Summoned Again?

165 The Undead Scourge Part Ten

“Lady Matricia, please allow me to assist you in the consecration.” I said as we landed in front of the house. “I know the spell and can share in the magical burden.”

Lady Matricia let out a relieved sigh. “I would like that.”

“Hey! Who're you?” A little boy asked loudly from an open window.

“Don't talk to strangers!” A shrill woman's voice commanded as her face appeared above the boy's in the window. “Hey! Who're you?”

I chuckled at her identical phrasing and doing exactly what she told the boy not to do. “The enchanter in town sent us to consecrate the land around the house.”

“He WHAT?!?” She yelled.

“We offered him a job and this was a condition of his acceptance.” Lady Matricia said.

“That... that... idiot.” The woman said, her face a mix of anger and relief. “Why... why would he...”

“He said he wanted the land protected and wouldn't let it be overrun by the dead or abandon it.” Lady Matricia explained. “He also said that he would leave a custodian to look after the place while he takes his family to the temple with us.”

“He... I can't believe...”

“We will need complete silence and no interruptions for quite some time, or we won't be able to complete the spell.” Lady Matricia warned her. “If you would be so kind as to give us some privacy, and perhaps close the window and refrain from making any loud noises while you pack, I would appreciate it.”

The woman looked like she wanted to say something, then she shook her head and closed the window.

I cast Silence on the house and covered the doors and windows with magical barriers. “We should get as close to the center of the property as possible.” I said and waved to the side of the house. “According to the map, there's a large backyard.”

“It's too bad we can't cast this while flying.” Lady Matricia lamented.

“That would make it way too easy.” I said with a chuckle.

“I know! Wouldn't it be great?” She asked with a big smile.

I nodded and stopped walking on the spot that was exactly in the middle of the property. “I apologize beforehand if I distract you.”

“Hmm? What?” Lady Matricia looked slightly confused.

“I haven't cast a shared spell before, so this is going to be a new experience for me.” I said as an explanation. “I've got maxed magic stats as well. This might be quite the experience.”

Lady Matricia blinked her eyes for several seconds. “Are... are you saying... you might get... excited?”

“It's possible, since I haven't really encountered this situation before. I'm always a little cautious when in new situations and this... well, it's going to be all on you and you're in control, since I have no experience with the spell.”

Her lips moved as she said something without making any sound, then she smiled slightly and held her hands out to me. “Clasp my hands and form as much of a circle as you can with our arms. It's usually much easier with more clerics; but, we will have to make due.”

I nodded as I took her hands and intertwined our fingers to make sure that neither of us could let go. “I can cast Stillness on us to stop any body movements.”

“That will definitely let us keep the formation. Thank you. When I say, cast it and chant the consecration spell at a one two one two pace. We must be in sync, or it won't work.”

“There are definitely too many restrictions on this spell.” I said and she laughed.

“Now you know why we get so annoyed while trying to cast it. Any interruption makes us have to start over and we can lose minutes or even hours of work.” Lady Matricia said. “Let's begin.”

I cast the Stillness spell on our bodies and it froze us in place, then we chanted the consecration spell together. She looked quite pleased that I was following her lead so easily as the magic started to build. A circle formed beneath us and glowed with a white light. I did my best to ignore it and concentrated on the chant and sharing mana.

We hit the fourth iteration of the repeated chant and the circle expanded out by ten feet. When we hit the tenth iteration, it was at fifty feet. At the twenty fifth iteration, the circle was at a hundred feet. At the hundredth chanting of the spell, the circle hit the borders of the property and walls started to appear.

I ignored my curiosity about that and kept chanting and sharing magic. When we hit a hundred and fifty consecutive chants, the walls were twenty feet high and completely formed. I felt the magic click into place and a bright white cross grew out of the ground between Lady Matricia and myself. It was like an enlargement spell had been cast on it.

When it reached the same height as the top of the house, it seemed to hit a ceiling and stopped. The white ceiling formed and flowed out to touch the tops of the walls all around the property. As soon as it was completed, it was a completely enclosed box of solid white light.

Both Lady Matricia and I gasped as the magic spell completed and all of the magic we had poured into the spell seeped into the ground and anything in the yard, including the house. We could feel everything being cleaned of any impurities and contamination, like we were running our fingers through the dirt and pulling out all of the bad things hiding inside.

After what felt like a very long time, the spell finally ended and the white box faded from sight. It was still there, however. It just couldn't be seen. The land was consecrated now and would stay that way.

I cancelled the Stillness spell on our bodies and the two of us stumbled. I pulled Lady Matricia close and caught her in my arms as we dropped to the ground, our bodies temporarily exhausted from the mana expenditure.

Lady Matricia took several deep breaths and her eyes were bright and filled with conviction. “That... was... amazing!”

“It... was.” I said and took my own deep breaths.

“I've never... that was the quickest... I've ever cast that spell!” Lady Matricia exclaimed.

“Wait, that was the quickest?” I asked with a laugh and she nodded vigorously.

