After a few more days, I finally came back to the mansion.

I unlock and enter the mansion.

"Life magic can make your body beautiful, and your gear will be beautiful once you put it in dimensional storage (storage), but I still want to take a bath..."

As soon as I entered the hall whining about that, Ferris appeared from the white jaw.

"I'm... Ferri -"

I jammed the words. Because Ferris looked so sad and still looked like he was going to cry.

Maybe he worried because the landlord, who is recognized as doing it after more than a decade, suddenly didn't come back for a few days.

- Ferris, I'm sorry I'm late.

It's strange to apologize to the House Spirit, but I bow my head and apologize.

"Oh... no... shudder... I did..."

A small bell-like voice was released from Ferris.

I open my eyes to unexpected words.

"... What!? Ferris, you...... can you talk!?

Ferris disappears without answering my question.

"Ferris! Wait a minute!

I scream out loud as it sounds in the hall but Ferris never showed up.

Sigh to Ferris, who doesn't come out, and I'm off to the bath.

The bath was always ready to go in.

Take off your clothes and sink your body into the tub after washing your body.

"Huh... this is it, this is it. I knew the Japanese would take a bath..."

I stretched out my legs in a wide tub and sank my body until my jaw got there, and I think about the future.

The goal for now is to change careers and take the Magician (Magician) to level 100. Then, choose a secondary position or transfer to a primary position in the avant-garde system.

After that, do you remember magic... I bought the sacred magic of the recovery system from Natalie the Toddler Girl. Do you want to go to the guild and sell the materials before you buy them?

I took a bath, and when I was dressed and indulgent in the living room, I slept sometime out of nervousness from a hunt that spanned a few days.

At night, when I woke up noticing, there was a blanket hanging on my body at some point.

I unwittingly loosened my cheeks.

"Ferris...... thanks"

In the room where no one was present, I said a word of thanks and decided to sleep again in my bedroom bed.

The next morning, Ferris shows up softly as he's having breakfast in the dining room.

"Good morning, Ferris! Thanks for the blanket yesterday."

When he smiled and greeted him, Ferris loosened his cheeks just a little bit, a really small voice, but a reply came back.

"- Good morning..."

I might be worried again, so I decided to let him know what I was up to today.

"Ferris, I'm going shopping in the city today. And to the guild. Can I ask you to take care of Coyote? He's in a bad mood when he's only in dimensional storage."

To my words, Ferris grinned and nodded loudly.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

After breakfast, I changed and headed out to the city. He looked like he had gone with Kokuyo, but when he gave the explanation, he understood, and began to relax in the stables.

The store is already open and buys one ingredient after another that looks delicious while talking to the clerk. I was worried about a lot of it, but I said, "It's okay," and I hold a ton of bags in both hands, and I go into the alley and I get dimensional storage (storage).

And when you get to the Adventurer Guild, line up behind the adventurers waiting for the reception order.

It comes in order in about 5 minutes and stands in front of the receptionist.

"Welcome. Welcome to the Adventurer Alliance. What can I do for you today?

"It's a delivery of demonic material... a little too much..."

I tapped the backpack lightly in my hand and was led to the material storage area as if I had guessed.

The material storage area was the building next to the Guild Hall, which was as spacious as the gym.

The receptionist speaks to the official who is dismantling.

"Mr. Singlet, I'm bringing in the material, can I ask you a favor?

"Fine, leave it where it's available"

The receptionist came to me and showed me where to put the material, as the demolition site staff told me.

"All you have to do is follow that official's instructions. You will receive the delivery list form, so please send it to the counter."

"Okay. Thanks."

When I thanked him, he smiled and went back to the guild.

Instructed where to put the material, I take the demons out of dimensional storage (storage) one after the other.

Along the way, officials watching sideways as they worked, their hands stopped doing the work, their eyes opened and they were astonished.

Still, as they were serving more demons, officials came running and were stopped.

"Hey, wait a minute!! So much!? Could it be...... you still have it!?

"I don't know if I've given you half of it yet..."

The official complains of my reply, which I answered with a little concern.

There were about three small mountains made of demons I had already placed. I had intended to divide each type of demon so that it was easy to handle, but I had three bags with goblin ears together and served them with oak, forest wolf, and forest bear as demons that could be used as materials as they were.

There are still other earth dragons like Auga and Ground Lizards that have grown up in dimensional storage (storage).

"I can't handle it even if it's sent out in that large quantity. Hey, somebody run to the guild and get me the chief or somebody!

A young official stopped working on Singlet's words and ran to the guild.

I was just told to wait on the spot and stand up.

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