Summoned Again?

187 Clearing The Air Part Two


After a few minutes, Stacy asked why I didn't kill the assassin right away.

“I wanted to interrogate her and find out who her boss was.”

“Why?” Stacy asked and tried to not moan as I hit a good spot inside of her.

“So I'd know who to get my revenge on.” I said.


“Yes, and it was a dead end. Excuse the pun.” I said. “Then again, I eventually found him anyway when I let the second secret service agent go.”

“You followed him?”

“Even better. He brought me right to the man who ordered everything. He left me with the man's secretary and we were in a meeting room across the hall while they had a shootout and Greg was killed.”

“You knew... his name?” Stacy asked.

“No, I only found out after Mr. Graham told me.” I said and rolled her over to put her on the bottom. “Once he told me who he was, I made the connection. He was the man that had confiscated nine million in gold coins from me nearly three years ago.”

Stacy gasped as I entered her again and she wrapped her arms and legs around me.

I rocked my hips to make her feel good and rubbed several spots inside of her. “He's been watching me and everyone around me, just waiting to steal more of my gold and making a better career for himself.”

“No, he... did he really?”

“He became a director of operations and moved to D.C. after my first 'donation' to the government.” I said and kissed her.

“Mmmm.” Stacy moaned into my mouth. “Harder.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I said and pushed up onto my arms to brace by her shoulders, then pumped into her as hard as she wanted me to. “He waited for the right opportunity for someone around me to commit a crime and pounced, which eventually brought you and the others into play.”

“Ohh... ohhhhhh... a bit more... just...” Stacy mumbled and I felt her tense up, so I kissed her. “MMMMMMMMM!” She screamed into my mouth as she came really hard.

I didn't stop moving, though. She was into it this time, I assumed because we were alone, and she even helped me thrust by squeezing her legs on my back each time I pushed myself into her. I kept going and she kept coming, then she suddenly begged for me to finish. I wasn't sure what had changed; but, I wasn't going to say no to her at this point, so I asked her if she wanted to be pregnant.

“NO!” Stacy yelled and I jammed myself into her and came. “No! You can't...”

“It's all right.” I said as I filled her up. “You won't get pregnant unless I want you to.”

Stacy stared at me as I moved up to kneel over her, with thick white fluid dripping from me.

I reached down and stoked myself and a few more little spurts came out and dropped onto her belly. “You look so sexy right now.”

Stacy looked like she didn't know what to say to that.

“I told you that I had a thing for beautiful women with long black hair.” I said and flicked myself, then I climbed off of the bed and went to her bathroom. I grabbed a towel, soaped up a corner of it, and went back out to her. She had stayed there and hadn't moved, so I wiped her off with the soapy part of the towel and then dried her off.


“Did you get enough evidence to fix a few things?” I asked and she took in a sharp breath. “What? You didn't think I'd know it when someone's interrogating me?”

“I was just...”

“I know.” I said and crawled back over her. I didn't try to have sex with her and just looked into her eyes. “It should help some and not enough, just like what you and your team did to me.” I gave her a quick kiss and climbed off the bed. “Despite what you want to tell yourselves, you all were involved in the secret service agent's death.”

“So were you!” Stacy said.

“I admit to being there, since you guys kidnapped me.” I said.

“You cost us our jobs!”

“I told you that you'd be out of a job, so it shouldn't shock you.” I said and looked at her. “The only difference was that I didn't buy the country like I said I would.”

Stacy looked a little smug. “They said you can't buy the country. The most you can do is buy the debt.”

I smiled. “I know. A little bit of research told me that. It also told me something else.”

“What?” Stacy asked, very interested in my answer.

“You'll find out, right after my corporation's product launch.” I said.

Stacy blinked her eyes for several seconds. “I don't understand.”

“Don't worry, you will.”

Stacy gave me a slightly angry look, then she spread her legs as she looked at my crotch. “Fuck me again.” She said and rubbed herself. “Oh, god... I want you again! Please!”

Her smell seemed to fill the room and I made a show of taking in a deep breath. When I didn't get hard for her, she frowned.

“Disappointed?” I asked and she started to nod and stopped. “Yeah, it doesn't work like that. You're doing that to try to get me to talk, not because you need me.”

Stacy looked down at herself and she was soaked. “I do need it.”

“No, you've moved past 'needing' me. I knew as soon as you calmly undressed in the living room.”

“Wh-what?” Stacy asked, confused. “But... you...”

“One last try to make sure that neither of us needs to have the other now. We're both past it.”

Stacy looked shocked at my words. “No, I... this has been the best...”

“Would you want to keep having great sex and not be emotionally invested in your partner? Is being miserable most of the time worth a few minutes of mind-blowing sex?” I asked, almost in a direct quote from Nat's little speech to Crystal's school principal Caroline to get her to back off with trying to be in a disappointing relationship just for the sex. “I didn't think so.” I said and left the bedroom to go to the living room where my clothes were.

“Hello, Mr. Smith.” The female FBI agent said when she saw me. “You didn't call. You didn't text.”

“I've been quite busy.” I said.

“I know. We've been following you.” She said. “You've been travelling all over the world.”

