone else except yourself and you made absolutely no plans with that money. Then it all went away. You weren't smart about it, you weren't considerate of your friends, and you still only cared about yourself.”

“I don't have to sit here and listen to this.” Jenny said and still didn't stand up to leave.

Susan smiled, knowing Jenny wouldn't retreat, and took out her mother's business card. “Mom said to come by for a visit.”

Jenny looked at the card and at Susan's face. “I don't need...”

“I don't care what you think you need and I didn't ask.” Susan said and dropped the card onto the table. “Mom said that she wanted to see you after I talked to her and I'm just delivering the message.”

Jenny looked at the card again. “What did you tell her?”

“She's my mom. I tell her everything.” Susan said. “By the way, Damon flew out of the country this morning.”

“He WHAT?!?” Jenny yelled and gained a lot of attention.

“You'd know that if you had answered your phone at least once over the last few weeks... or last night. I'm sure he tried to text you, just like I did.”

Jenny closed her mouth on her response, because Nat had texted her, too.

“He's gone for a week on his private plane for a business trip to Europe.” Susan said and tried to not laugh at Jenny's shocked face. “Also, just because you don't want to see your friends, that doesn't mean you need to cut off all contact with them.”

Jenny wasn't sure how to respond to that.

Susan stood up and looked at her previous long-time friend as she tapped the card on the table. “If you're wondering, Damon's medical insurance covers it completely and it won't cost you a thing, except for your time. Also, I don't want you to do it for me or for Damon. It won't mean as much if you do.” She stepped back from the table. “Do it for yourself.”

Jenny opened her mouth to speak and paused as Susan walked away. She didn't look back and Jenny's eyes dropped to the table and the business card. Several thoughts went through her head, some good and some bad. She took a breath and let out a sigh as she picked up the card. She stared at it and read it a dozen times before she tucked it into her jeans pocket and left the cafeteria.


Fourteen hours after take-off, the private plane owned by a new on the scene billionaire, landed in a small out of the way airport in a country whose name wasn't really pronounceable in English. It taxied over to the small terminal to the waiting fancy car that had several oddly dressed people in front of it. One man wore a military uniform, one man wore a scientist outfit with the lab coat and glasses, one man wore worn out commoner clothing, and the woman wore an expensive business suit and skirt.

Damon, Bethany, and Stephanie stepped out of the plane and descended the short stairs to stand in front of the welcoming party. They were dressed in expensive business attire that was similar in style to the woman's.

<Welcome to our little out of the way country, American Rich Person.> The man in the military uniform said in a very heavy Russian-like accent.

Damon gave the woman a look with raised eyebrows and she laughed.

“Please forgive him. He likes to joke around.” The woman said well in English, also heavily accented. “He's quite a nice person, once you get to know him.”

<I look forward to sharing a bottle of the best vodka tonight during the party.> Damon said in perfect Russian. It shocked everyone there, including his two assistants.

<You can speak the mother-tongue?!?> The scientist asked.

<No, I'm speaking English! Ha ha!> Damon said with a bark of laughter and the welcoming party laughed as well. He was pleasantly surprised that his translate all languages ability had actually worked, except that he had to concentrate on the language he wanted to use. It was probably the lowest form of the ability and was not the free-form easily used version that he was used to, where he spoke and they heard it in their own language.

<I think we are going to get along splendidly!> The military man said and clapped Damon on the shoulder. <Please, board the transport and we will whisk you and your lovely women to the meeting room.>

<At least let me shake hands and greet everyone first.> Damon said and the man laughed.

“Yes, yes. Of course.” The military man said in perfect English and presented his hand for Damon to shake. “I'm Commander Alexei Riveski and I run the small military base that your mine is located near.”

“I'm Damon Smith and these are my assistants, Stephanie and Bethany.” Damon said and waved at one and then the other. Both girls nodded in greeting and didn't speak, because they were still a bit too stunned by Damon speaking a foreign language so well.

Commander Riveski waved a hand to the woman beside him. “Dr. Elizaveta Hokeskovich is the mine specialist. She's also not married and is looking for a husband.”

<He didn't need to know that right away, you Zhopa! (asshole!)> Elizaveta spat at him in Russian and then forced a smile onto her face as she shook Damon's hand. Her short black hair framed her face and made her sharp features stand out. “It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.”

“She's got fire in her belly, does she not?” Commander Riveski said with a laugh and waved at the scientist. “Head researcher Nicolai Konstantin.”

“You don't know how much of a relief it is to have a new owner.” Nicolai said and shook Damon's hand several times. “We weren't allowed to do anything under the old owner's strict rules.”

“Are the rules going to change with me in charge?” Damon asked with an evil smile on his face.

The scientist looked stunned and the commander laughed.

“I see you can joke, too!” Commander Riveski said and clapped Damon on the shoulder again. “The last man is the driver assigned to you for your stay here and his name doesn't matter.” He lowered his voice to whisper. “He's my brother in law and I gave him the job.”

Damon nodded in understanding.

“Let us go and discuss what's going to happen next.” The commander said and they piled into the large fancy car that was close to the size of a limo and they drove off towards the meeting place.

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