“I'm... really charged up... right now.” Lady Matricia said, then I suddenly felt her bare flesh under my hands.

I opened my mouth to ask her what she thought she was doing when she pushed on my chest. I wobbled and fell backwards onto the ground, still shaky from the spell experience, and then her very naked body climbed on top of me and I felt her press herself to my bulge.

“Take me even closer to god.” Lady Matricia whispered and kissed me.

I immediately cast the obscure and stealth spells around us to stop anyone from seeing us. “W-wait, I... we just...”

“You were right. I did want you to flirt with me. I needed to feel that just because I was a cleric, I was also a woman that a man would notice.” Lady Matricia said as she sat up to show me her well formed breasts and her nipples were as hard as rocks. “You looked past my class and saw me, so store your clothes, Damon. Let me show you the parts of me that you haven't seen.”

I couldn't deny such a sincere request, not after all of the little teases I had done, so I stored my clothing. She caught her breath as she settled down on top of me and we both felt the intense heat of the other. She was already soaked, so she moved a little and I was slipped inside of her. She cried out at the very pleasant intrusion and I was suddenly filled with energy.

I wasn't going to let this happen on the ground, so I took out a bed and stood up with her. She didn't comment, because she was too busy feeling me inside of her and reacting to my movements, then I laid her down on the bed and made passionate love to her right there. She screamed and moaned her pleasure, over and over, and I made sure she felt every bit the woman she wanted to be.


“I wonder what's taking him so long?” The enchanter asked and looked at his personal timepiece. “That hero said to pack quickly and I assumed he would only be ten seconds or so. It's been fifteen seconds already.”

He stood in a completely empty space and had several large cases arrayed around him. His instant storage devices were his best invention and no one knew he had them or knew how to make them. It was a secret he would take to his grave, unless he found someone worthy to share it with. He had given up hope that he would, considering the state of the world, and he put his timepiece away.

“I hope Marjorie liked my little gift.” The enchanter said with a smile. “Maybe now she'll know that I'm completely serious about her.”

The door to the shop opened and the hero and head cleric came in.

“There you are! I thought you said you'd be right back?” The enchanter asked.

“I had something important to take care of first.” Damon said.

The head cleric's face flushed red as she blushed.

“Well, grab my stuff and take me over to the house.” The enchanter said and the cases disappeared.

“Right this way.” Damon said and waved out the door.

“No funny stuff, all right?” The enchanter said as he stepped out of his old business and locked the door. “I'm not someone that you can sweep off your feet by...”

He stopped talking when a wooden bench with padding on the seat and back appeared. He was shown how to attach the belt to secure himself, then he did so in the middle spot. He watched, quite fascinated as the hero strapped a horse harness around his waist.

This can't possibly work like I think it will. The enchanter thought, then he watched as the hero took the head cleric into his arms, quite intimately, then they rose up together.

They took off and the bench swung up behind them, which surprised the enchanter, because he could see where they were going and no wind whipped at his face, then they were landing at the house.

It did work like I thought. The enchanter thought and unstrapped from the bench as the front door of the house opened.

“What in the world were you thinking, you... you...” Marjorie said loudly as she stomped out of the house and over to him. “How could you...”

“I told you that I'd do what I could to protect you and your family, didn't I?” The enchanter asked, his happy face unable to hide his smile.

“You... you're an idiot.” Marjorie said. “Why didn't you protect your business instead?”

“What for? It's just a building. It can be rebuilt if it's damaged.” The enchanter said. “The same can't be said about your home.”

Marjorie gave him a skeptical look. “What's in it for you?”

“Well...” The enchanter gave her a sheepish smile. “I got to look good in your eyes, prove that I'm serious about courting you, and maybe... maybe... you'll come with me to the capital.”

Marjorie had expected the first two things and she had wondered why the head cleric had told her to be quiet while she packed. Now she knew why. “You... but... I don't...”

“You don't have to answer right away. I know it's a big thing.” The enchanter said. “I just wanted you to know that I love you and want what's best for you.”

Tears came to Marjorie's eyes and he gave her a hug.

“The hero here cleared out the undead between here and the capital, so it's not as dangerous to travel.” The enchanter said. “I'll need a few days to get things set up and to start work for the clerics, too. After that... if you decide that you want to take a chance on a potentially rich idiot...”

Marjorie looked over at the hero and head cleric that had consecrated her land all by themselves, in record time, and they were pointedly not looking at her or judging her. She was grateful that they weren't, for some reason, and she wasn't sure why she even considered their opinions mattered to her. She looked back at the idiot that had been partially successful in wooing her over the last few months and she made her decision.

“Dad and mom did say that it was a bit crowded in the house these days.” Marjorie said. “Can you give me a hand packing a few things up?”

“Ha ha! It worked!” The enchanter exclaimed, gave her several quick kisses, then gave her a very passionate one. “I'll start with little Johnny's room right now!” He said and disappeared into the house.

Marjorie stood there quite stunned, her face red from a blush, and she waited until she recovered before going into the house to start packing some of her own things.

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