Summoned Again?

195 The Plan Implemented


“Hey, Derek.” I said during my early morning call to my broker. “Is there any chance you got the information I was looking for?”

“Of course. It didn't take a lot of digging to find out those kinds of things.”

“Just money in the right hands, right?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Your slush fund does seem a little lower in funds today.” Derek said, his voice full of amusement.

“I'll be dropping more into it later, assuming I can get a few billion from the gold guys you set me up with before.”

“Ha, are you going to make Nickolas blush and faint?”

“Maybe.” I said and Derek laughed.

“Do you want me to call and warn him?”

“I'm going to take Nat's advice here and forbid you from ruining that poor man's surprise and excitement. He's going to come out of that building and he's going to see two transfer truck loads of gold ingots and gold coins.”

Derek laughed again. “All right, I'll keep him in the dark.”

“Great.” I said. “Now, can you arrange what I want with the federal reserve bank or do I have to show up with it all first and then we have to work out how to handle it?”

“That depends of how long you want the corporation's stock to be available for sale.” Derek said.

“Hmm. Well, I assume we're only going to have a certain amount available, correct?”

“We're a new corporation, so we can't over-saturate the market with too many shares. They won't be worth anything if they are widely available and easily accessible.” Derek said. “I kind of like your idea to set aside a small number of shares to only be available in the countries that you have assets in.”

“I wanted them to have first pickings, since it's only fair. Maybe limit it to a week and see how they sell, then later we can put the rest on the open market when the price skyrockets.”

“Ah, you caught onto my devious plan already.” Derek said and I chuckled.

“We should limit the amount that one person can buy, to stop someone from scooping everything up at once.” I said, wisely. “The last thing any of us needs is a potential hostile takeover.”

“You don't have to worry about that. You're the one making the product. If they oust you, the corporation's only got the mines and things as assets... that you're running at a staggering loss, by the way.”

I laughed. “You know as well as I do that a budding business runs at a deficit for the first two or three years, until people start believing it's going to stick around and be reliable. Plus, who doesn't want to invest in the economy?”

Derek chuckled. “Says the guy who is intentionally circumventing the US economy.”

“Only the tax parts.” I said. “Are you going to recuse yourself from buying the public shares as a conflict of interest, or does something like that even matter?” I asked, curious. “I know I mentioned that before we got all of this going; but, I don't really know how any of that works. Are you allowed to buy public shares if you already own private shares in the same company?”

“Yes, you are. Despite my personal opinion that you're crazy for not keeping 51 percent of all shares for yourself, your distribution will give everyone working for you a chance to own a nice piece without having to buy them on the open market.”

“Hey, I warned you a long time ago that as long as they don't cheat me or overcharge me, there's lots of money to go around for everyone. Keeping it all for myself wouldn't let me keep my word.”

Derek laughed. “Uh huh. What country did you buy again? I could have sworn you said something like that to get me to sign on.”

“I'll be making an offer on one of those little European ones right after my gold deposit into the federal reserve bank, which I assume I can do when the shares have sold.”

“It would be smarter to wait until then, especially since it'll be a huge boon to the shareholders when you put in...” Derek stopped talking and read the sheet I had faxed him. “...130 billion dollars in gold bars inside.”

“I wonder if they can actually take it all?” I asked. “I mean, it's going to take about 54 transfer truck trips to take it from the smelters to New York...”

“Actually, that's a really good question. I'll have to make some calls.” Derek said. “I'll see if they are going to transfer most of that to their storage facility, rather than keep it there on display.”

“Yeah, that would be good to know. I don't want to show up there and then have to drive to Kentucky or something.”

“They'd probably just load it onto a heavy cargo plane... or four... and then fly it there.”

“I assume they'd let me go along?” I asked. “I worked hard making all of those damn bars and I don't want to let them out of my sight.”

“I assume you're going to have guards and everything.”

“I'm even bringing my own fork lifts and drivers.” I said and made him laugh.

“Then I better check on a few things and I'll get back to you.”

“Sounds good. Talk to you later.” I said and hung up.

“You can't be serious.” Susan said from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand, her voice low. “Did you say you have 54 trucks of gold bars to deliver to the federal reserve bank?”

“From here, yes.” I said. “The cargo planes coming from the other mines have another dozen or so truckloads.”

“How... how much per truck?” Susan asked.

“Each one can hold 25 tons safely, or about 2.5 billion dollars each.”

Susan stood there with her face showing complete shock and her mouth opening and closing, only no words came out. I noticed a large growing wet spot on the front of her jeans and either she just came really hard or had she peed herself. I took in a sniff and it wasn't a good wet spot, so I quickly took her into the bathroom and undid her jeans as I sat her on the toilet.

She apparently wasn't done and I stood there with a smile on my face as her bladder continued to empty and it tinkled into the water. It took about twenty seconds for the sound to stop.

“D-Damon, you... you can't... seriously... is it... no, there's no way that...” Susan mumbled, almost incoherently.

“Wait until the corporation shares go up for public sale this week.” I said and her eyes widened.

“You're already selling the company?!?”

I laughed. “No, just making it public and internationally recognized.”

“But... but...”

“I know it seems sudden; but, it's all according to plan.” I said. “I'm still going to hire you when you're done of college this year.”