“I assume you also know what I've been doing?” I asked and she nodded. “Enlighten me.”

“There's no need for me to tell you all about your little adventure in an unpronounceable country and tasting the underside of a tank, is there?” She asked with a knowing smile. “There isn't much that phases you, is there?”

I walked over to her and didn't try to cover up my nakedness. “It doesn't matter if I answer that, does it?”

“Do you want me to lie?” Her smile became genuine and I could see amusement in her eyes. “I have a proposition for you. I'm sure that you'll see that it will be beneficial for you and...”

“No. You missed your chance. By you, I mean the country's government.” I said. “I won't spy for you, carry secret documents, or perform missions for you.”

Her eyes went from normal to really wide. “That's not what I was going to say.”

“No? Why else would you be here or follow my movements so closely? You were tracking me for a reason. You know I now have access to eight different countries and their governments, through my various holdings. I'm also filing for citizenship in each of them, except for Russia. They want all or nothing.”

She sighed. “Mr. Smith, you really should consider...”

“If I wanted to be vulgar after the way I've been treated by the government, I'd tell you to suck my dick and to fuck off.” I said and she caught her breath. “I'm not that crass, though.”

Her eyes dropped to my flaccid state and then she looked into my eyes. “Be crass.”

I raised my eyebrows and she smiled as she reached for me.

“We need someone like you, Damon.” She said and tried to stroke me. She did it for several moments and I didn't react. She gave me a look, as if she was doing me a favor, then she knelt in front of me and started sucking on me. It was then that the true depth of what Susan's mother Eileen had shown me, finally hit me. I really wasn't a slave to my sex drive. She did her best to try and get me hard and I stayed completely flaccid.

She stopped sucking on me and sighed, almost exaggeratedly. “I knew I shouldn't have waited until you finished with Stacy before approaching you like this.”

I reached down and helped her stand up. “It wouldn't have mattered.”

“Wh-what?” She asked, genuinely surprised.

“Despite what you may think, and the evidence to the contrary, my dick doesn't dictate what I do.” I said and caressed the side of her face. “If you were genuine in your wants and needs, I'd bend you over the couch right now.”

“I am!” She exclaimed and started to open her shirt.

“Stop.” I said and caught her hands. “You're motivated by what you want me to do and I'm not going to allow that.”

“No, we... we can work with you and...”

“I told you that you missed your chance. I was done working with the government as soon as you screwed me and my sister over.”

“We're doing our best to fix all of that.” She said. “We've refunded the fees and fines from non-payment that were caused by that incident. We've even arranged things with the bank to give you the interest on your accounts that would have accumulated while your assets were frozen.”

“It's about time Mr. Graham finally managed to work all that mess out. Thanks for letting me know as soon as it was completed.” I said and saw the guilty reaction on her face. “Oh. I guess it was done for a while and you've been saving it for this?”

She looked like she was going to deny it, then she nodded.

“I suppose that's why no one's contacted me from the bank.” I said and bent down to pick up my underwear. I used a Cleaning Hands spell to clean up the saliva on my still flaccid penis and pulled my underwear on. “You people just can't help yourselves and you have to try and manipulate things.”

“Mr. Smith... Damon. That's not it at all. We hoped that getting good news...”

“...and having sex.” I added as I pulled my dress pants on.

“...would put you in a good mood and let you consider our offer.”

“Obviously, you picked up the wrong things when you watched the footage of my unjust confinement.”

She looked at me with a sad face. “I didn't think I did.”

I put on my shirt and buttoned it. “The next time you try this ill-advised tactic with someone else...”

“We won't.” She said and sighed. “I won't.”

I smiled. “You should remember one thing.” I said and cupped the side of her face. “You didn't have to embarrass yourself like that. You could have just asked.”

She had a shocked look on her face.

“You see, I have nothing personal against you and you're attractive. I could get it up and have my way with you whenever you wanted.”

“Then why...”

“It's who you work for and what you really wanted out of this situation.” I said. “Like Stacy, who only wanted some ammunition to use to try and get her friend out of jail. She still wanted sex besides that and I owed it to her to give her one more fun time before she became too disgusted by me to even look at me.”

“That's not true.” Stacy said from the entrance to her bedroom. She wore a nice silk robe that covered her and showed her form perfectly.

“Now there's a sight I wouldn't have minded seeing more than once.” I commented and she blushed. “Don't kid yourself. It's all right to admit that you hated what happened between us, don't you?”

Stacy sighed. “Yes. If it had just been us meeting on the street, I think I could have been all over this, whatever it is we have between us.”

“That's the problem right there.” I said and she widened her eyes. “There is nothing between us. No lasting passion, no real desire, and no need to do more than what's necessary.”

Stacy looked slightly angry again. “You don't have to keep saying things like that. I get it.”

“I don't think you do. There's no shame in admitting that it's never going to work. I've had it happen a couple of times now. The circumstances alone made it impossible to have any kind of relationship afterwards.”

Stacy's face went blank and I could see her thinking about the circumstances we had gone through. “Just... go.” She let out another sigh. “Go.”

I nodded to her, turned to look at the FBI agent and nodded to her as well, then I left.

There was nothing else to be said.

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