Susan looked at my face and didn't say anything for several minutes.

“I can honestly say that I've never made someone pee their pants before.” I said and she blushed. “Hey, it's all right. I didn't mean to shock you like that.”

Susan took several breaths and looked down at her wet underwear and jeans. “That was embarrassing.”

I knelt in front of her and cupped the sides of her face. “I'm just glad you had jeans on. If you only had your panties and a nightie on, it would have been a mess on the floor... or no panties and you could have splashed all over me.”

Susan looked surprised and then she smiled. “You would have been shocked, too.”

“Yeah, especially since I don't go for stuff like that.” I said and made a disgusted face and stuck my tongue out the side of my mouth. “Blegh!”

Susan laughed and put her hands on mine. “Thanks for getting me in here before I did leave a puddle on the floor.”

“Do you want me to turn around and let you clean up?” I asked and glanced down at her.

“I just need a bit of a scrub, since it did soak right into the cloth.” Susan said and pulled my hands off of her face. “Want to give me a hand?”

“Or two.” I said and she smiled.

We undressed and hopped into the shower to clean up and have some fun, then dried off and went out to the kitchen. I made breakfast and Nat and Crystal joined us.

“You were out all night again.” Nat said and drank some of her coffee.

“I just came back from the smelters.” I said and glanced at Susan. “There is a lot of gold bars ready.”

“Oh? Is the plan happening soon?” Nat asked.

“I've already got Derek working on how to get the gold to the federal reserve and arranging to put the corporation on the open stock market.” I said and explained the conversation I had with him.

“Wow, when you decide to move things up, you really move them up.” Nat said and sat back on her chair. “They aren't going to know what hit them.”

I chuckled and held up my own cup of coffee. “They won't even know they've been hit until it's too late.”

Susan looked back and forth between us. “What's going on?”

“Revenge.” Nat and I said at the same time.

“The government screwed Damon over when he was kidnapped for six months, so we're going to screw the government over.” Nat said. “It's taken a while to get everything set up, though.”

“Well, the plan is really ambitious.” I said.

“And crazy. Don't forget crazy.” Nat said with a grin. “I love it.”

“Can you tell me about it?” Susan asked.

“I want to, except I'm pretty sure you'll beg me to not go through with it.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me.

“If you know I'll try to tell you to stop, shouldn't you stop?”

Both Nat and I shook our heads.

“I was tempted to only go so far, like threatening to do it and not actually going through it, then a few other little incidents happened and I realized that they are not letting it go. Inquiries here, unexpected visits there, and proposals they thought I couldn't refuse.” I sighed. “No, I have to do it.”

“Won't they know you did it, whatever it is you're planning to do?” Susan asked.

“Oh, yeah. They'll know.” I said and my grin matched Nat's.

Susan took a deep breath and let out a exaggerated sigh. “Will you tell me about it later?”

I chuckled. “I'm pretty sure everyone will know, unless the government tries to cover it up.”

“That'll be funny!” Nat exclaimed and laughed. “Oh... oh... let them try and cover it up!”

I laughed as well. “I'm so glad you understand.”

“We're best friends.” Nat said and finished her coffee before she stood up. “I've got a few things to do in my studio, so I'll see you guys later.”

“Nat Nat!” Crystal said and held a hand out to her.

“Yes, I'll be back at lunch for you.” Nat said and took her hand briefly, then blew a raspberry on the back of it. Crystal laughed and Nat gave her a kiss on the forehead next and then left.

Susan and I spent the morning with Crystal playing and watching television, then Nat came to take her for her next lesson in painting. They were barely out the door when Susan pushed me down onto the bed and had her way with me. It was pretty fun letting her be all demanding and greedy, actually. When we were done some time later, she cuddled into my chest.

“You're really a billionaire?” Susan asked in a whisper.

“So far.” I said and she took in a sharp breath. “I've got over 130 billion in gold bars right now, with more being brought into the country as we speak and even more produced each month. After I buy a nice little European country, it shouldn't take me long to pass a trillion dollars.”

“After you buy...” Susan stopped talking and her hands gripped my chest tightly. “Jenny is such an idiot.”

That made me laugh. “Now you know why I was so upset about her turning me in without talking to me first.” I said and held her close. “I was going to have access to so much money that a country would have a hard time spending it, which I'm going to prove next week, and she handed me over to the authorities for a lousy ten grand.”

Susan propped herself up on an elbow to look into my eyes. “Mom asked me to extend an invitation for her to visit you.”

I opened my mouth to respond and closed it, because I was sure my vision was going to hold out, since it had so far. I shouldn't be seeing Jenny for a year after Susan and I had sex the first time.

“I said no.” Susan said. “It's too soon in her therapy for her to see you face to face.”

“Mine, too.” I said and Susan nodded, because she knew it, too.

It was a topic that I had a hard time discussing, because it really did anger me when I thought about it too much. Even after all this time, I could bring it up in my mind and it was like it had happened yesterday. The mess Jenny had caused because of that one impulsive action, had snowballed since then and would culminate in my plan finally succeeding.

I just hoped that after everything was said and done, I could look back at everything that happened and think the one thought that I had hoped I would think every time I saw Jenny.

It was all worth it, just to see her again.

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